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15291664 No.15291664 [Reply] [Original]

>Speaking of dying cultures, it's no accident that drugs first were widely used in America by the Indians and then by the Negroes, both of whom have the great cultural advantage in this transitional age of remaining close to their tribal roots. The cultural aggression of white America against Negroes and Indians is not based on skin color and belief in racial superiority, whatever ideological clothing may be used to rationalize it, but on the white man's inchoate awareness that the Negro and Indian – as men with deep roots in the resonating echo chamber of the discontinuous, interrelated tribal world – are actually psychically and socially superior to the fragmented, alienated and dissociated man of Western civilization. Such a recognition, which stabs at the heart of the white man's entire social value system, inevitably generates violence and genocide. It has been the sad fate of the Negro and the Indian to be tribal men in a fragmented culture – men born ahead of rather than behind their time.

>I mean that at precisely the time when the white younger generation is retribalizing and generalizing, the Negro and the Indian are under tremendous social and economic pressure to go in the opposite direction: to detribalize and specialize, to tear out their tribal roots when the rest of society is rediscovering theirs. Long held in a totally subordinate socioeconomic position, they are now impelled to acquire literacy as a prerequisite to employment in the old mechanical service environment of hardware, rather than adapt themselves to the new tribal environment of software, or electric information, as the middle-class white young are doing. Needless to say, this generates great psychic pain, which in turn is translated into bitterness and violence. This can be seen in the microcosmic drug culture; psychological studies show that the Negro and the Indian who are turned on by marijuana, unlike the white, are frequently engulfed with rage; they have a low high. They are angry because they understand under the influence of the drug that the source of their psychic and social degradation lies in the mechanical technology that is now being repudiated by the very white overculture that developed it – a repudiation that the majority of Negroes and Indians cannot, literally, afford because of their inferior economic position.

>> No.15291686
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>This is both ironic and tragic, and lessens the chances for an across-the-board racial detente and reconciliation, because rather than diminishing and eventually closing the sociopsychic differences between the races, it widens them. The Negro and the Indian seem to always get a bad deal; they suffered first because they were tribal men in a mechanical world, and now as they try to detribalize and structure themselves within the values of the mechanical culture, they find the gulf between them and a suddenly retribalizing society widening rather than narrowing. The future, I fear, is not too bright for either – but particularly for the Negro.

>At best, he will have to make a painful adjustment to two conflicting cultures and technologies, the visual-mechanical and the electric world; at worst, he will be exterminated.
>I seriously fear the possibility, though God knows I hope I'm proved wrong. As I've tried to point out, the one inexorable consequence of any identity quest generated by environmental upheaval is tremendous violence. This violence has traditionally been directed at the tribal man who challenged visual-mechanical culture, as with the genocide against the Indian and the institutionalized dehumanization of the Negro. Today, the process is reversed and the violence is being meted out, during this transitional period, to those who are nonassimilable into the new tribe. Not because of his skin color but because he is in a limbo between mechanical and electric cultures, the Negro is a threat, a rival tribe that cannot be digested by the new order. The fate of such tribes is often extermination.

>> No.15291705
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>I think a valuable first step would be to alert the Negro, as well as the rest of society, to the nature of the new electric technology and the reasons it is so inexorably transforming our social and psychic values. The Negro should understand that the aspects of himself he has been conditioned to think of as inferior or "backward" are actually superior attributes in the new environment. Western man is obsessed by the forward-motion folly of step-by-step "progress," and always views the discontinuous synaesthetic interrelationships of the tribe as primitive. If the Negro realizes the great advantages of his heritage, he will cease his lemming leap into the senescent mechanical world.

>There are encouraging signs that the new black-power movement – with its emphasis on Negritude and a return to the tribal pride of African cultural and social roots – is recognizing this, but unfortunately a majority of Negro Americans are still determined to join the mechanical culture. But if they can be persuaded to follow the lead of those who wish to rekindle their sparks of tribal awareness, they will be strategically placed to make an easy transition to the new technology, using their own enduring tribal values as environmental survival aids. They should take pride in these tribal values, for they are rainbow-hued in comparison with the pallid literate culture of their traditional masters.

>But as I said, the Negro arouses hostility in whites precisely because they subliminally recognize that he is closest to that tribal depth involvement and simultaneity and harmony that is the richest and most highly developed expression of human consciousness. This is why the white political and economic institutions mobilize to exclude and oppress Negroes, from semiliterate unions to semiliterate politicians, whose slim visual culture makes them hang on with unremitting fanaticism to their antiquated hardware and the specialized skills and classifications and compartmentalized neighborhoods and life styles deriving from it. The lowest intellectual stratum of whites view literacy and its hardware environment as a novelty, still fresh and still status symbols of achievement, and thus will be the last to retribalize and the first to initiate what could easily become a full-blown racial civil war. The United States as a nation is doomed, in any case, to break up into a series of regional and racial ministates, and such a civil war would merely accelerate that process.

>> No.15291789

What a load of old timey bullshit.

POC are doing better than ever in our times. Companies are specifically hiring to satisfy their diversity quotas, so that line about how blacks and Indians are going to be excluded from technological culture is just flat out wrong. POC are attending university in record numbers. White birthrates are declining. More immigration into Anglo countries and said countries experience much higher crime rates. Somali gang violence in Britain. If there was a problem with tribalism, looks like the Somalis in Britain never got the memo. POC come into new countries and decide not to integrate like the Muslims.

Read something more current fag.

>> No.15291849

you didn't read any of it

>> No.15292234

He is right about browns being closer to their "tribal roots," and that this makes life in post-industrial society hard for them. He is wrong about the essence of the white racism against blacks, and of id-tribalism in general: racist white Americans do not despise blacks for being who they are, but for how those traits make them a burden to whites. The whites who hate blacks are not the vanguard of liberal capitalism, but the working class who compete with blacks for resources. (He wrongly predicts that the working class will be the last to re-tribalize, when even in his time the essential conflict in white cpuntries was racial nationalism vs. cosmopolitan capitalism.)
This also is why whites show respect and even remorse towards Indians.

His attempt to pathologize white racism as an "acknowledgement of superiority" is silly, as well. Tribalism exists because tribalism exists. Being in touch with one's id *is* a good thing, and blacks should be proud of who they are, but the Noble Savage myth fails to account for the fact that different races are adapted to different cultures and environments, in part because evolution accelerated so much with the advent of sedentary lifestyles. A cut-and-dry example of this is Harpending et all's paper where they demonstrate that capital punishment in Europe constituted a 2000-year eugenics program that arguably made mass society possible simply by removing violent genes from the European gene pool. So while Europeans should learn from blacks and be more in touch with the I'd, this isn't why they're racist. In fact, it is the cosmopolitan whites who subscribe to egalitarian politics, not Cletus, driving around with his truck nutz and twin Confederate flags fluttering off the back of his pickup.

As for the drug stuff, I have never heard of blacks being violent on weed. Sounds like nonsense. Drugs are generally a social Ill and blacks take them because they have low impulse control, not because they have magic powers. I'd be interested to see a study on this though.

>> No.15292289

God what a wall of text I wrote
>TL;DR Racist whites don't hate blacks because they have Stockholm syndrome for capitalism. They hate blacks because racism happens wherever two tribes compete for resources.

>> No.15292316

highly based, source on this?

>> No.15292625
