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15563581 No.15563581 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Dugin?

>> No.15563597

Just as cringe as boogaloo fags, as soon as some gangs start firing on each other these fags will run with their tail between their legs

>> No.15563608

I would start with this


>> No.15563610

It took the FBI to bust up the Black Panthers, anon. Just stfu

>> No.15563617

Yeah these arent the black panthers and theyre not coming back this is a LARP

>> No.15563622

This looks good. Thanks.
Not even OP

>> No.15563627

>Yeah these arent the black panthers

>> No.15563628

damn, that trumpbux went straight on some airsoft gear instead of paying off some of that gender studies degree

>> No.15563892

Not credible ones. The old Panthers were a well organised group of legitimate people.

These people are larpers, all about the image.

>> No.15563911

well said, but don’t ruin that white liberals fantasy, it’s how he gets off.

also, i feel like most gun owners i meet aren’t who aren’t ex-military are larpers as well. they don’t seem like people who would fight for anything, and it seems their decision to own a gun is mainly out of fear. yet they probably fancy themselves a revolutionary

>> No.15563919

>public displays of force putting yourself on watchlists and blacklists
don't be an idiot, larping is without consequence an this is not that

>> No.15563940

i'm pretty sure the people depicted are not the type to think too far ahead

>> No.15564004

Basically, there's nothing in America but lepers. There is no revolutionary potential in any part of it.

>> No.15564005

edgy, kys

>> No.15564016

yeah they all seem melodramatic, hysterical at some point, and then broken down into millions of different sects based on political views/race etc

>> No.15564021


>> No.15564024

it's a fun hobby, you should try it. Not everything needs to be some kind of revolutionary or counterrevolutionary choice, this idea that "everything is political" is a liberal myth.

>> No.15564029

>that is considered edgy in 2020

>> No.15564038

hey girl, is there anything this white guy can do for you? If you know what I mean? Any kind of service I can offer? Perhaps some dome? I would gladly let you sit on my face, for The Cause.

>> No.15564056

Learn Russian and watch his lectures on YouTube.

>> No.15564087

A lack of organization and planning is a main feature of these protests, which is why they will ultimately end in either nothing or a set of austerity measures.
This is a generation of activists for whom any action at all, especially visible action (especially visible on social media) is the highest priority.
It was so quickly subverted it made occupy look like a high level chess game played by super computers or something. How fast did this turn into a way to justify further defunding, this time of public safety? As if the real negative feature of the police, the surveillance of the unruly population of precariously employed workers and protection of high value investment properties in urban cores, would ever actually stop even if we failed to fund a particularly archaic way of accomplishing those goals?
There's hundreds, thousands of private security firms and san fransisco startups chomping at the bit to "disrupt" the nastiest jobs of policing, replacing boots-on-the-ground asshole cops with who knows what levels of privacy invasion, and zero accountability.
Meanwhile, the most legitimate work of the police- that of intervening to prevent violent conflict between private citizens- will be lost completely. It's already in their ethos- when that one new york bitch called the cops on the creepy autistic guy in the woods feeding strange treats to her dog they managed to edge in this "don't call the cops on black people" platform, which is INSANE.
So after they accomplish their actionism drunken flurry of blows we will have zero public infrastructure for the prevention of interpersonal violence, and beefed up, highly efficient, more cost effective, and even less accountable private infrastructure for brutalizing and oppressing the poor, particularly the urban poor, of whom many are black and brown.
Fucking private liberal arts college narcissist RETARDS.

>> No.15564101

and the worst part is it could have been avoided if they weren't such bitchy little afro-pessimists and race mysticalists. If they'd taken some time to read some old dead white guys and fucking think for just a few days, the momentum would not be nearly this bad and we could even be getting some genuine reform out of this.

>> No.15564102

this, liberals are far worse than actual fascists and always will be

every day I feel myself Mosleyizing

>> No.15564111

>read some old dead chinese guys

>> No.15564138

lmao it's fun to watch all you faggots cry

>> No.15564140

They're actually adopting some genuinely fascist rhetoric in describing the "black racial consciousness" and "grievances of the black community," not to mention that this is a political revolution (rather than fun break from quarantine) for only the children of wealthy black members of the political class and their white liberal sycophants.
BLM is a bunch of spoiled rich kids. They don't represent the working class. I know the leaders from my town personally- never will you find a more un-marxist, un-leftist, hierarchy-endorsing, meritocracy-believing group of dysfunctional personalities.

