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File: 2.28 MB, 2773x4019, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15229854 No.15229854 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Artemis.

>> No.15229876
File: 16 KB, 217x337, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Cybele and Attis

>> No.15229885
File: 35 KB, 400x563, hephaestus-statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me Hephaestus

>> No.15229887
File: 102 KB, 800x1083, Athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athena is best waifu

>> No.15229899


>> No.15229945

holy fuck algoposting.

>> No.15229962
File: 202 KB, 553x850, Athena_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athena is the best

>> No.15229977 [DELETED] 

Based Athena turning Medusa’s hair into bunch of dicks kek

>> No.15229985
File: 1.06 MB, 1950x2590, prometheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prometheus did nothing wrong.

>> No.15230028

Correct. Why settle for less?

>> No.15230052 [DELETED] 

>and if anyone should see your true face, including you yourself, shall turn to stone at your wretchedness


>> No.15230054

>if an artist made those kinds of sculptures today it would be considered outdated if not fascist
To what level have we sunk?

>> No.15230066

No, not at all.

>> No.15230078

Only right answer

>> No.15230144

>if an artist made those kind of sculptures today it would be considered outdated if not fascist

>> No.15230168

Get yer head out the gutter mate. Dont like libtard, but dont like strawmen either.

>> No.15230180
File: 14 KB, 357x357, Monad.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's The One

>> No.15230190
File: 308 KB, 564x990, Hercules_Musei_Capitolini_MC1265_n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demigods are best gods. For me it is gonna have to be Heracles.

>> No.15230196 [DELETED] 


>> No.15230357

How so? This is exactly what Nazi artists did and they’ve been relentlessly attacked for it.

>> No.15230363


>Muh strong hero can do all the things

Literally capeshit-tier

>> No.15230385
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>> No.15230404
File: 167 KB, 736x729, 1487075829646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong hero can do all the things
Yes. Hero worship is highest form of worship.

>> No.15230483

lmao i think mine is a modern sculpture.

>> No.15230575


No they were relentlessly attacked for literally being Nazis.

>> No.15230587

>Turns you into a stag and your own dogs devour you

Worth it

>> No.15230605

I really like the relationship between Odysseus and Athena.

>> No.15230669


>> No.15230676

>Artemis is a perpetual virgin who mainly cavorts with other virgins
>Artemis is the goddess who kills women (Il.21.483)

What did Homer mean by this?

>> No.15230707

>ywn be able to sculpt like this
Is there even a point in trying it?

>> No.15230711


>> No.15230715 [DELETED] 

BASED. I might just read Mishima. But the seppuku is opposite of Heroic tbqh

>> No.15230764
File: 117 KB, 508x1024, 8549593132_9e6198e973_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15230837

He's generally protrayed as dimwitted and quick tempered, not exatcly a perfect hero, none of the famous heroes are except maybe Aeneas in the Virgil's portrayal.

>> No.15230843

Meant for this retard

>> No.15230850

Imagine burying your face there and rimming his sweaty dirty asshole

>> No.15230862

Eh depends on the reasons, but Mishimia specifically was a pussy and did it for cowardly reasons.

>> No.15231187

>the brain on Plato, or philosophized religion in general

>> No.15231209

>also the goddess of childhood, and of birth
what did the Ephesians down to Ovid mean?

>> No.15231242

>sorry ladies, but I'd like to award this golden apple to Artemis who does not appear to be among you, and--
-she couldn't even protect Hippolytus-
Athena, without fail or question

>> No.15231257

Yeah, I'm sure it was the sculptures that people had such a problem with

>> No.15231299

>ywn be a hero guided by athena

>> No.15231312
File: 243 KB, 1080x1080, 1563174669413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously Hestia would be the best wife, if you could get her to agree.

>> No.15231352
File: 50 KB, 550x367, 36C90946-7148-4616-858B-E16C2A5BB2AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Nyx.

