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15316620 No.15316620 [Reply] [Original]

Which book contains more wisdom?

>> No.15316625

Define "contains"

>> No.15316672

The old Testament should be an appendix in the bible to give the new Testament some context. It's fucking gibberish and contradicts the new Testament.
I'm Christian not Jewish.

>> No.15316677

>the older text contradicts the newer text
strange innit?

>> No.15316766
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>defecates on both simultaneously

>> No.15317684

The Bible contains more wisdom, but Plato is incredibly useful for interpreting and deciphering the wisdom contained in the Bible. Truthfully speaking, any text within the canon of Western Philosophy assists in the daunting task of deciphering the meaning of the Bible, especially regarding metaphysical and ethical concerns, which are the heights of wisdom

>> No.15317702

Definitely Plato. The only "wisdom" you can find in the Bible is, "Just gotta trust in God and everything will be fine bro."

>> No.15317710
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Plato wrote the Bible, checkmate.

>> No.15317717

your fucking morons and your not christian your doing exactly what a jew wants, denying the bible. The whole book was promoted by Jesus, in John 1 he tells us he IS the book. So by denying a part of the book you deny a part of Christ, and therefore are eternally damned. Also youre a retard because the jews only use the books of moses. You really think they want to use fucking Isaiah? The book that literaly proclaims a messiah and then has all its prophecies comfirmed and fulfilled by Jesus? Yeah, they don't like that one.

>> No.15317742

>your fucking morons
You're clearly not a Christian yourself, if you feel comfortable using such demeaning language.

>> No.15317756

Socrates and Jesus were the same guy. Ever see them in the same room?

>> No.15317784


>> No.15317805

the bible is literally platonism for dummies

>> No.15317914

>doing exactly what a jew wants
Uhhh, you know the whole bible is written by jews right?

>> No.15317915
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>You really think they want to use fucking Isaiah?
yes, nigger
> The book that literaly proclaims a messiah and then has all its prophecies comfirmed and fulfilled by Jesus?
Retard Alert

>> No.15317922

Christian neonazis will jump through hoops to show that Jesus was somehow not a Jew because he criticized some other Jews.

>> No.15318015


>> No.15318047

Read your Bible.

>> No.15318064

The bible sucks.

>> No.15318069

I have and it calls people fools.

>> No.15318085

The Old Testament is history, laws for the jewish people, and prophesies about Jesus. The New Testament is what modern-day christians should be concerned about.

>> No.15318091

>Socrates and Jesus were the same guy. Ever see them in the same room?
holy shit

>> No.15318095

Modern day christians are jews who work as shabbos goyim and send their money to Israel.

>> No.15318105

>prophecies about Jesus
>Jesus didn't fulfill the prophecies or build the temple, instead he went around telling people he is God, in direct contradiction with Mosaic law and prophetic writings.
why are christoids like this?

>> No.15318110

Alright, lets put this to the test.

Christians please supply quotes that are ebtter then these quotes taken from Plato.

>One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

>Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind

>Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half.

>The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.

>Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.

>Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.

>> No.15318123
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Think again!

>Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. - Matthew 5:17

>> No.15318126

Jesus: "But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire." -- Matthew 5:22

>> No.15318190

I don't see how this means you can't say insults.

>> No.15318202

Klaus Kinski had a good bit where he pretended to be Jesus and he would respond by saying "You're right! Jesus didn't swear! HE TURNED THE FUCKING MONEYLENDER'S TABLES OVER AND SMASHED THEIR FUCKING WHORE MOUTHS IN!"

>> No.15318211

You have to wonder what would happen if you could force those types to sit down and read On the Jewish Question in its entirety

>> No.15318213


>> No.15318229

>in John 1 he tells us he IS the book
lol no, John says that Jesus is the Logos, literally 'word', 'saying', truth' and many other connotations. In Greek philosophy it often meant the rational principal that governs the universe.

>> No.15318236

>Music is a moral law
>also no music allowed in my ideal state
what did he mean by this.

>> No.15318237

It means you will soon be burning for eternity in a lake of fire.

>> No.15318246

did Paul forget to read this verse?

>> No.15318251

Someone hasn't read the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5:18-19
>Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.15318252

The stuff about banning music and art really comes across more like Socrates is trolling.

>> No.15318260

Idk it just seems like it's warning against anger and some of the things that come along with holding anger rather than explicitly condemning insults/cursing.

>> No.15318264

>look at this verse
>ignore Paul who told people to stop keeping the law and whose writings make the majority of the new testament

>> No.15318267
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I think most will agree, even Christians (especially Catholics and Orthodox), that the wisdom that is to find in the Bible appears more clearly when reading commentaries and theological works that came after it. That doesn't necessarily mean that there is less wisdom in the Bible, it just appears and becomes more clear after lots of interpretation.

The wisdom in Plato, on the other hand, is clearer and pretty accessible from the first read. That is not to say that you won't find more wisdom after interpreting, because you certainly do (looking at Plotinus, Gnostics, and even Christians themselves).

If you were to analyze each work just by themselves, reading nothing else like commentaries and such, Plato is clearly the one with more wisdom.

>> No.15318270

Based. This issue is pretty much decided for me.

>> No.15318272

Paul had a strained relationship with Jesus and his family. There is no evidence he had any respect for, or even knowledge of, "the sayings of Jesus" as presented in the Gospels. He basically latched on to the idea of "Christ" as a lucrative premise for his new cult.

>> No.15318279

Based and neechepilled

>> No.15318281

The gospels didn't exist when Paul wrote his letters, that seems pretty dumb. But he certainly clashed with Peter, as he recounts in Galatians.

>> No.15318282

are you christian? it's heretical to say Saint Paul (pbuh) was a fraud.

>> No.15318283

Well then it's pretty bad the Christians chose him as one of their key literary figures to dispense truth from.

>> No.15318285

If you say "you fool" you will be burning in Hell. Can't really get any clearer than that.

>> No.15318289

This is the best take in the thread.

>> No.15318290

He clashed with everyone, he was always so eager to present himself as the one closest to Jesus, calling himself a pharisee of pharisees to make himself look knowledgeable with the law

>> No.15318299

>The gospels didn't exist when Paul wrote his letters
Are you retarded? The whole point of the Gospels is that they record what Jesus actually said during his ministry. If all those parables and sayings were made up by later authors, then the whole of Christian ethics is a fraud.

>> No.15318308

>If all those parables and sayings were made up by later authors, then the whole of Christian ethics is a fraud.

>> No.15318322

It doesn't say that though

>> No.15318330

Your retort is nonsensical, do you think all the apostles died the minute Paul wrote his letters? Even the church fathers thought the gospels were written when the apostles were older men.

>> No.15318332

I hope you like lakes of fire, anon.

>> No.15318347

Are you retarded? The Gospels literally quote Jesus. Either Jesus actually said those things or the quotations are fraudulent. There is no other option.

>> No.15318355

Begone, calvinist

>> No.15318372

Plato is waterdowned Egyptian esoteric wisdom and the new testament is waterdowned Platonism

>> No.15318422

To all you geniuses that say Christianity is just platonism or neoplatonism why did the church father's spend so much time refuting these ideas and what would you respond to the specific objections they made to these philosophies?

>> No.15318440

They were coping

>> No.15318464

So do you think they were incorrect in their response? If so where and why did they get what wrong?

>> No.15318490

Which particular "response" are you referring to?

>> No.15318516

I'm not referring to any specific father's criticism of neoplatonism/platonism.

>> No.15318528
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Spotted the heretic

>> No.15318542
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