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/lit/ - Literature

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15285161 No.15285161 [Reply] [Original]

>3000 page essay left till today
>started at 4 because had to finish another project first
>already 1300 words through
>haven’t even added in quotes yet
>graduate after this
We’re all gonna make it brehs

>> No.15285186


waz it on OP?

>> No.15285187

If your essay is double-spaced, then you're approximately 2,994 pages away from your goal. Not going to make it.

>> No.15285189


>> No.15285193
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Brings back memories

>> No.15285195
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>graduate after this

Oh, innocent anon, the real hell awaits you.

>> No.15285201
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>We’re all gonna make it brehs
no, i have been planning to kill myself next week

>> No.15285273

I hope you make it bro!

>> No.15285287
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If you don't blow your brains out you're a pussy

>> No.15285294

>tfw writing essay while listening to jewish rapper Drake

Yeah bro we all gonna make it.

>> No.15285302

*3000 words
In sorry anon, this toil fried my brain lol
Some bullshit I don’t care about

>> No.15285615

3000 page? You mean word.

And that’s nothing. Easy a fuck to bash out in a day.

>> No.15286054

>at 2000
>ran out of things to say
Wat do?

>> No.15286146

dip your ballsack in pen ink and wipe it all over the paper to bring attention to the patriarchal nature of the university system.

>> No.15286155

>graduate after this
this is not something to be celebrating, if you knew what awaited you. best of luck

>> No.15286165

This. After you graduate the world becomes a cold shell.

>> No.15286209

Hopefully that 3000 word essay doesn't read like was written by a stoned baboon. I imagine you still need a passing grade.

Also, good luck on walking into an insane job market.

>> No.15286266

It’s your final year and you don’t know still how to blather and waffle?

Further proof less people need to go to college

>> No.15286298
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>500 word essay due tomorrow
>Haven't even started
I'm so fucked bros

>> No.15286323

I would appreciate an explanation.

>> No.15286369
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In less than a year's time you'll understand completely.

>> No.15286400

Employment opportunities are slim, ESPECIALLY in this climate. Prepare to compete with an influx of people who have up to 10 years experience on you. This essay is childsplay in comparison to the existential dread of unemployed friendlessness.

>> No.15286423

What if I got an actually useful degree

>> No.15286427

i don't really have the words for it. you're going to feel it before the year ends. if i could put it in a phrase, just imagine a life without any further milestones or accomplishments to achieve.

years will go by without any memories. my last one is when i graduated. best wishes, my good friend

>> No.15286438

>decided to sign up for 5 classes
>easy because its person to person
>covid 19
>2 essays, 5 pages each
>5 weeks worth of algebra
>fitness tests and I haven't practiced once
I've never been this behind on anything, I lose myself so easily.

>> No.15286440

I was gonna say 3000 pages ain't an essay

>> No.15286467

Come on man 500 words is easy.
What is it on?

I feel you guys on the job aspect. But we are all living in this shitty economy together.
Remember you learned a lot. And you succeeded in challenging yourself. Keep that flame alive.

>> No.15286471

change complex adjectives in adverbs and simple adjectives, lengthen any descriptions, split conjunctions sentences into individual ones.

>> No.15286477

Forget economic writing dude, starting adding that beautiful filler.

>> No.15286499

do a rewrite from top to bottom

>> No.15286572

Don't pad out the prose as some people suggest, it's much better to try to think of another point to make - even if it's kinda superfluous.

>> No.15287036


>> No.15287083

This blogpost reminded me of a blogpost of my own.
I had a friend in the same class as me who had 10000 word thesis' due, and in the final week, he decided to scrap everything he wrote and start from scratch. I wonder how he did, and where he is now...

>> No.15287091

>"final reflection" essay due at noon tomorrow (today)
>Haven't started
>Professor didn't indicate at all how long it should be except to reference 5 works from the class
>Topic: "What is the value of (the study of) literature?"

