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15304139 No.15304139 [Reply] [Original]

i've never read philosophy before. i enjoy talking about things that are philosophical in nature, so i thought i'd try reading some material by a philosopher. i know next to nothing about philosophers, and without doing any research on good entry points, i went out and bought Beyond Good and Evil, mainly because Nietzsche is one of the few philosophers i recognize.

long story short; what the fuck is the proper way to read one of these books if you're doing it alone? how do i properly understand what he is saying without having lengthy discussions about what initially seems like complete gibberish. also, i'm pretty sure i picked a terrible book to start with.

>> No.15304161

years of reading and discussing

actually knowing philosophy, and not just being some dabbler or dilettante, is a bit like learning a relatively difficult language, combined with cultivating a lifelong hobby like old boomers do. you have to do it all the time, it has to be a major part of your life, and you have to put in many hours to do the grindy parts to gain initial skills, and it's very unlikely you'll do any of this much less sustain it for very long unless you genuinely and unpretentiously love it for its own sake

there are many flavors of demi-philosophical niggers, but to be a true philosopher you have to accept it's a long road and love the road itself

>> No.15304186

Nietzsche's philosophy is built on a critique of western philosophy. If you know nothing about at least Plato, there's a lot you'll miss on.

>> No.15304190

Read The Greeks first to understand N.

>> No.15304204
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>> No.15304216

where should i start with plato?