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/lit/ - Literature

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15557999 No.15557999 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread- post your bookshelves!

>> No.15558084
File: 59 KB, 800x442, shutup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its bait but please

>> No.15558679

Why do consoomers do this? If the book isn't translated what purpose does it serve to have multiple copies? This is only proof that these people don't read and just buy books for the same reason they buy funko pops.

>> No.15558955
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>> No.15559185

You solved it, it's just for display purposes

>> No.15559202
File: 2.31 MB, 993x2386, (3-1)Room(ERS).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate Funkos
Also Berserk anon, my order is coming on my birthday so clearly it was meant to be.

Rec me some books on motorcycles and adventure

>> No.15559222

>Hey anon have you seen any of my jars?

>> No.15559290
File: 803 KB, 2400x1600, DSC01928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit tier meme, but nice digits.
I don't hotglue my figs because cleaning them is annoying.

>> No.15559510

Toys for children

>> No.15559621
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Don’t judge me boys

>> No.15559943
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>> No.15560026

You should worry more about being doxxed from the medals

>> No.15560092

Who are the little guys from?

>> No.15560135
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>> No.15560191
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>> No.15560215
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based collection
i like the axe and the weights next to the based lit to make sure people understand how based and aryan you are

>> No.15560220

Where’d you get the Persian books? I have such a difficult time finding any physical books in Farsi that it makes it fairly difficult to advance my reading comprehension past news articles. Although, I did recently get a Farsi translation of the Bible off Amazon, the only other book I own in the language is The Little Prince.

>> No.15560233

probably my favorite bookshelf i’ve seen in all my years of browsing here. very comfy anon

>> No.15560234

I live in Iran. Simple as.

>> No.15560247

impossible. i assumed everyone here is a fat american slob who reads harry potter and infinite jest

>> No.15560257

Thanks desu. It's an old pic so I have a bit more manga and LNs than that now.
I think I need to get my hands on some "real" literature if I'm going to post on /lit/ more though

>> No.15560273

While I have you here, why the fuck is cotton candy “elephant fart” in Farsi?

>> No.15560277

I mean popcorn

>> No.15560651
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This is more buyfag territory, but top left mini library is really cool imo

>> No.15561037
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>> No.15561227

didn't look at the books but making your own grenadine at home is pretty easy and use fresh limes for christ's sake

>> No.15561448

When I was 11 there was a secondhand bookstore that had two stories full of books stacked like this. I went there to buy some old trade paperbacks, and the lady who owned the store gave me one more for free.

The next time I went with my friends, and I was one of those kids who was fine on his own, but a total dick when with 'the boys', so we went upstairs, and while they stood watch I turned on the tap in the bathroom an locked the door. Then we both left.

We then heard that the entire first floor (all the shelves, books) were ruined by water damage.

>> No.15561467

this looks pretty cool, but why do you actually buy all of that stuff?

Only purchases I have made was for the touhou manga and illya figurine since i really liked the character

>> No.15561504

Because I like it and it makes me happy? I dunno. Do you mean why not just read it virtually?
I'm not the kind of person to spend money on anything digital because I feel like I'm getting ripped off.
I don't know exactly why, but having a physical copy of the stuff I like is important.

>> No.15561632 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 2859x4098, 1591684135166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Illya figure.
The official art they get away with for that show really is something to behold

>> No.15561678

more like junko pops

>> No.15561688 [DELETED] 

I always forget that not everyone on 4chan isn’t white

>> No.15561691

It was the furyu figure of her in fsn when UBW got a ufotable adaptation. I’ll never buy the fate/kaleid merch because i live in canada and would probably get in trouble

>> No.15561721

I have not heard people calling it "chosefil" (=silent fart of elephant) irl. But apparantly some people used to call it that. Mostly it's "pofefil" (=swelling/puff of elephant).
These may not even be compound words though.
If they are compound, the "fil/elephant" part is probably due to it being associated with circuses.

