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/lit/ - Literature

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15550610 No.15550610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15550655

not a chance in hell

>> No.15550660

You mean when did this board start having so much off topic bullshit on it?

>> No.15550664

Last I checked, this board isn't named /pol/.

>> No.15550688

When fascism is the only place left where you can discuss values outside the bourgeois sphere of influence, people with values or desiring values will go there by necessity. Even funnier if the neoliberals then start calling values "fascist" in themselves. Thanks for doing fascism's work for it.

Try being a leftist these days. You have to tolerate being surrounded by trannies and other degenerates and embarrassments.

>> No.15550782

Kill all rightoid dogs

>> No.15550834

but /lit/ acts just like it

you faggots should just discuss fiction, whenever you discuss politics the thread turns into a pathetic sight

>> No.15550850

You're an illiterate moron; spend less time on the internet.

>> No.15550861
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bring back monarchies

>> No.15550866
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this, why would they else create such lists

>> No.15550873

>tankie begs the question under the guise of the most joggerific honkler
Ok dilator

>> No.15550874
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>> No.15550878

Are you talking about yourself?

>> No.15550893

/lit/ is definitely not fascist. /pol/ tourists and libertarians always try to stir up shit and get ravaged.

>> No.15550905
File: 269 KB, 343x380, m1mSbLt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the mods fucking suck and don't do their jobs.

Is there ANY board on this fucking site whose mods are shittier than ours? Off-topic threads and blatant bait threads stay up for hours and attract replies, like flies landing on shit. We have the worst mods on 4chan and it's not close.

>> No.15551027

Come to /his/. At least here they usually have to have some notion of being relevant to literature. On his they can just talk about admiring Hitler and it's completely fine rules wise.

>> No.15551036

It's not only discord incels who copy and paste the same thing every single day in an attempt to "colonize" 4chans leftist board

>> No.15551042

>leftist board

>> No.15551059

>leftist board
i've never even gotten the impression that this board is any less right-leaning than the rest of 4chan

>> No.15551068

zoomers ruined the internet

>> No.15551076

Most of 4chan is apolitical, the right wing stuff is really overdone and most of it is obvious /pol/ tourists leakage. They sometimes get to boards like /mu/ /v/ /tv/ /ck/ and /x/ but are always told to fuck off

>> No.15551077

>4chan is right leaning
reddit/the_donald called

>> No.15551082

Reminder that if you dont kiss nigger feet then you are a fascist.

>> No.15551086
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You realize that's only lib*rals right?

>> No.15551091
File: 61 KB, 640x360, ap_vatican_christmas_tk_121225_wmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than being left-wing or right-wing, /lit/ has always been interested in religion. We were having Christian threads as far back as 2014. /lit/ has always had a particular interest in Catholicism, especially. That's where the "/lit/ is a Catholic board" meme comes from.

>> No.15551093

>Uses racial slurs
>Gets called a racist
Have sex and post jaw

>> No.15551100

bootlicking subhumans.

>> No.15551115

you've got jamal's toe jam stuck in your teeth

>> No.15551127

I'm a socialist so nope. Stop falling for "muh race" and start caring about the actual problem, class. You're literally just as bad as Idpol libshits except you actually think you're a "free thinker"

>> No.15551143

/lit/ was very leftist about ten years ago. It was nominally still leftist down to 2012-2013, because the moderation and a vocal minority of regulars (many of them tripfags) were extremely unsympathetic to right wing content. But during and after 2013, the board has been like any other 4chan board, which means a low tolerance for normie "social justice" shit and self-important attention whores with Liberal Arts degrees, shading into a minority of explicit far rightists.

The board's leftist days were a product of its smaller size and the fact that it attracted self-important tripfags with libarts bachelor's degrees who wanted to identify with 4chan's official Smart People Board. The moderator was famously overzealous and banned even benign threads and posters, honestly it was pretty unstrategic as censorship goes because it only pissed people off rather than gradually forcing them off the board and making them feel unwelcome.

Nowadays many people here read and appreciate leftist theory but are right wing, at least based on good conversations I've had.

Unnecessary semicolon, mad tranny.

>> No.15551149

seethe harder

>> No.15551156
File: 146 KB, 500x377, 1576889721543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ten years ago

Fuck, this board really is more than ten years old, isn't it? Where did the time go? How long have I been on this fucking board?

>> No.15551168

are you sweating yet?

>> No.15551199

Jaw. Post it.

>> No.15551206

Nose. Post it.

>> No.15551225

Cry more.

>> No.15551241

Respond to: >>15551127
you bootlicking subhuman

>> No.15551244

You will find many posters, while not necessarily agreeing, are well versed in left wing history. I'm usually happy to call the Soviets right wing and many here will understand what I mean and perhaps agree.

