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/lit/ - Literature

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15505872 No.15505872 [Reply] [Original]

Do you people even read?

>> No.15505887

I just finished a long book, I'm taking the week off.

Haven't gone out to buy a new stack because viruses and riots.

>> No.15505901
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My bookshelf is fucked so I'm having to put all my newly read books in a stack for now. Here's all the books I've read since I had to start doing this

>> No.15505905
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I mainly read ebooks and library books, so I have no idea.

>> No.15505915

idk what to read

>> No.15505928

amazing that people actually read books instead of just posting consoomer pics about them. don't they know this is lit?

>> No.15505930

well what sort of stuff have you liked in the past?

>> No.15505933

read Sleepers Awake by Kenneth Patchen

>> No.15505938
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You call those stacks? This is a stack

>> No.15506007
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OP again, thank god someone here reads
also quite good

>> No.15506050

>all those awful books

>> No.15507140
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I don't read physical.

>> No.15507243

>i ching
Based, I'd love to read it too. How's it? Have someone read it?

>> No.15507276

Congratulations on spending a shit ton of books you'll never grasp the meaning of, faggot

>> No.15507527
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Check it, /lit/.

>> No.15507577
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I have that edition of Moby Dick.

>> No.15507653


>> No.15507762

>Do you people even read?

>> No.15508220

russians, Thomas Mann, Musil, 19th century french writers. Nietzsche

>> No.15508237

She so cute :')

>> No.15508251

Why are you so angry

>> No.15508288
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>> No.15508308

ebooks are enough, my ego is fine

>> No.15508316

all that medieval lit/history made me coom in my pants
great stack anon

>> No.15508346

Those Shambhala publications look beautiful, how's the quality?
Might grab a few for myself.

>> No.15508355

Thanks anon I'm an MA student in Medieval studies currently

>> No.15508394
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here's muh stack, bros

>> No.15508553

Based leatherbounds. Mirin' that shelf, anon.

>> No.15508652
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uh fucking based

>> No.15509201
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>> No.15509218

>I Ching
bless you my nigga

>> No.15509704
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Saw this in another thread, definitely a good stack my dude

>> No.15509937
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Based enough.

>> No.15510014
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>> No.15510074

What’s in that von gothe book? May add that to my list
You tainted this stack by putting fight club in it. Otherwise not bad
Based Flann O’Brien

>> No.15510090
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I have shelves. I read books (maybe 1-3 at a time). Wtf are these stacks all about?

>> No.15510122

everyman library is pretty cheap.

>> No.15510194
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An anon in a previous stack thread commented on my Proust stack, give me some encouragement, and suggested I check out Eric Karpeles translation of Józef Czapski's Lost Time: Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp. I look it up online and found it absolutely intriguing, so I decided to go and order a hard copy.

So, thank you for the tip, anon.

>> No.15510212
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Can't write properly tonight, I guess.

>> No.15510261
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my cath stack. don't have high hopes for cath republic or decadent society, but i really enjoy reading bad books anyway, so that i can shit on them.

>> No.15510273
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>> No.15510380

why are your LOTR books that thick? Would like to know what's added or different from others since mine are much smaller. Based stack tho.

>> No.15510794

Your stack is baud and you should feel baud

>> No.15510818

Jealous he can't even afford Everyman's Library books

>> No.15511211

>What’s in that von gothe book
Don't know, I just wanted a hardcover replacement for my copy of Faust and Young Werther specifically (which are included), and it seemed the most economic edition of Goethe I could purchase considering no singular work of Goethe is particular easy to find or cheap in hardcover when it's by itself. Hell, even the Oxford edition of Faust (which comes printed as two parts for whatever reason) cost half as much as that Everyman's binding, and the Oxford is not just a shitty paperback binding, but also contains only 1/4 of the content of that Everyman's edition as well.

>> No.15511257

Which is really weird because especially in the case of the lengthier titles they're usually only like $5 more than a Penguin

>> No.15511289

you've posted this same stack in the last 8 stack threads. why don't you start reading them and stop posting them, bitch?

>> No.15511335
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Every day I feel baud

>> No.15511663

based Everychad poster

>> No.15511664
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Local church was clearing out their library

>> No.15511747
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>> No.15511753

Didn't mean to post it sideways RIP

>> No.15511760

That's not the same stack, you just don't pay attention. I've posted that one in maybe three threads, here included. I've been reading M&D the last two weeks.

>> No.15511770
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Not a stack, because I actually read my books, but i just got this in the mail today

>> No.15511791

I am a disgraceful phoneposter (lurker) as well. I’ve probably had over 30 unfinished threads open over the course of weeks at one point. You have to do what you have to do when an interesting topic reveals itself on a slow board.

>> No.15511812
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Have a Stephen Walt in my current stack too.

>> No.15511821
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Getting through The Poet and the King which hypes La Fontaine

>> No.15512737
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Working with these right now.

Fitness, sports/exercise psychology and martial arts books.

>> No.15513013
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>> No.15513221

it's an ancient divination manual, not a book to be read

>> No.15513352

That top shelf is pretty shitty my guy. Bottom shelf is negligibly better.