>> No.15561735

I >>15559202 am in Canada too
I have a small collection of loli doujins that had no trouble getting through the CBSA.
Funny enough a lot of manga sold in stores here has nudity of high school girls and sometimes lolis so I doubt the law is ever enforced. Even if they open it it's more likely they would just destroy it and leave it that.

>> No.15561743

Same, I'm surprised whenever I see a non-white on here. If I were them I'd hate our guts.
I'm looking at you poo anon from /dbt/

>> No.15561761

>I have a small collection of loli doujins that had no trouble getting through the CBSA.
you mind explaining what happened? I considered ordering a illya daki from an american supplier but was scared of getting in trouble
>manga sold in stores
Weirdest I’ve seen is indigo/chapters selling some of the ecchi manga that gets serialized in english, like hybridxheart

>> No.15561782

I'd pass as a typical 4chan racist incel by any standard but I don't actually hate non-white bros. There was a thread recently about this and 80% of the replies sounded like 'former liberals' taking off the irony for a second and explaining why they are begrudgingly racist. The other 20% were 'fuck niggers die niggers' posts of course but the ratio surprised me.

>> No.15561840 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x1444, 1591686542132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's from the US I seriously doubt there would be any problem.
Just make sure it's labeled
or something and not
>super sexy loli pillow cover for sex

I've ordered the hentai manga/doujins over a few years and only once (using EMS instead of RSAL) did it get opened by the CBSA. (You can tell because they re-tape it using yellow tape the says CBSA on it)
Nothing happened I think it was one of the Towako volumes with a kedama hentai manga (clearly loli) among other stuff.

Also the law on this stuff is super vague. It's basically anything "indecent" to cover anything they may have missed in previous laws. Things like Game of Thrones and most romance novels set it high school made for young teens would be illegal in Canada if the laws were followed to a T.
It's only ever been used like when a cop pulls you over for a broken taillight looking to see if you're drunk or a suspicious person.

If you're really worried contact the people selling it and just get them to remove any advertising/packaging that shows what the daki is of. The only reason that one onahole guy got his seized was because it was labeled as a sexy toy (Canada hates those) and had a loli getting fucked on the front of it.
Read the buyfag thread's guide for info if you want. The /ona/ guide is linked there too.

Indigo sells manga and LNs with lewd lolis in them. One I can think of currently is Konohana Kitan which shows breasts, and How not to summon a demon lord which has stuff like this demon loli.

Fuck I wrote an essay

>> No.15561844

Current situation in A certain city is not helping my man. I'm not a racist I think, but some of the shit I'm seeing makes me think.

>> No.15561885
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently im out of water , so i've been peeing just in bottles , plenty of good in here , from mein kampf to medical treatises and obviously dostoievski

>> No.15561895

Based piss jug anon
Glad we got such a high quality photo that we can clearly see all the names of your books.

>> No.15561896

I'm seeing a disturbing lack of Schmitt and Dugin.

>> No.15561934
File: 207 KB, 575x539, 1590484413842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you are interested , the two books on the bottom are Brothers Karamazov and Demons from a spanish print of 1949 , the green book is the Coran , next to him is an applied medical treatise (this one focuses more than anything on phenotypes and their possible genotypic causes) , next to that is mein kampf , and a nietzsche book

>> No.15561940

the two big brown books on the bottom you say?

>> No.15561949

Sounds like big brains stuff
I'm a smooth brain so I'll stick to manga and haynes manuals

>> No.15561959
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, 1591333869145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15561968

Wow that person really likes Percy Jackson

>> No.15561972
File: 671 KB, 778x2114, 004_Difference_between_Rhetoric_and_Dialectic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medical books are so damn comfy anon , you should pick one atleast once in your life , in my opinion you should try to read Cecil-Loeb Textbook of Medicine volume I , is so damn comfy , in some parts the doctor who writes this just start to rant about how the world is going to end due to lacking of water (which is unironically why is pee on bottles) anyways goodbook and goodread

>> No.15561990

are you all just posting the same pics from the previous thread? even some of the posts are the same
why do you do this?

