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/lit/ - Literature

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15374233 No.15374233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it based?

>> No.15374266

no he is a fascist and a charlatan

>> No.15374279

Not a very challenging book but it's pretty good.

>> No.15374303

If you want to go beyond that, read Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis.

If you are vaguely paleoconservative and nationalist or ethnonationalist, Francis is indirectly probably half the reason you hold the beliefs you do.

>> No.15374309
File: 195 KB, 500x727, 107C2088-F5BE-40EB-B411-D50CC64EE00C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a better take on the topic

>> No.15374314

Yeah it's a good book, but keep in mind it's written for a general audience so it's not intellectually interesting.

>> No.15374319


>> No.15374320

He offers a more realistic view of what’s happening to lower classes in the USA than anyone in the main stream media, but he doesn’t go very deep.

>> No.15374821

Yes it was great and I really hope he runs for president. I'm left leaning but is vote for Tuck in a fucking heart beat

>> No.15374844
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>> No.15374856

based on what he's a freakin nerd with big hair like a charlies angel.

>> No.15374859

Imagine being so partisan that it fries your brain. Daily reminder anyone who is too extreme politically isn't having sex and is generally considered a freak by those around him.

>> No.15374883

His treatment than Plato is better than many others I have seen, as a classics scholar

>> No.15374897
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>on mainstream tv

>> No.15374901

Reminder that professional nation-wrecker Irving Kristol hates him and calls him a paleoconservative populist.

Only interesting conservative since Buchanan.

>> No.15374922
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>> No.15374987

transgender virgin hands typed this

>> No.15374991

Probably not

>> No.15374994
File: 64 KB, 625x626, 0C5E1D1E-C47C-4101-B8F7-9E8F6B1971A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine falling for such bait

>> No.15375016

redditors don't know what bait means or how to identify it

>> No.15375029


>> No.15375102

why are americans in denial that they live in a fascist oligarchy? i really don't understand it.

>> No.15375106

So you're saying /lit/ is mostly reddit?

>> No.15375201

amusing, informative, and does not waste your time.

>> No.15375262

What does this mean? If you read Tucker's book, it says exactly this. His point is that this is the state of the country.

>> No.15375314

Tuck is like a shittier version of Christopher Lasch

>> No.15375327

why should anyone listen to this guy if he's poised to inherit millions if not billions
the greatest con of Fox and people like Carlson is convincing the common man that they understand what they're going through

>> No.15375410

4chan has been mostly reddit since late 2015

>> No.15375426
File: 76 KB, 582x883, Mazzeratie Monica and Vanessa Blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Tuck not know how Katherine Anne Porter is, or this a whacky allusion he's making?

Laura Bush reads Ship of Fools every year. The real one.

>> No.15375443

t. bernie (millionaire) bro

This kind of stupid ad hom is so desperate. I've never heard one of you lefty pol retards say this about any democrat. Or Karl Marx for that matter

That's not a bad thing. Lasch is based. And he doesn't have a tv show.

Tucker went to St. George's School and Trinity College, so I'm sure he's familiar with your basic bitch literature.

>> No.15375471

it blows my mind that people shit on amazon working conditions when they pay well above minimum wage here to do the easiest job ive ever had in my life. well i mean it would blow my mind except that sort of complaining is bound to happen when you make it a priority to hire women in a fucking warehouse.

>> No.15375516

I see this talking point repeated almost verbatim like this a lot. I actually believe this is a shill/bot situation

>> No.15375552

who is that between McConnell and Hilldawg

>> No.15375570

Lindsey Graham maybe?

>> No.15375578

Looks like lindsey graham

>> No.15375579
File: 2.19 MB, 1430x2504, 1558473400568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pages from the book...

>> No.15375584
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>> No.15375675

>mazzeratie monica
more like mozzarella pizza monica

>> No.15375690

Amazing how the "hard border" strategy completely backfired.

>> No.15375693
File: 39 KB, 314x393, Mazzeratie Monica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15375773

god damn i miss real workers' movements

the whole 20th century is one long story of countries trying to establish mild national socialism, and the soul-crushingly successful faggot finance classes manipulating rotting bourgeois state apparatuses to stop it. there's never been an oligarchy this fucking retarded. to stay in power, it had to extend its own decadence and degeneration to the general population, to turn all the cesar chavezes of the world into faggot trannies and low-test hipsters living on infinite debt.

>> No.15375780

I'm reading a book by a political pundit right now. I'm only going to finish it because I'm a little OCD about finishing books, it's short, and to learn my lesson about ever reading a book by a fucking TV personality.

It's kind of given me a theory about TV personalities, and why their books are so bad. I suspect they get so much validation from the public, as popular media figures, that they just come to believe they're special and whatever they do is gonna be good. The result is books that are stupid, not because they're stupid, but because they're lazy and don't actually put in enough work to write anything that isn't totally shallow.

>> No.15375843

I repeat the same points with the same phrasing on a daily basis, and I’m sure I’m not the only one here who does it.

>> No.15375855

So you're saying you're not a shill or a bot, but you are a mentally ill person and a partisan hypocrite? Got it.