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/lit/ - Literature

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15327284 No.15327284 [Reply] [Original]

Was this board always this bad? It seems like theres 4 anime or videogame addicts trying to reform for every lifelong reader on here.

>> No.15327303 [DELETED] 

>Was this board always this bad?

>> No.15327317

Pink is such a qt.

>> No.15327341
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what crowd do you expect the literature corner of the anime porn forum to pull in

>> No.15327384

No. It used to be far less active, with most threads staying up for days at a time. The creation of /his/ should have made it even slower, but something happened in the last two years which saw it invaded by a bunch of zoomers trying to posture as intellectuals (probably because they watch pewdiepie talk about books or something. Also, the quality of film, television, and vidya continues to decline, so people are looking for more worthwhile pursuits...at least that’s my take.

>> No.15327386

Illiterates with a better sense of humor and hermits who made better use of all that free time.

>> No.15329053

>Was this board always this bad?
No. Like /mu/, it didn't used to be /pol/.

>> No.15329062

it became bad as soon as I started to frequent it desu

>> No.15329068

This. Plus the pseudo Catholics trying to act all "WHO ELSE READS ARISTOTLE AND AQUINAS LMAOO DEUS VULT" has added to the shitpile

>> No.15329076

It's gotten particularly bad since quarantine started. People have more time, so after they exhaust whatever degenerate boards they come from, they move here to make poorly disguised "books for" /r9k/ posts.

>> No.15329082

Actually, a lot of the weird LARPing Christians in general, it's not just the Caths, but they certainly don't help, given the large overlap between new LARPing Catholics (and Orthodox) and /pol/-tier thinkers and views

>> No.15329088

... What I will say, though, is that it has a hell of a lot fewer threads on fantasy and genre dreck than it used to.

>> No.15329090

I was one of the original tripfags on /mu/ :3

>> No.15329091

i feel it has gotten worse the past month or so. Maybe because bored teen shitposters are migrating to /lit/ whilst lockdown is happening.

>> No.15329137

/lit/ is slow so when a small group of people post a bunch of shitty threads close together in time, they stay up for quite a while, several days in some cases. This creates the impression that the majority of posters and users of /lit/ post off topic crap, which is unverifiable. However, once you browse enough you can easily recognize certain posters who are clearly just here to shitpost. For example, the guy who frequents threads about christianity and quotes entire posts while posting a soijak. It is common for people on 4chan to post soijaks, but this guy in particular tends to greentext the entire post he is replying to when he does it.

At the end of the day, if you want change you must do your part and report off topic and low quality posts. Choose "This post is off-topic" or "This post is extremely low quality" or even "Spamming/flooding". It won't get taken down immediately but hopefully it eventually will. It's more important to report posts so that the posters get banned than to get individual shitposts taken down. People frequent exaggerate how easy ban evasion is. Banning people does work.

Please, users of /lit/. Report bad posts and DO NOT respond to shitty posts. It's that simple.

>> No.15329156
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Y’all making me nostalgic.
Any old timers here?
For what it’s worth, if its worth anything: rapture reporting in

>> No.15329158

I've been here around 9 or 10 years and yes, it has gotten considerably bad. not bad enough to get me to leave though, no matter how badly I want to. i'm fucking pathetic. I'm trying to discuss literature with a bunch of edgy ADHD teenagers raised on the internet who only just discovered evola and spengler. What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.15329169

I give it 5 years max, and this image will be totally reversed lol. Sorry white people, your time is over.

>> No.15329186

Yep, it’s always been this bad. The funny part is, there’s also even always been OPs asking, “Has this board always been this bad?” or “Why does this board suck now?”, myself included. Eventually, you realize that 4chan was and always will be shit, and OPs criticizing it are just projecting their own psychological frustration and lack of healthy outlets in meatspace onto the board. Take a walk, walks are good for you. Especially out in nature somewhere. Fuck the internet!

>> No.15329194
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>> No.15329515

I'm not a true old timer, but I was here in 2011.

>> No.15329599

Oh hey bud there’s been mention of you lately, how you been?

>> No.15329602

whatever you have to tell yourself lel

>> No.15329625

>It seems like theres 4 anime or videogame addicts trying to reform for every lifelong reader on here.
To me it comes off there's a circlejerk here who wants to make it well known that these mediums are in fact art, and that they should be discussed here at literally any opportunity.

>> No.15329627

At least those talk about books. There actually used to be less religious and philosophy threads talking about the same exact things over and over. Yesterday alone two threads died with less than ten replies asking what people were currently reading, yet 75% of the catalogue is full of non-book related posts about fucking christianity

>> No.15329650

Summer came early.

>> No.15329721

Crossboarding eventually becomes a thing no matter what, and the most popular "normie" activities get crossboarded into first. This is why /tv/ is basically neo-/b/. I think the board crossover joke from April Fool's a few years ago accelerated this process quite a bit. On top of that, Game of Thrones, and people like Jordan Peterson and people getting into pop-pseduo-intellectualism brought more traffic. I think all you're seeing is the result of the natural progression of someone who makes there way onto 4chan eventually moving through the ranks of the boards.

I will tell you that I never purposefully come to /lit/. I only ever visit threads I happen to see listed on the Popular Threads section of the home page. Prior to a few years ago, I never saw /lit/ there. Some boards have fallen off, but /fit/ is definitely more popular these days than a few years ago.

>> No.15329727

Crossboarding eventually becomes a thing no matter what, and the most popular "normie" activities get crossboarded into first. This is why /tv/ is basically neo-/b/. I think the board crossover joke from April Fool's a few years ago accelerated this process quite a bit. On top of that, Game of Thrones, and people like Jordan Peterson and people getting into pop-pseduo-intellectualism brought more traffic. I think all you're seeing is the result of the natural progression of someone who makes there way onto 4chan eventually moving through the ranks of the boards.

I will tell you that I never purposefully come to /lit/. I only ever visit threads I happen to see listed on the Popular Threads section of the home page. Prior to a few years ago, I never saw /lit/ there. Some boards have fallen off, but /fit/ is definitely more popular these days than a few years ago.

>> No.15329732


>> No.15329753

This and you too