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/lit/ - Literature

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15426488 No.15426488 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sally /ourgirl/?

>> No.15426612

would ejaculate inside and never contact again

>> No.15427137

she's no one's girl that's why she writes shitty jaded love stories with two dimensional characters that masquerade as deep profound meditations on millenial disillusionment on love and relationships and people lap it up as genre defining as though she has anything remotely new or interesting to say

>> No.15427279


>> No.15427292

Normal People is just a femcel power fantasy and is nothing ground breaking

>> No.15427295

doesn't exist

>> No.15427298

Women are vile. They have poison juices inside of them. Stay pure anon. Don’t let them corrupt you with their vile juices.

>> No.15427408

I buy her books just to jerk off into

Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.15427492

two very well structured and thought out responses, I doff my cap to you

>> No.15428988


B-b-but she's wearing a leather jacket only cool people wear leather jackets that's what cool people do.

>> No.15429006
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>femcels don't exist
They do. Google Alicia Day
She's in her 30s, NEET, constantly whining about no guy wanting her, and she spends her days harassing girls on reddit if they mention a boyfriend ("takens" as she calls them)

>> No.15429013

>that masquerade as deep profound meditations on millennial disillusionment on love and relationships
Nobody has been saying that, least of all Sally herself. Where do you get that from?

>> No.15429025

I borrow her books out of the library just to jerk off into.
You should probably do the same, save you some money.

>> No.15429043

she could easily get a bf lol she's not even that ugly
maybe if she spent less time bitching on reddit and more time at the gym she'd be rolling in cocks

>> No.15429062
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>> No.15429069

I think she's a femcel due to severe mental issues
Don't stick your dick in crazy

>> No.15429397

the girl in her book is such a clear self-insert lmao. literally just her fuck-a-chad fantasy book

>> No.15429445

god, I want to have a night of carnal pleasure with her so fucking bad

>> No.15429596

>boring middle class millennial with nothing to say yet obsessed by her little world who self-insert themselves in the already dull affairs
Sounds like the typical /lit/ novel indeed. Though on the other hand, she can write more authentic sex scenes.

>> No.15429620

The board would be better if you didn't contribute, thanks.

>> No.15429628

fake and gay

>> No.15429639

>Don't stick your dick in crazy
Words to live by, but there are guys out there who would fuck her regardless. There really isn't such a thing as a femcel.

>> No.15429640
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I'll stick to reading aristocratic women who lived before the 19th ce.

>> No.15429675

Just like there would be prostitutes to fuck any incel? But when you point out they bitch about a real relationship when someone cares for them ... which isn't going to happen. Just like with the other cray lady because these sort of people are hard to tolerate, alone like.

>> No.15429684

i don’t know why this term is even used, involuntary celibate means you literally cannot have sex, not that you want to have sex with the most attractive women/men.

you are so repulsive in looks or you have physical features (too short, ugly, micropenis) that limit you from a women wanting to have sex with you

>> No.15429703

Most incels are not really incels
They're just ugly scrotes aiming for 9/10 minimum, and would turn down any willing 5/10 women or their lookmatch

>> No.15429770

Betrachte diesen Peperich als gestohlen.

>> No.15429878
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i really think she gives good bjs and she will be gratful to get cummed in her mouth

>> No.15430461

Most incels are obsessed with getting their looksmatch (how one can determine what your looksmatch even is, I don't know)

>> No.15430486

The absolute measurement is a perfect 10 on either side, which equals one Brad Pitt or one Angelina Jolie. You go down the scale from there. (The fact that they are divorced indicates the theory that there has to be one partner who dates up and the other one who settles.)

>> No.15430591

There is a difference. There are many men who would fuck these women willingly, while the incel has to enter a monetary exchange to get some, so its not about the physical him but his money.

>> No.15430849
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>Angelina Jolie

>> No.15430864

>You go down the scale from there
The scale seems totally arbitrary. What differentiates a 9 from an 8?

>> No.15430873

Why do japs sit weird?

>> No.15430878

Isn't she a communist? I thought you people hated them