>> No.15287172

I went to an elite liberal arts college and had a classmate who was the laziest man I'd ever met in my life.

He spent 4 years rarely going to class, playing soccer, watching television, getting drunk, smoking weed, and doing drugs. He wrote all of his papers the night before they were due, often having to pull all-nighters.

I had an international economics class with him and the professor was handing back a paper he'd finished grading. Then he held up my slacker classmate's paper for everyone to see. "I don't even know what he was thinking with these margins!"

That paper had the widest margins I'd ever seen in my life.

>> No.15287190

That's because you are (and were destined to be) a mediocrity.

>> No.15287195

Things we read this year
>"Wit", a play about death
>Hard Times
>An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge
>Anthem for Doomed Youth
>My Last Duchess
>The Unknown Citizen
>The Man With Enormous Wings
The sort of preliminary assignment (1 page 1.5 space write up) was on the same subject and those are worth 15 points. Scaling up I guess this should be 3 to 4 pages.
But I'm just not in a good mindset to write this amid all this pandemic shit. I'm not sure what's the value of literature besides some obvious statement, much less how I should develop it. I feel incapable of doing anything.

>> No.15287276

Ive been slacking and now technology is failing me.
Why the fuck can't you find vcruntime140_1.dll you stupid bitch of a software. I keep reinstalling things and nothing is working.
I am also terrible at essays. I can't think of what to write to save my life. I just rotate between 4chan and a blank word processor for hours and hours.

>> No.15287553
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>submit all busywork late because coronavirus made my dog eat my homework
>pass anyway
>GPA doesn't even matter

>> No.15287562

Add points, if you can't add points add examples, if you can't add examples add evidence or interpretations of evidence, or qualify your argument

>> No.15288104

If it helps set a timer for 5 minutes on your phone and in that time you have to write 100 words. Even if what you wrote is shit it’s better then nithing

>> No.15288157
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>Word limit is 500-1000 words
>Essay keeps crossing that word limit before I properly give my points
Fucking frustrating as shit

>> No.15288257

You need to learn to write more efficiently.

>> No.15288261

>graduate after this

now is the real shitstorm.

>> No.15288282

We never got word limits, just page limits. Which result in many people writing in big font; I usually started with 12pt and eventually arrived at 10 or 9. Pretty sure professors hated me.

>> No.15288284

Is that you, Fyodor?

>> No.15288360

You need to learn to write more efficiently.

>> No.15289874

You need to learn to write more efficiently.

>> No.15289922

Professors hate him!
This student discovered ONE SIMPLE TRICK to give tenured academics eyestrain!
Learn more -->

>> No.15290067
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just be lucky you only have to write a paper
>music school
>end of semester
>everyone has to play part of a piece by Beethoven and write a paper about it
>ok no big deal
>have a performance with the teacher day before
>barely prepared, barely practiced
>she suddenly decides I will play the entire half hour piece instead of just one movement
>oh shit
>practice the literally rest of the day to get it sounding somewhat decent
>get home late at night
>realize the paper is actually due on the day of the performance
>concert is at 9 in the morning
>wake up at 5 and shit out a 2000 wordpaper
>go practice
>shit out a halfed ass performance

>> No.15290186

>she suddenly decides I will play the entire half hour piece instead of just one movement
Jesus. How are they allowed to just expand the assignment like that?

>> No.15290225

This. Read through what you have again and look for something to expand on. You should have a reason for every claim you, so go back and make sure all your arguments are supported.

>> No.15290232

I've been saying for years theres only 4 posters on /lit/ You, me, butterfly, and fyodor

>> No.15290277

the whole class was completely unorganized
That's why I didn't know about the paper

>> No.15290340


>> No.15290484

based prof

>> No.15290531

This shit has ruined all of my motivation to finish work and my professor's understandable disorganization doesn't help either. I used to walk to the library and sit in one of the quiet booths where my laptop was visible to people walking behind me so I wouldn't dick around but now I'm stuck inside. At least my professors are more lenient since I was doing so well before this started. Online classes weren't designed for 16 credit hours.

