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15376679 No.15376679 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book?

>> No.15377011


>> No.15377015

gay and retarded

>> No.15377035


>> No.15377064
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I like some ideas in the book, but it's kind of gay overall. I used to be a Eurasianist but now I'm just an Asian futurist

>> No.15377103

It is a very cool cover

>> No.15377107


>> No.15377110

i dunno, i think this is maybe the closest thing to a grand unifying theory of political philosophy that exists for the present context, which sucks because it's kind of superficial.
it makes me wish america wasn't so fake and gay and would chill the fuck out because i have a stake in the future of america that is at odds with eurasianism. i have some sympathy for his ideas and hope some kind of cultural and economic re-imagining occurs in america that diverts us away from the coming international catastrophes but at this point i think everyone in power just accepts the inexorability of this leviathan and will see it through to its end.

>> No.15377122
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>Asian futurist
Where you been, buddy? The future is National-Bolshevism with Neo-Agrarian characteristics.

>> No.15377141
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checked and keked

>> No.15377151

Farming sucks, agrarianism is a cope

>> No.15377162

I'll post in this thread too

Russian speakers if you can help me.
I don't speak at a high enough level to correctly translate, but I was listening to Dugin's music.

Listening to the first song, it sounds like he's worshipping the demon Astaroth? At least from what I can make out of the lyrics, I can't find lyrics on the internet


>> No.15377163

before reading about the fourth political theory, make sure you understand the first three properly

the fifth and sixth are where things get really interesting

>> No.15377214
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>> No.15377234
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they keep deleting my comment

>> No.15377238

I prefer the fifth political theory

>> No.15378066

Extremely based

>> No.15378070

Cringe and written by literal fags

>> No.15378702

I really like the third political theory.

>> No.15378712

Nazi crap

>> No.15378892


>> No.15378947
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>Nazi crap

>> No.15378955

Well that died in 1945

>> No.15378972

Nazism was the shittest

>> No.15378977

Dugin would agree with you

>> No.15379016

It's just Russian imperialism with extra steps.

>> No.15379023


>> No.15379104
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Pretty hard to argue otherwise because of a small event known as the Second World War.

>> No.15379168
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>>Nazi crap

>> No.15379176
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>> No.15379191
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>> No.15379243

hasn't read it

fake and gay


>> No.15379249
File: 58 KB, 474x671, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions daddy fetishes without anyone saying anything similar
A slip perhaps?

>> No.15379302

Anon I believe was simply stating that fat fascism is pathological homosexual daddy issues

>> No.15379380
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I wouldn't say daddy issues but definitely homosexual.

>> No.15379381
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my nigga

>> No.15379424

Take it from someone who's read way too much political theory. There is no point in reading any. Dugin puts out some alright points. But none of it matters because it will never achieve in doing what it conceived as doing. The political system as it exists right now is the same as it existed in every country on earth since the dawn of politics. The only factor that changes ever so slightly is the levels of authority. You will never change the world. You are a rat and your only purpose in life is to be fucked with by people who are given more authority than you. No person you ever vote for will follow up on their promises, and neither would you if you ran. People will continue to write laws that aren't followed, arrest people that haven't broken any laws, pass bills they haven't read, etc. because no one really gives a shit by the time they get anywhere that matters.

>> No.15379460

It's the power dynamic and attraction to strong father figures who promise to put and end to degeneracy. The whole thing is very convoluted and insane.

>> No.15379479

bucket crab nigger

>> No.15379718
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Fucking based.