>> No.15562002

Why I pee*

>> No.15562007

ok anon post your buldge mods are asleep

>> No.15562010

Mad Thad is back so make sure to hide your lolis kek

I'll try, but I feel like if I don't know what Cecil-Loeb is I've already lost

>> No.15562338

is there anything more pathetic than collecting empty bottles of booze? presenting them like some sort of trophy that you made it through a single bottle of vodka?

>> No.15562351

I expected much darker piss from a dude that pisses in bottles

>> No.15562399

+ I am a Hero
+ Initial D
- Everything else

>> No.15562445

I don't know man, glassware is pretty cool. I've gone through phases of saving whatever glass bottles I come across or drink from.

>> No.15562484
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, 29DE5C9C-C62C-442D-8186-28D291CB33BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GFs childhood bookshelf.

>> No.15562584

I would post mine if my bookshelf didn't have a plaque with my full name on it. I mostly light novels and manga as well as political literature from Nick Land, Julius Evola and the boys.
Very comfy.
Undeniably based.

>> No.15562799
File: 3.80 MB, 3492x4384, 20200609_215045_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some new additions today for my garish and gaudy bookshelf. Still early days only a couple of months in so little ways to go just yet.

>> No.15562855

>alcohol bottles
>dumb medallions
>twenty-sided dice
>unpainted warhammer figurines
all it needs is a funko to be the classic 19-year-old normalfaggot shelf

>> No.15562894

>he doesnt arrange his books chronologically

>> No.15562897
File: 2.72 MB, 3024x3608, IMG_8060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15562904

I did not notice FLCL and Akira those are good too.

>> No.15562908
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>> No.15562914
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>> No.15562923
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>> No.15562961


>> No.15562966

What a bunch of cute girl rooms.

>> No.15563060

Are they as cute as yours?

>> No.15563123

nice gaiwan, drinking tea with books is comfy

>> No.15563145
File: 3.92 MB, 2314x2275, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my bookshelf

>> No.15563166

Too many books and not enough funko pops.

>> No.15563185


>Hates Funkos
>Replaces them with equally inane, child-like dolls.

You're a disgrace, mate.

>> No.15563220

I KNOW! I desperately need someone to make Blood Meridian a movie so I can buy a Judge, Kid, Glanton, Toadvine, White Jackson, Black Jackson, Sproule, and Tobin Funco! I NEED THEM!

>> No.15563226

Thanks for the info mate, gonna try and find a supplier that can “hide” my stuff when i order it then

>> No.15563324

>Jiu Jitsu Medals

Why don’t you guys just put a box of magnum condoms in the pic and have done with it?

>> No.15563494

you're not funny fucking idiot

>> No.15563504


>> No.15563530

>hates Funkos
>has dolls for fucking weeb coomers

>> No.15564080

I would think then you like the Wangan Midnight, Vampire Hunter D stuff, Redline, and Dead Leaves

>> No.15564095

Funkos are soulless creepy demons.
Scales are are statues of loved ones

>> No.15564153
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Well if you say so

I don’t know why I’d brag about my giant penis, though

>> No.15564201
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top bants

Also, where did you get that (presumably English) copy of Eumeswil from?

>> No.15564223

>having all volumes of TG
>but no volumes of :re
Absolutely based my nigger

>> No.15564233

übermensch collection

>> No.15564252

I've been tempted to buy Vol 12 of that just because of the cute cute girl on the front.
I'll resist.

>> No.15564298

Ordered it from Abe books, some Irish fuck lied and said it was hardcover, but it’s some ugly plastic covered paperback.

I payed $80 after shipping and it took over a month to get here, would cost $40 to ship it back, and they only agreed to give me half my money back.


>> No.15564439
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Schizo coming through. Have most of my other Loebs in the office.

