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15224951 No.15224951 [Reply] [Original]

What are some mind bending sci fi?

>> No.15224966

Blindsight is really acclaimed here, but I am a brainlet and couldn't get it

>> No.15224973
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>> No.15224974

Star Maker by Olaf Stapleton. It's an astral projection journey through the history of intelligent life in the universe.

>> No.15225010

It's a moderately clever first contact story that is ruined by Yudkowsky's terrible prose and the cringeworthy preachy tone he takes about rationalist positions. Not to mention the anime references. The entire story hinges upon 3 different interestellar species being retarded enough to buy fully into the caricature of benthamism that passes for reasonable utilitarianism in LessWrong, and not only that, but being so completely unequipped to deal with beings unlike themselves that the only way they can reconcile said retarded Benthamism with a species with different perceptions of happiness/pleasure is to either genocide them or reprogram their biology into a happy medium

Also, that entire bit where they first contact the hedonist aliens is stolen from Accelerando.

>> No.15225295

I love Colin Wilson.
Still haven't found anything that made me feel the way Voyage to Arcturus did

>> No.15225546
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Currently half way through Children of Time. Quite enjoying it so far

>> No.15225576

this picture bothers me so much everytime it's posted.

>> No.15226168

Voyage to Arcturus

>> No.15226189

Seconding Colin Wilson's scifi, and Voyage of Arcturus as well. Fun fact: Harold Bloom wrote an unsuccessful spiritual sequel to Voyage

Also seconding Stapledon. Last and First Men was one of the greatest books I ever read.