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15376533 No.15376533 [Reply] [Original]

>those passages about the reality of sexual relationships and how your place in the hierarchy was determined when you were just a teenager
hahahaha, good thing it's just a book, right? I mean, it's fiction, no?

>> No.15376537

>thinking bitter old men speak truth
In virtue of what? Being bitter and old?

>> No.15376546

The meme says that older men are more experienced and hence wiser. A lot of memes are true.

>> No.15376894


This author predicted the Islamization of Europe and Incel culture. One day he will be studied in every school.

>> No.15376903

I once skim read a book of his poetry in a bookshop and chanced upon a poem about watching love scenes in films with one line that said, something along the line of, "love is impossible." The sheer cynicism of it and the fear it might be true, caused me to have a mini panic attack right there in the bookshop.

>> No.15376924

Eh, you climb up the hierarchy as you get older just by keeping yourself in shape while everyone else turns into a dough boy.

>> No.15376925

>u no get sexy time when 16 you go cray cray
Cringe. Why are French philosophers always retarded and addicted to sex? Camus is the only exception (to being retarded) i can think of

>> No.15376930

You sound like a real sharp mind yourself.

>> No.15376950

Thanks retard. When you avoid reading garbage written by french pedophiles the mind does indeed sharpen.

>> No.15376966

blue pill me on houellebecq

>> No.15376988

everything in your life is decided by the amount of pussy you got in high school

>> No.15377022

This viewpoint does not hold if you look at the real world: plenty of chads who peaked in high school and became depressed losers in their 20s, and plenty of late bloomers who were virgins in high school but blossomed in college.

I suppose high school experiences only matter if you think that the pussy of 15 year olds is better than the pussy of 25 year olds, i.e. if you're a pedophile.

>> No.15377029

If islamization really takes place then I don't think so

>> No.15377034

>Let me cite some outliers, hehe chad can be loser too!!!
and yes, 15 year old pussy is better than 25 year old roastie beef flaps. you fucking ameritard.

>> No.15377070

If you’re attracted to 15 year olds you’re a hephebophile not a peephole

>> No.15377121

They're not obsessed with sex. France had brought love to the Nth degree of sophistication and ease. Houellebecq chooses to analyze decadence from this perspective because it provides a strong commentary on his culture.

>> No.15377125

I said blue pill me.

>> No.15377145
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the rape-pill
"Consent" is just the matrix. You have to transcend consent, to see that it's just a set of self-referential rules that rely on ignorance for their existence. But disregard consent and a world of possibilities will open.

>> No.15377216

>But disregard consent and a world of possibilities will open.
Like spending the rest of your life in prison?

>> No.15377222

Only if you're black and/or poor

>> No.15377232

based elite rapist, can you invite me to one of your loli islands?

>> No.15377255

You deserve any pain or misery you get if you care. Drop out of the game entirely, it's a shit game.

>> No.15377262

I would like to have a ticket too please.

>> No.15377267

“Officer I was just trying to transcend the confining matrix of our society! I don’t see what I was doing wrong!”

>> No.15377268

We'll contact you

>> No.15377272

When you're rich they let you do it. They let you do anything.

>> No.15377286

This is your brain on lolifag

>> No.15377287

>When you're rich they let you do it. They let you do anything.
Naah man, I think they're just trying REALLY HARD to expand the definition of rape.

>> No.15377291

Even rich white people go to prison for rape e.g. Weinstein.
If you're filthy rich, why not just get a prostitute?

>> No.15377296

And I highly doubt if you’re posting here you’re part of that rich elite, so I’d simmer down

>> No.15377301

this is pol bait

>> No.15377302

>implying Weinstein was part of the elite loli island groups
he just groped a couple of washed up hollywood roasties, he was never truly elite.

>> No.15377309

>rich white people...e.g. Weinstein
The /pol/tard spergout shall commence

>> No.15377335
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replying that something is bait is you taking the bait

>> No.15377340
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>and how your place in the hierarchy was determined when you were just a teenager

>> No.15377344

>posts outliers
>you can totally be like Napoleon broo!!

>> No.15377348

Might as well try? What do you have to lose, if you’re already convinced you’re a loser?

>> No.15377349

You sound like a bitch.

>> No.15377350
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Cope elsewhere

>> No.15377351

shut up

>> No.15377356

you hate me because I'm beautiful my nigga

>> No.15377358 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 850x1159, Onii-chan, what are we going to do on the bed?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis are pre-pubescent, 15 year olds are post-pubescent

>> No.15377363

post face then

>> No.15377368
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>> No.15377370

what this anon said

even if you try and become even a quarter as good as old nappy, you will have broken well beyond the level you were supposed to be in the heirarchy

>> No.15377374

I hope that's not you.

>> No.15377378

damn, location? maybe a dick pic?

>> No.15377382

>By the author of Atomised
Isn't Atomised more recent than Whatever? Is Atomised that much more well-known?

>> No.15377386

Supposed to be determined by what? Society? Nature? I reject both and embrace memes as the DNA of the soul

>> No.15377393

determined by what OP said

>> No.15377397

You're just so ignorant about philosophy that you think French philosophy is limited Sartre, Camus and Beauvoir. Come back when you're read some Bachelard, Alain, Weil, Pascal, Descartes, Brunschvig, Gilson, Boutang, Malebranche and Montesquieu.

>> No.15377438

you made half of those up, didn't you?

>> No.15377506

Whatever in its time of publication was not a commercial success at all, whereas Atomised very much was so. Also, when people talk of Houellebecq Atomised is usually the book people know and have read if they are at all interested in contemporary literature

>> No.15377530

where do i start with this guy?

>> No.15377588

>>those passages about the reality of sexual relationships and how your place in the hierarchy was determined when you were just a teenager
Do Houellebecq even lift?

>> No.15377590

It's more that your formative years - the relationships you have with family members, close friends, and perhaps first significant lovers... defines how you relate to people in general. I grew up in a dysfunctional family full of danger and criticism, my best friends all split up after elementary school, and my first relationships were all emotionally crushing if not sexually humiliating - they sting me to this day. That's why I'm here with you motherfuckers.