/lit/ is not about taking a personal position, do not post here if your identity is still tied to your arguments. We have always been, as I put it, "delightfully postmodern", taking pleasure in the rejection of epistemological questions in preference for the ontological. Sometimes I will argue as a conservative, sometimes as a freethinker, sometimes pro tradition and sometimes pro progression and a myriad of other things as they take my fancy. It's not so important what your personal views are. In this way, if you do come here with an agenda, we will eventually wear you down until you become something like us. I'm noticing many newfriends finding this confusing, a number have been commenting about the lack of IDs and trying to pull the "teehee that wasn't me!" trick, not realising it does not matter in the slightest. The author is dead, we will judge your post on its own.

My true colours are as a radical anarchist, although I do have a rather cushy management job.

>> No.15551246

Attaching an ideology to your teenage misanthropy lends some legitimacy to it, but not much.

>> No.15551423 [DELETED] 

Not liking niggers doesn't make you a facist, the only race on earth that even lets them into their countries are whites.

>> No.15551435

Whites have a role as world mediators, jews as well but mostly whites

>> No.15551441

I wouldn't describe him as "illiterate". he seems to have a firm and comfortable grasp on the English language

>> No.15551442

Ecology is inherently fascist

>> No.15551452

Libya lets them in to use them as slaves

>> No.15551454

eco-fascism is actually a good thing. you just don't like the name.

>> No.15551462

which is exactly why this planet is a vulgar shitheap

>> No.15551467

>My true colours are as a radical anarchist, although I do have a rather cushy management job.
So basically a lib comfortable enough to treat politics as a larp/virtue signalling. Nice I dig it

>> No.15551486

Same time the rest of the internet went to shit
When flyover shit got smartphones

>> No.15551495


>> No.15551504

>flyover shit
...yeah not the 3rd world or anything

>> No.15551506

Tell me about this and what a flyovershit is. Assuming American?

>> No.15551509

Other way. It isn't that my true colours are having a cushy management job and that I have some cushy radical anarchist views, I have a very particular reputation because of how I do my work.

>> No.15551519

>Try being a leftist these days. You have to tolerate being surrounded by trannies and other degenerates and embarrassments.
You can now add prostrating yourself to subhuman niggers to that list.

>> No.15551522

Same thing

>> No.15551527

/lit/ is a muslim board
seething kuffar need not apply (unless you're a dhimmi under strict conditions)

>> No.15551528

Obviously he isn’t, either you are a troll or a degenerate

>> No.15551530

That is a black supremacist group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites (no relation). They go around shouting at people to kiss their feet and get violent/aggressive if you don't. If you're not a member of that group, you're just popularising them.

>> No.15551532

I bet you got hard just be reading the title

>> No.15551533

I don't know but it really bothers me. It's just fascism dressed in some vague concept of environmentalism. Almost none of it is even well founded as environmentalism and all of it is runs so blatantly against ecological insight. Since when is homogeny a good thing in the life sciences? It spells degeneration and death in ecology, but also in evolution and ironically population dynamics as well.
It's just a bunch of retards who couldn't stomach triggering the libs by denying climate and land use change anymore. So they have a hair brained scheme to create ecological preserves in some fascist state that thankfully is never going to happen. They do all this while refusing to advocate for anything that could actually help our environment because the culture war is more important to them, or because they are too weak to grow up and realize that the retarded politics they been ruining the internet with during their adolescent years is cringe and evil.

>> No.15551537
File: 323 KB, 1401x2048, judy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, crawl back into your ivory towers you fucking yale fags. im fucking HOT trailer chicks in my ford f150 sippin some fine ass pbr, get fucked queers

>> No.15551538

>i-it's totally you guys who fetishize niggers

>> No.15551540

Nothing funny about it

>> No.15551543

Fuck you fascist, you kind have always been scum
You need to be accepted by a pack of inbred scum with values you can identify with and you need to blame others for being a failure
You can do what you want if you have the inner strength and force of will, no actual human being would find strength in being a pack animal

>> No.15551545

>keep on cummin' mr white man

>> No.15551551

>Flyover trash
Opinion discarded, and the only chicks you're fucking is your sister. Meanwhile Citychads fuck literally people from all over the world.

>> No.15551553

The progs just spent a week chanting and bowing and praying to a dead nigger felon, you absolutely can't pretend they aren't obsessed with them

>> No.15551557

>Getting drunk
And you wonder why you are left behind

>> No.15551558
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Jesus fucking christ


>> No.15551561
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>the only chicks you're fucking is your sister
we even talks the same, brother. come on down and join us for some sister fucking

>> No.15551562
File: 10 KB, 259x194, citychads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15551563

You're begging the question.

