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/lit/ - Literature

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15570556 No.15570556 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to all you disaffected young men out there: you should have been building a support network yesterday. Time is accelerating, everyone can feel it, nobody knows what fresh horror tomorrow will bring, and while you are sitting inside reading ancient literature there are people actively plotting to remake the world in their own image.

Start a book club. Reach out to men in your community. Join a church or mosque. Clean up your social media. Take things underground. Organize. Think. Prepare. Write up that essay you've been thinking of, and if you can't publish it, distribute it anonymously on street corners. There's strength in numbers.


>> No.15570560
File: 575 KB, 3000x2158, F7269FEB-9382-4BDB-BDE3-3AD96F47C930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our lord has set us free. Begone ghoul

>> No.15570574
File: 116 KB, 728x1097, hellyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'll pass. All I need is jap feet to get me through the day

>> No.15570587

Zizek tells us the time now is to think, not act. I’m of a similar mind.

>> No.15570610

Thinking is great, but unless you are prepared to act the moment will pass you by and eat you up.

Don't you see that time is a great beast that eats everything? Can't you hear the gnashing of it's death? Do it's fiery eyes not burn out the stillness of night while you lie restlessly in bed? It has a thousand heads and a thousand stomachs. It has devoured a hundred generations that came before you. It licks its lips as it eyes your children. It has outran the fasted men and you are helpless before it.

If you are alone today, if you remain alone tomorrow, there will be nobody to help you. Take warning before it's too late, although it might already be.

>> No.15570622

fuck off

>> No.15571424

you first

>> No.15571443

stop posting bad writing on lit

>> No.15571485

You are gay. You are very gay. You are so very very homosexual.

>> No.15571493

I read ancient literature precisely because I don't care about the real world shit. Let the elites carve this planet into something monstrous, as long as I'm able to to find myself a quiet spot for reading I cannot be bothered to give a fuck. And if they come after me let me kill me, life is hardly precious