Some people have ups and downs, some people get a good run for most or all of their lives, and some don't have much of a chance to bloom, and become too fearful to put themselves out there in full awkwardness after a life filled with rejection. The point is though... formative years are a stronger influence on your life than any other years. You can't undo trauma without years of focused effort and investment into yourself to make yourself into an appealing mate (fix teeth, learn to dress and groom and socialise, become more fit and athletic, become wealthy or powerful). The silver lining for men is that they have a bigger window than women to grow in this way.

>> No.15377776

What cope lmfao, grow up and stop moping

>> No.15377784

>fix teeth, learn to dress and groom and socialise, become more fit and athletic, become wealthy or powerful).
i've done all that besides fix teeth and become wealthy
i get laid now but i cant sustain a long term gf because the girls can tell something is off with me. last girl i dated i told her how shitty and abusive my childhood was but she ended up dumping me 2 weeks later
oh well i gotta keep going hopefully by my 30s i get a gf

>> No.15377793

I wonder what Houellebecq's next book will be about. I'm hoping it is something connected with AI, artificial wombs, and the sex robot revolution.

>> No.15377880

You either didn't read my post completely (where I say that it's difficult but possible to change) or you don't appreciate how damaging it is for people to have abusive and neglectful families. If you look into criminality, addiction, and early health problems you would find that trauma (adverse childhood experiences, chronic traumatic stress placed on children without the skills or experience to cope) is a massive factor far and above more emotionally charged variables like race that people love to focus on. And there is absolutely no question that beyond the teens and 20s, it becomes harder to change how your brain works. So I think it's fair for Houellebecq to talk up the importance of adolescent socialization.

>> No.15377892

You fell for the "be open talk about your feelings blah blah toxic masculinity" trap.

>> No.15377964

>He thinks Weinstein went to prison and isn't currently on an Island with Epstein and the Clintons

>> No.15377977

Kill me, Pete

>> No.15377985

i know i did. but isnt it sad that one can't open up to a partner?

>> No.15377989
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Why do amerifats call attraction to anything under the age of consent of the state they happen to live in "pedophilia"? Try reading what the term means first

>> No.15378007

You might as well ask if it’s sad that you can’t grow wings and fly

>> No.15379045

What do you mean by “hierarchy?”

>> No.15379108

It doesn't matter because free will doesn't exist and the universe is balanced. The only thing you can do is wait your turn whether it be in this life or the next. People who don't have sex usually ascend faster spiritually, so when the sexually fulfilled die they wake up in a primitive world... when the sexually unfulfilled die, they wake up in a highly evolved world - generally.

>> No.15379138

This world and materialism are a test, and the ones who passes become spiritual beings. The ones who fail become animals.

>> No.15379153

Sociosexual hierarchy. Essentially, how women view you compared to other men.

>> No.15379319

There's nothing wrong with demonstrating your vulnerablity to a woman, it just depends on the context. Cry like a child in front of her while you talk about your childhood and you look pathetic. Pull a mournful, stoic expression while saying that you had a rough childhood but you don't want to get into it? You still look masculine. If a relationship develops into something more long-term then you can express deep emotion more easily without fear of your partner thinking you're pathetic or weak. It's socially permitted for men to cry if a close relative (or a dog) dies. Hell, you probably shouldn't be shy about letting your partner know that you're grieving or they'll think you're a psychopath.

>> No.15379352


>> No.15379368
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Based. We're gonna make it to the next plane fren

>> No.15379464

>predicted the Islamization of Europe
what? Houellebecq wrote this shit in the 90s, by that time Islamization was in full swing already
>Incel culture
that on the other hand is pretty impressive

>> No.15380774

It's okay if you're gay, anon.

>> No.15380857
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Being a man today and thinking you're going to have normal "relationships" with women is like being a serf in the middle ages and thinking you can have "upward mobility" if you become an "entrepreneur."

It's sort of true, in the barest possible sense, but there are so many sociological and psychological factors working against you that it's basically totally random. Even if you do everything right, everything you can possibly do on your end, it's still overwhelmingly likely that you will simply be crushed at the bottom of the shitheap.

No one is saying that business acumen is bad. But there's a difference between trying to be a self-made entrepreneur as a boomer, when jobs and financial opportunities grow on trees and you can get a loan by asking, and trying to be a self-made entrepreneur in an Aztec village that is regularly harvested for slaves to sacrifice to the blood god. You probably aren't going to make it if you roll "Aztec village" at character creation Quest, bro. We are living in the Aztec village scenario of pussy. The pussy game ridiculous.

Adjust your hopes accordingly. Do your best, enjoy the scenery, eat a yam. But accept that you will probably not be the Rockefeller of the Nahuatl, and you will probably not have a qt wife during the age of mass degeneration of marriage and monogamy, and the rise of the simp economy. You will probably not date an "art hoe" who looks up to you like you're "Chad" from the internet memes.

You are to dating prospects in 2020 as an ancient Chinese slave working on the Great Wall is to the prospect of unionization and workers' rights. Even if you ARE one of the Wat Tylers or Ciompi revolts of history, remember, they still got crushed. It's a lot easier to be born a noble or a mandarin than it is to really rise from the bottom to the top. And the first thing that people at the top want to convince you of, in any context and any era, is how easy it is to rise to the top "if you just try a little harder," you pathetic lazy incel.

>> No.15380978


>> No.15380987

This is just so, so much bullshit. No one should be worrying or thinking this hard about this stupid bullshit.

Just stop. :3

>> No.15381023

High school years won't necessarily determine what are you gonna do with your life, stop this faggotry. Believing this is just pathetic cope. There are plenty of women who don't use dating apps, and those that are there looking for actual relationships are not worthy of you. As there are men who despise extreme hedonism, there are also women with a general mindset.
If you want to be with a girl who shares similar interests, you'll have to surround yourself with circles of people with said similar interests.
Lookism is cringe. "Women only want Chad", yes, and ugly dudes want Staceys, if you only can desire those with beautiful bodies but nothing on the inside, then you don't deserve a partner who will appreciate you for who you are rather than how you look.

>> No.15381069

This author is the epitome of /r9k/ and that's a really, really cringe thing.

>> No.15381210

Ok simp

>> No.15381239

and you actually spent time reading a book saying something that infantile and deranged?

