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15223807 No.15223807 [Reply] [Original]

>get into political and economic theory because I want to stop being a brainlet
>read the "normal" stuff on contemporary right Liberalism and left Marxism
>decide to read some fascist works
>expect edgy B-rated social rhetoric
>it's actually largely economic, addresses concerns most both refuse to, and frankly rather humanistic
Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?

>> No.15223836

Tradition And Revolution by Southgate is very good, friend.

>> No.15223872

Read James Gregor's books about Fascism.

>> No.15223902
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>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?

>> No.15224092

>Who are the slimey fucks

>> No.15224108
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take the codreanu-pill

>> No.15224116

>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
But Mosley did hate brown people lol

>> No.15224123

>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
Hitler and the Nazi regime of the 1940s

>> No.15224150
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Reminder we are a socialist board

>> No.15224177

Right? It's pretty sobering when you wake up to how badly we've been scammed.

>> No.15224202

Blue eyes are so damn beautiful. How can you blame nazis for valuing such a rare gene?

>> No.15224205
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National socialist?

>> No.15224493

Yeah this guy really hates brown people lmao

“We pointed out, the lines of policy then being pursued, were bound to end in disaster. They talked of what they called ‘multiracialism’, which was simply a universal mix-up. Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake it together, and Heaven knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what existed. All the little grey people of the world, who hate the beautiful diversity of human development, they always want to get rid of the natural, the noble and the beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it; they wanted to make all nature as grey as themselves. It was their deep instinct. We were always opposed to that. We said: no, it won’t work, and it’s undesirable that it should work. We can live in peace and friendship, side by side, in separate nations and separate developments, but we cannot have the mix-up of peoples and races who are widely different and divergent; it will lead to nothing but trouble.
This policy of mixture, what does it really mean? It doesn’t mean ‘freedom’; it doesn’t mean ‘brotherhood’ or any of the cant and humbug which is taught. That is just the mask for some of the vilest forces on earth to exploit the peoples in the future, as they have done in the past. Every one of us in this hall was old enough to see before the War, every one of you know what happened; how the financial forces in the thirties went into these backward countries: into India within the Empire, into Hong Kong, into Japan, into China, and exploited these peoples to produce cheap sweated goods, which ruined the great industries of Britain and of Europe, which put Lancashire out of business in the cotton trade, Yorkshire out of business in the woollen trade. And these poor devils of coolies were exploited for a wage of a few shillings a week, for what purpose? To enable the city of London and Wall Street New York to make fatter profits...!

>> No.15224500


That is why it was done; that was the whole purpose, but with what result? China thrown into the arms of Communism, the largest population in the world, simply tossed as a present to Communism, because if you treat people like that, it’s the only possible result. If there’s no one to save them, no one to help them, and they’ve simply been ground into poverty, and sweating and exploitation, what can you expect, except they go Communist as they did, and all these countries which have been exploited, thrown and tossed aside by finance, and now becoming the victims of Communism, so finance seeks fresh fields of exploitation. Where do they turn, when the old people are exhausted, when many a poor labourers died of consumption and of other horrible diseases in their sweatshops, or when their exhausted fields of exploitation; where do they turn now? New pastures, new forests, fresh virgin land, and then you erect a Union Jack, or another flag of Europe, and under that flag where you allow these things to happen as we have done in the past, and those poor devils are going to be sweated and exploited in Africa, like the other poor devils in China, India, and Japan. A great new field for sweatshops to be opened up, so that these new industries, which we’re creating in Britain today, will be destroyed as the old industries were: simplified, rationalised machinery, with a few White surveyors, and then the masses of cheap coloured labour, torn off the land and taken into the sweatshops to work and labour and cough their guts out with tuberculosis, until they too are thrown on the scrapheap of the sweatshops. Is that worthy of Britain? Is that to be the future of Europe? And is this competition to be organised within our European brotherhood? Bringing in these sweat-fields in Africa, into our Europe civilisation, so that the financial power in one European country can use it against the financial power in another? All the great financial central power of the world, now shifted from the city of London to Wall Street New York, shall be able, on the mass of money, of wealth, and of power, which it brings to it, again and again, to exert its influence in politics, until as you see today, it is childish nonsense to say that a British government rules Britain! It’s nothing to do with British government or the British people! The government of the world is the financial government, the power of money and of money alone!"

>> No.15224516

That photo is digitally colorized

>> No.15224525
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anarcho socialism > national socialism

>> No.15224546

It is the perfect economic system, and also browns need to leave.

>> No.15224571

I was just about to say this, good post anon. James A Gregor really demonstrates how reductionist dismissal of fascist thought was enforced by communists and passively allowed by liberals.

>> No.15224594

>had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people
I'm assuming you're American.

>> No.15224615

But this is B-rated social rhetoric.

>> No.15224622
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racist 16 year olds please go back to whatever hole you crawled out of

>> No.15224635

No. It's entirely economic, very simply pointing out how the world is structured/run, but communicated through B-rated social rhetoric.

>> No.15224755

National Anarchism > Anarchosocialism

>> No.15224764

Nice digital blackface. I think we know who the REAL racist 16 year old is...

>> No.15224905
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How was he able to predict the future so well?

