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15230264 No.15230264 [Reply] [Original]

What books will be banned in our lifetime?

>> No.15230271

Who the fuck cares. At this point people only talk about it to get upset without ever actually effecing them since they can get it anywhere.

>> No.15230285
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>> No.15230287

I care anon

>> No.15230315
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>> No.15230318

Fanged Noumena

O9A collected writings

>> No.15230329

did the o9a write anything good? I keep hearing about them but they just seem so retarded and larpy

>> No.15230334

paper books will effectively be phased out as physical stores disappear, digital books will be continuously edited to remove all wrong-think and update narratives according to central diktat

>> No.15230372

do you actually believe it will get this bad?

>> No.15230847

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.15230884


>> No.15230919

Everything by Ted Kaczynski. The lay-man might think that a book like 1984 would be banned, but oceania is too violent to represent anything real. The real dangerous shit would be something more subtle, Brave New World.

>> No.15230955

This is why physical books are the beanie babies of our gen

>> No.15231006

You just gave me depression.

>> No.15231025

Never read the pic related, what percentage of bullshit written in it?

>> No.15231045

depends entirely on whether you think IQ is real or not. It's mostly about the emergence of castes in society as high IQ people get better jobs and marry other high IQ people.

>> No.15231061

Well i do believe in IQ, just not in the same way that /pol/ does

>> No.15231083
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/pol/ is always right

>> No.15231090

statistics is pseudoscience

>> No.15231099

If you don't like the race stuff, that's just a small part of the book. It's mostly about class, or as I said above these sorts of castes that are being created

>> No.15231103

shit, it's over

>> No.15231181


If you think ritually putting cuts in your weiner to placate a nihilistic-satanic-atheist egregore is good reading, sute.

>> No.15231182

It already is. "Xth Edition" with a "new, updated translation" is already a thing, and it happens all the time.

>> No.15231229

No, no.

>> No.15231744

Go back to watching Dave Rubin

>> No.15231760

get your hands off my board tourist

>> No.15231849
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I'll definitely do that

>> No.15232432


>> No.15233272

fuck, I don't even expect anything less than that

>> No.15233294

imagine reading all of your books with gender inclusive pronouns and having to guess every character's sex.

>> No.15233357

Correlation does not mean...

>> No.15233399

Yes. The percent of black men that commit crimes is pure bullshit. Heh

>> No.15233437

"not sold on amazon but available on a hundred different sites" does not equal banned by any stretch of the imagination

>> No.15233444

arrest without conviction isnt guilty of a crime...

>> No.15233467

Who says they're not convicted

>> No.15234029

get his books while you still can

off of amazon. cant believe they still allow that to be sold but wiped jared taylor off the site two years ago

>> No.15235000

And now imagine doing that in a language that is inherently gendered.

>> No.15235037

>rape map
i would have expected Sweden to be higher

>> No.15235050

all greek and roman literature all that will be available will be garbage reinterpretations

>> No.15235053

Look at the DoJ convicted murder statistics.
Ignorant little faggot.

>> No.15235071

>another IQ thread
they raid this board every day at this exact time

>> No.15235076

I know you trailed off, saying this ironically, but I love the little “correlation does not mean causation” cope that people use about race.

Well first of all, it means that correlation is not ALWAYS a factor for correlation, as in there have been exceptions. Thus inductive reasoning is best left to test a hypothesis than to conclude it.
But if you cannot deduce from the data that the place with the lowest IQ, highest rape and murder statistics, etc., (West and Sub-Saharan Africa) is also majority the same race as the those that commit those crimes or get those lower test scores in Western nations, then you are a deceitful coward.
Because at least if people were more open about racial differences, a more open approach could be taken towards egalitarianism, you wouldn’t have to keep telling Africans that the reason they can’t get ahead and keep getting arrested is because of another race.
They could actually get more tailored schooling, harsher deterrents/better incentives for not commuting crimes etc.
It would be infinitely more compassionate than this constant resentful lie.

>> No.15235122

I wish we could develop casual printing into the average people and that people print book they want to read.

>> No.15235127

In which way are you believing iq then ?

>> No.15235134

Yeah I remenber reading the two discourse of machiavelly and comparing an old English version to a modern version on wiki, and ironically they had softened some misogynistic part of the book trought a new translation. Really make you think. Ironically when I see that it motivated me to read book in their original language.

>> No.15235137

Yeah the inclusive writing in French is complete bulshitt and people using it need to be genocided and raped.

>> No.15235163

I can't find a good source on what "Weighted Relative International Rape Scale" is or how it's calculated, Richard Lynn is a white supremacist, and the homicide map is both not correlative it's also wrong on the couple I've checked (the USA for example is in the 3.1-4.9 bin, but for all reported years in the source the homicide rate is almost exactly 6) and is extremely critical of the US reporting of data.

>> No.15235181
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>> No.15235187

It's not going to be banned because it's 1. Badly written, 2. Not read by anyone of any importance.

>> No.15235203

Conviction isnt definite proof of guilt either. Lets just ignore the prison industrial complex exists. Lets just ignore that judges view convictions as badges. Lets just ignore that law enforcement funding is directly tied to number of convictions. Lets also ignore that the feds force nigs to sell crack and then arrest their own dealers.