>> No.15381358

Women are naturally defensive when it comes to sex and relationships as a byproduct of natural selection. This is true for the females of most mammals outside of certain canine species. It takes a hell of a lot of strength of character to handle a partner's emotional baggage. It isn't your fault you have problems.
If it makes you feel any better, I think free will, consciousness, and time are illusions and that the universe is an outward ripple of cause and effect that has a singular and immutable trajectory.

>> No.15381372

The only person who saw your imaginary friend was you, anon. 'Pole' you said his name was? I'm sure he feels real to you but I promise he isn't.

Notice the tone contrast- This is why men are stuck. Even after acknowledging that they didn't get there by themselves or under their own power, acknowledging it as trauma, people are still content to lay full fault and blame upon the person affected and consign them to fix it alone through stoic grit. As though that has ever been a successful treatment for any kind of trauma! As though men are born knowing how to be men, as though children are born equipped to raise themselves! Or that any creature could be born knowing how to navigate the insane marxist hellscape. That's the level of contortion people are willing to reach to support washing their hands of a generation of deliberately abandoned, tormented and shackled boys.
Yet even this post gets responses like >>15377776 for so much as suggesting that manchildren don't just spontaneously get that way in a vacuum because they're shitty people who deserve to suffer.

>And the first thing that people at the top want to convince you of, in any context and any era, is how easy it is to rise to the top "if you just try a little harder," you pathetic lazy incel.
in fewer words

>> No.15381543

Only pedophiles unironically use the term "hephebophile"

>> No.15381553

>If it makes you feel any better, I think free will, consciousness, and time are illusions and that the universe is an outward ripple of cause and effect that has a singular and immutable trajectory.
nigger how the fuck is that meant to make anyone feel better

>> No.15381608

It absolves us of any responsibility and justifies all ideas equally. It lifts all burdens of conscience, meaning, purpose and morality.

>> No.15381631

My entire life in the romantic and sexual department has just been constant sexual and romantic rejection ever since I went through puberty
When I was younger girls were actually somewhat liked me, although I know not to what extent, certainly they were more aggressive, I had girls who actually flirted with me openly, as a young boy I was far too bashful however (it sounds stupid but maybe someone or something taught me to be shy when i should have been taught to be aggressive, it felt wrong to desire someone sexually at that age) and by the time I had developed a stronger sexual inclination as a young man it was too late and I was too far gone. I wonder what changed in women...maybe it was I who changed...

>> No.15382459

>raunchy sex in every chapter


>> No.15382503

You're just pretending nihilistic sociopathy is deep.
You have all those burdens whether you choose to accept them or not. You'll find out on your own terms when you try to explain you don't have a burden of morality after raping or killing someone, because people like you only understand force. Assuming you're not an edgy teen roleplaying, which isn't a safe bet.

>> No.15382513

Only people who think 17.9 is the same as 7-9 are opposed to the distinction.

>> No.15382525

post tits

>> No.15382554


Care to explain how that makes any sense.

>> No.15382563

Great post.

>> No.15382652

I agree with the general pessimism involved with the black pill perspective. I was a KHV until I was 28 so I sympathize greatly with the movement. (I am a mentalcel - volcel)

That said I am always struck by the sheer lack of maturity and overt emotion in many black pill posts. Whenever I want to defend the usually factual assertions presented by blackpillers, the sheer hysteria and melodrama of their posts make me take a step back. Plenty of black pill posts are written by grown men but reading them you think its teenage girl angst.

It's rather disturbing because I do think the black pill is right for the most part, but the energy projected is so I want to say feminine but its almost shrill if you can say that.

Does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.15382661

most of what the community encompasses is cringe
life ain't fair, girls maybe don't like your ugly face or your lack of confidence
it's okay to notice this, but to make it the foundation of your Identity? pathetic

>> No.15382761

Describing the inevitable lack of mental health associated with social isolation and emotional deprivation as some kind of ploy for attention or, well to be honest I don't fully understand what you're accusing them of because it's part nonsense and I don't follow people into woo-woo land.

Being cut off from the world makes you unwell. If you are socially successful it's easy to fail perspective and see it as a choice. It's also easy to invert this and say "you're cut off from the world because you're unwell" and place the blame on the smallest unit. But this is just a coping mechanism, a way of convincing yourself other people's suffering and loneliness has nothing to do with you. You say "life ain't fair" in a condescending tone but you, yourself, openly cling to the false belief that people get what they deserve, the apex fallacy that always follows failures of perspective.

When you say "it's okay to notice this, but (not) to make it the foundation of your Identity" you mean, "less fortunate people graciously have my permission to suffer, as long as I never have to see or hear about it." What an absurd and worthless attitude to have towards other people.

>> No.15382835

fucking this

>> No.15382845
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based post, will follow you when the time comes incel hitler

>> No.15382846

idk man, I'm a 21 year old virgin. I can bitch about a lot of things but in the end, I can't change society at large, and that means I can't change female's general mindset.
plus, social Darwinism isn't that accurate in my general experience.
maybe in the first world people are as alienated as all of you are posting here.
when I say that life ain't fair I want to refer to love life, of course we want love, but it isn't something you "deserve", it's something you can look for, sure, but it isn't someone else's problem.
personally, I don't know if I'll find love, maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I'm not going to blame wHaMeN for it.

>> No.15382855

Not that guy, but what's wrong with "blaming" society for the state of society? I not only care about what I can get from my society, I care what my suffering implicitly suggests others are suffering too. Everyone should have a fulfilling life. There's no necessary default state of any given society where people are atomized and miserable. We have a duty to fix things.

I don't blame women in some meaningless sense of pointing a finger at them and crying about it. I blame in the sense that they and their current behaviors are implicated in all sorts of horrible things that need to change. In the end this will help women as well, since they won't be whore-parasites anymore and can become true equals and citizens.

>> No.15382879

Not the point of the book at all, or of any of his books.

>> No.15382903

this guy is christian, right?

>> No.15382920

No, he's an atheist but sympathizes with Christianity. He says in interviews that he wishes he would be able to believe in God.

>> No.15382954 [DELETED] 


>> No.15382964

/r9k/ can get way bleaker than him.
Michel can still cry and has a gf.

