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/lit/ - Literature

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15255368 No.15255368 [Reply] [Original]

>been on /lit/ for over 2 years
>made a list of 30 pages on books i will read based on my research in this time on here
>bought over 20 books
>only read 400 pages in 2 years
What sort of autism is this

>> No.15255446

adhd and an inflated ego

>> No.15255490

the 22 year old listoor who likes the idea of reading more than reading itself. internet induced ADD.
you need to take a break (a week) from 4chins, social media and even better, from all tech.

>> No.15255522

How is that possible? I spend a lot of time on here and even so have managed to read about 4700 pages this year. Step it up brother

>> No.15255524

>pick up one book
>read it


>> No.15255539


>> No.15255564

I have a very long list of books i want to read as well
My advice is to just try and read every day, even if it's just a couple pages - consistency is key!
Sitting down and looking at the little symbols might, initially, not seem as fun as thinking about all the amazing books you could read some day and what knowledge you might absorb, but it gets better
Reading is ultimately and enjoyable activity

>> No.15255580

>Read over a hundred books in three years
>Buy 600 while doing so

>> No.15255593

Anyone read a lot in a short amount of time and then not read at all for a bit?

>> No.15255622

This is a common thing. People love to obsess about the "stuff" rather than do the actual activity. I'm going to become a computer programmer? What's the perfect laptop? What language should I study? What text editor should I use? What operating system? What's the perfect starting material to learn from? Here, people are obsessing on the stuff surrounding the activity rather than the actual activity.

Why? Because it's easier I guess. And you know what you need to do: Read. Even reading a mere 2 pages a day would be better than your current pace.

>> No.15255746

Why the fuck are you buying books?
Get a kindle and use libgen and stop wasting money

>> No.15255864

You're too preoccupied with wanting to be well read, with all the trappings that come with state of being, when you should be more focused on wanting to become well read. The goal has preceded the process. I don't blame you, I'm the same with almost single desire in my life. The internet has made wretched creatures of us, eroding our patience and widening the already considerable gaps in our self esteem.

>> No.15255873

nah, I'm not poor.

>> No.15255879

You just lack discipline. Read 30 minutes a day and stop buying books until you’ve finished the stack.

>> No.15256092

They're so cheap. They're usually 1-2 dollars.

>> No.15256136

try to read a book you are actually interested in reading, instead of trying to force yourself to read something uninteresting
gradually, you will gain an interest in reading other things