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15353771 No.15353771 [Reply] [Original]

Has any traditionalist or any Guénonfag read this book? Can we discuss this?

>> No.15353937

I'm pretty fucking disappointed that nobody on this board has read this, and I thought this was unironically "The Guénon"-board.

Most of you are pseuds if we cannot discuss this.

>> No.15353962

Have you read it?

>> No.15353965

I can't speak French but have read some Guénon, if you want to post about what the book is about I can share my thoughts

>> No.15353989

>and I thought this was unironically "The Guénon"-board.

It isn't. That's literally just one guy we all make fun of.

>> No.15353997

>Have you read it?

I am currently in process of translating it (for myself). I think it is a revelationary work with extremely great insight.

It basically follows the premises laid by Reign Of Quantity, King of the World and few others book by Guénon and localizes certain centers of counter-initiation and their current in history throughout the ages.

I think this is perhaps one of the most essential works. It is no way a biography of Guénon or something like that, the writer maintains that in the foreword. This book explores The Awliya es Shaytan.

>> No.15354010

The only one I couldn't find a copy of. This kind of stuff is getting hard to find around my parts and a bunch of online stores won't sell things they consider to be reactionary.

>> No.15354019

I would like to, but I have to improve my French.

>> No.15354022

Download it on scribd. Upload bullshit documents. You need to upload like 5 bullshit documents that they do not have in their database and you can download everything

>> No.15354030

My french is not that good either, but use deepl translator and google translate. It is not that heavy text you could not follow it

>> No.15354032

That premise sounds interesting, I would agree that Guénon correctly adduces the modes of behavior and the motivations of various counterfeit spiritual groups. Does the author write about the controversies that Schuon was involved in?

>> No.15354035
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>> No.15354040

Just be french dude. I'm french like all the time it's not that hard.

>> No.15354048

Am I wrong to guess it's going to be heavily reliant on third-hand traveller's tales from the likes of Ossendowski and Seabrook?

>> No.15354065

Not really. Then again, if you took "King of the World" seriously and could not appreciate the symbolical value behind the book, then this book might not be for you.

If you are going to approach traditional myths, religious myths and folklore with this kind of modern mindset there is absolutely no way you can appreciate this book.

Not everything should be read with literalism, still does not change the fact that there cannot be certain symbological themes that seem constant and that can be traced since anitquity to modern day - in terms of counter-initiation.

>> No.15354092

Anyone read the 'Guénon & Bataille' book?

>> No.15354108
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This the one? Thanks for putting it on the radar.

>> No.15354150
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Gaynon is counter-initiatic counter-based and counter-traditional.

>> No.15354155

>Wah, nobody responded to my thread fast enough, ahbloobloo

>> No.15354164

This book repeatedly refers to Guénon as "The Servant of the One" and talks in vindictive fashion how Guénon had to suffer all his life attacks of counter-initiation against his writings and persona

I never quite understood what was so horrible about Guénon's life though. Seems to me he was able to escape modernity and live quite modest family and religious life.

>> No.15354233

19 posts and no discussion or new insight to this revelationary work. What a shame. In 25 years nobody will even know the existence of book after we have entered total infra-human phase of Kali-Yuga.

>> No.15354310
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What does this book say about the tower which is located in Russia?

>> No.15354448

Those are not "towers", or well, they are similar to spiritual centers that Guénon describes in King of the World, but these towers are the inverse of those.

Those are historical centrifications of such Setian/Counter-initiatic places. Basically the center in Siberia is about degarded Shamanistic traditions.

Coincidentally or not, it is also near to the center where the largest atomic bomb was ever detonated: the Tsar Bomba.

There are also other centers that the author takes in question. Guénon mentions one center being in California, and it is probably significant that legal LSD and "Age of Aquarius" began there.

>> No.15354453

Also, the map takes the shape of the constellation "Big Dipper"

>> No.15354493

It's bad, second hand information not reliable by a dude who writes in the manner of Guénon himself.

>> No.15354509

Yes, this is what the Amazon reviews say and some blogposts on the internet. You cannot even read French, how the fuck can you make such "reviews" of the book without being 1) able to read it 2) having never read it

>> No.15354571

What is the title in burgerspeak? I don't speak frog.

>> No.15354625

Do you have a .pdf file of this book?

>> No.15354631

>Not really. Then again, if you took "King of the World" seriously and could not appreciate the symbolical value behind the book, then this book might not be for you.

>> No.15354652

It's on scribd documents. You can download it from free if you upload few documents to scribd yourself (they can be anything, like 4-5 PDFs, like manuals or something)

>> No.15354668

Well, it would seem rather a contradiction in terms to be both 'localizing' supposed centers of counter-initiation and taking them on a purely anagogical level. I think it's perfectly possible to approach the symbolism without credulously presenting the tall stories of early 20th century European self-publicists as fact, especially when doing so easily contributes to the demonisation of the Yezidis for the apparent crime of preserving the esoteric nature of their traditions, forcing those obsessed with uncovering novelty to rely on poor tertiary sources.

>> No.15354716

Your post implies

1) Traditions cannot degrade over time (like shamanism or sorcery that were perhaps once genuine traditions, but cut off from their source)
2) Yezidis have preserved their tradition intact

I have no beef with Yezidis and I do undestand that Yazidi "devil worshippers" as a superfluous description of them might have less to do with their true religious practices.

But the problem rises with actual Setianism which this book deals mostly and which Guénon has also written about. In the Egypt, this was represented by the Southern/Lower Egypt aspect. Setianism, under unified Egypt, was balanced aspect: but when it gained the upper hand only dissolution and destruction would ensue. This is exactly the same principle with counter-initation, these kind of vestiges and remnants might over time exercise harmful influenec, even if they did "retain" their very tradition.

If something is traditional, it does not automatically make it good or authentic. Or do you deny the existence of evil (not absolut evil, but the dissolution causing evil and destructive evil that perhaps can be personified by the destructive aspects of Kali Yuga itself)

>> No.15354839

John Mark German
Reborn Guenon and the Seven Towers of the Devil
Guy Verydaniel Editor

>> No.15355311

I don't think it does imply that, no. Only that reliable sources or reliable experience are necessary to be able to judge the state of a Tradition, neither of which were available to Guénon on certain subjects. It's really not the symbolic aspect of these things I'm questioning, but the need to nail them down into some graspable material thing: Agartha as a hole in the ground.

Not that you can't ever do that - Egypt is an interesting case given the dual aspect of it, which obviously *is* in the sources, so I'll still be curious to read the book if ever manage to get it off Scribd.

>> No.15355716

Chui français, tarlouze.

>> No.15356161

Je suis français et j'adore Guénon mais depuis que j'ai été buddhist pilled je considere l'avoir dépassé. Cope with it

>> No.15356617

guenon be cringin
indians be trippin

>> No.15357360

>19 posts and no discussion or new insight to this revelationary work
>infra-human phase of Kali-Yuga
You answered your own post.