>> No.15383030

This is my fundamental problem. Almost nothing can be said to this group of individuals where the response isn't an emotional "You are not me, you can't understand my pain!"

Everything that doesn't validate their life experience is a cope.

Everything you say to them that is life affirming is taken as condescension.

You say "life is suffering and there is virtue in striving" and you get "Yeah you would say that chad, you're not ugly."

The pleading for the specialiness or the uniqueness of their pain highlights the fact that the movement is set afloat by emotion rather than supposed High IQ reasoning.

It's a failure of perspective unless you completely agree with their at times childish outlook on the word.

The expectation of social welfare and happiness. The depressive mewling for validation, can't be challenged. To suggest accepting and embracing the struggle that is life, is to look down upon them from Ivory towers. To suggest that much of life's desires are illusions is absurd and "mean"

The irony is the failed perspective is the one encapsulated in believing you cannot be understood by common sense. That your thought process hasn't been analyzed and found to a Nietzschen sort of sickness that deludes the sick from seeing beyond his base needs.

>> No.15383073

I mean its true, was virgin until 25 and currently a tall and fit 31yo volcel with PhD. The awkwardness and shitty self image from childhood and college truly wont go away ever tho. The self doubt is there throughout.

You just didn't remember to mention that everyone worth something is already taken for years at 30. They have families now. The women left are being kicked off the CC, fantasizing about starting a family instantly and generally come with more emotional baggage than you. You will also realize that ten years ago when these bitches were in their prime, they would not have even looked at you. They are not even into you, rather your miserable ass is pretty much only thing that is left, and they are in panic mode about finding someone with a decent job before ovaries totally dry up and their looks totally hit the wall. Most horrible dates I have ever had are with women past 30, they cannot even feign that everything is well and there is no bitterness for 2 hours on a sunny weekend eating good food.

>> No.15383075

This is pasta now, I'll be reposting it.

>> No.15383083

You should just meet younger girls. Seems you have internalized the 'muh pedo' or 'muh predatory age gap' nonsense. You shouldn't lock yourself out of what are rationally and statistically the best marriages.

>> No.15383102

Nah, I have not internalized that nonsense, I just have trouble meeting girl 5-10 years younger than me.

>> No.15383256

Fair enough but you should consider the options for that around you. The girls themselves won't give you trouble, only (perhaps) 'society'.
Don't be a coomer though and only consider sleeping with those that have a decent chance of being your wife. Otherwise you're just creating more roasties for the poor zoomers following.

>> No.15383546

based post friend

>> No.15383579

>You can't undo trauma without years of focused effort and investment into yourself to make yourself into an appealing mate (fix teeth, learn to dress and groom and socialise, become more fit and athletic, become wealthy or powerful)

You make this sound hard but truth be told it is simply that most men are weak willed and unwilling to work on themselves, so they instead stew in resentment. They will blame other people for not having taught them the skills they needed to "be a man" and perhaps there is some truth in this, but shifting responsibility does nothing to contribute to change.

>> No.15383701

Obviously manchildren and mentalcels are not created in a vacuum, but when you become an adult you have to take your own responisbility in life.
This doesn't mean that you have to magically fix your life the second you turn 18, but it does mean there should at least be an upward trend.
I myself have a marxist mother who had her head so far up her ass that when I was beaten up by muslims unprovoked, her first reaction was that they must have a tough life. It's OK to bitch about this, because it really fucked me up and showed me just how little value my life has to others. But it's not OK to use it as an excuse to never grow-up.

>> No.15383793

Never paid attention to Houellebecq until recently but he has really caught my interest, what's his best book to start with?

>> No.15383808

Unironically the best take on god.

>> No.15383829

I'd say chronoogically makes sense, as far as his novels ago. He keeps expanding/ exploring reoccurring themes.

>> No.15383923

Yeah I remember reading the bible hoping it was going to be profound and evidence-filled as the tradcaths on the board say it is. Unfortunately while it is a very worthwhile read I ultimately can't see it as anything more than a book of myths.

>> No.15383956

I don't disagree. You need to take responsibility for where you are at before anything can get better, otherwise you give away all your power to change to those people who never helped you, and they aren't coming to rescue you or make it right.

Disagree strongly that it's an easy process, even when you get past blame and resentment. I also think it's absolutely critical to understand what happened to you, but from the perspective of what you allowed to happen to you (and why).

You don't instantly change, and that's my point- those formative experiences do put you on a trajectory in life as Houellebecq is suggesting. It does take a lot of consistent energy to change that trajectory. If you started with lots of good experiences and good relationships, it's likely that you will recognize and understand approximately how to effectively seek out more good things. If you started with bad experiences and bad relationships, it messes up your ability to trust and connect with other people, and get your needs met. More bad things are coming your way. To fix the finer aspects of (sometimes basic) social skills takes a lot of work, it's so fundamental and subtle. But it can be learned. Entire books have been written on it, and there are plenty of people to practice on.

>> No.15383965

holy based

>> No.15383972

I'm the guy who originally said that and yeah you're right, i'm not saying life will be rosy for an adult virgin, just that you're pretty much guaranteed to get laid eventually because of how fast most men hit the wall because they drink alcohol and don't work out.
As for the bitter 30+ year old sows, they're for fucking and nothing more, only date younger women seriously.

>> No.15384315

viagra isn't just for old people

>> No.15384485 [DELETED] 

yeah just wash ur penis

>> No.15384608

You should wash your pussy as well. Lesbians don't like pussies filled with smegma that is why you are not going to get a gf.

>> No.15384626

Also why you deleted your posts? Every time I mention where you live you act like coward. Tries to insult me, and yet you still delete your own posts.

>> No.15384690

>In the end this will help women as well, since they won't be whore-parasites anymore and can become true equals and citizens.
Sounds like a raw deal

>> No.15384747

it's a particularly French dexterity that lets you write essays on philosophy why jerking off

>> No.15385123

this would be as valid to dismiss anyone who has been bullied or discriminated against and is in an emotional ditch, including trannies, gays or blacks

>> No.15385243

>this would be as valid to dismiss
That's where you are wrong. It's not a dismissal. Its a diagnosis.

