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/lit/ - Literature

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15432639 No.15432639 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ I wanna read some erotic books, good ones, not Fifty shades of grey shit.
What are your recommendations? I really like Marquis de Sade but wanna expand on other erotic lectures.

>> No.15432671


I think Bocage wrote a lot of things like these. I'm not sure if any of it was ever translated into English.

>> No.15432708

read the fucking sticky

Recommended Literature

>> No.15432709


>> No.15432781

thanks, I'll go check it

Maybe he's translated into spanish, thanks!

gonna check it, thanks!

>> No.15432796
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only women read this.

>> No.15432875

Pierre Louÿs

>> No.15432881

Beardsley, Under the Hill

>> No.15432887

>Seeding Snow: A Fertile Retelling of Snow White (Fantasy Breeding Erotica)


>> No.15432939


Yes, I never imagined this was a thing.


There are men who read this kind of thing, at least according to amazon reviews.

>> No.15433192

If you liked Sade read Apollinaire’s "Les Onze Mille Verges"

>> No.15433260
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Corruption of Champions blows everything else out of the water. It's not even a contest.

>> No.15433404


thanks my /lit/izens

holy shit what the fuck is this

>> No.15433454

kys pedo degenerate

>> No.15433478

Not a pedo nor a degenerate, your body is beautiful, anon, don't supress it

>> No.15433490

begun reading delta of venus by anais nin. i had read miller so i was expecting something along those lines...

but the first chapter was literally about a hungarian guy raping his daughters, and then shoving his cock in his stepson's mouth, so take that as you will

last chapter i finished was about a schoolboy getting gangraped by his classmates in the forest....

i honestly dont know how this book was legal desu

>> No.15433498

You're fapping to some sociopathic garbage involving child rape, torture, shit, piss. Yes, you're definitely a degenerate

>> No.15433502

Damn, sounds brutal, I'll dig into it, I got a long list from other anons here

>> No.15433516

I'm interested in sex and all it's forms, don't be mad a people for enjoying things you can't or you're not allowed to enjoy, anon

>> No.15433518

>your brain on porn

>> No.15433525

Not a big fan of porn, that's why I read. Porn is really far from real sex.

>> No.15433822

Also if you like sadian stuff you should read Gabrielle Wittkop’s "The Necrophiliac" and "La Marchande d’enfants" if you read French and are into paedophilia.

>> No.15433847
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>> No.15434076

Luisa Josefina Hernández - Mis Tiendas y Mis Toldos (My Tents and My Awnings)

>> No.15434213

¿De veras su novela es erótica? No la he leído, pero qué casualidad, estudio actuación y estamos montando un par de obras de los Grandes Muertos.

>> No.15434218

Story of the Eye by Bataille
Or anything by Bataille for that matter

>> No.15434219

Sex for recreational purposes is bad.

>> No.15434230

Why do you think that, anon?

>> No.15434233

Based and breederpilled.

>> No.15434240

You deserve to be executed publicly in order to serve as a warning to others.

>> No.15434241

This is my kink.

>> No.15434257

So I can't be interested in sex and shouldn't read about it? Why?

>> No.15434325

I'll get into it, thanks anon

Seems to be pretty common, ever seen those "BUILD, FUCK, IMPREGNATE" ads?

>> No.15434452
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>> No.15434460
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>> No.15434473
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>> No.15435203

Maybe you would like Henry Miller?

>> No.15435584

I would not say it's an erotic novel, but it definitely delivers in that aspect.

Which plays from Los Grandes Muertos (The Great Dead) are you gonna do? I'm very fond to the first three, but recently I discovered the greatness of Capítulo Aparte (Chapter Aside), Los Dos Mundos (The Two Worlds) and La Naturaleza (The Nature). And of course, De Lealtades y Traiciones (Of Loyalties and Betrayals) is incredible.

>> No.15435611
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It's more of a sex memoir than an erotic novel, but it is great fun

>> No.15435659
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Good books with erotic violence?

>> No.15435727

Capítulo aparte y el Demonio Chino :^)

>> No.15435844


Ichi, the killer. It is a manga, great work, but it is disgusting on so many different levels. I literally felt nauseous on various parts of it. The main thing about it is that the violence feels very real compared to other fictional works where it has some glamour and feels a bit hygienic to be real. Anyway, worth reading if you are up to, definitely triggering to some people, so read it alone and far from other people.

>> No.15435872


Nvm, anon. Disregard my recommendation. This one has mainly the violence thing into it, no eroticism or anything.

>> No.15435886

It's too late for you to understand. Get under the guillotine.

>> No.15435903

ok sure, but let me have a little girl before

>> No.15435916

Story of the Eye, fag.

>> No.15437511

is that a vaginer