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15294031 No.15294031 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kabbalah just Shankara's advaita-vedanta in Jewish form?
What are some good resources for goyim to learn about it?

>> No.15294040
File: 447 KB, 1630x1328, cryptobuddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shankara's advaita vedanta is just ripoff buddhism so anything is possible

>> No.15294043

They probably all ripped it off from the Jews anyway

>> No.15294273

bump for interest

>> No.15294543

Some anon post the other day a book called "The history of non-dualist meditation" by Javier Alvarado wich i'm reading right now. I just finished an interesting chapter about kabbalah meditations and as you say is an adaptation of neoplatonist and eastern meditations.
I realy reccomend that book and I thank that anon who posted it.

>> No.15294558

To shoot the dying sun;
Er' before was done,
Upon a timber fiery
Believing itself to be done,

He thought different, to the coward men of some,
like a flying disk crack and flung,
the eyes of our hero were truer an' truer than none.

But him fat-bottom bum
while other men had run,
he himself had thought, said, and done:
"lease I still ae my rum".

That's my meditation
and it's all or none!
No dumber than purity,
lay his rest-name by me.

>> No.15294577

>lay his rest-name by me.
I admit this part should have been different.

>> No.15294584

You should look up David Chaim Smiths work , and his interviews.

He draws a ton of parallels between Kabbalah and non dualism ( though the parallels he make are Buddhist, not Advaita).

>> No.15295128

>though the parallels he make are Buddhist, not Advaita
Isn't the difference between buddhism and advaita merely illusory?

>> No.15295157

What I love about the new age retards is the fact that they don't understand that logic-based religion is all the same, they LARP as Uganda Kakanda Pissanda Buddhism Lao jao dick sucking shit while they could just read the first religious text in their native language (probably the Gospel here) and find the same stuff, only more understandable.

>> No.15295469

Perhaps, I’m not an expert in either. Just wanted to mention it in case OP was looking for strict Advaita comparisons

>> No.15295659


>> No.15295675

>logic-based religion
What do you mean?

>> No.15296119

Honestly, true

>> No.15296768

this. What the fuck. I'm a muslim and even I recognize Christianity as based. Why are you guys just shitting all over your tradition?

>> No.15296815

They can share similarities, but they are far of being the same. Of course inside every religion there are different branches (most of them heretical) that may converge towards other traditions.

>> No.15297464

At the contingent level yes, but not at the Brahmanic level.

>> No.15297559

The people in ruling us (jews) hate our tradition and will push anything, literally anything (including, no offense, Islam) for people to believe in that isn't Christianity.

>> No.15298035

Is there any end-times prophecy about the state of the Jews when Christ returns? (as in will a lot of them convert to the truth or not)? I've only heard something about them worshiping in the antichrist temple.

>> No.15298049

Jews do not rule the US, as evidenced by the prevalence of BDS and antisemitic sentiment

>> No.15298399
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>Jews do not rule the US, as evidenced by the prevalence of BDS and antisemitic sentiment

>> No.15298438

What kind of subversion thread is this?

>> No.15298816

There's probably a cringe gematria hidden in his wording to try and psy-op the locals.

>> No.15299032
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>This is not so simple. It sounds from this idea that non-Jews in their actions cause a yichudelyon and they bring a shefa which helps maintain the world, but this is not true. Goyim do not bring life to the world, only the Jewish people do. (Later we will explain why it is not true and how it all came about.)

>A person who turns all of holiness into jokes the leitzim make him into a joke in the next world as his punishment. The shaidim laugh at him. For the soul this is very painful, because the soul is all seichel and daas. There are non-Jewish jokes, goyishe shaidim, and then there are jokes that are a bechinah of kellipas nogah. A goy’s animal soul and joke is the shalosh kellipos hatmeios. A Jewish joke is kellipas nogah: it can be used and brought to the realm of holiness. The word yeitzerיצר is related etymologically to the word tziyurציור for the yetzerrepresents the pictures of fantasy. The yetzer hara fills the blood. The Hebrew word for blood is dam דם which is related tothe word דמיוןdimyon. The Torah when it prohibits eating blood says vlo yizbachu od eszivcheihem lasiirim asher heim zonim achareihim, And they should not offer sacrifices to the goats they stray after. (Vayikra 17:7) In other words if one offers a sacrifice outside the sanctuary he is adding strength to the seirim, to the shaidim, the dimyonos. People used to offer such sacrifices to strengthen the shaidim and to draw down spirits of false prophecy. Through strengthening the fantasies in their souls they would have a tumah form of prophecy.