>> No.15564150

Imagine seeing the guy take a dive to the ground with a blood pack hidden under his clothes so he can claim the police gave him a severe injury and thinking these protests lack organisation.
You think this shit sprang up organically in fucking Japan of all places too, and the UK where the cops don't even have guns?
The WHO only just released the information that asymptomatic carriers don't spread it after all. Right on time to justify these protests. So the lockdown was for nothing and achieved nothing but crippling the west economically and now bringing about the worst racial tension in decades.
Total lack of organisation my arse.

>> No.15564151

You'd best start believing in bourgeois revolutions, boy. You're in one!

>> No.15564156

>un-marxist, un-leftist
is this a bad thing?

>> No.15564161

that's too paranoid even for me.

>> No.15564168

>The WHO only just released the information that asymptomatic carriers don't spread it after all.

>> No.15564169

>never will you find a more un-marxist, un-leftist, hierarchy-endorsing, meritocracy-believing group
ok so blm is based af?

>> No.15564173


>> No.15564193

Yeah, I guess. If you replace "black" with "white" in their materials you have basically oldschool nazi propaganda.
I'm not whinging like "wahh if white people said this you'd say it was raycissss"
I mean they've genuinely adopted this weird mystical-essentialist view of race and it could go very poorly (most likely nothing will happen and they'll just land the media and academia jobs they're all gunning for)

>> No.15564195

>bourgeois revolutions
>You now realize Fidel Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, etc. were all bourgeois.

>> No.15564204

or, they have nothing in common with these historical actors other than resentment and ready-made justification for political cruelty.

>> No.15564224

I want to lick that armpit

>> No.15564620

Start with Fourth Political Theory. His English translator, Michael Millerman, also has videos on a lot of his stuff. 4PT.ru has a lot.

>> No.15564628

mommy forget to give you your meds? i think shes beginning to get sick of the whole thing

>> No.15564634

Don't bother, it's all just accusing Dugin of satanism, which is laughable given the fact that he's a hardcore Orthodox Christian and well liked in those circles.

>> No.15564641

spoken like someone truly defeated, writhe for a few more years, then die

>> No.15564659

Dugin is a Schmittian crypto-Marxist
A very dangerous thinker indeed

>> No.15564874

It’s a larp, and to make up for small dicks/lack of women.

Larping is when you moose your hair up and swing a cardboard sword around. Here we have a photo op of armed novices taking up a cause. Your ridicule shows your fear.

Oh? Hm

>> No.15565053
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>black pmc liberalism is revolutionary

>> No.15565071

To be honest man I've seen enough video compilations of /k/ meetups to believe those dudes are actually down to blast off if shit hits the fan

>> No.15565916

>Fidel Castro, Mao, Pol Pot
Rural guerrillas who lived in the wilderness for years rallying the farmers and peasants for war against state power.
Ascetic terrorist who had a distaste for free love, prostitutes, abstract art, and other liberal tendencies.

Which one of these has anything in common with the BLM movement?

>> No.15566097
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>> No.15566140

Wow dude you're a faggot. Why are you such a faggot? Did you get molested by your dad and that's why you're all fucked up?

>> No.15566144
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>> No.15566152
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>> No.15566173

>There's hundreds, thousands of private security firms and san fransisco startups chomping at the bit to "disrupt" the nastiest jobs of policing, replacing boots-on-the-ground asshole cops with who knows what levels of privacy invasion, and zero accountability.
>bawwww muh private security,so mean, what about the COMMUNITY?!
Detoilet has been revitalized somewhat via Dan Gilbert hiring private security to police everything there, kek

>> No.15566208

Holy shit, panthers look based.

Aww come on. And here I thought niggas finally woke up and realized that protesting without militant action isn't going to work.

What do they even got to lose when they are hunted and murdered all the time anyway?

