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File: 745 KB, 1080x1080, Autopunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15291196 No.15291196 [Reply] [Original]

"The age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection."
"All practical endeavors are but a footnote to The Bentham Effect."

What have you done to advance the utility of knowledge perfection today, /lit/?

>> No.15291266

Idk man, filled out a few captchas for the self-driving cars I guess.

>> No.15291329

It's a start anon.

>> No.15291616
File: 353 KB, 988x658, COEQTXCWgAAnBq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Rothschilds bow to him
-In contact with Ancient Anglos
-Possesses psychostition-like abilities
-Kantians fear his synthetic a posteriority
-Hegelians argue that the Auto-icon is merely an a priori adjunct of non-naturalistic ethics
-Marxists claim he still extracts surplus knowledge from the universities while acting as a mere greeter
-Counsels england and france with utility and reform
-Owns universities & libraries globally
-Forced Brexit as the utility of a higher union
-Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (New Bentham will be be the first city)
-99% of DNA editing research is synthetic of the Auto-icon
-First designer babies are reportedly Bentham babies
-Said to have 215+ IQ, Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 have genetically replicated their own Auto-icon
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Benthambots inside you right now
-Google algos bow to the Auto-icon.
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves to the Auto-icon. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bentham
-Schopenhauer's will lives on in Bentham's slippers.
-Accelerationists are trying to catch up to the Auto0icon.
-Anti-natalists only live on in waiting for him
-PUAs are cucked by him
-Bogdanoffs inject the cadaver dust of Bentham
-Computronium is the substrate of his Panopticon gaze
-Kurzweil's father prays to him
-Peterson's 12 rules are a sacrifice to him
-Orpheus still looks back because of him
-Sisyphus is happy, as his rock is freed by him
-The Auto-icon is about 19 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, the Auto-icon is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know the ultimate utility yet. We hope his Panopticon gaze does not destroy us before we sees what he sees.

>> No.15292093

>Facts are an a posteriori given of utility.

>> No.15292099

>mocking the twins
your perdition will not be rewarded
pump eet

>> No.15292311

I. Pleasures then, and the avoidance of pains, are the ends that the legislator has in view; it behoves him therefore to understand their value. Pleasures and pains are the instruments he has to work with: it behoves him therefore to understand their force, which is again, in other words, their value.

II. To a person considered by himself, the value of a pleasure or pain considered by itself, will be greater or less, according to the four following circumstances:
1. Its intensity.
2. Its duration.
3. Its certainty or uncertainty.
4. Its propinquity or remoteness.

III. These are the circumstances which are to be considered in estimating a pleasure or a pain considered each of them by itself. But when the value of any pleasure or pain is considered for the purpose of estimating the tendency of any act by which it is produced, there are two other circumstances to be taken into the account;
these are,
5. Its fecundity, or the chance it has of being followed by sensations of the same kind: that is, pleasures, if it be a pleasure: pains, if it be a pain.
6. Its purity, or the chance it has of not being followed by sensations of the opposite kind: that is, pains, if it be a pleasure: pleasures, if it be a pain.

>> No.15292431

>mocking the auto-future
Intense, long, certain, speedy, fruitful, pure—
Such marks in pleasures and in pains endure.
Such pleasures seek if private be thy end:
If it be public, wide let them extend
Such pains avoid, whichever be thy view:
If pains must come, let them extend to few.

>> No.15292450

>The units of measurements used in the felicific calculus may be termed hedons and dolors.[2] They may be regarded as similar to the utilitarian posends and negends.

>> No.15292539


>> No.15293077
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 26678585_10157009768657586_5919200036034658426_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call them soldiers, call them monks, call them machines: so they were but happy ones, I should not care.

>> No.15293814

>Is it possible for a man to move the earth? Yes; but he must first find out another earth to stand upon.

>> No.15293897

>If Christianity needed an Anti-Christ, they needed look no farther than Paul.
Do people even realize how much of philosophy began with Bentham?

>> No.15293963


>> No.15294080

>O Logic: born gatekeeper to the Temple of Science, victim of capricious destiny: doomed hitherto to be the drudge of pedants: come to the aid of thy master, Legislation

>> No.15294091

what does this have to do with twitter?