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File: 73 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15391433 No.15391433 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of him? Is he worth reading? Is he the ultimate midwit?

>> No.15392430

that's a pass for me

>> No.15392897


commie piece of shit

>> No.15392914

No. Falsificationism is retarded

>> No.15392924

i remember the black swan thing from HS but that's about it lmoa

>> No.15392931

You should read him if only because of the immense influence he had on modern scientific methodology.

>> No.15392966

Hardly any philosophers of science are falsificationists anymore

>> No.15392989

Peirce minus about three standard deviations in intelligence, curiosity and imagination.

>> No.15392990

Midwit personified

>> No.15393001

You'll find that falsificationism's most hardened supporters are scientists who haven't read him (or any other philosopher of science for that matter)

>> No.15393014

Huh? Don't marxists seethe at him

>> No.15393031

Falsificationism is one of the most objected-to claims in 20th century philosophy, and for good reason. But, it is important for understanding 20th century philosophy of science.

He also made several technical contributions to foundations of probability theory but probably too niche.

Dont know about his political stuff at all.

Bottom line: probably not worth reading

>> No.15393049

But scientists are.

>> No.15393061

Physics (in Germany) here, Kuhn and Popper are obligatory reading in our program

>> No.15393093

Marxists hate him because he proved Marxism isn't scientific.

>> No.15393132
File: 607 KB, 1232x848, Voegelin contra Popper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he the ultimate midwit?
Nothing half so impressive. There is zero reason to read Popper, pic related.

>> No.15393141

I mean he and Kuhn basically founded philosophy of science so that's understandable but I imagine it won't be for anything but Historical reasons

>> No.15393158

Jesus, you can see the envy exhuding from that letter.

>> No.15393164

I love reading this kind of shit, what a trouncing.

>> No.15393230

>he use words wrong!
>he not understand, m-muh context
>respect muh ancient philosodaddies of eternal wisdom!
pure butthurt, typical /lit/fag pseud.

>> No.15393442

Typical pseudo intellectual reaction when close pressed by questions of real rigor. Popper is a pseud's pseud.

>> No.15393515

>one of the founders of neoliberal thought

nah, not a leftist. Ipso facto a midwit, because of the whole neoliberalism thing being a boomer meme thing.

>> No.15393535

I say this as a scientist, most of the scientists havnt a clue about philosophy.

>> No.15393543

What rigour? That letter has anything but rigour. You sure that's the text you meant to post?

>> No.15393571

Lmao if you knew popper at all you’d know how sweet and ironic it is to see someone else rip him like this. Great post >>15393132

>> No.15393575

Idiot, flail away.

>> No.15393595

Many scientists would probably tell you that science works BOTH by induction AND falsification if you asked them. In practice scientist just use the theories that seem 'most probable'.

>> No.15393599

>Voegelin is known for often inventing terms or using old ones in new ways.
What a hypocrite.

>> No.15393609

At the end of the day, Voegelin is a nobody that wrote an angry incoherent letter. Popper is one of the few philosophers actually revered by scientists worldwide.

>> No.15393628

philosophy of science is pointless

>> No.15393634

Wish more people read his All Life is Problem Solving and Logic of Scientific Discovery.

>> No.15393662

I.e. scientists don't really need to read philosophy of science to do their job. Bayesian reasoning is probably the best model/justification for how science works/should work

>> No.15393690

>appeal to authority
Because what's popular is an indicator of quality, right? It's a fallacy if we accept your premises, but guess what, no-one sane grants even that. Popper isn't revered, Voegelin is well known (maybe not by pseuds like yourself), and most scientists are idiots. Have a good day, you fucking retard. Lmao, the best part is your own 'argumentation' so manifestly demonstrates your total lack, defend away your imagined stake, your flailing is gratifying in its own way.

>> No.15393702

Scientists aren't the population at large. At least find the right fallacy next time you try to make an argument.

>> No.15393712

>most scientists are idiots
t. seething pseud that failed math in high school and thinks reading Hegel nonsense makes him smart

>> No.15393720

You're confusing appeal to authority with appeal to majority dumbass.

>> No.15393726

im about a few chapters into the Open Society and Its Enemies, shit is pretty cash.

>> No.15393737

>Because what's popular is an indicator of quality, right? It's a fallacy if we accept your premises
I am only referring to this part. (Yes, what's revered among scientists is very likely an indicator of quality when it comes to science itself.)

>> No.15393747

>2 Popper threads up
What bizzaro lit is this where people give a shit about this idiot? He's the equivalent of Russel in misunderstanding philosophy.

>> No.15393755

>resort to pedantry in lieu of argument
>still fuck up anyway
lmao the absolute state of popperfags

>> No.15393759
File: 382 KB, 487x608, picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pol bait I think. Someone posted this comic a few weeks back and it's been like this since.

>> No.15393776

also i unironically started reading it to get a better handle on george soros and desu I find myself agreeing with karl a lot, and ergo the OSF

>> No.15393778

I didn't bother reading his greentext, assuming he was quoting me. It's also not an appeal to authority because that's only a fallacy when you appeal to authority on a matter that doesn't concern the authority. Appealing to scientists when it comes to science isn't a fallacy.

>> No.15393800

Based Popper destroying both Marxists and Nazis. No wonder he gets so much hate on 4chan which is nothing but a bunch of virgin basement dwellers clinging to extremist ideologies.

>> No.15393853

Yeah, he critiqued Marx and that makes for seethe.

>> No.15393859

>anyone who preaches tolerance should be persecuted
>except me though

>> No.15393898


>> No.15393931


>> No.15394246

Based Popper indeed, he refutes himself.

>> No.15395266

You see it in all the seething posts on this thread, grinding their teeth in Popper's direction.

Falsificationism confirmed!

>> No.15395592

Not worth reading at all. Any "philosopher" who defends the neoliberal democratic status quo are doing apologetics and can't be called philosophers.