>> No.15290698


Same my motivation has been shot to shit. Also getting really fed up with all of the repetitive tedious busy work this class I'm taking expects. For some reason profs think it's better to give you a million diff polls & mindless assignments worth a tiny amount of pts rather than a few assignments you can work on throughout semester. Getting real fed up with college in general, feels sometimes like it just teaches you how to wade through excessive bullshit chores, rather than encouraging you to think & learn on your own.

>> No.15290768

Did you take any notes when reading or analyzing the books ?
That usually helps me writing a reflection report, I had to do one recently about my bachelor thesis. If you dont try to think why you chose this subject or study in the first place. If you didn't see value in literature you wouldn't have studied it.

>> No.15290819

>3000 page essay
So, a multi-volume treatise?

>> No.15290829

>ran out of things to say
Uh, oh. You didn't do enough research did you anon?

>> No.15290843
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>finish last quarter of semester online
>exams are slightly easier because they are online
>ace all of them and get a week off
>now working from home doing research with a prof, getting paid to learn Python
>doing an online course in the evening and lifting
>still enough time to read every night, almost done W&P
Feels good

>> No.15291123

I got it done baby
Talked about how literature communicates experience and wisdom
Referred back to craft elements discussed in class for extra good boy points
I think things are looking up

>> No.15291150
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>tfw going home to grade term papers RIGHT NOW



>> No.15291169

Don't kill yourself anon. You have value. Take a break from the internet, maybe work out a little, do things you like. Don't throw away your life

>> No.15291180

Yeah, there's a lot more work and less instruction, or thrown together assignments that don't make sense and are trashed the next day. Plus my college extended spring break so we missed a week without extending the semester.
It's frustrating because it's all obvious hoop-jumping now. I had a great lab class where we worked hands on outdoors but the college says the online one is worth the same as that. They graciously extended the deadline to drop without grade penalty but not the one to drop with refund. How kind. At least I wasn't one of the students suddenly taking livestock handling and management online.

>> No.15291207

>14 volume philosophical masterpiece left till 15 minutes before I meet with my publisher.
>started 10 minutes ago because I was eating a PB&J
>already have 2 paragraphs
>haven't even added in page numbers
>retire after this

Were all gonna make it brehs.

>> No.15291397


>> No.15291489

Based. Got two essays due this week and an exam

>> No.15291530
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>5 word poem due next month

>> No.15292038

The Poem
By Anon

The poem is due today.

>> No.15292109

the tiger is free

>> No.15292236

Incredibly based. Suicide is the logical response to being born.

>> No.15292243

how many pages does each volume have to be? but also don't respond if you're still working on it

>> No.15292421

My last final is Friday, start work Monday. I am blessed to be getting a job I know but man I'm not looking forward to it.
Any tips for not wanting to hang myself from my ceiling fan and not hate my life?

>> No.15292481

Can we swap lives. I miss lifting

>> No.15292526
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>one word email reply due today

>> No.15292547

I feel you anon. What painless methods have u found?

>> No.15292563

Congrats anon. I just have one more exam before graduating and then I have all the time in the world to read. feels good

>> No.15292581

What are you doing after grad? Becoming a NEET?

Also, graduating

>> No.15292604
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The virus completely cocked up my chemistry course so I'll have to do it this fall or next spring instead, but that's fine because I won't be applying for my uni program of choice til then. This summer I intend to work part-time, start exercising more, and read Proust.

>> No.15292680
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>Last exam tomorrow, too exhausted to study
>Won't graduate with a 65+ avg, meaning I'm going to get assblasted job seeking
>After, have to finish writing up my unfinished thesis project
>Don't have the funds to keep a roof over my head for the next 3.5 months
>Even if lockdown lifts, have to quit job due to burnout
>Diets gone to shit with isolation and stress put on 20lbs
God help me

>> No.15293041

>Online classes weren't designed for 16 credit hours.
I have to take 15 credits next semester and I'm worried that the school I'm transferring to will be doing online during the fall still

>> No.15293209

>Any tips for not wanting to hang myself from my ceiling fan and not hate my life?
Drink everyday.

