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15529648 No.15529648 [Reply] [Original]

How do you break the cycle to actually write something?

>> No.15529655

Get a schedule. Wake up at regular times each day as well as go to sleep at regular times each day.

>> No.15529660

So dumb. This is like the nerd as a parody of real intelligence that BAP talks about

>> No.15529670

don't get triggered zoomie, but mindfulness

>> No.15529682

>can't listen to music without pretending to be the artist
I've had that throughout all my youth. Ist it narcissistic behaviour?

>> No.15529683

nope it's the entire point of art, connection

>> No.15529689

Literally imagining an entire concert with yourself on stage as the artist while the music place? idk desu

>> No.15529693

*plays, sorry

>> No.15529712

I don't imagine being the singer/performer.
I listen to soundtracks from action movies and video games while imagining myself doing Bourne/James Bond/Mission Impossible type of stuff, though.

>> No.15529715

how is it narcissistic to pretend to be someone else

>> No.15529731

but I'm not pretending to be someone else. In my imagination the actual artist doesn't exist. It was all meee

>> No.15529750

google the characteristics of a narcissist and you'll see the answer is no. everyone does it. whoever made the meme through it in there to trick you into relating.

>> No.15529756
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For me it's more that I can't listen to music without taking everything apart, analyzing how every individual sound and effect is made, hpw it harmonizes with the other sounds, why the artist would decide tp put it at this specific location, etc.

>> No.15529771

then you're transcending, well done you are now bodhisattva

>> No.15529783


>> No.15529789

stare at a candle for half an hour every morning.

>> No.15529800

Absolute candlechad

>> No.15529825

don't worry if this is you, friends. all of this is just undisciplined thought and nothing more. take this young man and educate him in philosophy, science or any hard academic discipline. he'll be shitting out original work soon enough.

>> No.15529888
File: 176 KB, 1280x807, Nouvelle_iconographie_de_la_Salpêtriêre_Wellcome_L0051702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANYONE ELSE A TOTAL SCHIZOTYPAL? I MEAN WOWZERS! OFFICER K IS LITERALLY ME, guys have yyou seen the latest "2X year-old FAGGOTER" wojack? im really worried guys i check a lot of the boxes, my astral charts didn't account for this... You ever seen that wojack with the big brain mask over the PSYCHO bloody face, that's literally me. hold it jannies: "books for being a total PSYCHOPATH SCHIZOID". Guys anyone else retarded, anyone else really high IQ? Anyone else a really high-IQ retard virgo 26 year old that checks off 7/10 of the ICD-10 criteria for schizotypal personality disorder? god being smart is FUCKED. you know i dropped out of college because i just couldnt stop thinking? i showed this wojack to my jewish psychiatrist and asked "MEDICATION FOR THIS FEEL? BOOKS FOR THIS FEEL?", she just told me to keep taking my meds, heh, psychiatric establishment doesn't know the power of THINK. god I hate you faggots.

>> No.15530172

I’ve written 40 k words during the lockdown. I’ve had days where nothing comes out, so I just force myself to type. It is mostly rubbish but some days it works and the story advances.

>> No.15530206

Why a candle?

>> No.15530221

Digging a hole deep in the ground with no way back out top, only way out is to keep digging
Just avoid delusions that don’t fuel anything or that create messianic complexes

>> No.15530264


I have a very intense relationship with music. I'm pitch perfect and constantly have a piece of music playing in my head, like a radio. Throughout my life I have had trouble with this because it actually gets overpowering.
I also have a specific piece of music for ever memory - not the entire piece, just a refrain from it. The 'head radio' has been so ubiquitous in my development from childhood into adulthood that I cannot separate these refrains from their mnemonic origin. But it's not exactly that the music corresponds to an empirical set of events each time, but to my own transcendental expression of it. I have 'memories' linked to musical refrains that are half fictions.
Sorry for the blog post, just thought it was somewhat relevant to the"thinker" topic, as it's something I believe is symptomatic of my extreme introspection, taking the world in a way that is always reactive. Its only in recent years that I've managed to break down this rampant sentimentality through writing.

>> No.15530719

This. As a THINKER, most of my frustration came from the fact that I could never truly understand everything I knew. And even when I did understand something, I would get mad because I couldn't recall the entire fucking explanation for that thing instantly after hearing or reading it mentioned. The only thing that has helped me so far is more thinking. Just think until you've had enough.

>> No.15530936

It's making fun of them

>> No.15531052

Some of this fits. Only I'm 27...

>> No.15531156

not OP but it's simple enough to allow you to focus on mindfulness but dynamic enough to avoid boredom