>> No.15566265
File: 1.85 MB, 900x1200, 4351_Lede-Story_The-White-Stuff_Jim-Goad_Book-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, a fed operation using actors. What a surprise. LGBT, BLM, etc. Everything is fine for these bank and corporations. As long as you don't mention class. That one is dangerous.

>> No.15566271

>"you're a faggot"
classic projection, probably frothing at the mouth for your own father kek

>> No.15566293

what do black actors have to gain from this, surely theyre not getting payed big money

>> No.15566304

It's probably a few hundred $ per day to go out and have some fun at a protest for a week or so. Why wouldn't they?

>> No.15566356

Yeah people always talk about disproportionate racial policing, but actually the main predictive factor for overpoliced neighborhoods is unemployment rate and soci

>> No.15566365

lmao what's wrong with mentioning class, what happens if I mention cl

>> No.15566385

I want her to sit on my face so bad. I want to be her whiteboi slave that she uses to squirt on before going to smash le fash. Fucking hell just imagine that face coming home and telling u to kneel and give her head.

>> No.15566409

To my thinking, this just reinforces my FBI theory

>> No.15566421

They actually are larping, though: https://twitter.com/WolfTheRed/status/1270370955160883207

Most of the people in the photo are actors and models

>> No.15566467

Talking about class might make you realize that the problem goes far beyond racism. Obviously minorities get fucked harder in an unfair society but it's not like poorfag crackers are treated much better.

Not like drawing attention from class is surprising when it comes to the state or corporation but this time even journalists get beat up yet still just parrot the simplistic version.

>> No.15566476

>Úlfhéđnar. Norse Heathen. Polytheist. Gothi. Father. Biker. Protector. Friend. Ally. Guide. Fierce. Loyal. Kind. Ridiculous.

>> No.15566491


>> No.15566506
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Appalachian lives matter.
The labor movement goes on.
The neighborhood movement needs some traction though.

>> No.15566509

odd, pagans on 4chan told me only Christian whites engaged in cucked behavior.

>> No.15566521

Why do white leftists/liberals idolize a group of black supremacists? Can someone explain to me the mindset?

>> No.15566530

>they are cosplaying activists
that's hilariously ironic
>for the first time
freudian slip

>> No.15566539

that's larping in the 21st century you half-wit, here in Poland we have disorganised antifascist groups that consist of upper middle class philosophy students and onions fanatics who get arrested within 5 minutes of their laughable """protests""" without any resistance because apparently in this community it's cool and "hip" to get arrested for doing nothing
this guy gets it, compared to the shit happening right now Occupy was a fucking October Revolution

>> No.15566541

>Why do white leftists/liberals idolize a group of black actors larping as 60's era extremist? Can someone explain to me the mindset?

>> No.15566542

They were a socialist movement. You’re regurgitating liberal smears

>> No.15566548

I believe he meant the original real deals

>> No.15566552

>>public displays of force putting yourself on watchlists and blacklists
Sweetie we don't use that term anymore.

>> No.15566556

both do

>t. freestyle deist

>> No.15566558

Theres nothing preventing a socialist movement from being a racial supremacist one as well. You can look at the EFF in South Africa as a prime example of that.

>> No.15566570

Depends on the validity of the socialists

>> No.15566577

Oh the good old "no true scotsman". Classic.

>> No.15566578

>leftism and liberalism are the same
jesus americans shoudln't be allowed to talk about politics

>> No.15566588

>freestyle deist

>> No.15566591

>leftism and liberalism are the same
I never said that though ESL, nor did I imply it.

>> No.15566602

No, I just admit there are some contradictory ass-hats within any group. Actual socialists, the base and overriding idealism behind it, isn’t racist, classist, sexist. They don’t see themselves as a race superior. If you call yourself a socialist and hold those beliefs, you’re a hypocrite. A lying nazi bitch.

>> No.15566609

not an american but these days this certainly holds true. even the "NOT A LIBERAL" leftists are usually just a toned down version of your run off the mill green haired sjw tranny.

>> No.15566733


>> No.15566747

>implying the differences between socialists, marxists, commies and liberals aren't huge
Like come on, even if you hate them all equally, you can't deny they usually spend more time opposing each other than dealing with rightwingers.