>Now we can understand the lashon hapasuk, terminology of the verse: “Viatem tihyu li mamleches kohanim vi goy kadosh.” And you will be for Me a Kingdom of priest and a holy nation. First Hashem told us that we are the “Segula mikol haamim” “The treasure of all peoples.” We have all the good from all the nations and the pasuk explains itself ki li kol haaretz, for the whole world is Mine. All should have been loyal to Hashem, everyone should have been a Jew, yet they did not want this privilege and therefore Hashem sent them away to the seventy ministers and they are no longer connected to the real plan of the world, to the malchus shamayim, the Kingdom of Heaven. Raah voyatergoyim. You are a segula because you took the level of the goyim. What is your essential level? “Viatem tihyu mamlekhes kohanim vigoy

>> No.15299043
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>The Torah is therefore telling us to stay away from the dimyonos ra’im, and that all korbanos have to be lishemshamayim, for the sake of heaven, so as not to increase the power of dimyonos. וקליפהא"סהואלקדושהשחזרקודםמ"מאךBut nevertheless before it has returned to the realm of holiness it is Sitra Achra and Kellipahhהגוףצריךולכןמבשרוובשרדםתיכףנעשהומשקהמאכלמכלכילהיותבגוףדבוקנשארממנוהרשימוכ"אחוגםכ"אאיהודאיןושדיןנוגהקליפתמטומאתותענוגיוהזהעולםבהנאתשקיבלמטומאתוולטהרולנקותוהקברלחיבוטהקדושכרבינוימיוכלז"מעוהנהנהשלאמיAnd afterwards the impression of excess material indulgence stays attached to the body, for the food becomes the flesh and blood of the person, and this is why the body needs chibut hakever, the beating in the grave, to cleanse and purify him from the impurity he received from enjoying this world, the impurity of kellipas nogah and Jewish demons, unless he never enjoyed this world like the holy Tanna, Rebbi.

>They are a bit very strange these goyim." For him this was already a very harsh statement about antisemites. I remember that when they told this to my father he smiled. This is the way of the holy tzadikim, only goodness!" I heard it said in the name of the Tzadik Rav Aharon of Belz o.b.m. that when he arrived to the holy land he said, "It is wondrous and awesome that here in the land of Israel even the goyim are Yidden!"

>> No.15299069
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כי בישראל נפש זו דקליפה היא מקליפ' נוגה שיש בה ג"כ טוב ... משא"כ נפשות אומות עובדי גלולים הן משאר קליפות טמאות שאין בהן טוב כלל כמ"ש בע"ח שער מ"ט פ"ג וכל טיבו דעבדין האומות עובדי גלולים לגרמייהו עבדין וכדאיתא בגמרא ע"פ וחסד לאומים חטאת שכל צדקה וחסד שאומות עובדי גלולים עושין אינן אלא להתייהר

In the Jewish people, this soul [the animalistic soul] comes from Klipas Nogah, which also has some good... This is not the case with the souls of the nations, [whose animalistic souls] come from Sha'ar Klipos temeos, which have no good in them at all, as it says in Eitz Chaim, 49th Gate, 3rd chapter, 'and all good things that the nations do, they do for their own sake, as it says in the Gemara [referenced above] on the verse 'And the kindness of the nations is a sin,' that the nations act, but only to aggrandize themselves.

>> No.15299094
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I asked him, "I heard in the name of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that there are exceptions to the general rule, and that there are some goyim whose nefesh habahamis comes from Klipas Nogah, and that they are able to do pure chesed for the sake of others. Did I misunderstand what I heard?"

He answered that no, I did not misunderstand. But that this was a major topic in Kabbalah and that he wasn't capable, nor were we, without that background, capable of understanding the inyan properly right now. But as a rosh perek, headline, he said that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was speaking with regard to something found in the Kisvei Ari z"l, who brought down that there are indeed individuals from certain nations, who have a certain kind of relationship with Klal Yisroel, and Goyim who will become Gerim, who are outside the regular category of a goy, and therefore have a nefesh habahamis rooted in Klipas Nogah, like a Yisroel. He said that lu yitzuyar, it is as if they are not totally goyim (though they aren't Jewish either, obviously).