>including trannies, gays or blacks
Kek take a survey of the average black person and ask them if they believe they share the same shelf space as trannies and gays

>> No.15385248

Love doesn't care about social boundaries.

>> No.15385287

A woman's love certainly does.

>> No.15385370

Post flaps roastie

>> No.15385508

sometimes a man who's experienced nothing but failure can only preach the mindset of failure

>> No.15385738

christian athiests are athiests looking to justify their misogyny
Talking to women in their early 20s is a really bizarre experience when you're in your 30s. Even if you're jacked into internet culture what your interests can still be wildly unrelated, so much more so than the normal alienation from people in your age range. People in their 20s look like children, I have a hard time telling the difference between high schoolers and middle schoolers. I haven't dated in a decade though, all of my interactions with younger women have been from work, events and my wife's friends & family.

>> No.15386113

>christian athiests are athiests looking to justify their misogyny
A stupid take like that requires a butterfly tripcode

>> No.15386209

most good coaches are actually pretty mediocre talents themselves

>> No.15386230

13cm isn't really small, though.

I-is it?

>> No.15386268
File: 190 KB, 1280x1112, I know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a dicklet senpai. I'm sorry. But you are in good company.

>> No.15387204 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1124x1190, k2964lbhji6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenagehood is an essential phase for someone's psychological development. If you miss out on these experiences which shape your personality and give you a early taste of what reality feels like, if you're unable to fit in your high school community, you will barely manage to make you way through real life. People will treat you with indifference at best, and with contempt at worst, nobody will ever bother to find good qualities within you because to their eyes you will be an empty husk devoid of character, and the lack of social interaction will at last turn you in an emotionally stunted adult with no hope of redemption in life.

You can already observe the difference between you and normal people in your early teenage years, everything from making friends to hitting on girls comes easy to them, you're basically witnessing them coasting carelessly through life, then your friends (if you at least befriended someone) will start attending the parties in which you shamelessly sit in a corner hoping to get another tedious social event behind you, they will subsequently engage in conversations with the members of a different social sphere, find a partner to live with, and in the end they will leave you to rot like shit stuck on the street.

Then you will realize you never had any hopes from the beginning and that your petty social life was a miserable farce that was destined to end in a heart-rending fantasy. At that point your existence becomes a dreary nightmare from which you seek to hopelessly escape, you will constantly try to distract yourself with books, music, or pointless shitposting on imageboards, only to let your heart be shattered once you will be forced to face the drab vacuum that represents your social life.

Turns out life is like a race where if you fail to run as soon as you're thrown into a school, you're never gonna catch up with the other kids no matter how hard you'll try to keep your head above water.

>> No.15387240
File: 166 KB, 1124x1190, k2964lbhji6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenagehood is an essential phase for someone's psychological development. If you miss out on these experiences which shape your personality and give you a early taste of what reality feels like, if you're unable to fit in your high school community, you will barely manage to make your way through real life. People will treat you with indifference at best, and with contempt at worst, nobody will ever bother to find good qualities within you because to their eyes you will be an empty husk devoid of character, and the lack of social interaction will at last turn you in an emotionally stunted adult with no hope of redemption in life.

You can already observe the difference between you and normal people in your early teenage years, everything from making friends to hitting on girls comes easy to them, you're basically witnessing them coasting carelessly through life, then your friends (if you at least befriended someone) will start attending the parties in which you shamelessly sit in a corner hoping to get another tedious social event behind you, they will subsequently engage in conversations with the members of a different social sphere, find a partner to live with, and in the end they will leave you to rot like shit stuck on the street.

Then you will realize you never had any hopes from the beginning and that your petty social life was a miserable farce that was destined to end in a heart-rending tragedy. At that point your existence becomes a dreary nightmare from which you seek to hopelessly escape, you will constantly try to distract yourself with books, music, and attempt to fill the void with countless hours of vapid shitposting on imageboards, only to let your heart be shattered over and over as you break out of your simulation and face the drab vacuum which represents your social life and experiences.

Turns out life is like a race where if you fail to run as soon as you come in touch with people, you're never gonna catch up with the other kids no matter how hard you'll try to keep your head above water.

>> No.15387252

damn.... I thought you were just an annoying tripfag...

>> No.15387281

Do what I do and confidently explain Hegel to girls over dinner.

>> No.15387293
File: 216 KB, 640x793, black pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blackpill

>> No.15387331

We live in the second worst possible world, the first one being eternal torture.

>> No.15387452

Where do you guys get off acting like the perceived normal "social" teenages in high school have been fast tracked to being successful functioning adults? There are people out there with kids who haven't matured much past the age of 17.

>> No.15388453

these are extremely rare. Unless you are a monk, nun, priest, or Isaac Newton, you are probably just a coping incel. I think an outside institution is required to truly become volcel. A vow of celibacy (or chastity if you are speaking strictly about sex) must be taken with an institution to give legitimacy to your so called "volcel" status.

>> No.15388539
File: 249 KB, 534x833, Dating-Coach-Playbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual relationships and how your place in the hierarchy was determined when you were just a teenager
Read Houellebecq in college. He's a doomer and psychic vampire. Just self-published a modern "pua" book that negates Houellebecq ways of thinking.

>> No.15388708

If you were a fat mentalcel (anxiety/self esteem issues) who becomes red or black pilled or religious before losing weight and or working out some of your issues, you will very easily find yourself in volcel status.

>> No.15388843

>what? Houellebecq wrote this shit in the 90s, by that time Islamization was in full swing already
not so much as now. In 1990 Europe was about 4% muslim, I think now it's almost 10%. And it's higher in places like France/Britain/Germany. What happens in Submission would have been unthinkable in the 90s but now seems pretty reasonable

>> No.15389141

Cogito, ergo sum.

>> No.15389229

I found that my Tinder matches increased by a factor of ten or so after I spent time in the Peace Corps. When I got out, all my recent photos were of me doing Peace Corps shit; evidently that increased my desirability a lot.

>> No.15389245

I was a virgin in high school but got laid in uni. This is empirically false.

>> No.15390492

Not really. Women date up. A volcel is someone who doesn't want to settle for a 2/10 hambeast. If that's a cope so be it.