Hestia. Defender of the home. Nice

>> No.15231361
File: 130 KB, 620x919, 8B986400-2271-4B77-982E-59E44CD3A0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.15231388

>golden apple
what's that got to do with anything?

>> No.15231609
File: 136 KB, 630x315, 9585EA84-29A1-4B1F-ACBF-5EECA11498F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comic books borrow from pillars of European culture
>edgy teen-brain thinks this nullifies all of culture
This is a major problem with today’s pomo world. Get over yourself.

She didn’t want it anyway. She wanted Iphigenia.

>> No.15231893

rumor is she got her, although no one bothered to apprise Clytemnestra, or even investigate..
'Will of the Gods' preempted tales of 'ratiocination and detection,' I suppose

>> No.15231974

Idea of the thread is 'select one'
I give a mythological instance of selecting and note that Artemis wasn't even part of the power/beauty contest
Because she was neither among the most beautiful nor the most powerful
Relatively speaking, what good is she?
Not much unless of course you're an agèd, sentimental lesbian, in which I suppose she's good for perverse reasons best left undisclosed..

>> No.15231993


>> No.15232004

yes you would receive harsh criticism if you couldn't explain the form and material you chose during a review or jury. Though in contemporary sculpture iron figure work is so common that if your statue was female I am fairly certain no one would turn an bat an eye.

>> No.15232021

great take, moronos.

>> No.15232059
File: 23 KB, 300x390, Goethe - Iphigenie auf Tauris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lays low, doesn't fall for the golden apple contest. Who cares what some mortal thinks is beautiful?
No, they're right. I don't mind your not caring for Artemis, but it sinks to stupid ridicule

>> No.15232154

She can shoot you with an arrow and kill you in childbirth.

>> No.15232231

No, she likes kids.

>> No.15233101

You can like kids and kill them too.

>> No.15233314

It's hard to even fathom the amount of skill it takes to sculpt something like this

>> No.15233327

It's a reference to when Apollo and Artemis killed Niobe's children

>> No.15233433

The original attributes of Artemis were of midwifery, for all creatures.
Then the patriarchal invaders turned her into a taker of life and mostly forgotten even by the hunters she was supposed to represent. But what about it? Readapt the stories to make sense of it. She’s a tough dyke that loves life. A “virgin” in the eyes of penis worshipping men

Oh yeah. It’s such a forgettable stupid story.

>> No.15234105
File: 124 KB, 428x720, hecatemur013 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Hecate

>> No.15234116

It's about the folly of hubris. I can see why it doesn't appeal to you.

>> No.15234117

The third aspect of Artemis, Selene, Hekate

>> No.15234130

I prefer the hubris lesson between Dionysus and Pentheus

>> No.15234673

>doesn't fall for the
right, like her betters do; she just orchestrates gang murders on innocent hunters who happen to wander in on her bathing area- what nobility!

>> No.15234698

Don’t peep on the girls frolicking, bitch.

>> No.15234767

Women deserve to die. Artemis was a hero.

>> No.15234769

>Butterfly attacking pomo

What the hell timeline did I slip into?

>> No.15234779

I’ve always advanced the Start with the Greeks meme.
He’s being a culture snob. Very common around here

>> No.15234784

Aren't Nietzsche amd Stirner the fathers of pomo?

>> No.15234787


>> No.15234926

/lit/ troja meeting when?

>> No.15234942

Nietzsche has some influence, more like a grandfather. Stirner has nothing to do with it. But Marx and Freud do.

>> No.15234949

normie take
Dionysus femboy mode is the only way to go.

>> No.15234977


Perseus is the perfect hero.

>> No.15234994


>Cucked because he has skinny legs

The Greeks were black pilled and brutal

>> No.15235120

True, he's also one of the earlier ones. They became more shitty as the generations passed, the ones from the Trojan War being the biggest assholes.

>> No.15235230

um.. that's a poor defense and you know it. Artemis has no major exploits that may be classified as decent- no Heracles, no Anchises, no Odysseus.. closest she comes to this is Hippolytus whom she cannot protect. I can understand your fangirl take but that's not how I chose to view the question.

