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File: 43 KB, 331x500, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15496951 No.15496951 [Reply] [Original]

Leaf here who is trying to understand how thing got to this point in the US. I'm wondering what role the media has played. Would pic related be a good read/have relevant messages for today?

I can't help but think the divisiveness of US news outlets has fueled this, at least in part.

>> No.15496971
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This book contains truths that can be put to use against today's progressivism in the same way that Foucault and Baudrillard describe certain truths about power and society that can be deployed against bourgeoisie left-liberals. Chomsky was inspired by Lippmann, who got it quite right by recognizing that the "public" is a phantom concocted to justify the construction of their preferred narratives. Nobody breaking into Target right now gives a fuck about George Floyd, but his memory sure is a useful fiction.

>> No.15496991

read The International Jew by Henry Ford . he goes into good detail on the role played by the media

>> No.15497011

I think it is easy to overstate the role of the media because a lot of media analysis ignores the fact that most people don't read the news and don't give a shit even if they do. However, media can limit the scope of what is considered acceptable thought and thereby preclude people from even considering anything outside of the norm. That is the crux of Chomsky's point (and also the point in Capitalist Realism). It's not so much that the news brainwashes, but rather it narrows the range of acceptable thought. This happens even as the news becomes ostensibly more 'polarised'.

>> No.15497053

It's genetic. You cannot expect a group of people who are genetically more violent and have lower iq to adhere to the standards that are natural and acceptable for a non violent and high iq group of people.
The US goverment has tried with some success but sooner or later chimp out happens. They can only delay the inevitable.

>> No.15497057 [DELETED] 

He's literally the only political youtuber worth watching at the moment.

>> No.15497061
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Forgot pic

>> No.15497068

>genetically more violent and have lower iq
Sounds like rightwingers.

>> No.15497082
File: 20 KB, 860x517, 1534510138709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snarky online leftists no longer talk about IQ, having learned it is better to avoid the topic. but since you didn't get your programming update, you may be interested to know that the average IQ of a dindu-american is 85. do you have some data showing right-wingers to be lower than that?

>> No.15497092

No. It's niggers.
There are many low iq and violent individual whites and even smaller groups of whites who are like that, but as whole we are less violent and have higher iq than niggers.

>> No.15497099

>I'm wondering what role the media has played.
Everybody has a video camera and social media now.

>> No.15497107


We should remove them and give their own society desu. To protect eveyone

>> No.15497114


>> No.15497142

It's science, if you don't want to accept the facts then that is your choice.

>> No.15497147

>It's not so much that the news brainwashes, but rather it narrows the range of acceptable thought
Case in point:

>> No.15497163
File: 62 KB, 1200x507, Nassim Nicholas Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snarky online leftists no longer talk about IQ, having learned it is better to avoid the topic.

>> No.15497166

I accept the facts and not leftist or right propaganda

>> No.15497203

>you an imbecile

>> No.15497720

I think it's important to understand that this isn't just about George Floyd just like WWI wasn't just about Franz Ferdinand. They were just the unlucky souls whose death lit the fuse on decades of accumulating explosives.

>> No.15497728

No it's a bastardization of science to forward a poltiical agenda. Admittedly both sides are doing this. Read Latour for the basics.

>> No.15497802
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No thanks, tranny

>> No.15497816

the fuck do BLM even want? To run their own communities? there are black cities in the US run by black people. Baltimore, Jackson, Detroit, etc.

>> No.15497884

desu i think the us should just cede a few states as black only. multicultural states are possible but not in the us b/c its history. nothing is ever going to satiate the black community's demand for justice because the people who actually did the things they're mad about (for the most part) are long dead. people want to apply the identity principle and use a sacrifice like reparations, but on an instinctual level people recognize this as false and it wont fix the problem.
what's really fascinating about us politics at the moment is that capital is now opposed to reactionary cultural values, a first. for the past century or so opposition to capitalism and opposition to racism/sexism etc were fairly identical in the west, and now they're essentially opposed to each other.

>> No.15497995

As an Ashkenazi jew I can safely say that whites and blacks should both be slave races. IQ progression is not linear and whites are much, much closer to blacks than they are to us. Subhuman whites need to realise that, for all practical purposes, they're intellectually indistinguishable from blacks but they're massively inferior physically. Both groups need to accept their subservient role in future societies.

>> No.15498013

And yet Jews want to live in white societies instead of alone. Not buying it Chaim, when a people is superior they dont want to be around their inferiors. Besides Ashkenazi in the US are all breeding with goyim, especially your women.

>> No.15498415

the media absolutely plays a huge rule because the concept of the news itself is necessarily a professionally produced abstraction. it worked for a long time in the CBS news postwar era but TV is in full implosion and since legacy media has fully embraced the clickbait model they're frantically punching the outrage button for decreasing returns. like how pornography grows more graphic and extreme by the year to continue selling

>> No.15498426

the media creates its own meme ecosystem, though. you don't even have to directly consume it to have information transmitted to you, as evidenced by the fact that you recognize quotes from films you have never actually seen. even if poeple don't directly watch the news the mental environment is still being polluted by it, just like how you don't have to live next to the factory to have to deal with the runoff

>> No.15498434

wouldn't work because they'd complain they got the bad states no matter what states they got

>> No.15498738

Very self serving book. Don't read chomsky

>> No.15498762
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>> No.15498966

Yes, it's a relevant read. And once you finish it, read Necessary Illusions. You'll never look at the corporate media the same way again.

>> No.15499721

wow so poetic, bet u really pat urself on the back after that one

"they were just the unlucky souls whose death lit the fuse on decades of accumulating explosives"

were just***
unlucky souls***
whose death lit the fuse on***


i hate everything about that wordy, faux-deep line

>> No.15500286
File: 617 KB, 722x772, 1534683908607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't help but think the divisiveness of US news outlets has fueled this, at least in part.
they are actually united, and intentionally display divisiveness. the goal seems to be chaos.

>> No.15500312

its just orcs being orcs. what is there to understand.

>> No.15500337
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, Howard Beale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the twelfth largest company in the world controls the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on that network?! So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players.
>They're in the boredom-killing business! They'll tell you anything you wanna hear. They lie like hell. They'll tell you any shit you want to hear. They deal in illusions, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know! You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here! You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal! You do whatever the tube tells you, you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube!
>This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion! So turn off your television sets! Turn them off now! Turn them off right now! Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I am speaking to you now! Turn them off!

Watch Network

>> No.15500350


Clinton's 1997 Telecommunications Act monopolized the media. Those journalists who are just now admitting to themselves that they're falling into "thought patterns" are walking, talking apostles of monopolies. They are monopolized thinking personified. Fucking hacks.

If we're judging by style, I hate how much you sound like a stereotypical teenage girl. I mean I have my moments, but that's too much.

>> No.15500718

this is a pretty good picture but I'd recommend reading in more or less chronological order. I research propaganda and misinformation and have thus read most of the literature in the area. Almost everything cites Lippmann's Propaganda quite a lot.

>> No.15501002

This book does not explain the role of media. It simply proves that all media are biased and act according to a specific narrative.
If you need some explanation watch this.

>> No.15501026

IQ is fake science

>> No.15501043

fuck yaaas, i love lord of the rings!!!!

>> No.15501120

Top tier brainlet