>> No.15566825


>> No.15566895
File: 983 KB, 1210x771, EZ4YkiOWkAEWG0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Foundations of Geopolitics.

>> No.15566919

Am I the only one that sees any public action as a LARP? Everything people do in public seem to be like they're just acting out a role the saw in a movie or someother media. It disgusts me.
Am i ill?

>> No.15566936

Sounds like a defence mechanism to justify not doing shit yourself.

>> No.15566983

dummy, we're doing the candlejack meme but for socioeconomic cla

>> No.15567060

candlejack is le ledditors first meme
its was never funny, still isnt funny, and will never be funny

>> No.15567086


>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics

>> No.15567087

nice larp

>> No.15567090

That’s not what that means.
Have sex

>> No.15567097

nice butterfly larp

>> No.15567107

*spreads wings open*

>> No.15567108

candlejack existed before re

>> No.15567113

This is tr

>> No.15567152

The fuck are you on about? Socialism means a system where the workers own the means of production. You can be racist, sexist, homophobic and still be a socialist.

>> No.15567166
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In fact, this was a huge component of the Soviet Union.

>> No.15567178

Butterfly is a baizuo. See >>15566895

>> No.15567181
File: 10 KB, 226x223, CB06E330-4D5D-44F2-9989-7C7097113CDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intersectionalist boobery.
Class struggle meow

>> No.15567183

>Socialism means
It depends what era and thinkers you're talking about.

>> No.15567187


>> No.15567191

And Castro made a notable apology for that kind of nonsense.
I’m talking about now.

>> No.15567192

It's amusing to ask socialists whether they prefer a racist socialist or a capitalist antiracist

>> No.15567195

Can't have a classless society if people are discriminated against.

And that, and especially their racism against Jews was one of the factors that lead to the downfall. Once you introduce discrimination, things just fall apart.

>> No.15567204

>Can't have a classless society if people are discriminated against.
Go on...

>> No.15567243

Depends how racist and if they’re tankie, but generally I’d say the former. The latter I’ve seen. Obama. Need I say more?

>> No.15567324

It's LARPing.

>> No.15567331
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>roman salute

>> No.15567343
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>suspiciously attractive

>> No.15567362

Says the crying faggot

>> No.15567375

Ironic picture? Fat Albert and the gang are a parody of weird looking regular people

>> No.15567378

Go on where? "All animals are equal but some are more equal" is the obvious recipe for disaster. It fucks with social contract too much. Besides, Marx and Engels pointed out how big of an issue racism and sexism are.

>> No.15567389

>whites with guns are larping
>blacks with guns aren't larping
Lol ok retard

>> No.15567395
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>Marx and Engels pointed out how big of an issue racism and sexism are.

>> No.15567397

Well, whites with guns at least tend to shoot up minorities or schools. Black people with guns just watch how they are getting fucked by Murica.

>> No.15567399
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>> No.15567405

HOLY SHIT, people a few centuries ago talked differently.

>> No.15567408

>social contract
I've come to the conclusion leftists simply don't understand what this is at all. Whenever I try to argue with a leftist about property they say that it requires violence to maintain your property because someone can just steal it. As if people stealing things is supposed to be some normal feature of human society, and it is the violence involved in stopping them from doing it that is the aggression.

They will bring up some edge case like stealing a product from a giant corporation, but the logic they're using applies to stealing anything from anyone. It doesn't break down across the personal/private property distinction they have, you still have to defend your personal property from theft using violence.

>> No.15567414

Cope harder.

>> No.15567418

Well go on, show where he advocated for killing or at least deporting blacks.

>> No.15567443

>killing/deporting an almost non-existent demographic
this is a double digit IQ take

>> No.15567476

Doesn't stop from current alt-right to obsess over it. Specially in Yuro countries where any sort of brownies are under 10%.

>> No.15567492

>under 10%.
definitely not in France

>> No.15567547

The highest estimates are at about 5mio for blacks and about the same for arabs. So we would be still at 15% in the blackest yuro country. Both Germany and UK have way under 5% blacks. UK doesn't have enough Turks or Arabs to make a difference but Germany might count as 7-8% blacked if we count them.