>> No.15235279
File: 35 KB, 550x385, Edward_Poynter_-_Orpheus_and_Eurydice,_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Orpheus.

>> No.15235283

Not to mention his wife literally operates an onlyfans account.

>> No.15235378

For me it's Pallas Athena

>> No.15235382

For me it's Zeus. Why have anyone other than the King?

>> No.15235388

Zeus is a shit king and you are a faggot retard.

>> No.15235392

It doesn't matter if he's a shit king or not, he's still king and you aren't even a peasant.

>> No.15235393

For me it’s The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

>> No.15235398 [DELETED] 


>> No.15235548
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Parc_de_Versailles,_demi-lune_du_bassin_d'Apollon,_Pan,_Simon_Mazière_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pastures. Music. Lust.

You need more?

>> No.15235645

kek, he deserves better

>> No.15235735

based and correct

>> No.15235761
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 3F930FD2-5B1D-4792-9C5C-889F758F08E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on the Eleusinian Mysteries.

>> No.15235768

You had to be there, man.

>> No.15236044

literally cucked infront of all the gods who then admitted that they would also cuck him

>> No.15236062


>> No.15236256

you really are a retard

>> No.15236398

It’s not a defense, it’s a warning.
Zeus wants everyone to think she’s a harmless neutered virgin but here someone is spying on her fucking her nymphs?
>buh muh Hercules (Herakles)
That’s such a shitty comic book. Elevating Hera’s consort to rapist Hulk hero

I’ve already pointed out two of her exploits one pre and one post Olympian.

No. The way is blocked off forever. Only the walls of Tartarus is left for your shade. Find your church fathers there and torment them for doing this to humanity.

Aphrodite and he were never married. Fanfic porn.

>> No.15236642

Mycenaean era cult soteriological cult practices that survived the Greek Dark Ages. The simplest point of them seems to be an agricultural fertility cult rooted in ensuring the return of life in the spring. This isn't a transactional ritual wherein things are given to, say, Demeter, in return for your cattle having kids or whatever, but is a necessary process to actually having a spring.

At some point there was what appears to be a soteriological aspect wherein one engaged in mental preparation and spiritual purification in order to be able to avoid reincarnation back into the world and instead join the Gods in some form of paradisical afterlife. Partaking in the cult appeared to only better your chances at accomplishing this by a small amount and could actually be done many times during your life (presumably this would increase the benefits as they stacked?), so the ceremony was opened for everyone. Thousands of people, many of whom were frequent attendees would go to Eleusis to partake in the public ceremonies. Ecstatic visions were common. Some link these visions to a special beverage that was drank, but we know the ingredients and all of them would require lethal levels of consumption to induce hallucination. You'd also spend literally an entire day waiting in a line after having drank this stuff (a ritual blessing came next), so the idea that they could have thousands of people high on this stuff and not have it descend into chaos (it was quite an orderly affair, apparently, which Christians mocked it for being) is nonsensical. Ecstatic visions were and still are a common part of Greek religion, so I don't see why this isn't just something that Greeks do.

Finally, and here's where the Mysteries start, there was an initiatory cult that was very choosy about its members. We have no real idea what they did or why, because of MUH SECRECY (and later MUH JESUS). Presumably, they were trying to ensure your place in the paradiscal afterlife through a ceremony reminiscent of the scene of Demeter with the queen of Eleusis's child (tl;dr she roasts him alive so he can be resurrected as a God, as you must die to become a God; a maid interrupts, and the child is only made into a Demigod as the process is not finished). It did not involve literally roasting someone alive, however.

I've got some books on this if you'd like.

>> No.15236748

>I've got some books on this if you'd like

Already read Ritual Texts for the Afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets after some anon recommended it to me some time ago (maybe it was you, I'd presume there's not a lot of mysteries experts here). Either way, good read. Any more suggested readings?

