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/lit/ - Literature

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15572646 No.15572646 [Reply] [Original]

Are there books that can cure gender dysphoria?

>> No.15572664

The Bible

>> No.15572809
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>not reading books that affirm gender dysphoria

>> No.15572891
File: 187 KB, 1000x563, 09798E90-0858-4628-8B5B-DE520E0B6E04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there other books that promote paranoid schizophrenia? I know literature has promoted psychopathic dementia, but what about all the other mentally challenged?

>> No.15573411

why are you virtue signalling when we all know you are a tranny

>> No.15573428
File: 104 KB, 768x781, wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he will never sit on your face

>> No.15573445

Shut up, chaser

>> No.15573449

I feel like normies think books are magical. Does this persist because at some point in history you were smart just because you could read?

No book will cure any problem you have.

>> No.15573458

But they can provide introspection.

>> No.15573512
File: 50 KB, 613x771, lolistirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ego and it's own.
Kill the idealized body in your head.

>> No.15573516

I'd fuck that ass even if it was a mannequin

>> No.15574537


So can conversations and film, but they aren't so fetishized. You don't see /tv/ threads "are there any movies that will help me talk to women".

>> No.15574582

the big book of reddit

>> No.15574591

are you implying i want anything to do with a tripfag?

>> No.15574608

Read Blanchard and Lawrence and redpill yourself on agp fetishism

>> No.15574613


>> No.15574633

Shut the fuck up you know you would fuck contra points. Little bitch.

>> No.15574700

Embrace the meme and read Land and CCRU and join the trannies on twitter

>> No.15574744


I stand corrected

>> No.15574752


Depends on the get-up

>> No.15574786

AGP is based though, imagine subscribing to normie sexual desire lmao.

>> No.15574816

what books specifically?

>> No.15574825

the big books of reddit

>> No.15574844

Stop watching anime.

>> No.15575290

STOP posting these Jezebels! I'm trying to browse a board about literature! I can't FOCUS! Jesus...

>> No.15575561

אֱלִישֶׁבַע או אֵיזוֹבַּעַל?

>> No.15575598

It’s a boys butt. Say “Ganymede” or something

>> No.15575659

shalom fellow jew, how do you do! we ask that you do not speak the holy tongue in front of the goyim to keep our presence as low key as possible

>> No.15575677

Are there books with more of this cutie?

>> No.15577410

Read Delueze

>> No.15577547

You realize that Lawrence herself is an AGP tranny and she and Blanchard both think that AGP's with genuine dysphoria should transition?

>> No.15577800


>> No.15577956

>Are there books that can cure gender dysphoria?
Realize that "gender dysphoria" is caused by propaganda aimed at teenagers and children.