>> No.15235227

you got memed by /pol/

>> No.15235229

mega-cope, these are all order-10% factors, they can't explain an order-1000%+ difference in the black-on-white and white-on-black violent crime rates

>> No.15235231
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All Germanic goblins are hereby cancelled

>> No.15235237

The fact that he is a white supremacist does not really matter. What matter is the result. I agree that I would like to see other source to justify this map but there were other study in the USA particularly and if I remenber well there were a clear difference between black and white also they are iq by state data in the united state and the whitest one are often the more hight while the more black are the lowest.

Anyway these kind of study are clearly unpopular so it is coherent that people are scared to do this kind of study.

Lastly expecting intelligence or some behavior to be genetic is not complelty crazy considering that bitpull by average are way more agressive than your average dog, same for African bee. Even if human are less affected by this by being intelligent species it is not complelty crazy to expect this to have some influence and could justify black doing more crime in average by exemple.

How do justify black doing more crime by average ? I mean this can easily be justify and found on the internet from serious source like the government of America.

>> No.15235242

How do you explain rape then ?

>> No.15235255

Unironaclly the Bible

>> No.15235431

blacks attack their oppressors
you wouldnt do the same to jews?

can you explain rich white man pedophile rings?

>> No.15235439

No because they are statistically untrue. Or if they are true show me some source, unlike nigger crime in the USA where it is really easy to find stat. If you want I could give one and by source which are serious.

>> No.15235443

And their liberator too

>> No.15235448

>No because they are statistically untrue.

>> No.15235675

pedophile judges convict nogs they wont convict themselves lmao

>> No.15235997

Everyone I know prefers paper books much like paper money

>> No.15236566

In most cases, this means you believe in it the wrong way. Do you know and understand what a genetic mesh is?

>> No.15236608

Blacks are not oppressed and never have been
>rich white men pedophile rings
You mean “white” men like Epstein, Weinstein, etc, right?

>> No.15236735

Yeah, like Prince Andrew.

>> No.15237533

>rich white man pedophile rings

>> No.15237630

Circumcised. Like the Muslim rapists.

>> No.15237638

>Lets just ignore that judges view convictions as badges. Lets just ignore that law enforcement funding is directly tied to number of convictions. Lets also ignore that the feds force nigs to sell crack and then arrest their own dealers.
And none of these would specifically apply to black criminals. If this is the case you could just as easily profit off of framing a white criminal.

>> No.15237656

The suggestion that western civilization has begun to rot from the inside, comes dangerously close to suggesting it ever had anything to offer.

>> No.15237671

Like all white bread Americans.

>> No.15237678

Mostly blacks in USA are circumcised.

>> No.15237693

Reveals black behavior before whitey debunking the lefty narrative Apefrica is a hellhole due to muh colonialism.

>> No.15237825

>poor people are often stupider.
how novel.

>> No.15238034

No lol libraries have slowed down the process of digitization. Some libraries have even started buying up more physical copies. The physical book is far more efficient to read than a digital scrolling manner.

>> No.15238133

They literally only care about racism. It's pretty cringe really, American racial anxieties are unbelievable.

>> No.15238284

Physical books aren't going away. The physical book has so much more value and spirit to it than the PDF on an e-reader.

>> No.15238290

They care way more about antisemitism than racism. Almost all the banned amazon books are about Jews

>> No.15238422

post nose

>> No.15239182
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probably pic related if they start catching on.

>> No.15239293

>he finally gets to publish his work without blowing people up
I hope he finds peace

>> No.15239436

When I posted that I was referring to the Abe Foxman translation of Mein Kampf, which not only outright deletes entire paragraphs but also adds entire paragraphs, meaning that ignoring any and all errors normally found in translation, all publishable copies of Mein Kampf (the Ford translation is, last I knew, not allowed on Amazon, nor is it accepted as a valid translation by any university in the US or Europe) are literally ideological distortions of the original text. This is particularly egregious because it's done by a literal cuckold who walks around calling other people "goy" to their faces about his religion's equivalent of Satan, but just consider a word added here, a word added there, to some other book? What's the big deal, right? Modern times require Modern translations, and honestly the old ones were made by racists anyways so we can't use those, and no university would ever sell those old translations (which are in the public domain) at their book store so honestly, how can you possibly call them credible?

I can't see Ted's stuff getting banned unless Borzoi and the Pinebros somehow manage to go twitter autistes to actually convincing the media that Ted Kaczynski was a White Supremacist or something. His ideology is too niche to be of any threat, and his solution is "lol wait for the collapse, you cannot accelerate the collapse". If people start bombing power stations I'll eat recant this statement. Anti-Semitism is a direct attack on ZOG's founding myth and source of moral legitimacy, Uncle Ted is just some loon who happened to be right about literally everything, and there's plenty of those around.

>> No.15239446

camp of the saints
culture of critique
my camping

>> No.15240645

The Culture of Critique

>> No.15240655

Trump was buddies with Epstein, as were the Clintons.

>> No.15241891

I've seen retards try to do this with Spanish and I want to beat their heads in.

>> No.15241996

cant even find martin luther's on the jews and their lies on amazon but everything else martin luther is still up

>> No.15242929

I don't know a single person who prefers paper money shit bait

>> No.15242940


>> No.15242960

wtf you talking about, every college kid is printing their books and textbooks already at printshops

>> No.15242991

>paper books will effectively be phased out as physical stores disappear

>> No.15243005

Not down south.

>> No.15243009

Already banned from Amazon