>> No.15299108
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>The Soul of a Jew is Superior to that of a Non-Jew.

>Even righteous gentiles, while pos-sessing an element of good within their souls, do not possess a Divine soul.

>The Jewish people are superior to all nations of the earth. This is not only so with regard to the fools who are abominable in their ways through murder and other great abominations. Rather, their superi-ority is due to their sanctity... which is superior even with regard to those who are the wisest and most saintly among the nations.

>The difference between the Jewish soul, its self, its inner desires, its overflow, its character, its standing, and that of all the nations, at all their levels, is greater and deeper than the difference between the human soul and the soul of an animal. Between the latter, there is merely a quantitative distinction; between the former, an essential qualitative distinction pertains.

>> No.15299119
File: 13 KB, 480x360, פולסי דנורא.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The highest state of love of creatures should be allotted to the love of mankind, and it must extend to all of mankind, despite all varia-tions of religions, opinions, and faiths, and despite all distinctions of race and climate. It is right to get to the bottom of the views of dif-ferent peoples and groups, to learn, as much as possible, their char-acters and qualities, in order to know how to base love of humanity on foundations that approach action. For only upon a soul rich in love for creatures and love of man can the love of the nation raise itself up in its full nobility and spiritual and natural greatness. The narrowness that causes one to see whatever is outside the border of the special nation, even outside the border of Israel, as ugly and de-filed, is a terrible darkness that brings general destruction upon all building of spiritual good, for the light of which every refined soul hopes.

>> No.15299134
File: 66 KB, 750x705, בביקור-גומלין-אצל-המקובל-רבי-יעקב-אפרגן-הרנגן-בעיר-נתיבות-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Zohar, the primary source of Jewish mystical thought,5 firmly estab-lishes the perspective distinguishing between the souls of Jews and non-Jews, describing the Jewish people at the outset of creation as “The chil-dren of the Holy One, blessed be He, whose souls are [therefore] holy.” This is in contrast to the souls of the nations, “which emanate from... impure sources and render impure anything that approaches them.”6The people of Israel, the Zohar states, possess a living, holy, and elevated soul(“nefesh ḥayah kadisha ila’ah”),as opposed to the other nations, who are described asakin to animals and crawling creatures, which lack this “Di-vine” soul and possess only an “animal” soul.7 Additional comments in the Zohar Ha-Ḥadash establish that those who fulfill the Torah—the Jew-ish people—will live forever with God, while those who do not—the non-Jewish nations—will decay with the animals.

>> No.15299138

So this is a schizo jewish thread?

>> No.15299150
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R. Yoḥanan ben Zakkai said to his students: “My children, what is the meaning of the verse (Prov. 14:34): ‘Charity elevates a nation and the loving kindness of the nations is a sin (ḥatat)?’” R. Eliezer an-swered: “’Charity elevates a nation’—this is Israel, as the verse states (Sam. II 7:23): ‘And who is like Your nation Israel, a unique nation on earth.’ ‘And the loving kindness of the nations is a sin’—all of the charity and loving kindness that the nations perform is a sin for them, for they do so only to aggrandize themselves...” [The Talmud now questions the implication of these statements]: And if a person does [give charity with the intent of fulfilling his own needs rather than purely for the sake of Heaven], is it not completely acceptable as charity? But it is taught in a b’raita: “One who says, ‘This coin [will go] to charity so that my children will live or so that I will merit the World to Come,’ this is considered a perfectly righteous person (tzaddik gamur)!”33 [The gemara answers]: This is not difficult. Here [the b’raita describing the act as acceptable], it is speaking of a Jew;

When the nations give charity, those nations will be elevated... and when they do acts of loving kindness, not only will they be elevated, but it will also be sinful for the Jewish People, for their merit will thereby be lacking. And the Holy One, blessed be He, must pay their reward in this world... and the reward of a mitzvah is great.

>> No.15299179
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But my suffering was far from over. The dinner dishes and glasses had to be washed and, as I was the one trying to brown nose my way into the family, I was committed to helping my future mother-in-law wash and put away the fleishig Passover china. I was the unofficial Shabbos goy while she smoked Benson & Hedges, drank the leftover wine out of the glasses and told me all the bad things about her daughter she thought I should know.

