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/lit/ - Literature

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15361355 No.15361355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for this kind of psychological phenomenon or some books written on this topic of psychological pre-setting influencing?

For example:
If I give someone a glass of normal Coca Cola and tell it is a cheaper brand that tries to imitate the taste of the real thing, most of the pic related type of people will tell me:
>It's close, but that doesn't taste right

Same kind of thing happened when I posted to Reddit's classical music "AI generated classical music" (It was actually lesser known works of Stravinsky) most of the Reddit people told me "It sounds fake and too AI generated to sound like the real composer". The thread also got deleted after they found out it was Stravinsky

Why are normies like this exactly?

>> No.15361827

everyone laugh at this dumb nigger

>> No.15361839

bumping for interest

>> No.15361846

Our perception is in no small part mediated by what we predict we will perceive. You ever take a drink of coffee when you thought it was hot chocolate, or something similar? There is a brief moment where you honest-to-God cannot tell what you just drank, it just tastes bizarre.

>> No.15361847

It’s called Priming. One if the most overstudied phenomenons in cognitive psychology

>> No.15361853

Fuck, forgot the book recommendation. The book on this subject is "Surfing Uncertainty".

>> No.15361866

>Same kind of thing happened when I posted to Reddit's classical music "AI generated classical music" (It was actually lesser known works of Stravinsky) most of the Reddit people told me "It sounds fake and too AI generated to sound like the real composer". The thread also got deleted after they found out it was Stravinsky
It's not just normies, it's also most people on /lit/. They don't actually read the books for the contents (if they read them at all), all they want to do is flaunt the author's names which are considered famous, and intellectually demanding.
It's also why shelf threads exist.
It's the reason why most books posted here are taken from top 100 literature lists.
Professional wine experts cannot distinguish cheap wine from expensive wine.
If Kant posted on this board people would not recognize him and would call him a retard.
The fact that you've realized this is very good. Most people go their whole life without ever recognizing this simple truth.
Maturity is breaking away from what society recognizes to be true and valuable and forming your own values and ideals.

>> No.15361893

>Most people go their whole life without ever recognizing this simple truth.
It doesn't take exceptional maturity or intellect to realize that these phenomena exist, but being aware of all your cognitive biases all the time is practically impossible for any human.

>> No.15361905

placebo effect

>> No.15361928

Cognitive bias is a good thing and should be embraced

>> No.15361981