>> No.15293476
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I feel your pain anon, stay strong.

>> No.15294585

NEET for a year. Military after.

>> No.15294612

>NEET for a year. Military after.
I think I shoulda done this maybe

>> No.15294639


>> No.15294666


>> No.15294724

It isn't exactly ideal. The GAP year will allow me to focus on things I've had on the back burner for some time now, which is nice, but I have little to no interest in the military. Unfortunately, my major of choice has little to no use without further schooling, which is just as unappealing. Even if it weren't, I dont have the finances to fund it.

OTS if at all possible. Something I'd need to look into. Hopefully they look at your last 60 credits, and not your entire GPA.

>> No.15294805

I finished grad school in December 2018.

This has been the worst year and a half of my entire life.

>> No.15294865

Honestly everything after graduating is just pure hell. Every day I grow closer to killing myself, the only thing holding me back is my gf and my need to consoom pointless books and media.

>> No.15295006

same here. i graduated a year ago and the only upside has been that my family has been treating me nicer because of the coronavirus now.

>> No.15295296
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>haven't checked online classes since the lockdown, ~2 months now
>too dumb to write essays longer than 10 words anyway

>> No.15295419
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>huge gap in my resume after graduating
>can now blame it all on Cornavirus

>> No.15295700

>4.0 GPA
>one final tomorrow and final essay for english
>no anxiety even though I haven't studied or prepared
who else /community college/ here?

>> No.15295712

is this the fate that fucking awaits me? I graduate in less than two days. someone fucking tell me this isn't true

>> No.15295731

Honestly, it happened to me because I figured things would work themselves out. My life had always gone smoothly up 'til then, so I figured I'd graduate and then find a good job. I took my time at first. Then things started to look more and more bleak.
All of it would have been averted if I'd lined up a good job while I was still in school, or if I'd gotten my shit together faster. So that's my advice, hit the job market hard and use every resource the school can offer you.

>> No.15295734

what was your major?

>> No.15295736

what's your degree

>> No.15295741

>Not moving out onto a farm and cutting yourself off from mankind to achieve peace

>> No.15295746

English major

>> No.15295793

>hand in a 3000 word essay last week
>ended up being 5000 words because I'm an autist
>teacher asks me to see him
>tells me I am a philosopher in the making and to keep in touch

I've never felt so good about my writing in my life. Making it as we speak

>> No.15295814

Don't do it anon. Whatever is troubling you is better to just accept it and embrace it. Thinking about suicide is healthy tho. It puts your life in perspective and in a way is your body saying is having enough and wants to remove you from pain. It just mean you have to give yourself some wins and work in the areas that are making you miserable.

>> No.15295841

being a neet is better.

>> No.15295982

>english major
>can barely write a 3000 word essay
uh huh. either way, you're fucked

>> No.15296075

I'm taking 19 credits and it's not a problem. Just do the work it's that easy. If you can't keep your stuff in order without going in person and being told what to do you're just admitting that you're a mindless drone with no ambition and initiative and can't execute goals independent of authority. No one will want to hire you except for McDonald's

>> No.15296127

Foreign Policy

>> No.15296135

why haven’t you done it then?
are you not based?

>> No.15296164

holy fucking projection

>> No.15296261

the seethe in this post is insane

>> No.15296563

It'll be better if they have more time to prepare- the sudden change and disorganization is the worst part. I've had a couple of online classes in the past and they were fine, but they were made to be online classes. Still, that much time doing work on the computer is too much for me and I don't learn well online. I'm planning on going half time if fall is online and increasing my work hours.
At least you can gauge how much is too much before the refund deadline next semester.