>> No.15551565

None of their crimes matter either, black on white violence is always an exception.

This shit has all the signs of a religious cult. It is not just deluded liberals anymore, it's a cult founded on worshiping blacks and hating yourself.

>> No.15551571

That's what it seems like to you because you are a huge moron. The protests have to do with police brutality, systemic racism etc. , not the death of that particular person.

>> No.15551572

Yeah but they actually care about something besides doing hate speech on line. However foolish their actions may be, they are infinitely more pleasant and good for society than you are. There is literally nothing wrong with people caring, or even pretending to care, tf is wrong with you?

>> No.15551576

lol you fucking pussies, go pray to your niggers

>> No.15551580
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, op dildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, when do you start being such a massive faggot?

>> No.15551582

When did /lit/ descend into political shit? Was it post-2016 that it truly got awful?

>> No.15551584

Nobody is praying you fucking moron, if you weren't so mentally ill you would surely understand what's the real issue here

>> No.15551586

Citychads fuck Ebony qveens while flyovercels have to fuck their inbred sister. We're objectively superior.

>> No.15551594

How do we select the first king?

>> No.15551597

my inbred sister could out-fuck any ebony queen with her hands tied

>> No.15551598
File: 867 KB, 1920x1387, antifa nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who isn't an antifa extremist defacing statues and punching white people in the head while screaming "fuck white people!" is a fascist

>> No.15551599
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pray to your nigger martyr faggot

>> No.15551601

by way of dubs
btw check em

>> No.15551602

Except nobody is worshipping blacks or hating on themselves. The fascist mind is so twisted that everyone who isn't okay with blacks getting killed for no reason is perceived as some kind of sinister figure.

>> No.15551608
File: 87 KB, 1281x1200, 1589390770410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we've found our KING

>> No.15551609

>literally prostrating themselves before blacks
>literally kissing their feet
"U-Uh it's about police brutality, I swear!"

>> No.15551610

You sound mentally ill.

>> No.15551617

they don't get killed for no reason, they're killed at the same rate as whites per police encounter. This entire protest is mass hysteria

you're a cowardly piece of fucking trash, go virtue signal on twitter you human refuse

>> No.15551618

It's always had stealth fash. The evidently kaczynski posters who you mistake for stealth fash themselves were themselves the first layer of skepticism in front of you; otherwise stealth fash are not a majority.

>> No.15551619

For anybody interested in if there is actually an issue of systemic police brutality against blacks


Go to 9min. He surveys every shooting in the past year whether you like him personally or not.

>> No.15551622

We are obviously talking about the protests you fucking idiot

>> No.15551626

I'm still waiting for Milo's pedophilia to come out fully.

>> No.15551630

Not that guy, but you do unironically in your exchange with him.

>> No.15551635

You mean those protests that demand the police KNEEL BEFORE BLACK PEOPLE?

You are not this fucking thick, you know exactly what's going on here.

>> No.15551636

they pretty much coincided, didn't they

>> No.15551637

I could not care less what you think you mewling brainwashed lump of shit

>> No.15551643

What was the reason this man was killed then
>they're killed at the same rate as whites per police encounter.
Sure, give us your data on that

>> No.15551646

>You are not this fucking thick, you know exactly what's going on here.
What exactly are you avoiding saying anon? That this is all a ploy to make white women suck black penises?

>> No.15551649


>> No.15551655

fucking idiots the official ideology of /lit/ is halfway between anarcho-primtivist pastoral-nomadic syndicalism and sinofuturist anarchomonarchism

>> No.15551665

What I am supposed to get from this he just downplays systemic racism

>> No.15551675

He wasnt even killed he died of a heart attack. Try and give data that shows they are killed at higher rates, it never accounts for the fact they're arrested more because they commit way more crimes

>> No.15551676
File: 232 KB, 1155x1280, chadbomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fascist. I'm a reactionary appropriating edgy politics as a means of tapping into primal emotions. Fascism, like communism, wishes to replace the void caused by decayed traditions and absent Gods with that of the state. I'm ultimately against that, but I'm not against the impulse behind that desire.

>> No.15551683

That's because you are a fascist and you perceive everyone who disagrees with you as disturbed.

>> No.15551688

No it's mostly your viciousness and pettiness.

>> No.15551693

Fuck you butterfag

>> No.15551694

people not sharing the same opinion as you =/= fascist.

>> No.15551700

That's a very fascist opinion, friend. Perhaps you should change it and kiss this negro's feet forty or fifty times.