>> No.15236811

Too many works on the Classics treat Greco-Roman mythology and religion as a sort of puzzle independent of the actual people who practiced it and believed in it. They're trying to make sense of a fictional universe, rather than a religious system that was actually practiced and believed in by human beings and had more significance than just masses of trivia. In that regard, a fantastic work would be The House of Hades (which is up on libgen), that goes over what the actual "point" of Orphism and Eleusianism was from a human, religious, perspective. There's plenty of works on the trivia aspect of these traditions, but frankly they're all the same, anyone can translate Orphic Tablets for example.

>> No.15236820

Thank you for this anon. Very much appreciated.

>> No.15236928

>The House of Hades
Can I get an author? There is some Percy Jackson novel with the same name that turns up in all the searches.

>> No.15236950

Lars Albinus. It should be noted that this book goes over the Homeric, Orphic, and Eleusian ideas of life and death, taking a bit of time to get through the Homeric conceptions. This is necessary of course as Homer radically redefined Greek life and religion, but I feel I should mention it none the less.

>> No.15238099

>symbol is a boob

>> No.15238110

based and Uzdavinys pilled

>> No.15239248

Okay guys, help me out please.
What's the authoritative source on greek mythology? Is there a single book of it?

I would be especially interested in parallel ancient greek and english text

love you, thanks

>> No.15239268

Edith Hamilton's Mythology is the go to primer on Greek and Roman myths but in my opinion she treats the subject in a vaguely dismissive manner. it's obvious that she thinks much of it is just silly. That being said, it is informative and is one of the standards for good reason. "The Greek Myths" by Robert Graves is another good one.

>> No.15240450
File: 684 KB, 2048x1300, Ishtapatra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one person has said Aphrodite; I receive prophetic dreams from her whenever I write something new or read.

>> No.15240473
File: 776 KB, 2560x1600, leonidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes men fight other than for love? Honour? only because they love it. Justice? Love's child as with eros, that mania for philosophy and art. Everything of the gods is plagiarised from the very form of Aphrodite - she is Kronos reborn from the blood of his loins. The last cosmic echo of the true king of Heaven.

>> No.15240587

Try "The Greeks, the Gods and Mortals" and "Did the Greeks really Believe Their Myths?"

>> No.15240691

I just read it, decent if brief. I didn't find her too dismissive of the Greeks, but the Romans and the Aeneid in particular she definitely was, basically saying it was just a jumbled rip off of Homer lol. The last bit with the Norse seemed pretty /pol/ too, how we're Norse by Race but Greek by culture (obviously she was not addressing coloreds and such).

>> No.15240792
File: 82 KB, 575x361, Cl-2TKhUsAATdvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no Aphrodite of the tomb gf

>> No.15240807

what book is that?

>> No.15240832

what’s the opposite of philosophized religion?

>> No.15240833
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, Dfg8rgPx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's from this bad boy--an underrated book if there ever was one, if only because the author makes so many interesting connections.

>> No.15240858

Poeticized religion

>> No.15240874
File: 121 KB, 340x642, Hestia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to be a cute boy and she will love you forever. At least that's what Japan taught me.

>> No.15240898

what is the other component to religion besides the poetry

>> No.15240995

I'm not sure I'd trust Japan to know about ancient Mediterranean goddesses. That outfit is wildly immodest, where's her veil and the ribbon doesn't even make sense.

>> No.15240999

The Truth

>> No.15241031

Japan doesn't know shit. Never watched the anime, but in the manga she has exactly nothing to do with her namesake. The easiest fucking goddess to kawaii waifu uguu, and fucking nnothing no hearth barely a home a godsdamned miniskirt and that fukcing ribbon

>> No.15241048

shit why is greek literature so good lmao.

>> No.15241059
File: 349 KB, 680x300, Boob Ribbons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a dress anon. That being said you are right that very little of the character has to do with her namesake other than she is a virgin.

