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15360825 No.15360825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on trans I want to understand these disgusting creature.

Be civil I don't want Jannies deleting this thread

>> No.15360851
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>> No.15360861
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ewww icky nasty ew ew gross degenerate

>> No.15360862

Why do you have to be transphobic? What do you get out of putting other people down?

>> No.15360882


>> No.15360931

this but unironically

>> No.15360951



>> No.15360958
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I thought /lit/ was a lefty safe space
I'm literally crying
When did /pol/ invade us with it propaganda

>> No.15360965

good shit

>> No.15360967

Pulling the classic "I'm not mad, you're mad" shtick

Also, bumping this thread because I'm genuinely interested in the more sophisticated arguments for and against transgenderism.

>> No.15360970
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>thinking anywhere on 4chan, even /lgbt/, is a safespace
Idk who lied to you but they're a bastard

>> No.15360976
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>Be civil I don't want Jannies deleting this thread
lets get to work

>> No.15360979


>> No.15360985

unironically this

>> No.15361002

Females by Andrea Long Chu is a good book to understand MtF trans women, even if the overarching argument is highly suspect.

>> No.15361026

What are you samefags trying to accomplish?

>> No.15361029

Sex and Character

>> No.15361034

Assuming the isn’t bait, I’ll bite.

First, you need to understand that gender and sex are not the same thing. Sex is what your biological appearance and chromosomes say you are. Your assignment at birth, basically. Gender is what you feel like on the inside, and we can expand that definition to what you identify as. This was not even a disputed thing until mid this decade. No transperson denies their biological sex, they just want to change their appearance to be closer to who they are on the inside.

>> No.15361042

>sex is benis and vagina
>gender is what I feel like

This is a modern bastardization of the terms. They are synonymous.

>> No.15361045

>I say something, so it must be true
This is not a disputed thing. Nobody, and I mean nobody in academia agrees with you.

>> No.15361047

I wonder how many celebs ruined their faces by seeking some personal version of perfection. It's kinda like physical insecurities are endless

>> No.15361048

/pol/ can't think abstract concepts, they only see what's directly in front of them and it's processed in their brains through a handful of simplistic categories. Don't hate them, they're legitimately retarded

>> No.15361056

But why? What is the purpose of doing any of it? Couldn’t you call yourself a woman and call it a day? Why bother with putting on the fetishized and ironically hypermasculine idea of what a woman looks like, since it’s non-debatable that trans people play into gender stereotypes; otherwise they wouldn’t have a case.

>> No.15361060 [DELETED] 

You’re not the reresentative of anyone, let alone everyone, in academia.

>> No.15361064

>This was not even a disputed thing until mid this decade
Name me one text that mentions this distinction that is older than 100 years old and predates John Money. I'll be waiting.

>> No.15361078

You might want to understand a disgusting creature called human first.

>> No.15361081

You’re not a representative of society. gender is a social construct while sex is biological. These were accepted definitions in academia for a long time, and was never disputed because it is fact. It’s only when the idea started going mainstream due to trannies wanting awareness and acceptance that right wing retards like you even knew what it was. Naturally, you were disgusted because you don’t understand basic psychology.

Freud mentioned it a couple times, and it was in those days that the foundations of gender THEORY were being created. But, the concept of gender is much older. There were ancient societies where there were multiple genders and so on, but they still recognized that there were only two sexes.

>> No.15361085

You are not the representative of anyone, let alone everyone, in academia. Your trendy opinion is a drop in the bucket of historical and traditional truths. Your fight is futile.

>> No.15361086
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What an amazing thread

Just great stuff all around

>> No.15361090

>But why? What is the purpose of doing any of it? Couldn’t you call yourself a woman and call it a day?
When your outward appearance does not match who you are on the inside, it causes something called “gender dysphoria” , and large amounts of anxiety. Transitioning is done because it is the most effective cure.

>> No.15361092

Dipshit I have a degree in Psychology. You and your friends are mentally ill.

>> No.15361093

True, but neither many women stop at just calling themselves women.

>> No.15361100

> gender is a social construct while sex is biological
Sex is a construct just as well.

(Always feels nice to get those propaganda-educated people.)