>> No.15513643

Do you?

>> No.15514996

Do the covers on these fall off? I always take them off my hardcovers because it gets annoying but everyman covers look /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.15515491

Mirin' that stack. You get a discount for those gems?

>> No.15516267

Good to see that you are actually reading some of the Tragedians mentioned, but some Aeschylus and Aristophanes would be necessary to get a sufficiently broad picture imho.

>> No.15516376

The pages are pretty small that might be it. I don't think there is that much extra in them apart, the index is quite long which could be why.

>> No.15516747

>Do the covers on these fall off
You mean the dust jackets? Uh, yeah, you're supposed to remove those while you read.

>> No.15516789

>zoomer discovers dust jackets

>> No.15516918
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>> No.15516959

I have the feeling people here simply really do not read. Always the same ~50 books discussed and shown here, in every thread, every day. Have none of you developed personal taste?

>> No.15516970

which one is yours?

>> No.15516988

I don't have a stackm

>> No.15517152
File: 1.56 MB, 1569x2092, 20200603_140009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I read

>> No.15517190

I want to read but all the books I want are out of stock (or have shipping estimates of >a month). I thought the plague was supposed to be fun.

>> No.15517234

stack? no, i use e-readers and piracy

>> No.15517243

fuckin BASED

>> No.15517252
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>> No.15517288

Thanks babe

>> No.15517370

Every time I come into threads like these, I get reminded that none of you faggots actually read.

>> No.15518232

Baser non-reader

>> No.15518239
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whatever helps you sleep at night, babydick

>> No.15518280
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Imagine unironically taking valuable time out of your short time on this earth to create an account on some shitty social media site to brag about the number of pages and books you read, to feel self validation and good about yourself, even though you probably understood about 10% of what you read, it will not fill the empty void in your soul, and no one on the entire planet gives even the slightest of shits that you read 17 books so far this year.

>> No.15518346

i've read roughly half that and i barely read at all. these aren't bragging numbers.

>> No.15518611

I tried to discuss war diaries of the XIX century once, it was a short-lived thread.

>> No.15518693

do you fucking pseuds realize how many books there are? a lot.

>> No.15518723

do you think the iconic cover of phenomenology of spirit played a part in making hegel so popular today?

>> No.15518794
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This just arrived in the mail. (Arktos)

Current read: The Passion of the Western Mind -Tarnas. (Ballantine)

Next read: Anthropomorphics: An Originary Grammar of the Centre - Bouvard. (Im,periumPress)

>> No.15518848

How is Starship Troopers anon? Wanted to check it out for a long time

>> No.15518887

The sound and the btfo

>> No.15518900

if everyone read different books how would we discuss them??

>> No.15519232
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>You call those stacks? This is a stack

>> No.15519242
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>> No.15519413

Based I have that same edition of Fathers and Sons. How’s that Onegin translation? I’ve been wanting to read it but don’t know which version to buy

>> No.15519739

Easily one of my favorite books ever. Not as "compelling" as the more venerable Russians but the story is more close to my own life so I greatly appreciated the narrative. Very warm and familial.
The onegin translation was nice. My first Russian prose translation so I can't say if it was good or not. I was able to understand easily and the flow was fantastic. Great story and the character building was insane

>> No.15519954

how do people hear about shit like this? i feel like it's only once in a blue moon i hear about these sorts of local fire sales. is there a good way to track these short of following literally every organization in town on facebook?

>> No.15519983

Libra whips and is probably my favorite DeLillo. Enjoy.

I keep putting off Book of the Long Sun. BOTNS was incredible, and I even enjoyed Urth of the New Sun, but just haven't brought myself to start Long Sun. I have heard it's a lot different, though.

oh ok cool

I was surprised by Fathers and Sons when I finally read it. Really smooth book. Enjoy.

>> No.15520002
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I've got a shit ton of random books of varying quality from my dead grandfather who was a hoarder, here's a few. I'm thinking about making my way through his collection without regard for quality

>> No.15520213

U add one or two books but it's mostly the same

>> No.15520439

Yes I do realize how many books there are. Want to try and read my post again? >>15516959

>> No.15520719

junkie mattress

>> No.15520792

Nice comfy stack, I have only read the of Imitation of Christ sadly.

>> No.15520907
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>he fell for it

>> No.15520910

that book is literally hitler


>> No.15520992

How is the Klages book? I liked the Biocentric Worldview but not sure how good a collection of random aphorisms will be.

>> No.15521074

Nice projection there, fag.

>> No.15521151
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>All that Baudrillard
>Especially The Agony of Power
We're reaching based levels never thought possible.

>> No.15521160

Those are some sexy volumes

>> No.15521200
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Joyce, Woolf or Proust

I can never keep to a stack, I'm currently reading Nietzsche and Gravity's Rainbow and will probably delay the stack for more of Freddy.

Should I read Buddenbrooks before Doktor Faustus even though I'm obsessed with classical music?

btw that Vintage edition of Don Quijote is the ugliest book I've ever seen (it was the cheapest Grossman translation)