>> No.15299184
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The souls of the gentiles are from the three klipos, wind, cloud and fire, which are completely bad; likewise
the impure domestic and wild animals and birds. However the animal soul of the Jew, and the souls of the animals from the pure domestic and wild animals and birds are all from ‘nogah’.

>> No.15299194
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To understand this we need to consider the difference between the pure and impure animals.

I have heard from those who relate the truth that they heard from the Honorable Holy Rabbi, the Maggid, Yechiel Mechel of Zlotchov ZTzvK’L[15]. He related to them that when he came the first time to the Baal Shem Tov ZTzLH’H[16], he (the Baal Shem Tov) commanded that they give him honor. And he (the Baal Shem Tov) said they should know that this man (Rebbe Yechiel Mechel) is the son of the Holy Rabbi Yitzchok of Drovitch. “I tell you that the father of this man was given from Heaven the smallest of souls, such that there was almost no soul in that generation which was as insignificant as that one. But he raised it up to the level of the Tanna Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.” Until here I have heard.

>> No.15299209
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We have already mentioned the words of the Ra’avad with regards to an animal slaughtered by a Gentile: "for the Gentiles are like animals…and one who thinks of them as something [worthwhile] will gather the wind in his fist." It is clear that this is not a simple Halachic argument merely explaining why he disagrees with Maimonides on matters of Halacha, but rather the expression of an entire outlook concerning the Gentiles.

>> No.15299220
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>I would like to examine the import of these three terms: *S’gulah* (treasure), *Mamlekhet Kohanim* (kingdom of priests) and *Goy Kadosh* (holy nation), with an eye to understanding why the first and last of these have a decidedly different fate from their neighbor. Both *’Am S’gulah* and *Goy Kadosh*, in various formulations, continue to appear in later books of the Torah as descriptive, exhortative or quasi-eschatological terms for the B’nei Yisra’el. , *Mamlekhet Kohanim*, on the other hand, disappears without a trace from the Toraic ideal.

>The eight-or-so year old son of one family, for example, in grasping for a derogatory persona with which to populate a story he was telling me, searched about with the words, “The place was full of... full of...” and then triumphantly hit upon, “goyim!”. I was also, in playful verbal teasing matches with some of these children, affectionately yet with the uninhibited barb characteristic of that age, several times called a “goy”—with all the negative implications that the word clearly entailed. Another, older person—a teenager who had been spending some time overseas—referred to the “smelly goyim” who had been trying with their cars to “run us over as we were crossing the road”

So we see that the Jews, because of their special spiritual level, are considered to be a genus different from all the other people.

>> No.15299227
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>Even though it says ’Beloved is man,’ this does not include all human beings, for Chazal said: ’You are called men and the nations are not called men’ -- as though the completeness of the Creation, which is given to man in particular, is given to the Jews and not to the other nations…And even though this advantage is only possessed by Israel, he said on this matter ’beloved is man’ and not ’beloved are Israel,’ because there is a great difference [between the two]. Even though this advantage is also possessed by Israel in particular, nevertheless, there does exist the form of man in the nations also. However, the principal form of man does not appear in the nations. In any case, this image does exist amongst the rest of the nations, but it is worthless, and therefore he did not say ’beloved are Israel who were created in G-d’s image.’ Additionally, when man was created, this advantage was only possessed by Adam and Noah, even though they are not called ’Israel.’ Though after G-d chose Israel this Image was lessened amongst the nations, nevertheless His image belongs to man in essence, and this matter is clear" (see also "Netzach Yisrael," page 73).

>> No.15299241
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In "Netzach Yisrael" chapter 14 (page 83) it is written: "…Israel is special and separate from all the Gentiles, for the Gentiles are on a materialistic level, whereas Israel is on the ’form’ level…as Chazal said: ’You are called men and the nations are not called men,’ as though it were an ordinary thing for them, that the comparison between Israel and the Gentiles is similar to the comparison between man and animals who cannot speak, and this is because man is distinct from animals in that he is not materialistic and physical like the rest of the animal world; man is intelligent. This is the level of Israel, for they are distinguished from the material and are not immersed in it. Likewise with regards to Israel, the material is nullified compared to the soul; the material aspect is merely a transporter with the soul riding upon it, and the material is nullified, just like an ass is nullified and secondary with regards to one who rides on it. So is the matter with Israel, when they fulfill the will of G-d they alone are considered a transcendent form. However, in regards to the nations it is the exact opposite, as though their soul is nullified compared to the body, and as though they are only body and material."