>> No.15361118

Has no inherent value.

>You are not the representative of anyone, let alone everyone, in academia
And you are? This was accepted by pretty much everyone in academia as truth.


>Sex is a construct just as well.
It is not. There are some deviations from the standard set of chromosomes, but that doesn’t matter. Those are defects.

>> No.15361135

I used to be very repulsed by trannies even tho I know more than one irl who are chill. I think the way I could tell they were actively imitating male/female voice traits and like constantly affecting something put me off. Than I realized that ftms are really just extremely gay men, just dudes so gay and bottomed out they become female, and gays never really bothered me so their alright now. Of course people who would say that trans women are literally women are crazy because on top of the dick the memory of growing up male I think means you have a totally different basic mindset, but lots of trannies admit that it’s not like that.

>> No.15361138

Transition changes your body and it’s like you’re not even the same species anymore from the wild body modifications and doping programs, may as well be an AI

Gender doesn’t exist, all you have is physiology and social roles that people decide to take on, that doesn’t make the social role “belong” to one or the other physiology so it’s pointless to call something gendered as though it wasn’t arbitrary

How do you feel like you have tits if you don’t have tits? Honestly all this gender nonsense only enforces “stereotypical” depictions of soft demure women and aggressive bold men, if you’re an aggressive woman oh you better attach a fleshy worthless appendage to your vagina so society’ll accept your “””identity””””

My identity is the name people call me thank you and fuck off

>> No.15361172

Who has defined what “standard set” and “deviations” are? You might be starting to understand.

In any case, chromosomes are not enough. You are not a walking chromosome, you are an organism that has grown based on its data, and there's a lot of steps of the growth process that also matter.

>> No.15361183

>Has no inherent value.
And you get to decide this why?

>This was accepted by pretty much everyone in academia as truth.
Lol, taking academia as the benchmark is one thing, but social studies (including gender studies) is not academia but ideology. Weak appeal to authority.

>Those are defects.
Just like trannies.

>> No.15361258

Lets accept for now this idea that sex and gender are largely independent of one another, ie that gender roles and gendered behavior is in no way caused by a person‘s sex. Why did people start to talk about gender in the first place? Wasn‘t this motivated by feminist activism to separated what a woman is (female) from what she ought to be?
If you take this into account the modern elevation of gender by TRAs seems highly suspect. How can any person lay claim to the identity of woman, if in doing so they can not reference their own sex? If we ignore the body, what else can such an identity be justified by? The only thing left, I think, is a positive response to an internalized vision of what a woman ought to be, which is of course highly dependent on the social context of the individual. In that sense, the modern transgender-movement is an inversion of the original activism that popularized the term gender and I think you can formulate a valid criticism of the movement on that basis alone, without having to reference John Money or the biological link between sex and gender.

>> No.15361286

Prove traditionalism has inherent value, right now.

>> No.15361301

soiboys hate nazis

>> No.15361334

Lol why don't you prove it has no inherent value since you so confidently stated it first.

>> No.15361357

Different anon. You say it has inherent value so prove it.

>> No.15361359

Tradition allows to keep order in society a lot easily. If it is a tradition in a place to not murder, you would expect the rates murder to drop,right? . Thus, the best way to keep order on a societal level is by everyone following the same traditions.
Not to mention that most,if not all traditions are based on something , just like how behind the myth of the trojan war there was a real trojan war and a real troy.

>> No.15361364

No I asked why anon gets to decide it has no inherent value.

>> No.15361372

There's no such thing as a completely accurate static tradition, all traditions are destined to collapse upon their own bloated rigidity as cultures continues to grow and evolve. All things are in flux, nothing lasts, there is no impenetrable cultural logos that has been reached

>> No.15361373

Nice try, but I'm Muslim.

>> No.15361375


>> No.15361394

But if you insist, history proves it. Why do people people in the way they do? Because of tradition. There are certain basic tenets we as both individuals and collectives keep coming back to throughout history, no matter what flux there might be on the outside.

>> No.15361400

>There's no such thing as a completely accurate static tradition
Why does tradition need to be static? Who decides if it is accurate? You make these assumptions based on nothing.