>> No.15551721

oh no, let me shave my head and burn down shops as a way to apologize

>> No.15551726

That's because you feel threatened by me calling him out. Hence him spouting gibberish like "go pray to your nigger martyr faggot" appears to you like perfectly normal speech, but noting that he sounds genuinely disturbed seems like a vicious personal attack.

>> No.15551732

having your own interests = fascist
wearing polos = fascist
cleaning up cities during riots = fascist
freedom of speech = fascist
not setting your avatar to rainbow, trans colors, or whatever insipid trend it is this week = fascist
not participating in the internet blackout = fascist
stating facts = fascist
reading books by white authors = fascist
not seeing Harley Quinn Birds of Prey = fascist
eating food = fascist

>> No.15551734
File: 37 KB, 546x597, 1591130643091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she gets on her knees to kiss his boots

>> No.15551742

go pray to your african american victim of le white supremacy who has become a worldwide symbol of oppression, justice, and hope for a better world, my homosexual friend

>> No.15551745

It may not be normal but it's normal enough for 4chan. He clearly does not like niggers, but it seems to me he's playing up his own stance for effect and therefore self-aware about it. You seem to be genuinely mad and upset like you want to silence people for disagreeing with you. That guy is just calling you a faggot for disagreeing with him. Even your mockery feels manipulative, there is nothing "gibberish" about what he said even if you don't like it. It's like you're trying to get me to see him in a certain light first and foremost even if that light isn't accurate, because it serves your narrative.

Just my two cents. Btw leftist threads often have at least one guy like you who seems a little too pissy for his own good, take that for what it's worth.

>> No.15551748

Literally an innocent man was killed and your takeaway is that what the protesters really want is public bdsm involving kneeling and police uniforms.

>> No.15551756

You most certainly care

>> No.15551760


>> No.15551763

>That guy is just calling you a faggot for disagreeing with him
I thought he was calling George Floyd a faggot.
Also obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.15551762

i'm glad he died

>> No.15551764

Is that a normal feeling for you?

>> No.15551765

>an innocent man
a convicted felon who starred in a porno and had Fetenyl, meth, and THC in his body.

>> No.15551777

>hold a gun on a pregnant woman belly
>Win the ghetto lottery

>> No.15551778

>who starred in a porno

>> No.15551786


>> No.15551801
File: 81 KB, 700x1050, 1573162244814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an honest question: does everyone in this thread at least realize that all the blatant /pol/ threads and /r9k/ threads shouldn't be on the board?

You all do realize that when people just want to talk about ideas with a fig leaf of books, or when they want to talk about current events and they say "what are some books about this" or when they post a picture that's been in the news recently and say "thoughts" that this is blatantly off-topic, right?

You all don't actually like and approve of those posts, do you? Even if you have right-wing political leanings, you have to realize that those sorts of posts are just shitposting and actively bring down the quality of the board.

>> No.15551804

>He wasnt even killed
You can't be serious. Conservatives cannot resist literally denying reality every time a black man gets murdered. How more obvious could the case be.

>> No.15551811


>> No.15551812

It's a bunch of samefags. Good post though.

>> No.15551818

empathy was a mistake

>> No.15551819

he died an entire hour after that video and the autopsy showed no signs of asphyxiation.

>> No.15551820

It should be limited to a general thread. Too much moderation stifles the natural flow of a community but too little causes the zoomerizing of discourse, where the only topics that survive long enough to see discussion and become self sustaining are low hanging zoomer based on whatever's trending in social media.

>> No.15551822

I report them, but the fucking jannies don't do shit because they're all discord trannies. I can't believe that "I'm black ask me anything" thread stayed up for like three days.

>> No.15551825

Yes, but of course I don't have right wing political leanings.

>> No.15551827

We both know praying doesn't do anything, I think what you meant to say is that we need systemic change

>> No.15551829

i also frequently report off topic threads to no avail
any recommendations for alternative forums for discussing lit?

>> No.15551833

It should be limited to a board built specifically to contain it

>> No.15551845
File: 192 KB, 400x550, requestbooksgeneral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the main thing seems to be "book for this" or "what about this person who wrote something once", I say resurrect >>>/book/ as its own board. They can recommend each other books for such and such a feel.

I tried doing a general but I think I also upset one of the mods and it got deleted.

>> No.15551847

Well said Anon
>be fas*ist
>fawn over surrendering your will and rights to any fascist whose only qualification is disliking some of the things you also dislike
>leftists are the REAL cucks tho
I just don’t get it at all

>> No.15551853
File: 79 KB, 850x400, quote-therefore-the-negro-nation-are-as-a-rule-submissive-to-slavery-because-negroes-have-ibn-khaldun-72-93-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15551857

If you could witness your own death do you think you would also be glad?