>> No.15299251
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"…what Chazal said: ’You are called men and the nations are not called men’…for the special difference between man and the animals is that man possess a Heavenly soul. Behold, those who possess this Heavenly soul are prepared for Heavenly matters such as prophecy and the Divine spirit, and this matter can only be found in the nation that G-d has chosen. Therefore they in particular are called ’man,’ in completeness, in that they possess everything worthy of being called ’man’… Therefore, ’you are called men.’ Subsequently, the commandments as Heavenly actions are particularly related to Israel in their entirety…"

>> No.15299263
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…and this is what they said ’You are called men and the nations are not called men,’ for the difference that exists between the animal world and man exists within you exceedingly, but the nations are not ’men,’ for their souls are immersed in the material, associated with the materialistic animal world, and this matter is clear.

>> No.15299278
File: 778 KB, 2242x2924, Birkat_kohanim_Vorsetzblatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the deepest concepts of G-d’s providence involves Israel and the other nations. With regards to their basic human characteristics, the two appear exactly alike. From the Torah’s viewpoint, however, the two are completely different, and are treated as ones belonging to completely different genera…

>In the World to Come, however, there will be no nation other than Israel. The souls of righteous Gentiles will be allowed to exist in the Future World, but only as an addition and attachment to Israel. They will therefore be secondary to the Jews, just as a garment is secondary to the one who wears it. All that they attain of the ultimate good will have to be attained in this manner, since by virtue of their nature they can receive no more.

Jews, therefore, are the "true humanity," whereas the Gentiles are only "on a low level of humanity"; Jews "are true humanity from its authentic roots," whereas the other nations are "all on the level of Man in his fallen state" -- and therefore "are treated as ones belonging to completely different genera."

>> No.15299288
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And it is well known that the argument of the nations is that they will say, ’Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths’ (Isaiah 2)…from this aspect they also possess the level of ’man’ -- however, this aspect is not theirs. It is only latent and concealed within them through by virtue of the Jews, and this virtue is called ’man.’ This is what is meant by ’beloved is man who was created in [G-d’s] image.’ However, a greater love spreads upon Israel, for upon them appears the light of G-d’s image in all its holy shining…Therefore only Israel cling to the Living G-d, ’And you who cling to the Lord your G-d are all living today’ -- you, the Jews, and not the nations of the world…

>> No.15299295
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>Concerning what is explained in Yevamot, ’You are called men,’ and not the other nations, [the meaning is] that the Gentiles were deprived of the title ’men’ only where Israel were called ’men,’ because in comparison to Israel, who are the primary form of man in the Divine Chariot, it is irrelevant to call any of the Gentiles ’men’; at most, they are like animals in the form of men. Taken as themselves, however, all the children of Noah are considered men…and when the Messiah comes…they too will recognize and admit that there are none called ’man’ except Israel…anyway, in comparison to Israel even now they are in the category of animals…

>> No.15299303
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>…before the Giving of the Torah, the souls of the nations and of Israel were all at one level, for good and evil and the filth of the snake were all combined. When Israel received the Torah and were chosen to be a special nation, the filth ceased to exist in them and consequently, the roots of their souls were separated [from those of the Gentiles]…And all the good was rooted and set aside for the souls of Israel, and all the evil found root in the souls of the other nations, for they all are part of the evil and Satan’s camp…

>…for the nations, whose inner essence lacks any root of holiness, can easily be caused to falter…which is not the case concerning the holiness of Israel, who in their inner roots are clinging to G-d…

>… for the source of the souls of Israel is from a different chamber than the souls of the other nations…and this soul has no connection whatsoever with the soul of the nations. Therefore, even if one converted to idolatry he is still considered a Jew with regards to the laws of marriage and divorce…

On the difference between souls of the Jews and Gentiles it is written in the book "Etz Chaim" (Heichal Abi’a, Sha’ar HaKlipot, chapter 2):

>> No.15299310
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So we find that Israel possesses the three levels of soul (nefesh, ruach, neshama) from holiness… The Gentiles, however, possess only the level of nefesh from the feminine side of the klipot…for the souls of the nations, which come from the klipot, are called ’evil’ and not ’good,’ are created without the da’at [knowledge], and therefore they also lack the ruach and neshama." (And in the continuation there: "This is also the secret of what Chazal said: ’It is forbidden to have mercy on one who lacks da’at,’’ for one who lacks da’at comes from the klipot lacking da’at, and therefore one who has mercy on him causes the spreading of the supreme mercy to the klipot as well…" According to this it is possible to understand the Gemara which I mentioned above regarding the lost item of a Gentile (Sanhedrin 76b): "…one who returns a lost item to a Gentile, of him the verse says: ’To add drunkenness to thirst; the Lord will not spare him’.

