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15479973 No.15479973 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some anti-fascist writers?

>> No.15479978

Robert Musil

>> No.15479985

ernest hemingway
nothing of value

>> No.15479992

if big digits communist revolution worldwide by 2022

>> No.15480001

Just about any leftist writer especially after ww2. Why would you need a thread for this

>> No.15480011

Thomas Bernhard

>> No.15480025


>> No.15480223
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Ben Burgis
Kyle Kulinski
Krystal Ball
Noam Chomsky
Hassan Piker
Richard Wolff
Michael Brooks
Sam Seder
Chapo Trap House

>> No.15480256

George Orwell’s entire oeuvre

>> No.15480273

Cesare Pavese

>> No.15480304


>entire oeuvre

How can one be on lit and not read?

>> No.15480439

As well as most a good deal before WWII, he's just looking for "anti-fascist" in the modern sense, as in "rejects palingenetic ultranationalism". Hence why the OP picture is a pamphlet from a literal who, as opposed to anything of any actual literary merit. Anon wants his opinions confirmed, not anything approaching the truth, or even a nuanced take on antifascism the likes of which proper philosophers provide.
>he thinks /lit/ reads
Sh-should we tell him?

>> No.15480463

The OP image is just a troll calm down

>> No.15480481

Buttercunts diary desoo

>> No.15480600
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>subversive literature
I wouldn't know

>> No.15480674
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Ioseb Besarionis Jughashvili

>> No.15480817

Gene Sharpe

>> No.15480825

Lmao so close keep dreaming

>> No.15481096

what does it truly mean to be an anti fascist anyway? genuinely asking

>> No.15481137

we don't really know, depends on the corporate sponsored guidelines of the time

>> No.15481142

Back in the 20s-40s, opposition to fascist governments and movements.
Today, militant opposition to the far-right.

>> No.15481151


>> No.15481152

Being against fascism, hate speech, far right movements. Its not really an organized thing other than random twitter posts about wanting to meet up at protests or whatever

>> No.15481160

They're opposed to the moderate right but not with anywhere near the same intensity.

>> No.15481178

Croce if you want quality.
I can't think of another good political philosopher that went on numerous rants on fascism and made it one of his main points.
I'm obviously not counting any mandatory demonization of the war enemy or loser past 1939.

>> No.15481286
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>Not organized
>Mega Corp sponsored
Example 1 = hate speech

>> No.15481292

They are the isis of the western world. Extremely organized behind the slobbering retards who make up the ranks.

>> No.15481313

>Extremely delusional

>> No.15481325

I have never met or seen anyone who was anti-fa which I considered a good or deep thinker. Everything about them is superficial.

>> No.15481339

In Canada they straight up assault old ladies for attending neocon rallies.

>> No.15481950

Antifa is an invention of far right

>> No.15481995

Why are Canadians so based?

>> No.15482009

it's actually hilarious that they think they're a spontaneous grassroots organization. The naivety is unreal

>> No.15482019

No one takes you seriously because your sources are always some schizo conspiracy theories website

>> No.15482032

Have you really not noticed that the cops let you run around pretending to be rebels? You are like boy scouts volunteering to help state repression

>> No.15482037

Ah made up anecdotes okay tard

>> No.15482046

consider for a second why even the thought of being branded racist fucking terrifies you, while you're perfectly content to publicly larp as antifa. You're a lapdog for liberals

>> No.15482063

Ah personal attacks. It must suck being an incurable brainlet

>> No.15482087

isn't almost everyone anti-fascist?

>> No.15482138

You would think

>> No.15482179

"Fascism" today is used by the left to describe the set of political beliefs it's justifiable to use violent force against in peacetime. It's a rather broad and relatively amorphous term.

>> No.15482357

If you liked Bray's book you might also be interested in Against the Fascist Creep by Alexander Reid Ross

>> No.15482364


>> No.15482373

>didn't describe what the left thinks fascism is and only used descriptive terms of relativity to others

Cope you fucking bootlicker

>> No.15482406

Said without exception by people who will repeat literally anything they are told to by progressives

>> No.15482434


>> No.15482442

Antifa retards are too stupid to both write and read.

