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/lit/ - Literature

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15419729 No.15419729 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I have a class essay on Shakespeare's Henry V or VI next week. I will have to choose to write on either one and there will be 4 questions to choose from. I have no idea where to start. Professor says that two essay questions will heavily invovle knowledge of the characters but I can't focus and hardly did the readings for this. How do I not fail? I will have 2 hours to write a 5 paragraph essay with a strong thesis statement. Please help.

>> No.15419786

I got you covered my dude, a couple bullitt points:
>Shakespeare lived to 158
>His pet was a great big blue ox, and they both went around the countryside planting apple trees
>Shakespeare is the reason that they had to close the waterslide at Disney World
>Also, he wrote a bunch of plays

That help?

>> No.15419797

>next week
>can read the plays AND several books on the plays three times over
>still wants to half-ass it

Fuck's sake, OP.

>> No.15419829

It's not that honestly, I can't focus. I genuinely can't anymore. I'm too exhausted and stressed out. I used to be able to read for hours on end and now I can barely sit still for 20 minutes. My English classes are online now and go for 3 hours long and I can't even pay attention. I don't want to half ass it but there is absolutely no way I can read the volume of material on time. I need to do good. Not excellent, not terrible but I'll take a B I don't give a shit at this point. Shakespeare is one of the requirements I have left. Shoot me.

>> No.15419848

same thing happened to me, I was spending too much time online and it had absolutely shredded my attention span.

>> No.15419855

Same thing happened to me desu. I dunno OP sparknotes it maybe. Can you ask for prof for extra time?

>> No.15419903

Sounds like you might have an actual problem. Considered seeing a doctor? Maybe it's thyroid shit or some other spooky crap.

Try doing 15 minutes of non-sectarian transcendental meditation once or twice a day. Unironic recommendation. Look up Benson's relaxation method, or acem. After a month of this most people report significant results.

>> No.15419911

>_< fucking zoomers

>> No.15419913

Thank you I will

>> No.15419943

Give us a break man who do you think our parents are? It's not our fault

>> No.15419984

Just watch the movie version.

>> No.15420010

Watching shakespeare productions always triggers my autism because they always fucking cut line. That's why I only watch the comedies and short plays

>> No.15420157


My spear is shaking...

>> No.15420181

lol I'd give you nudes but it's a blueboard

>> No.15420205

it's a guy, isn't it

>> No.15420212
File: 2.13 MB, 1936x2592, 1448782154811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dude lol

>> No.15420318

Lay off the porn and fapping

>> No.15420597

5 Paragraphs? Holy shit

>> No.15420599
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>Lay off the porn and fapping

You know that isn't a problem for almost everybody, right?

>> No.15420609

Go for a 5-10 min jog or get some ADD medication, you'll have no excuses then.

>> No.15421492

not bad feets. would cum on them.

>> No.15421817


>> No.15421850

This is the opposite of the truth.
>“You saw the terrible and disgusting tollhouses of fornication; know that it is a rare soul that passes them freely: the whole world is immersed in the evil of temptations and filth, almost all people are lovers of pleasure. The thought of the heart of man is evil from his youth (Genesis 8:21); few become dead to their carnal lusts and few pass through these tollhouses. Most of those who come here perish. The authorities of the tollhouses of fornication boast that they alone, more than all the other tollhouses, fill the fiery kinship in hell.”

>> No.15422062

Do the reading, read critics that analysed said work, start planning out on the structure and whatever and then get to writing it.

>> No.15422066

Of course not, people are only using porn for scapegoating purposes to ignore bigger and more important problems in their lives. It's also a good gateway drug for buying into all the /pol/-incel drivel.