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15545996 No.15545996 [Reply] [Original]

My professor told me that people are getting dumber because fewer people are reading and instead TikTok and Twitter have taken over. Is this true?

>> No.15546005

No. How many books has Socrates read?

>> No.15546007

Standardized testing has probably done more to make people dumber than tiktok and twitter

>> No.15546012

Why does he care? The more dumb people there are in the world, the smarter I look in comparison. I say it's based.

>> No.15546020

I think people have become too accustomed to reading Instagram captions and tweets and no longer have the attention span to read more than a paragraph at a time.

>> No.15546150

lit is full of retards nowadays, including your professor. the average iq is getting lower, it is not the same as people getting dumber. basically we have a bigger amount of dummies than before, because of all of the niggers and social care for economic retards (neets) so they won't die from natural selection

>> No.15546173

>Socrates was real
Who's gonna break it to him?

>> No.15546336

>the average iq is getting lower, it is not the same as people getting dumber.
That literally is the same thing.

>> No.15546349

It's literally not. The person you are quoting explained it IN THE POST YOU ARE QUOTING

hmm.. hhhhuuu huUUUUUreeee reee RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.15546350

Lets add you to the group of idiots, mr social darwinist. One of the biggest twists of irony is that social darwinists are never the ubermenschen they pretend to be.

>> No.15546478

My mom tried to tell me that people are stupider now because of smartphones, before they had to memorize phone numbers blah blah blah, so I explained how that means the invention of the pencil and paper made people stupid too and that quickly changed her mind

>> No.15546529

Tell him it's because of fertility and IQ correlation being negative.

>> No.15546539


>> No.15547598


>> No.15547652
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It's not SPECIFICALLY due to lack of reading books, but rather because attention spans have gone to shit. You're constantly bombarded with visual mediums and feel the need to always be doing something. Who has the time to sit and read a book for an hour or two?

>> No.15547666

interesting point to be honest

>> No.15547667

Visual media (youtube, netflix etc) has taken a massive shit on zoomer/millennial's attention span

>> No.15547674


Lol all these people who say they "don't have time". They work for 40 hours a week, go to the gym or run for maybe 5 hours a week, and spend virtually every second of their remaining free time on their phones, playing video games, or surfing the web.

>> No.15547691

I think people are getting smarter. Everyone gets some degree of education, thats already way more than you could have hoped for 50 years ago. People are exposed to all data in the world available to them on their fingertips and they use it, some portions of it. Which can't be said for, as I said, people of times past.

I don't think you realize how dumb people few decades ago were, not everyone was academic elite whose works you read about.

>> No.15547707

I'm more worried what will happen to actual authors in couple of generations.

>> No.15547728

I don't think that's true, people have always been generally retarded, it's just that social media allows them to put their ignorance on full display every day.

>> No.15547729

We are.

>> No.15547758

But he was real. Xenophon also talks about him

>> No.15547782

No,on the hand the general population has gotten dumber through miscegenation.
Besides that the dumb just don't even bother with copying the external facade of intelligence as they did in the past, dont fool yourself the greatest majority was always full of utter imbeciles.

>> No.15547789

outlaw marketing and all (all) mind poison disappears overnight

>> No.15547844

socrates was mentored by anaxagoras and regardless there was a lot less philosophy before him than there is now

>> No.15547897

You might as well have just said ‘have sex incel’

>> No.15547915
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>> No.15547926


>> No.15547931

Diversity is good

>> No.15548185

I think he tried to say that smart people hav less children than dumb people.

>> No.15548215


>> No.15548455


>> No.15548504
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>put an incredibly addictive device and network of information in the hands of a very young person
>berate and insult them when they become numb to the real world and don't care about anything
The boomers were wild for this one

>> No.15548507

Yeah. Except you don’t have to mark all their retarded essays.

>> No.15548560

People are getting dumber as the ease of surviving is progressing. Families have less children now partly as the child mortality rate has gone down, which means fewer variables available to possibly generate a more fitting/intelligent specimen.

>> No.15548700


>> No.15548853

No. The vast majority of people have always been dumb
The only difference is that they used to be dumb in silence in front of their tv's or down at the pub, but now they got facebook on their phones, so they all have to reee about whatever maga man told them is wrong with the world

>> No.15548965

I'm shocked how many people don't have any hobbies, though. If you have workplace colleagues you always notice the same patterns.

>one guy who sees work as rest from ACTUAL work he does privately
>one guy who is just has work and his family
>one guy who is still into sports simply because he's trying to re-live younger days

>> No.15549024

I’d say that since social media’s regroup a lot of people, you are almost certain to see dumb takes on there. Before we had Facebook, MySpace and shit like that you would have way less interactions with people.

>> No.15549629

I wish I was an academic so I could come up with brilliant new ideas like this

>> No.15549670

No its chemicals in tap water and phone signals etc.

Mens sperm count is half what it was 50 years ago and testosterone is going the same way.

Imagine what the canon of global literature looks like when there are no male authors

>> No.15549711

Look at a chart of global IQ over the past few decades. Then understand that's happening both within and between populations.

And even smart people sound like idiots once they've been on Twitter for a while.

>> No.15549760

Don't confuse education and access to information with intelligence.
The easier life becomes, the less demand there is on any ability, intelligence included.
Dumb people are more likely to be able to breed now that they were in the past, because access to basic necessities is almost trivial and intelligence is not a requirement to breed.

>> No.15549805

>tfw skinny weakling with high t and sperm count
It's almost like this shit is more complicated than video game stats

>> No.15549816

ITT: people ignoring IQ levels going up, sanitation levels going up, less poverty and less famine in this world all so they can doom and fearmonger. fuck you

>> No.15549834

I'm too lazy to look for the video but a Latin teacher said how the average zoomer attention span lasts 8 seconds, i.e. it takes 8 seconds for a zoomer to think about something else

>> No.15549845

That's true this is my life and it's terrible

>> No.15549861

>IQ levels going up
they absolutely are not. They are dropping in individual countries and the countries with lower IQs are having way more children

>> No.15549862


>> No.15550028

What does weight have to do with it ?

>> No.15550057

>Xenophon was real
Who's gonna break it to him?

>> No.15550077

How many tiktok videos and twitter posts did he make?

>> No.15550189
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it's not so much that people are getting dumber as that their areas of expertise are being bounded into virtual and privatized microzones. rather than existing in a single world we've got multiple virtual realities overlaid on this one but proficiency doesn't have backwards compatibility with ground reality. it's really just another form of the division of labor. i'm sure the most braindead teen probably is a phd grade expert in tiktok celebrities

>> No.15550556

permanently consuming that shit rots your fucking brain, especially tik tok or instagram

>> No.15550573

>permanently consuming that shit rots your fucking brain
>posted on 4chan
pot has kidnapped and imprisoned the kettle in an underground dungeon

>> No.15550585

If there's no distinction, then fuck off back to those platforms and stop shitting up this one.

>> No.15550855

>people are getting dumber because fewer people are reading and instead TikTok and Twitter have taken over.
Of all the Darwinian selection pressure removals, this is the least relevant. He's not a professor if he's a perennial associate prof. btw.