>> No.15390502

>what? Houellebecq wrote this shit in the 90s, by that time Islamization was in full swing already
you have to realize most people on this site had their """political awakening""" during gamergate and genuinely believe bad stuff in the world only started happening when TBBT aired

>> No.15390516


shut up boomer

>> No.15390549

>just stop having empathy bro

>> No.15390551


>> No.15390920

I don't care about most of your post, I just wanted to say I really appreciate the phrase "Rockefeller of the Nahuatl."

>> No.15390975

>High school years won't necessarily determine what are you gonna do with your life

You're right; it's pretty much decided by the time you enroll in elementary school. HS is just the first time the differences between the incels and the non-incels really become obvious due to the highly sexualized nature of teens

>> No.15390997

Okay pedo

>> No.15391012

>If that's a cope so be it.
yes it is. what you have just described is a coping incel. Someone who cannot attract their looksmatch is an incel. There is no voluntary aspect to any of that.

>> No.15391038

You guys shouldn’t put your self worth on getting a relationship or getting sex. It sounds like you have a lot of personal issues steaming from it. I’d suggest improving yourself before worrying about getting into relationships with women.

>> No.15391048

How did you manage to find this board while having such half-baked, basic bitch takes?

>> No.15391085
File: 104 KB, 892x819, modern_dating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's even worse than that. Most guys will get laid, but at this point it will be in their late twenties or early thirties after having tolerated this bullshit for a fucking lifetime, gone through their whole youth without ever feeling the simple and mundane joy of daily love and desire and courtship and even all the bullshit associated with these things (like almost every young woman will get to experience nowadays, but increasingly fewer men will). Most of these men will get women in their late 20s or also cresting 30, bored of dating, bored of "excitement," looking for a place to "settle," looking for something to sink their fucking claws into.

Not only will they get the horrible experience of a marriage all the life has been bled from, they'll get it at an accelerated pace, from a woman who looks at them as the runner-up and consolation prize, next to all the exciting out-of-her-league men she casually dated for years (but could never get to settle down with her). Worse, it'll be their first relationship, so they'll go through all the embarrassing puppy love shit, they'll actually love the woman despite her being barely-there emotionally. And this will only make the woman resent and despise them more, because this kind of adulation already disgusted her in her 20s and now it's coming from the man she has to tolerate on a daily basis because he pays her bills. These are the women who casually joke with other women at their workplace that they no longer fuck their husbands, or only fuck as an obligation. And many of these perfectly good men are going to be marrying INTO this, to start, and they're going to confuse it for a full and healthy relationship.

I wish I could save more men from this. So many guys, guys who would have gotten at least a half-decent love life and marriage if they had been born in former generations, are going to get this sad mockery of love and relationships. Relationships aren't even good, but everyone deserves to KNOW they're not good. Everyone deserves to hit 30 and be jaded and ready to focus on themselves. We shouldn't be living in a world where a minority of men are ultra-jaded from 10+ years of consequence-free sex with college- and early career-aged frivolous tart women, and where women look at their 20s as a formless haze of partying and socializing because they know someone will still eat their leftovers at the end.

I don't like when the wicked aren't punished for their wickedness. These whores are being rewarded. And what's the outcome going to be? Women got suffrage and endless encouragement to achieve, and they spent several generations turning themselves into the ultimate infantilized sluts. The day is coming when some reform-minded zoomer gets political power and slams the door so hard on feminism that it will never be opened again. And women, having just spent a century burning themselves out on the most irresponsible and self-destructive hedonism possible, will welcome it anyway.

>> No.15391138

> Wisdom is basic bitch
Smh, it's over for zoomercels

>> No.15391142

>pussy game ridiculous
in much fewer words

>> No.15391146

>I don't like when the wicked aren't punished for their wickedness.
You just explained how they are being punished in your post. Ah you want people to be aware of their self sabotage but if they were self aware, none of this would be happening.

>> No.15391207

I remember realizing in high school that women got less attractive as time went on and that my last chance to fuck girls in their prime without being what you call a “pedophile” was before I graduated high school. So I fucked 6 or 7 girls, any one that I wanted. I was right then, continued to fuck whoever I wanted in college but there were fewer. By my mid-20s it’s clear that girls over even 20 are used and tired looking and that I did the right thing. I’m not attracted to high schoolers at all— I’m not really attracted to anyone anymore, but anyone can see that everything on a woman’s body decreases rapidly after 19 or 20. 16 is the peak.

>> No.15391226

You realize promiscuity and hard living ages women quicker right? The rare wholesome with full body adult look peaks in her early 20s. Many girls at 16 still carry baby fat.

>> No.15391245

BACCALAUREUS: This is youth’s noblest profession! The world was nothing before my creation: I drew the Sun out of the sea: [6795] The Moon began her changeful course with me: The daylight decked my path to greet me, The Earth flowered, grew green, to meet me. At my command, in primal night, The stars in splendour swam to sight. [6800] Who, but I, loosed from its prison Cramped thought’s philistinism? I, quite free, as my spirit cites, Happily following my inner light, And speeding on, in delight, [6805] Darkness behind: and all before me, bright. MEPHISTOPHELES: Go forth in splendour, you primal man! – How could insight harm you, ever: Who can think of stupid things or clever, That past ages didn’t, long ago, understand. [6810] Yet there’s no danger from him, you see, He’ll think about it differently in time: Even if the grape-juice acts absurdly, In the end it changes into wine. (To the younger members of the audience, who do not applaud.) My words have left you cold, I gather, May it be so for you, sweet children: But think: the Devil’s a lot older, So you need to be old to understand him!