>> No.15567551


>> No.15567560

It's skewed towards the young though so it's more dramatic than those numbers imply, if you're looking at the future.

>> No.15567566

>Sweden, which also has accepted a relatively high number of refugees, would experience even greater effects if the migration levels from 2014 to mid-2016 were to continue indefinitely: Sweden’s population (8% Muslim in 2016) could grow to 31% Muslim in the high scenario by 2050

>> No.15567582

just like modern day national socialists right? larpers who only care about image

>> No.15567666

At the long, long term future, assuming the development won't change. Not one relevant to anyone alive now, unlike climate change. Which might increase the number of climate refugees to an actual crisis instead of the statistically barely noticeable influx that triggered right wingers so far.

Muslim isn't an ethnicity. Tons of crackers convert to the shit and Islam is one of the, if not the fastest growing religion. Not just because they make fuckloads of kids.

>> No.15567695

They're not "crackers", they're effectively another group of people who actually subverted the youth org of the biggest party, advocating against gays and stuff

>> No.15567722

based muslims saving europe from itself

>> No.15567780

>At the long, long term future, assuming the development won't change. Not one relevant to anyone alive now,
Well no, you will see the effect quite quickly as the population ages.

>> No.15567804

this is your mind on leftist cuckoldry fetish.

>> No.15567816

we should destroy any statues of/monuments to marx because he was a racist.

>> No.15567855

I'm not based and trad in that sense but I would shut pride protests down. The celebration, politicization and deification of sexuality is useless and played out. The party is over
I'm just pointing out that this liberal coalition will be stuck in between a rock and a hard place with these people and the growing reactionary push-back

>> No.15567871

>I'm just pointing out that this liberal coalition will be stuck in between a rock and a hard place with these people and the growing reactionary push-back

No, they won't. They will bend over backwards to self-flagellate for Muslims, as they've been doing.

>> No.15568007

How does any of it suggests racism? There is no hatred in the stuff posted. He's happy his daughter is killing racism.

>> No.15568052

Come to think of it, he was probably more woke than most of the whites posting hashtags these days despite being born in a far more racist world. How many of them would be happy if their kids married someone black?

>> No.15568089


Yeah, exactly like that. Was that supposed to be a one-up?

>> No.15568120

>this level of cognitive dissonance
holy shit your absolute entire identity is tied up in being a leftist.

>> No.15568266

Dugin is a staroverii bent on the occult.
The ROC has condemned him.

>> No.15568315

But you don't use your trip retarded whore

>> No.15568375

>The ROC has condemned him.

>> No.15568400

>And Castro made a notable apology for that kind of nonsense.
Lolno: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cuba#Homophobia_and_labor_camps_during_the_1960s
Stop pretending socialism is about liberal social causes. It never was.
>I’m talking about now.
Oh you mean after the decline of all socialist nations and the label being carried on by bourgeois professional class liberals?

>> No.15568416
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>And that, and especially their racism against Jews was one of the factors that lead to the downfall. Once you introduce discrimination, things just fall apart.
That's not what happened at all, the Soviet Union was at its peak when it was the most homophobic and antisemitic after the war under Stalin. Liberalization under Gorbachev is what killed it. It was extremely secure under Stalin who was a Russian chauvinist.

>> No.15568426

the only one with cognitive dissonance is you
treating everything as an objective in a political war
do you know that the colour black is "negro" in Spanish? now you better go show the world how Spanish speaking leftists are racist hypocrites

>> No.15568459

And things were pretty shitty under him. Sure, part of it was due recovering from the worst war the world saw so far and still being on the way of pushing braindead peasants into the 20th century; but his shit also ensured the place remained a backwards shithole until today.

>> No.15568496

I'm not even sure if I qualify for "leftist" unless we use the broadest definition possible. Is there a checklist?

"Racism is baaad, kids" is the most basic ass position one can hold and not really noteworthy unless you're a /pol/tard.

>> No.15568502

Are you a retard? Stalin's industrialization methods were brutal, but they did bring Russia into the 20th century, which saved Russia from invasion. Russia was able to make a full recovery in just a couple of years despite massive damage. He made Russia a superpower able to compete with the US.

