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15325781 No.15325781 [Reply] [Original]

Literature about humans becoming bizarre examples of irony?

>> No.15325826

Finnegans wake, infinite jest, don quixote, harrassment architecture, anything by lovecraft, lolita, clockwork orange and american psycho.

>> No.15325842

Thats an oddly specific list of books, weird

>> No.15325857

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15325862

holy fuck i can't stand moldbug

>> No.15325888

Cause he understands the memes you make about him all the time, is that why? Or are you just looking for an opportunity to channel your frustrations and he happened to be an easy target after oversharing his life online?

>> No.15325955

This is boring right, hes not angry or emotional enough. Lets make another guenon thread or post that dfw pic again. Ride the tiger while he's not exhausted yet. Outfox the fox, expose the wolf, emprison the sinner.

>> No.15325984


>> No.15326014

But what if the tiger is exhausted and cant fight back anymore, do we just dance on it's limp body and entertain ourselves to the end? Btw are you into evola at all?

>> No.15326062

This guy has no talent, the best thing hell ever create is the last trinkle of piss as he hangs from the ceiling, cause behind all his self-aware gimmicks and pseudo-intellectual bullshit, there was no discernible talent.

Thats one i remember vividly, we should use it again here

>> No.15326152

You should join the discord, there is nothing outside to return to. Youre from a small town near a university city right? As you entered the library, did you hear a retard moan loudly?

>> No.15326171

Why does this make me laugh? Did he drop out of uni already? The Idiot by dosto seems appropriate here

>> No.15326187

I thought it was a 12 year old kid having an asthma attack, could be wrong though, maybe he was 21

>> No.15326209

Now thats an image preceding unfortunate events

>> No.15326278

Thats a nasty comment, but i guess he deserves it, he was kind of an asshole to everyone

>> No.15326296

Livestream fail

>> No.15326315

Outfoxed the fox again, some ethereal work there

>> No.15326346

I was disappointed when I read Moldbug. I could write something just as good as his material, and he has thousands of young men sucking his dick. I lack his sociopathy, the sociopathy of the born con artist. There are a lot of people trying to write like him on Letterboxd too, and it's infuriating.

>> No.15326377

Why so serious dude, its not high school math, youre not getting a bad grade here

>> No.15326445

Maybe you want him to be a sociopath so you can just distance yourself from any responsibility and say "he knew it all along, he has no emotions and doesnt care about anyone but himself" that would be easy, but accepting that someone has complicated emotions and internal turmoil surrounding whatever it might be, thats a bit harder

>> No.15326485

I mean... He's literally correct about like 80% of the shit he writes about, con artist or not

>> No.15326517

The best con artists are the most credible.

His pain has no relevance to me. In effect, he's a more dangerously misleading version of Jordan Peterson.

>> No.15326540

And youre not the one having to go back to this shit as soon as i open up my laptop again. Its certainly less than it used to be, but i still notice it everywhere. And some of the stuff people wrote on here ill never forget, it was unironically traumatizing, especially when i didnt have any idea what happened and only 'found out' a couple days later

>> No.15326717

moldbug is a crybaby

>> No.15326763

Whats dangerous about him? He can't hurt anyone but himself while you watch from a distance, if his intentions were really to trick and deceive people he must be the worst con artist ever. I think he noticed people thought he was a fraud, so he went along with it cause then he didnt have to own up to anything. He's a coward more than anything

>> No.15326796

Fair enough, as long as he's not a scumbag or criminal

>> No.15326832

moldbug is based, it's just that he breaks down in tears like every other time he appears on video or a podcast. need to fix that bro

>> No.15326895

>caring if he's a criminal

>> No.15326931

Yeah, he's had some really shit months and i think he cant stop it when he starts talking about them. You using video and podcast is pretty worrying to me though. I think a lot will have to change before he can stop crying

>> No.15327091

I also heard him say that every time he thinks about it, he wishes he was back jn norway a year earlier, knowing what was about to happen and making a couple different decisions to get him on the right track straight away.

>> No.15327105

Thinks about what? What happened?

>> No.15327129

>The best con artists are the most credible.
What's his con? He's not selling products or advocating action. His thought is a functionally accurate frame for analyzing power in a 'free society'

>> No.15327221

cringe. go back.

>> No.15327232

i dont even know. good luck with your life everyone, but please stop invading into mine. i dont like being hostile, i want people to feel good. i want this to be straight up and honest but

>> No.15327233

he's never been right about anything.

>> No.15327268
File: 64 KB, 727x320, slam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high social and emotional intelligence to relate to Mencius Moldbug crying. The feels are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of patchwork most of the NAP 1%er theory will go over a communist's head. There's also Moldbug's leather jacket, which is deftly woven into his absolutist syntax - his irony draws heavily from postmarxist neocarlylism, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the social-intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his clear-pill back patches, to realize that they're not just profound - they say something deep about leather. As a consequence people who dislike Moldbug Digipunk truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Moldbug's tear-pill meanderings, which in themselves are a cryptic reference to post-leather insignia and cyber-vegan initiation into the future. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those hyperaddlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mencius Moldbug's genius unfolds itself from the dome patchwork. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a "Who is MOLDHOG MC's Enforcer?" tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's outside the dome - and even it has to demonstrate that it's within 25 urbit cash of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.15327541

you know its fun when you feel like shit and all you have to go on are some bits of text and some images, and the cold indifference of social media algorithms and 4chan threads. no guaranteed privacy, no explanation, starting to wonder if im just a whiny idiot again but this is awful, i cant do or think anything else. there has to be something i can do apart from moving out of this house and getting a new router, phone, sim card etc

>> No.15327783

No one cares dude fuck off, go waste someone else's time loser. its your fault, you had it coming. go try harder to make something of yourself. not that it matters, youll fail anyway, as you always have. well be here to laugh behind your back when you do. now shut up and let us entertain ourselves

>> No.15328502

Read "an open letter to Ron Paul supporters"--it maps perfectly with how the permanent bureaucracy ('deep state') has kneecapped the Trump administration, and Moldbug wrote it in 2007.

>> No.15328509

he was right about coronachan

>> No.15328522

To me this shows his sincerity--he deeply believes in the value of telling the truth, even in the face of enormous and powerful falsehoods