>> No.15391287
File: 178 KB, 1081x1088, 1574524264524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was hit with crohns at 16 so i spent my last yrs in hs and early college in and out of the hospital
got a job at 22 working at a grocery store and it helped a little. because guys are chill
but my experience with women is just like the main character in submission
>meet girl because i have good "taste" in literature/music
>we get along
>have meaningless sex and smoke weed with them
>catch feelings because i just want a gf
>to them its just fooling around
>after 3-4 months and me acting like a bf around them
>ugh im sorry anon but i dont wanna sleep with u anymore lets just be friends
>weeks later they "found someone"
has happened to me 4 times already
i lift weights, im in a band, work at the post office and i have my own place
i tried nofap for 3 months also
but im very socially behind that i can't form a deeper connection with women that leads to a relationship.
im going to ask my doctor for anti-depressents. therapy is my only hope rn. i just feel like killing myself
i legit hoping i would get covid so nature can end my misery.

i lost my virginity to an escort also. im a failure of a human being

>> No.15391356


>> No.15391562

> Anon gives practical wisdom
> Anon seethe
Never fails

>> No.15392105

Its all semantics but my point is that many people you might label an incel could probably have sex with SOMEBODY if that really wanted to.
Instead they volcel because dating a landwhale is disgusting.

>> No.15392128

Most men before the 20th century lost their virginity to a hooker. Antidepressants won't help you

>> No.15392147

You're doing a lot better than half of 4chan anon. If they haven't given up neither should you.

>> No.15392148

You could at least pretend to have looked up their wikipedia page before issuing such an inane retort. None of those I mentioned was particularly obscure even in their own time (I also meant to mention Bergson).

>> No.15392478

We're talking after the New Reconquista brether

>> No.15392736


>> No.15392803


>> No.15392860

and that's precisely why they're successful functioning "adults"

>> No.15392871


>> No.15392884

I've met people with families, homes, and careers who radiate pure adolescent midwit, it's unreal

>> No.15392890


>> No.15392905

I think midwit is giving the average normie too much credit. Midwits at least try to think.

>> No.15392909

>The day is coming when some reform-minded zoomer gets political power and slams the door so hard on feminism that it will never be opened again.
genuinely cannot wait

>> No.15392918

This is major cringe.
Getting pussy isn't hard.
Destroy your computer.

>> No.15392932

getting a home, a career, etc. has become completely independent of not being a neurotic hedonistic freak terrified of death and being ejected from the dopaminergic round. I've met grown ass men who could beat me up that still get emotional like little boys and always have a beer in their hand like a fucking baby bottle

>> No.15392964

You're not clever

>> No.15392969

don't post from your phone

>> No.15393015

No, no I understand that. But the post that was initially being replied to had a negative context. Yet people are saying immature people having kids are functioning adults. Immature people with kids usually does not work out, for them or the kids. I think we can all agree in the thread just be able to procreate doesn't = functioning. Raising unproductive members of society is a fuckup

>> No.15393232

What if your a late bloomer who didn't blossom in high school and college and are desperately waiting to bloom as your prospects become dimmer and dimmer

>> No.15393428

Unspeakably based post

>> No.15393905
File: 78 KB, 427x427, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15394060

fucking a fat chick does not count as getting laid lol

>> No.15394068

Why are women so entitled, bros...

>> No.15394070

because they can afford to be

>> No.15394078

They wouldn't be able to afford it if they were forced to abstain from sex until marriage.

>> No.15394102

>as your prospects become dimmer and dimmer
Prospects for men don't dim as fast as you seem to think it does.

>> No.15394144

>mentalcel - volcel
sounds like a mental disability

>> No.15394149

Society is going to be absolutely fucked in a few decades and the main reason will be the introduction of online dating. And you cannot point this out without being called an incel.

>> No.15394171

good luck enforcing that one

>> No.15394189

Social anxiety and neuroticism is a mental issue yes. Wouldn't call it a disability out of respect for Schizos, but it is an issue

>> No.15394202

Comedians point that out all the time. Facebook being the leading cause of divorce is an old hat joke. The problem is the public doesn't take it seriously because the idea of sex on demand is too great.

>> No.15394226

Use social credit system to shift the social hierarchy. Deduct points for casual sex. China has the right idea.

>> No.15394262

>tfw incel revolution

>> No.15394277

Sooner or later, a radical change will occur. The current course is unsustainable. In a lot of areas of politics there can be leeways, room to compromise. Not in sex.

>> No.15394296

I wonder if those conspiracies about a bachelor tax will come true.

>> No.15394340

the only thing unsustainable about our zeitgeist is consolidation of wealth. it's reaching obscene heights and can only topple from here

>> No.15394414

He was 30 something when he wrote that.

>> No.15394668

KEK. I am so much of an unambitioned losed that used up roasties would not even want me as a consolidation Prize.

>> No.15394690

proving his point

>> No.15395910

The point is that Houellebecq is trying to get across is that a man’s receiving of and receptivity to positive attention from same-age and slightly senior (a few years older) females of high (but still comparable) socio-sexual rank is unbelievably important for the allocation of resources to secondary sexual characteistics and socio-sexual, psycho-sexually driven networking or sociality. If a person sees little attention and is not presented opportunities they will not develop a sexual consciousness or will repress this consciousness. The only explanation for bizarre and dysfunctional sexuality among 90% of those who exhibit them is inadequate attention and receptivity at a young age from their peers and older cohorts of similar age and development. Your sisters friends telling you you are cute, being smiled at in class, being asked to hangout at the lake by friends who bring girls, having girls send you love notes and want your attention when you’re 10-15 has a massive positive impact on self image and ability to cope with reality. Those who are denied this will not develop physically or sexually the same as those who are given it. I strongly believe lamarck was right and if you withhold certain resources and environments a person becomes stunted and can pass this on to other generations. Of course a beautiful kid gets more attention and this compounds on itself but there does seem to be evidence that a plain kid being given good attention and acting on that will allocate more resources to their beauty and sociality. Inceldom starts with being ignored, being kept at a distance and falling behind developmental milestones which the public no longer tracks adequately (first look, first kiss, first touch, first cuddle, first sexual touch, first penetration, first sexual encounter, first sex marathon, first domination). I would imagine a mother whose friends are not attractive and whose friends don’t show mild adoration for a young boy’s appearance will cause the beginnings of this rift. Of course neighborhood girls and the school hierarchies will do the most to engender the inadequacy. You cannot give back someone’s formative years and there is no amount of coaching that will restore someone’s youth and chance to develop properly.

>> No.15395931

sex is one of the biggest reasons for wealth, monopolization of sex comes with monopolization of wealth. look up who the most overrepresented demographics were in all revolutions, fascism, etc. young men with no hope of starting a family, who felt like society hadn't given them their reasonable shot at success/dignity.

other societies got rid of these young men by funneling them to the colonies or into the army. can't do that anymore since everyone's a fucking tranny queer now.

