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/lit/ - Literature

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15420790 No.15420790 [Reply] [Original]

i dont think ive properly sat down and read a book since i was 14
help a smooth brain brother out with some reccs to start reading again
>last i read was pic related
>soiboi leftist

>> No.15420812

Read the Overstory. Especially if you're a bit of a soiboi.

>> No.15420819
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Ya don't say. Maybe skip the reading and kys.

>> No.15420821

How can you have political convictions without reading? It's not like you actually know anything.

>> No.15420837
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i just think whatever chapo tells me to

>> No.15420843

Start with Edith Hamilton's Mythology.
>easy enough for a child to read
>put together with obvious deep affection for the source material by a competent individual who wanted to represent things as accurately as she could
>provides a broad overview of the core myths and tales that underpin Western Literature as a whole

It is a beautiful, light read. You get an accurate translation, combined with her commentary on the stories' evolution and her own thoughts.

You need not go any further into the Greeks immediately. That book alone will deepen your appreciation of anything you read that came from the Western tradition after. Of course continuing on with the Greeks will improve that, but it is not strictly necessary.

>> No.15420863
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guess what i found
ty anon ill read it next morning