>> No.15564455

You are in the middle lines between bugman and weeb consoomer. Just get more /lit/ to keep the balance digging the chino and batman figure and remilia thing

>> No.15564469
File: 1.57 MB, 4032x3024, 48uqingvrpf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wassup monicas

>> No.15564500

Is the bugman thing because of all the new mainstream manga? At first I only knew about Indigo/chapters so most of my manga is whatever mainstream stuff they had there.

>> No.15564501

I feel like people who buy anime shit actually sacrifice social status in their lives (at least the men) so it’s not as bad as Marvel of Star Wars merch from a consoomer standpoint

>> No.15564513

I don't have a social status to sacrifice.

>> No.15564520
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>> No.15564538
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Paperbacks are repulsive.
Good luck getting laid anons.

>> No.15564559

Barnes and Nobles hardbacks looks like when people would throw up food dye as a meme

>> No.15564562

I might be on 4chan for too long because OP pic fills me with furious anger while >>15559202 is just something usual for me to see here (not that I like it)

pretty comfy

also comfy and also checked

>> No.15564572

Atleast they don't look like soulless paperbacks.

>> No.15564574

>Quasi-antique hardcover of Dune (1965)

>> No.15564579
File: 3.13 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200609_175711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reading for just under a year, how have I been doing?

>> No.15564605
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>> No.15564626

Needs Mark Twain

>> No.15564635

>The anon with the smokemart bookends is telling me I'm coping

>> No.15564644

That's not because you've been here for too. It's because they are totally different kinds of degeneracy.
>not that I like it
You should should love it

>> No.15564648
File: 3.26 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200609_180648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and will have it soon

>> No.15564662

>Everyman Rabelais

>> No.15564671
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>> No.15564672
File: 290 KB, 388x476, DF25B772-366A-40A9-B0C6-279D2A9BBB4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into anime because I had no social life, I got tired of it though, but it helped me cope.

>> No.15564689

do you also in to peedofile?

>> No.15564710

He's not Thad so I doubt it.
Also Thad is back

>> No.15564763
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>> No.15564775


but thanks. just confirms my though that the physical book is rare. might have to slum it with an e-copy.

>> No.15564825
File: 2.09 MB, 4010x2935, 540adyfeeo841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Christmas yet?

>> No.15564862

based Beach Boys Brian Wilson fan

>> No.15564884
File: 557 KB, 2048x1536, 103294916_258270795256949_1197204383346584597_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bookshelf but a bookwardrobe

>> No.15564892
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Say that to my face fuckers and see what happens!

>> No.15564920

>keeping used shoes with your books
What are your living conditions like?

>> No.15564933
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x1960, 20200609_134319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15564936

I like your National Audubon Society books. I love nature.

Please tell me, what is the baby blue/sky blue one? I can't make out what it says.

>> No.15564955

tfw just wanna keep my shoes outta sight

>> No.15564956

This looks nice


>> No.15564977
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>> No.15565000

Is this the only place where you can flex?

>> No.15565075

I'm surprised that doesn't tear down your wall.

>> No.15565106
File: 2.96 MB, 2897x4535, 20200529_142649~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recieved in the mail the other day. What am I in for?

>> No.15565148

How do we summon streetguru?

>> No.15565163

how autistic do you have to be to write something like this

>> No.15565228

What do you mean?

>> No.15565334

Just ignore the asshole my guy.

>> No.15565379
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 43790FF3-2CED-4E03-852D-D350245DE24F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to install shelf on my wall
>put textbooks on there instead of novels
>remove it and it destroyed my wall
how do i go at fixing this?

>> No.15565426

>plaster filler

>> No.15565624
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>> No.15565644


>> No.15565648
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1589750499382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living like this.

>> No.15565744

it's probably a tranny so they won't live that long

>> No.15565792

Is that sports illustrated buried in the back to taunt your dad?

