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/lit/ - Literature

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15540149 No.15540149 [Reply] [Original]

don't laugh, I haven't read a book in almost 20 years

but I want to start again, with some good horror stories

should I start with Stephen King? which book? what do you suggest?

>> No.15540156

The Greek tragedians

>> No.15540235

Might as well start with Jerusalem's Lot

>> No.15540334

Why do that when you could just read some easy but still half decent stuff: Hemingway, Grahame, Orwell, Chandler, Dick, Kerouac, Poe, Salinger etc. instead of forcing King's dreck down your gullet.

>> No.15540363 [SPOILER] 
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This might be too much for you, read at your own risk

>> No.15540369

There's a really good anthology of horror stories/weird fiction called The Weird, which I recommend.

>> No.15541248

Carrie would be a good book for u

>> No.15541273

why is his nose like that? coke or bad surgery?

>> No.15542032

Based. I love that book. Easily the best of the series.

>> No.15542044

You should read Ray Bradbury. He influenced King along with others, was overall a better and more poetic writer, and wrote mostly in short stories making him easier to pick up.

>> No.15543485
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>> No.15543621

Start with infinite jest

>> No.15543734
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Lafcadio Hearn, Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Brian McNaughton, Dan Simmons, M.R. James, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James, Ann Radcliffe, Poe, Aleister Crowley, E.E. Benson, Doyle, Collins, W.H. Hodgson, C.A. Smith, Machen, Stoker, Horacio Quiroga, Mathew Lewis, Maturin, etc.
King is steaming shit.

>> No.15543746

don't fall for the greek meme

>> No.15543887

His early books. Carrie, Salem's Lot, The Dead Zone, the first Dark Tower book, Firestarter. Better than a lot of his later stuff.

>> No.15543897

The Turn of the Screw - it's a bit more literary but not too long.

>> No.15544189

If you want to jump right back in IT is famously quite long but extremely engaging and entertaining. Its a page turner and King's language is so much fun to read. All of the characters are a pleasure to spend time with, at least as kids, those sections are King at his absolute best. Also you get some fun kiddy sex.

If youre dipping your toes in, go Shining, its quite a bit shorter while still being fun. Jack Torrence's destabilization is fairly believable and he's an extremely relatable character if you have a shitty relationship with your father.

>> No.15544357

all excellent recommendations. actually very surprised seeing such good taste on /lit/.

>> No.15544643
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E.F. Benson, I fucked that one.
One more thing, I highly recommend you these anthologies. They are very cheap and are available on Bookdepository and Amazon.

>> No.15544927

is it that scary?

>> No.15545338

Try Lovecraft, he's incredibly accessible and better than King, but if you really want to start with King go ahead, could be the gateway into something more fun for you, who knows.

>> No.15545568

Read Lovecraft