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File: 79 KB, 900x750, martin-heidegger-2-900x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15317576 No.15317576 [Reply] [Original]

Who do I read to better understand this motherfucker? I'm reading Husserl rn, and I know I should probably brush up on Aristotle. Is there anything else I absolutely need to read to understand the basic concepts of Heidegger?

>> No.15318361

Such a large part of Heideggers writing revolves around the use of compound words. Since english doesn't use compound words in the same sense, english can't account for the difference in meaning between, for example, being in the world", "being-in-the-world", "beingintheworld", "beingin intheworld" etc. Reading Heidegger in english is completely useless, and furthermore what spawned his reputation of being difficult. In fact Heidegger is one of the most clear and easily interpreted philosophers I can think of. Only read him if you can do so in german, swedish, dutch, norwegian, or danish. Otherwise don't bother. However, if you speak speak one of these, there is not really any prerequisite reading, he is very clear.

You should start with "Being and time", thereafter proceed with "Kant and the problem of metaphysics". After that it doesn't really matter much, I reccomend rereading "Sein und Zeit". That's pretty much all you need to know.

T. Has written a few papers which are Heidegger-adjacent.

>> No.15318459

You dont understand Heidegger. Thats what makes him so great

>> No.15318502

just read some heidegger for dummies book or some shit

>> No.15318521

Read his basic writings, has good selections.
I'm also enjoying his Nietzsche series.

>> No.15318527

Heidegger is so fucking shit he is the personification of the bankruptcy of contemporary continental philosophy, an all style no substance coctail of ideas.

>> No.15319712

You need to force yourself to read his sentences over and over until his language starts making sense. It seems like it never will but eventually it does. Also unironically try to find someone explaining his concepts in youtube. If you know spanish then for some reason there's a surprising amount of people explaining him rather well.

>> No.15319779

if you actually understand husserl, heidegger is nothing