>> No.15241130

IT"S NOT EVEN A DRESS IT'S A SLIP. A slightly-too-long camisole. A mangled t-shirt with an aggressively impractical ribbon. Her "dress" is meant to be tattered in the torso, but the bottom hem is intact? Why does she have matching gloves but no shoes?
You'll be happy to know your picture has me absolutely seething mad. How the fuck is that supposed to work?

>> No.15241277
File: 50 KB, 580x305, Extremely Practical Ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15241310


Japanese technology proves itself the perfect marriage of function and form yet again.

>> No.15241441

Nice, but she wasn’t born of the balls of Kronos. He comes back to pretend-rule every Saturnalia after all. No, she was another older goddess. A “Titan” unvanquished.

>> No.15241603

Now show me a picture of her standing with her arms at her sides. You can't, because that stupid fucking ribbon (and fuck you for that filename) will be around her ankles. Nothing is holding it up besides the angle of her elbows. I've been into the goddess Hestia ever since I read about her in some children's book of mythology. Finally get to see her in a modern interpretation and it's this fucking awful irreverent piece of nip trash. I'll write a story about Amaterasu wearing jorts and a tank top being physically and emotionally dominated by a kangaroo, see how those assholes like it

>> No.15241992

cringe coomer

>> No.15242010

Artemis is pretty good.

I like Pan, or Orpheus.

>> No.15242139

Yes she'd be a very good waifu, except that's canonically impossible. After rejecting two gods (like incel gonna compete) she swore to remain a virgin. Thus the veil. It's like stripping Odin of his eye patch, he's not the same god anymore, just another dumb bro on a horse with too many legs.

What are you idiots on about? Aphrodite was born from casting the genitals of Uranus into the sea. This is basic knowledge of you'd started with the Greeks.

Aegis up, anon. It's not that big a deal, just write your own fanfic.

>> No.15242152

An! I forgot
She wasn’t born of the severed balls of Uranus

>> No.15242177

Actually good b8
Here’s your (You); not even mad :)

>> No.15242507
File: 126 KB, 941x525, groomer desmond is amazing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want young greek boipucci

>> No.15242831

What are you implying?

>> No.15242862

>Is there a single book of it?

>What's the authoritative source on greek mythology?
Pierre Grimal's "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology". Robert Graves "The Greek Myths"will be a second one.

>> No.15242876

Does anyone have any good resources on the Roman cult of Sol Invictus? It seems interesting to me how it was sort of used by Aurelian and later Julian as almost a competitor to Christianity.

>> No.15243625

I just hated how she never wasted an opporunity to shit talk Ovid. At one point she calls him pathetic even.

>> No.15243955

Yeah retard, the blood of the loins. The blood seeping from the genitals that were castrated by the usurper Zeus. The sea foam and blood mixed to become the Cyprian dame. Fuck me have you never heard of kenning, figurative speach, you half-brained ingrate so eager to correct others and prostrate yourself before false idols. Grow up.

>> No.15243965

Fuck I did it again, Ouranos and kronos, not kronos and zeus.

Urantia heavens highest

>> No.15244000

Birthed of loins Saturnus’; blood and foam-born,
Bubbled up Ourania cosmic – Oh Queen!
‘Rayed in colours brilliant, Rainbow’s caught blaze,
Poetry falls short!

I tried sapphic stanza

>> No.15244314

>What are you idiots on about? Aphrodite was born from casting the genitals of Uranus into the sea. This is basic knowledge of you'd started with the Greeks.
That's the most popular story, pagan religions aren't so neurotic about origin stories. Sometimes Athena was born from head of Zeus, sometimes she was result of one of infidelities of Zeus. Sometimes Ares was born from Heras affairs, some stories he was born from a rose. Different cities had different stories.

>> No.15244792

>At one point she calls him pathetic even.


>> No.15244803

Hamilton belongs in the garbage.

>> No.15244809

I want to fuck Artemis so fuckng bad how do I summon her what should I sacrifice

>> No.15244852
File: 8 KB, 367x65, DyWVjUOWsAApgHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Plato mean by this?