>> No.15361405


>> No.15361416

I'm only stating that tradition itself is a game, it's not a fully actualized vision of reality. Traditions continue to evolve, collapse, and emerge based on the current situation. What people on this site consider trad was something that never actually existed

>> No.15361434

>I'm only stating that tradition itself is a game, it's not a fully actualized vision of reality.
Based on what? Once again, why do you get to decide this?

>Traditions continue to evolve, collapse, and emerge based on the current situation.
I think you confuse tradition with custom, dear anon. You talk about tradition as if it's only the exterior forms, but it's the inner core of tradition that remains stable while its externals change over time.

>What people on this site consider trad was something that never actually existed
What are you talking about?

>> No.15361463


gender is a capitalist construction derived from sex. transgenderists play directly into this dialectic, ruining themselves and the lives of others for consumer validation.

>> No.15361500

And what support is there for this "gender dysphoria" being anything different from your average depressions and other illnesses? 50% suicide rate post op, i will endlessly parrot that statistic, and bull fucking shit that its because they get bullied that much more for looking freakish after they get a dick sewn on. Its because they realize that they were wrong about themselves, and only did this horrible permanent damage to themselves because evil bastards like you normalize it for good boy points. Oh yeah, and describe that brain difference between men and women to so hardcore feminista while your at it, and see how fast your fake "allies" crumble away once you take away even the thinnest layer of comraderie.

>> No.15361505

God I'm obsessed with trannies all I can do is think about trannies and call people trannies ever since I discovered this site in 2016

>> No.15361519

So fucking edgy

>> No.15361531

>why do you get to decide this?
It's not up to me, it's not up to you.

>> No.15361535

>arguments for and against transgenderism
define: transgenderism

>> No.15361537

you don't need a book, just cut off your dick

>> No.15361541

Then don't make statements like that. You can't state it as a fact and subsequently say it's not up to you to decide.

>> No.15361564

Nor you, I'm simply stating what is.

>> No.15361603

>Has no inherent value.
Traditions develop and thrive due to an intrinsic social value. It's essentially the cultural equivalent of evolution. Traditions have a value even if that value is just in social cohesion.
>This was accepted by pretty much everyone in academia as truth.
Maybe in (((psychology))), but any biology or neuroscience professor worth their salt should at least admit that there is little evidence of gender being independent of genetics.
>There are some deviations from the standard set of chromosomes, but that doesn’t matter. Those are defects.
So rare deviations from a standard set of chromosomes are defects, but rare deviations (<=1%) from a standard gender identity is not a psychological defect? That doesn't seem very scientifically sound to me.

>> No.15361622


>> No.15361653


>> No.15361763

>I thought /lit/ was a lefty safe space

>> No.15361822
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>The disgusting creature
>Be civil
Here's an idea: ask some trans people. And no, /pol/tards on reddit LARPing about their failed sex reassignment surgery do not count.
Being in college right not I've met several transgender individuals and have seen friends transition in real time. It's different for everyone, but most striking are the people who explain that they've "always known." Many of these people basically feel profound dysphoria their whole life about their birth gender and feel so much more comfortable just presenting as the other.
I know know one or two trans girls that literally pass better than some cis women.
>This one chemistry major was being denied hormones by her doctor so she threatened to just mix estrogen herself
They're pretty based too.
Instead of filling your head with alt-right hate fuel or /lgbt/ repfuel, try meeting some people. I guess this will be harder if you're older since the most successful trans people are the youngest, zoomers, being able to get on the correct hormones earlier.

>> No.15361887

Are you retarded? Where does this objective knowledge come from then if it's not you who's deciding it?

>> No.15361896

Also you keep dodging the actual contents of my posts and instead go for bait, intellectually weak anon.

>> No.15361935

>transitioning the most effective cure for gender dysphoria.

yeah, it increases the chance of suicide to 49% so I have to agree with you

>> No.15361941

>I know know one or two trans girls that literally pass better than some cis women.

lmao said no non-tranny ever.

>> No.15361953

>most successful trans people are the youngest, zoomers, being able to get on the correct hormones earlier.

man you deserve the death penalty for trying to mutilate children