>> No.15482444

Threadly reminder Marx was a German Nationalist who would've have supported Hitler against Stalin

>> No.15482450


>> No.15482508

I'm saying that "fascism" doesn't have a fixed meaning to the left and that its practical use is exclusively relative to others.

>> No.15482515
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>Who are some anti-fascist writers?
Elders of Zion.

>> No.15482599

He wasn't

>> No.15482696
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>tfw you realize national bolshevism was a completely real and viable philosophy and the natural conclusion of strong marxism


>> No.15482698
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Color me surprised, oh wait

>> No.15482867
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Trips confirm

>> No.15482938

Fascism is a system of governance that, instead of having a traditional state, puts the leading sources of authority in a society (party leadership, corporate monopolies, military/police organizations, etc) simultaneously colluding and competing with each other for full control of said society. Far from being a sort of streamlined authoritative leviathan, fascism is a discombobulated behemoth of a few power hungry actors.

>> No.15482970

Fascism can’t really have a fixed meaning to anyone, as every “fascist state” you can think of had very different attitudes toward governance, economics, social attitudes, etc. Saying fascism is the overlaps in these societies (racial supremacy, propaganda that aims and and ultimately alienates the lower middle class) is a lazy and inaccurate definition of fascism.

>> No.15483026

>the overlaps in these societies (racial supremacy, propaganda that aims and and ultimately alienates the lower middle class

This is a strange list, I would pick
>dictatorial authority, including over private enterprise
>construction of national identity that transcends while retaining class
>cultural emphasis on values like strength, beauty, fertility, etc. (as opposed to eg. liberty, equality)
>philosophical view of the nation as a sort of holistic organism: revolution incorporating traditional forms; all the parts uniting under the leader, etc.

>> No.15483057
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>leadership and elitism

>> No.15483080

>socialist societies have nevertheless endorsed the authority of the collective body
That's one way to put it lol

>> No.15483139

>ctrl+f Umberto Eco
>0 results

Umberto Eco.

>> No.15483153

Orwell wrote a piece about people like you who use fascism to describe everything

>> No.15483411

Fascism just means anyone who is critical of immigration, nationalist and/or socially conservative if used by the left or anyone who isn't libertarian, if used by libertarians.
Even if you actually subscribe to the Doctrine of Fascism, which is fairly agreeable honestly, you shouldn't be assaulted or censored though.

>> No.15483454

Roberto Bolano

>> No.15484040

Dope. I'd read a book or a blog by you anon

>> No.15484076

so the roman empire was fascist?

>> No.15484465

Well, the far right does certainly fetishize Rome a lot. And Mussolini, the first "modern" fascist explicitly said his goal was to revive Rome.

>> No.15484496


>> No.15484574

>you shouldn't be assaulted or censored though.
You shouldn’t, but you will. Totalitarian states always do

>> No.15485363

You're not engaging his points retard. Why do you think you're allowed to do all this, while the other side isn't?

>> No.15485369


>> No.15485376

Everyone who is to the right of far-left is considered a nazi by the loonies, you can just call anyone you dislike a nazi and be done with it.

>> No.15485503

I'm gettin sick of these middle-class losers pretendin they're gonna somehow represent the workin class despite bein useful idiots for the class their parents invariable belong to. They adopt these politics because they think it makes em approachable and act surprised when decent common folk don't fancy puttin up with their patronisin student bullshit.

>> No.15485587


>> No.15485699

He was though. He and Engels loved the Ottoman Empire and supported Disraeli against Russia.

>> No.15485752
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>his points

>> No.15485785
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'Fascism' is leveled against people with two key opinions, one that immigratiom should reduce, and two that global trade should reduce. Antifa are obviously just corporate stooges who are also kept idle by harassing racist celebrities.

>> No.15485822
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"w-w-why do you hate jews? :("
"m-m-made up ancedotes there's no sources for this!!!"

>> No.15485836
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>color me surprised

>> No.15485866

Yes, not in a militant sense but almost everyone is against fascism nowadays.

>> No.15486530

You're the first person to bring up jews in this thread you obsessed fuck

>> No.15487063

There is none because anti-fascist thought can't be called literature.
The word you're looking for is drivel

>> No.15487634

Ceausescu got murdered for coming to that conclusion. The CIA admitted to it

>> No.15487743

Read Gentile

>> No.15487788

Don't call me that, kike.