>> No.15568503

Racism is true

>> No.15568514

Russia could have industrialized under capitalism like many other countries did. The dead were not some price to be paid for a method, they were the result of idiocy and malice.

>> No.15568607

> they did bring Russia into the 20th century
Very small parts of it. And even smaller bits of the population benefited from it. While far more than necessary died for it.

> He made Russia a superpower able to compete with the US.
Laid groundwork for it maybe, but Khrushchev did the important bits.

In the end they all failed to push Russian society beyond the basics due their shitty dogma, which party why it went even more to shit after Socialism failed there and is still an absolute shithole, that's barely better than Nigeria with nukes and polar bears.

It probably couldn't most countries that industrialized with capitalism slowly developed a society that can deal with democracy or is getting help with the transition like South Korea. Russia went from centuries serfdom to dictatorship in couple decades , and basically back to serfdom with a few more rights after the dictatorship ended.

>> No.15568641

There is nothing about serfdom that is incompatible with industrialization, and Russia had been transitioning out of serfdom for a long time beforehand. Look how quickly Japan moved from a feudal society to an industrialized nation in the Meiji era.

>> No.15568667

Sure but what's the point if the population doesn't profit from it? The thought that his country can nuke America might bright a smile to some starving North Korean but it doesn't improve his situation too much.

>> No.15568673

I was just saying the industrial revolution in Russia needn't have killed so many of the people.

>> No.15568721

Ah sure, then we agree. Though to be fair, while a lot deaths came from idiocy and malice, many came from the shit situation the country was in after the war. The combination of the factors creating a shitty loop might've done more damage than a single variable too.

Say "motherfuckers are starving after the war, so they are complaining, so they get murdered, the problem is still not solved, our attempts to solve it didn't work too well, more motherfuckers complain, more get murdered" etc.

>> No.15568748

Not at the same pace. The dead were paid for a method, Stalin didn't just starve people because he was a big meanie pants. He did it because the USSR was exporting grain in exchange for industrial machinery. A cold decision, but he was ultimately vindicated by WW2.

>> No.15568762
File: 44 KB, 640x639, 90's Russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very small parts of it.
Russia had the best possible living conditions it ever had under the Soviet Union, not all of the Soviet Union was the 20's and 30's. It went to absolute hell in the 90's after the USSR fell and really still hasn't recovered. Russia has never been as nice off as the West, but it came closest under socialism.
>Khrushchev did the important bits.
Khrushchev was only working on top of what Stalin had already built and the Soviet Union was able to compete with the US under Stalin.

>> No.15568786

That doesn't even make sense. You're killing off your workforce for a short period of shipping grain

>> No.15568830

Less peasants would be needed once industrialization occurred so any drop in workforce would be negligible and replaced in a couple of years anyway. Heavy industry was needed before anything else could be produced and the quickest way to get that was to buy from the West with grain being one of the only things Russia could readily export at the time. Russian grain flooded the market at fire sale prices, which contributed to the Great Depression. It was only bad in the short term, and paid dividends in the long term. This was a deliberate move, and it's well established in historian's views.

>> No.15569325


>> No.15569340

What's he saying at the beginning?

>> No.15569382

"Suffer with us, die with us, kill with us, sing with us, go with us, disappear into us, keep together with us, fast with us, prostrate with us, disappear with us, love with us, hate with us, to resurrect with us, to enter the Russian Easter, the great flock of Christ. "

>> No.15569391

Michael Millerman videos.

>> No.15569461

Extremely based

>> No.15569825

no he's actually right. They're actors. No actual black panther would be standing in solidarity with a pig--which these people did

>> No.15570141

You know no one in China actually uses the term baizou, right? That term was just invented by Western Conservatives. Ask any Chinese person you know, they will most likely have never heard of baizou.

>> No.15570183

It wasn't invented by western conservatives. But it was just an obscure subcultural term that people conflated as being part of common vocabulary.

>> No.15570233

Yes they do. I've asked actual chinese people and we've had a good laugh about western decadence and weakness.

Stop believing the lefty propaganda that "your side" can do no wrong and nobody criticizes them. The world is laughing at you morons

>> No.15570915

Not sure but if ya wanna be like him you finish with Vlad's cum in your mouth.

>> No.15570959
