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/lit/ - Literature

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15558874 No.15558874 [Reply] [Original]

>it had had
English: not even once

>> No.15558898

>he had the same drink he had had the night before
The drink? Semen. The drinker? The inevitable OP

>> No.15558902

Based shit taste-bro

>> No.15558905

2 solutions: it hadded OR it had'd

>> No.15558921
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>a diamond dozen
>a pre-madonna
>in for a penny in for a nicole
>sky blew
>taken for granite
>old wise tale
>given free rain
>have your cake and eat it too
>peaked my interest
>a fragrant error
>low and behold
>nip it in the butt
>escape goat
>no holes barred
>statue of limitations
>toe the line

>> No.15558936

>OP had had a dozen dicks in his ass before breakfast, but still craved more.
Seems fine to me

>> No.15558958

>anon had had a tad of bad plaid on his doodad in Chad. sad!

>> No.15558975

Based and OPpilled.

>> No.15558991
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>that that

>> No.15559028

The album, a diamond dozen of top-tier tracks, was revolutionary in the pre-Madonna age. One must alot the album it’s fair due, as the whole album (including collaborative tracks with upcoming artist Penny Farthing and Nicole Scherzinger) is a fantastic experience. As you listen, prepare to experience the wide range of talent featured on this album. The first two tracks are a full-on team effort: you’re in for a Penny, and in for a Nicole. Forget glass ceilings: the whole sky blew off with this eclectic mix of girl-power. The third track is an environmental soundscape: sounds of the sea are punctuated by the crashing percussion of stones smashing (here taken for granite, though it could be anything from marble to limestone.) The next track is spoken word, with a a local poet telling an old wise tale about the graciousness of God. The environmental theme is followed here with this story of the earth, given free rain and life by the Almighty Creator. Here, by combining new-age ambient sounds and old-age testimony of the Bible, the artist has her cake and eats it too by toeing the line between tradition and modernity. I slowly became more drawn into the listening experience: my interested peaked at the climactic fifth track: a sampled perfume commercial reworked into musical form in a bizarre fashion: as the voice actor names the different ingredients, she names the top note as sandalwood, when in fact it is vanilla musk: this fragrant error triggers the transition into the final track.

I got bored :^)

>> No.15559055

>you can't end a sentence with a preposition
Why did they decide this?

>> No.15559073

if i had had a had had for every had had had

>> No.15559081

you’d be had!

>> No.15559116
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>> No.15559141

I had had to have been had if you had had had had me with a had had

>> No.15559204

you forgot
>don't lick a gift horse on the mouth

>> No.15559677

>have your cake and eat it too
I don't get it, isn't that one correct?

>> No.15559692

It hasn't been relevant for over a hundred years, and even barely before that.

>> No.15559703

it was literally a meaningless rule rich people made up arbitrarily in secret as a nonverbal way of telling who was rich and "in", and who was poor and "out"

>> No.15559709

They adopted it from Latin iirc, it was basically retarded.

>> No.15559827

Uncle Ted is disappoint.

>> No.15559870

I don't get it, it's exactly the same as the saying

>> No.15559896

have your cake and eat it too is more poetic and artistic
eat your cake and have it too conveys the meaning in a more logical, literal way

>> No.15559916

>reading a book in *nglish
>the author uses a term I never heard before
>check it in google
>its just a synonym for a common word slapped in there for pretentious points
English, like most amerimutts, is suffering from obesity

>> No.15559921

Cake has way too many refined carbs, so your point is mute.

>> No.15560095

Are you and that guy implying that the original is "eat your cake and have it too"? cause that is not the way it goes

>> No.15560111

It's not a rule but a suggestion -- a dumb one, at that.

>> No.15560113

>I do this everyday.

>> No.15560117

It was, should be, and will be.

>> No.15560148

Orwell said it best:
>Never use a long word where a short one will do
>Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Sometimes long words are the most suited, and have a slightly different meaning that applies to the context better, but mostly it's pretentious wankery. Poetry and beauty of language can also be a factor, but most long words sound stilted, especially in the hands of a pseud trying to sound smart.

>> No.15560165

It wasn't, maybe should be, but sounds off, and never will be

>> No.15560168 [DELETED] 

I watched a thin fidgety woman smoking out my window. She looked like the one that that smelly nigger had brought over two weeks ago.

>> No.15560174

You're factually wrong and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15560178

>OP had had enough

>> No.15560180

>should of

>> No.15560250

Find me one place in all of literature or any secondary online source, for that matter, where the line "eat your cake and have it too" appears (where it is not a purpouseful butchering of the phrase for comedic effect).

>> No.15560270

>The version of the proverb with “eat your cake” followed by “having it” does make more sense to many people, and that is in fact how it was first formulated in English. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs quotes a 1546 compendium by John Heywood, “Wolde ye bothe eate your cake, and haue your cake?” In his Yale Book of Quotations, Fred Shapiro supplies a more typical phrasing from John Davies in 1611: “A man cannot eat his cake and haue it stil.”

>> No.15560278

anon will literally never recover

>> No.15560283
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>> No.15560310


>> No.15560321

I bet the nigga hid the thread LMFAO

>> No.15560331

>es hat gehabt

>> No.15560379

This point would be fair, if it wasn't for the fact that this is not at all the first recording of the phrase, which is in itself a moot point, because we are discussing what the phrase is, not what you think it ought to be.
The first recording of the phrase is made by Duke Thomas eight years before:
>"a man can not have his cake and eat his cake"
A quick google search would've shown this, but i'm sure both you and that ny times-shitter were too busy finding shit to support your weak as shit argument.

>> No.15560416
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>"Find me one place in all of literature or any secondary online source, for that matter, where the line "eat your cake and have it too" appears (where it is not a purpouseful butchering of the phrase for comedic effect)."
>Well here you go, two sources several hundred years old
I'll accept your surrender anon, but it would have looked better if you just didn't respond.

>> No.15560826

>toeing the line
But you do toe the line. You touch the line on the ground with your toe, like an asshole.

>> No.15560834
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>> No.15560842

>Kokoo kokoon koko kokko! Koko kokkoko? Koko kokko.
Finnish: not even once.

>> No.15560844

>unable able

>> No.15561032

>Bababa ba? Bababa.
Okay, Tagalog.

>> No.15561047

>ton tonton
French lol

>> No.15562066

That happens in any language. Don't be silly

>> No.15562102

>I had had
>that the
>thy thou thee

the freaking fuck

>> No.15562191

>Caм caм ocтao

>> No.15562374

was Orwell Anglish-yepilled?