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15356590 No.15356590 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people prefer reading about dystopias over utopias?

>> No.15356597

Less conflict in Utopias

>> No.15356619

Drama sells. Nobody is interested in happiness of others

>> No.15356627

whats the point of reading about utopias

>> No.15356629

Have you read Herland?

>> No.15356659

Perspective. Indeed, there's no "dystopia/utopia." It's all about whom you choose to tell the story from.

>> No.15356671

We subconsciously know we will never achieve utopia, but dystopias of all stripes are quite within reach.

>> No.15357406

That's because it's easier to image the end of the world than the end of capitalism

>> No.15357430
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People need some degree of struggle, otherwise it just gets boring.

>> No.15357448
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Best kind of escapism. Why cower over a possible future when you can lay the groundwork for a better world

>> No.15357453

Bce cчacтливыe ceмьи пoхoжи дpyг нa дpyгa, кaждaя нecчacтливaя ceмья нecчacтливa пo-cвoeмy.

>> No.15357458

People only like reading about dystopias if there's some kind of eventual revolution or the main character is a defiant heroic character, and those aren't actually very dystopian at all.

1984 is the only exception since it's certified canon.

>> No.15357460
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>> No.15357640

It's much easier to destroy than create.

>> No.15357723

>dude everything is great and perfect

Literally boring desu. Part of why I think if REAL COMMUNISM is achieved art will unironically be trash

>> No.15358608
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Best utopian novel, but Morris is also great.

>> No.15358870

people prefer realism in general

>> No.15359110

Because then I can’t point and laugh at how shitty someone else’s life is and not feel bad since they aren’t a real person. Utopias on the other hand make me feel bad because I know my life will never be that good, and the potential that humans could eventually live that type of life makes me depressed.

>> No.15359123

Conflict = Drama
No problems, no story

>> No.15359316

Where have all the heroes gone?
Why is this a society lost all courage?
A Depression is coming, anon. Get up!

They’re usually polemical, though pseudo-utopians can have minor conflict. It’s a general laziness that chooses the easier themes. Tragedy, melancholy, dystopian. Easy, done to death.
Comedy, peace, utopians. Very challenging.

>> No.15359335

Easy utopian conflict:
>Be adventurous man with a strong will in a world where everything has already been done
>The emotional releases that everyone else participates in brings you no satisfaction
>Decide that you want to be remembered, even if it's for doing something horrible
ez pz

>> No.15359717
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People like to read stuff they can relate to, and the real world is more dystopian than utopian

>> No.15359733

Because Utopias, even conceptually, don't exist

>> No.15359739

Serious fucking question:
10 year or so ago NO ONE knew what "dystopia" meant besides maybe scholars or people who were deeply into the genre.
Then all of the sudden every fucking movie, netflix series and youtube channel starts talking non stop about this shit so that now everyone is just saying "this is so dystopian, so Orwellian" or shit like that.

Now to me it's more than obvious this was a push by the media and publishing houses and whatnot, but why did they do it? You literally see dystopian novels being spammed everywhere now, when before it was something niche.

>> No.15360014

>10 year or so ago NO ONE knew what "dystopia" meant
no, 10 years ago you didn't know what it meant. probably because you were a child. the term has been in common use for decades.

>> No.15360019

>you can press a button and see more fucking than Genghis Khan ever did
>you can press a button and a burger appears at your door
We are living in a utopia

>> No.15360027

10 years ago every fucking boomer was name dropping 1984 to shit on Obama, the only dystopia (and book) they've probably read.
Dystopian novels aren't even that good of a market anymore, it's mostly become a starter pack tier genre of 20th century stuff

>> No.15360032

Obama deserves to be shat upon. Obama was an evil psychopath, and Trump is an evil idiot.

>> No.15360359

Brave New World is not a dystopia. Fight me

>> No.15360835

Why isn't Africa producing great art then?

>> No.15360841

Dystopia is easily to relate to.

>> No.15360964

I just want a basic drama set in an utopian world. I'm interested to see how someone would frame interpersonal conflicts in an utopian context: would certain motivators no longer apply? Would the Utopia breed other kinds of interpersonal infringement? What would it mean to transgress in an utopian society (and not in any edgy way)?
I'm sick of "Utopia turns out to be dystopia!" Narratives. They're so boring and easy and empty.

>> No.15361956

Neither do dystopians

>> No.15363481

It's a dystopia if you think that future is bad

>> No.15363634

they are the same thing, how would a """utopia""" happen without the extreme restriction of human rights?

>> No.15363728

Those ecotopia books were pretty good

>> No.15363766

Human rights are nothing but flavor of the month moral relativism

>> No.15363987

>imagine the world bro except it sucks hah
Argument goes both way

>> No.15364142

because Utopia is an impossible state there's nothing relatable or realistic about them. Only work or utopian fiction is the story those who walk away from omelas because it shows just how unlikely they are