>> No.15565881

>no books
imagine being this based

>> No.15566038

>holds a collection of random pages, all of which are the ripped out 27th page of my most hated books

>> No.15566078


>> No.15566165

Maximum comfy.

>> No.15566544

It’s weather. Turned out to be one of the best books of the series because of the photographs of disasters and sunsets/skies


>> No.15566614

what's the one about jews

>> No.15566657

Can’t you see the insects and spiders book?

>> No.15566982

srsly tho?

>> No.15567114

The Jews and Their Lies?

What are you talking about?

>> No.15567954

>KJV Bible
Based and redpilled
>Framed idol of lesser god or "totally-not-demigod-saint figure"
Cringe and breadpilled

>> No.15568022

KJV Bible is wrought with errors though. I only got it for the meme.

>> No.15568086

How old are you?

>> No.15568106

Why so many translations

>> No.15568352

>Dune books written after Frank's death

>> No.15568402

i have that copy of dead souls, it's so fucking ugly.

>> No.15568434
File: 201 KB, 128x128, 1580520573067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine using the inferior version.

>> No.15568928

>KJV Bible
Cringe and leadpilled
>st Demetrios icon
Based and breadpilled

>> No.15569010
File: 1.42 MB, 3776x2832, rehozkck2mn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys what's going on?

>> No.15569026


>> No.15569035

I'd talk shit about you being a brony, but I'm a lolicon.
Why organize books by color?
And energy drinks/soda drinks are not something to be proud of, they're pretty much poison.

>> No.15569058

qt chino-chan desu

>> No.15569087


>> No.15569118

Very handsome collection. I really need to get more Dickens in my library.

>> No.15569127

why are their p*ssies so p*ffy?

>> No.15569139

Too absorb high impact forces

>> No.15569149

I'll freely admit that I don't dislike those colourful bindings, and in some moods I even quite like them.
Also, nice figurines.

>> No.15569166

Are you okay, do you need to see your local GP?
>I'd talk shit about you being a brony, but I'm a lolicon.
I'm not a brony, i'm a pegasister :D
jk i'm a brony. What's a lolicon?
>Why organize books by color?
Because it's pretty, duh!
>And energy drinks/soda drinks are not something to be proud of, they're pretty much poison.
That's okay. I appreciate your concern but i'm still alive so im not too worried lol.

>> No.15569193 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.81 MB, 500x281, 1591761992890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a lolicon
A person who appreciates the finer things

>> No.15569202

a cunnysseur?

>> No.15569208
File: 1.75 MB, 500x281, gfo5sr59.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct kashira

>> No.15569217

18. Is it obvious?

>> No.15569226

if you guys are from /tv/ I have to tell you your shitposting quality has gone markedly down in recent years. Haven't seen a new Janny webm in forever

>> No.15569242

Huh? I only really go on /a/ /c/ and /o/.
What's up with /tv/?

>> No.15569279

cunny posters

>> No.15569299


>> No.15569316

Actual stuff or lolis? I'm not into 3d

>> No.15569555

something like that

>> No.15569626
File: 603 KB, 1600x2400, cjknhhdzkct31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15570136

Gogol would love that and probably laugh

>> No.15570171


>> No.15570276

Still a basedboy

>> No.15570856

this is a reminder for authors to keep the right for bobble-head figures in their own hand

>> No.15570864

I'm genuinely annoyed that the ponies aren't on the proper colored shelves

>> No.15571058

I bet it smells like a submarine in there.

>> No.15571508

What does a submarine smell like?

>> No.15571606

Damp and dusty and musty. Different scents mix together. From old thick paint and steel which one finds in locomotives to the mold between the pages all mingles into that hellish smell that makes you yearn for fresh air or even the queef from the nearest whore on the nearest shore, because you cannot stand it any longer. No, you cannot stand it any longer and stay sane. Most of all the reek of unwashed men, some of which you blend out, but it gets worse every day below the sea. I tell you this much.

>> No.15571705

Sounds like I'd feel right at home.