>> No.15299325
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Supposing that non-Jews indeed do not have a neshamah-soul—but wouldn’t you wantthem to have one, as fellow human beings? Is this something that a Jew should take a particularly insidious joy and relish in?” At one point in the conversation, the view was expressed that since goyimdo not have a neshamah, all that they are interested in are the basic biological functions of eating, sleeping, sexual intercourse, and so forth.

>> No.15299329
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I further asked him whether from every Gentile righteous people are destined to emanate. If only there were one righteous Gentile from a city and two from a family!…yet ’his blood shall be shed’ is part of a general verdict…He answered that a Gentile who murders is put to death only if there are witnesses, as the Targum Onkelos there translated the word b’sahadia [according to the witnesses], and if there aren’t witnesses, he is exempt. Therefore G-d, Who knows the future, arranges that there would be no witnesses to the killing of a Gentile who does not have the potential of producing a righteous person from his lineage…

>> No.15299340
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>The explanation of this matter is according to what the Rabbi Chaim Vital OBM wrote…that every Jew, whether he is righteous or wicked, has two souls, as it says, ’And the souls I have made’ -- that is, two souls: one soul from the side of the klipa and Satan’s camp… also naturally good character traits that are found in every Jew, such as mercifulness and charitable deeds, stem from it, for in the Jew, the soul of this klipa comes from klipat noga which also contains good…But it is not the case concerning Gentile souls, for they stem from other impure klipot which contain no good…and the second soul of the Jew is surely part of G-d on high…

>> No.15299348
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>When a person who has such a gilgul is finally able to undergo Orthodox conversion back to Judaism, does this mean that he has rectified whatever he did that brought about this gilgul of his Jewish soul into a gentile body?"

Maybe, but not necessarily. Or, better: at least partially, but not necessarily completely.

>> No.15299351

>YHWH doesn't give a shit about gentiles and wishes death upon them
whats new?

>> No.15299355
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The klipot are divided into two levels…the lower level consists of three impure and completely evil klipot which contain no good whatsoever…from there the souls of the Gentiles are influenced and drawn, as are the bodies and the souls of all impure animals which are forbidden to eat…However, the vital animalistic soul in the Jews, which stems from the klipa…and the souls of pure animals, beasts, birds, and fish which are permitted to eat…are influenced and drawn from the second level of the klipot…which is called klipat noga…and the majority of it is evil, combined with a slight amount of good…

>> No.15299367
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>And G-d said: let us make man’…that is, ’let us make mankind in our image, after our likeness,’ and the rabbis established that there is no ’man’ except for the Jews

>> No.15299381
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His body is only a dress of the "man," etc.’ -- this means that although one may find that the bodily features of the Gentiles and the Jews are the same, the meaning of the word ’man’ is not the body. For were it so, their saying "’You are called man’ would not be just. But rather the body is only a dress of what is within him -- namely the spirit, and the body is only a dress for the spirit, that is the ’flesh of man’: ’man’ -- the spirit, ’flesh of man’ -- the garment of man. And for this reason the Jews, who are holy, are called ’men.’ ’The lower aspects, which were blended, etc.’, they are holy and not impure, but not at the level of man; however they are blended from the holy spirit, which expands increasingly, and reaches the final levels of holiness…"

>> No.15299411
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So I'm gathering that I cannot glean a divine truth from reading the Zohar with my goyish nefesh?
Literature for converting to Judaism?
Also, can converts marry Jewish girls or are they treated as something in-between goy and Jewish?

>> No.15299419

even if you convert, you're not a son of Jacob. you're still an animal goy, whose inferior to the genetic Jews.

>> No.15299512

Oh it's the jewish supermacy guys again

>> No.15300687

As you can see from the posts in this thread OP, no, the Zohar is not "Jewish Vedanta"

>> No.15300837

There's no such thing as "genetic jews."

t. Rh- blood

>> No.15301331

that's just the exoterics bro