>> No.15395971

Alright then I guess we should all just become public assistance trannies then since our precious formative years have gone by.

>> No.15395989 [DELETED] 

I just sit in a reclining chair and read poetry and watch anime all day

>> No.15396230

im so fucked :(
i was homeschooled

>> No.15396273

What I gather from incel oriented threads and forums is that intelligence is a meme. Being of slightly above intelligence hasn't brought any peace to anyone. Many men it seems would take a low IQ in exchange for pussy.

>> No.15396345

I did get attention as a teen but am a 21 yo virgi
and profoundly dislike myself.I remember thinking that attention was mockery,so its a persistent thing that traces back to younger age.I have a bad memory but I do remember one thing quite vividly that was a major breakdown that I had at about 10 to 12 yo ,crying like a little bitch sitting on a basketball alone for absolutely no reason.I remember that in this moment I came up with a collection of thoughts that proved how worthless I was,ugly,disliked,dumb etc.And I had and have no reason to have these thoughts.I had a comfortable upbringing with a loving family,no trauma or anything like it.

>> No.15396421

b a s e d

>> No.15396533
File: 835 KB, 2048x1536, 1573909405556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels. Fucking go lift weights and stop caring so much about pussy for 2 seconds jesus
I was a virgin until 23 but and within the span of a year completely turned it around and am basically a chad now.
Yes, the average 6/10 girl has way more options than a 6/10 guy, but that's how it is, men are thirsty and will fuck anything with a pulse.
Try making yourself more scarce. The average guy is a soggy, pale yeastblob boi with no personality. It doesn't take much to be in the top 10%

>> No.15396542

based doesn't read posts before replying to them just wants to have chat chat time with chatroom friends on 4chan post for the saking of posting poster

>> No.15396561

Post body

>> No.15396611 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 500x749, 1574461069503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we overcome this stunting?

In my youth I was a awkward shy nerd that ignored all the female attention I received. I blame this on having no father figure and growing up with only my older sister and single mom.

Funnily enough I am now a 25 year old highschool teacher with my sexual experiences being limited to only prostitutes. I am still fairly good looking and many of my female students have had crushes on me and have given me lots of attention. I'm very cocky as a teacher and I can easily dominate the conversation with these 16yo but I'm finding none of these skills transfer to adult women where I'm meek and withdrawn.

Obviously I forbid myself from actually pursuing these students and never go past idle flirting, despite how affirming it would be.

What do fellow anons suggest in overcoming these feelings of inadequacy and growing our sexual confidence.

>> No.15396622
File: 226 KB, 1484x1684, 1588737217926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in my 20s and still terrified of women after years of humiliating experiences and sexual abuse. I've been in therapy for almost a decade and have made a lot of progress, but I still think I'm gonna die an unloved virgin. I started writing romance fiction to simulate the experience of being good enough to have a girlfriend.

>> No.15396648

do you really flirt with your students what the fuck

>> No.15396663 [DELETED] 

Nothing sexual. Just overly friendly exchanges

>> No.15396821

im 26 virgin with the love of my life whoring herself between a lot of guys.
so what's the silver lining?

>> No.15396886

you deserve to suffer because you love a whore and honestly believe love is real after turning 15...just get laid and get over it.

>> No.15396940


>> No.15397001

You're not a failure.

>> No.15397014


>> No.15397690

i find it hard not believing in love after witnessing my 2 friends getting married

>> No.15397806

So you're saying this lack of attention not only harms your psyche but actually stunts your physical growth? That's an interesting theory

>> No.15397832


>> No.15397860

Yeah i raised my eyebrow over that too, i think also being starved of attention will affect ones mental, but physical?

>> No.15397862

>wahh I'll never get pussay because WOMEN

>> No.15398309

I've always been quite disconnected from most normie interaction. There is also wide variation of interests even in an age cohort. Having or not having the latest memes in common with your wife is really not important at all.

>> No.15398344

>not having empathy is redpilled
back to the savanna with you piece

>> No.15398523

post tits

>> No.15398535

post pdf

>> No.15398644

>>15396230 I was also homeschooled, yeah we are all so fucked

>> No.15398689

>You can already observe the difference between you and normal people in your early teenage years, everything from making friends to hitting on girls comes easy to them, you're basically witnessing them coasting carelessly through life, then your friends (if you at least befriended someone) will start attending the parties in which you shamelessly sit in a corner hoping to get another tedious social event behind you, they will subsequently engage in conversations with the members of a different social sphere, find a partner to live with, and in the end they will leave you to rot like shit stuck on the street.

Christ, you kids are pathetic. No, you aren't the only one who feels nervous about asking someone out, and no, you aren't the only one who feels embarrassed about being left out of social groups. These are totally normal adolescent experiences. What actually separates you is your whimpering disposition and fatalism. You think it's impossible for you to overcome negative feelings because those negative feelings are your identity. Everybody else has it super easy, you alone must bear the suffering of social embarrassment.

>> No.15398694


I would start with Atomized (also know as “The Elementary Particles”) or Whatever.

Whatever is pretty short so it might be good to see if you actually like Wellbeck before going off on his regular novels.

>> No.15399401

Nah demographics are probably more fucked than wealth distribution. Next 50 years will be wild

>> No.15399418

>your frustration and fatalism cause your social failures, not the other way around

Terminally boring boomer take. yawn.

>> No.15399448

At this point I am better off making money of crypto and fucking escorts I think

>> No.15399565
File: 403 KB, 1292x496, 1565472304230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a woman likes 3 things
-having sex with men and enjoying all the money they throw at her, free of charge
-talking with her female friends about the sex she has with women and men
-raising babies to feel intimate with something 100% dependent on her, until the kid grows up and no longer feeds her craving for feeling compassionate.
if she cannot have kids, she will fall back on pets, or someone's else kids.

>> No.15399788

Not that guy but this is your typical short sighted shallow zoomer take. Frustration and fatalism don't cause your social failures but not only do they not help, in many case it makes them worse.

>> No.15400005

This is a really good post.

>> No.15400058

Lifting won't fix my face.