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15527957 No.15527957 [Reply] [Original]

I heard a lot of stuff about Lord of The Flies recently. In Poland i never heard about it anywhere. It seems very interesting.
Your thoughts /lit/?

>> No.15527961

I really liked it when I read it. It’s a pretty essential 20th century British novel

>> No.15528036

Ita not that long IIRC. It's pretty good.

>> No.15528088


Despite the Lord of the Flies status as a literary classic I think it's overly cynical and unimaginative.
Only someone who 'understood the nazis, because deep down I'm just like them' (his words not mine) would assume that people would act like this, which, due do the standing of this novel is usually accepted as a given.

Overrated and needlessly cynical/10

>> No.15528638

It's good, you should read it.

I think cynical is about right, and it's kind of a book by a despairing schoolteacher who hates his students, but I think one of the reasons it's done so well is that certain scenes, e.g. from Simon's perspective do show a feeling for the weirdness of existence and even spiritual perspectives. It is, after all, sort of a book about boys engaged in a crucifixion.

>> No.15528702

>would assume that people would act like this
What planet are you on that you would assume otherwise?

>> No.15528720

I read it recently. You should read it if you are interested. It isn't the best book in the world but it's still interesting and wont hold you up that long.

>> No.15528732

uncreative. it's a negative interpretation on male society, for which there is a lot of potential, but that book just hardly does anything with it. just proves casual readers are more interested in novel topics than anything else. you'd be better off reading about the stanford prison experiment, or watch the movie it's pretty decent.

>> No.15528740

>you'd be better off reading about the stanford prison experiment, or watch the movie it's pretty decent.

what a horrible plebeian opinion

>> No.15528750

>Only someone who 'understood the nazis, because deep down I'm just like them' (his words not mine)
Do you really think you would have resisted Nazism if you grew up in Germany? The recognition that the potential for great evil lurks within all of us is absolutely necessary for thinkers, artists, and even moralists. If you feel otherwise, you should reflect on your own peculiar need to believe you (or others) can be pure, because you cannot.

Someone should post the British show where they let boys loose in a house with minimal supervision for a few days. It was uncanny how similar it was to Lord of the Flies.

>> No.15529196

Better: Nip the Bud, Shoot the Kids

>> No.15529217

Friend read it in high school; didn't get around to reading it until earlier this year 2decades later.

Was worth it. Was a well toldone story; I can still picture the boys, the island, and the events in my mind.

Can't say much more without spoiling.

Do it

>> No.15529218


Fuck off Jordan Peterson fanboy.
Golding didn't grow up in Germany. There's a difference between recognizing that if your culture is corrupt and violent than probably you will be corrupt and violent and being enamored with a malevolent regime for the sake of its malevolence.

>> No.15529803

It’s a deconstruction. Reading it before the original novels about boys surviving in the wilderness is like reading a parody before the original. Although I’d recommend reading those both before and after LoTF to wash off the taste.

>> No.15530802

it shows that he thinks the nature of man is to be savage and immoral while it is not.
Paul explained this 2000 years ago and people still are uneducated.

>> No.15531234

It's not the deepest symbolically but it's very well-written and the story is engaging while still providing some food for thought.

>> No.15531420

>would assume that people would act like this
read about the robbers cave experiment

>> No.15531988

>If you separate kids in two different groups and amp them up against each other they will start fighting
That's not a big revelation. I've discovered that myself in school where we had 2 separated parallel classes. That's not the same as a group of people who are put in a survival situation and forced to cooperate. Humans are programmed for these things. Natural hierarchy quickly emerges and everyone gets an urge to act conformal. Maybe somebody would try to act up and get beaten into submission (less likely to happen among white people), and then everything stays in order.

>> No.15532545

The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.15532757

Read Humankind by Rutger Bregman instead if you want a more realistic and less cynical painting of reality. Yes, there actually was a situation where a couple of guys got trapped on an island for months, and they didn't kill each other off, in fact, they are friends till this day.

Yes, the book is overly cynical.

>Do you really think you would have resisted Nazism if you grew up in Germany?

You are retarded, do you even know how many people left Germany because they thought Nazi'ism was getting out of hand? Not all Germans were Nazi's, and many Germans today aren't particularly proud of their history, you know that right?

>> No.15533145

>many Germans today aren't particularly proud of their history, you know that right?

I think state and eu propaganda shoved down their throats to feel guilty about it helps with the regretting part

>> No.15534356

You seem to be very off from reality. I bet you think that we're the ones that are off. Please get yourself informed on what particularly propaganda entails. I'm not sure whether the EU is capable of producing 'propaganda.' Have you ever thought about seeing this propaganda of yours as a narrative you simply don't agree with?

>> No.15535074

Skip it and read A High Wind in Jamaica instead.