>> No.15224923

>pretending to be black online

>> No.15224993

All your friends are playing Fortnite or getting laid, get off the board, Dave! And stop wearing that fedora, it does not look good, and it stinks from the sweat

>> No.15224994

Modern fascists are largely and I say this with a hint of irony, degenerates. Fascism in its heyday was never about hate. You wouldn't see the likes of Hitler using vulgar racial slurs. For them racism was a calculated policy. Sniveling modern fascists going on about nigger this, kike that are driven by reactive emotions and resentments and seek to clothe them in the nearest political-historical reference point of any global efficacy that might speak to it. Theirs is a bastardized, uneducated fascism. Far beyond that, in their crudeness exclude the major economic component of the fascist program entirely from their thinking. An economic element which, subtracting and factoring out the racism associated with the overarching ideology, happened to have pulled countries out of the Great Depression independently of the so-called market solutions which are disingenuously paraded as the one and only universal fix for everything.

>> No.15225007

Based and Iron pilled

>> No.15225013

Why shoehorn nationalism into everything? Nationalism is part of the problem, and is itself a slippery slope into globalism

>> No.15225016

hi, there was a thread yesterday about /lit/ charts.
There was a political science one posted that I could not locate in the MEGA.

Off chance any anons has access to it? It went classical, religious, and then --> through history into the 21st century. Was colorized and appealing to look at, classical row consisted of "Peloponnesian war" "The Republic" "Trial of Socrates" +others
Religious one had "City of God", and Luther's 50 Theses +others
I meant to save, but laptop broke

>> No.15225019

>Fascism in its heyday was never about hate
I would say it was more rooted in fear and ignorance

>> No.15225022
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>Fascism in its heyday was never about hate.

>> No.15225023

Please explain how the polar opposite of globalism leads to globalism

>> No.15225025

The polar opposite of globalism is localism not nationalism

>> No.15225029
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>> No.15225031

nazi were too stupid to have any success under capitalism so they just went and murdered people and took their property. Why work hard when you have shooty gun and some brain damage vets to do the dirty work.

Nazi should have allied with the communists as they wanted to prohibit personal property, the same mechanism jews use to "guide" the world in their favor. But instead big brain adolf decides to open a second front against a very young, angry, and mobilized nation.

put the socialism back into national socialism. I would settle for nazbol with proper ethnic regulations

>> No.15225034

Marxist Socialism is explicitly anti-racialist. They would never align together


>> No.15225035

Post nose

>> No.15225037

Localism is completely unrealistic and utopian in the modern era you retard.
Nationalism is the only true opposition to globalism.

>> No.15225043


>> No.15225053
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>Localism is completely unrealistic and utopian in the modern era you retard.
That's not even an argument.

>> No.15225061

congratulations, you're retarded

>inb4 no im not

which books did you read for all of those ideologies

>> No.15225069

show me the economics in that text lmao. mentioning finance and the economy does not mean it is economic analysis

>> No.15225073

I've read a lot of marxist theory and cannot think of a single concern that wouldn't be addressed by at least one of the major works assuming you actually read

>> No.15225077

Yes. The failure of an ideology to function in practice is a perfect argument against it.

>> No.15225086


This is a relevant essay. The crux of the argument is that fascism's early appeal was mainly economic and it won people's favor by solving their problems. Mussolini is a case in this regard. He did many beneficial things for Italian society and national pride, excavated the Roman forum, created the Vatican so it would not be damaged when war came to Italy, sent troops to break up the mafia, and more:
>The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini proposed giving women the vote, lowering the voting age to 18, introducing an eight-hour workday, worker participation in industrial management, heavy progressive capital tax and the partial confiscation of war profits.

>Early fascists latched on to low-paid workers, war veterans and others who felt betrayed by a system that gave them nothing in return for their sacrifices. As historian Samuel Moyn writes in Not Enough (2018): ‘It is no accident that the inventor of the still most widely used measure of national inequality, Italian statistician Corrado Gini, was a Fascist.’

>> No.15225098

And I should point out also that fascism rose in direct relation to the increase in economic inequality, as it has today albeit in weaker, less coherent and diluted form. The movement has always been about inequality, both about correcting perceived wrongful inequalities and aggrandizing supposed natural, racial inequalities.

>> No.15225112

>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
Adolf Hitler.

>> No.15225124

>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
The people who oppose fascism - Marxists, neo-liberals, left-wingers in general

>> No.15225195
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How is national socialism not utopian? Why does a centralized government get to own an entire fucking continent? Nationalism is retarded, and most of it's supporters think that they somehow benefit from being a military industrial complex cuck

>> No.15225429

In fairness, the only brown people he mass murdered were gypsies and Rheinland bastards.

>> No.15225476

Blame the Axis, Fascism likely would have developted into a more solid theory if WW2 and the Holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.15225477

Actually the main inequality Italian fascists were really worried about (starting at least around 1907) was inequality between nations. Early fascist thinkers (who were either syndicalists or nationalists, or both) wanted desperately for Italy to industrialize, lest it be subject to foreign powers perpetually.

>> No.15225481

Fascist theory was solid long before 1939.

>> No.15225493

yeah, but he was still the one who made fascism about race to the layman, with his gay obsession with 6 foot tall white blonde germans

>> No.15225499
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Welcome at the third position
Where ultimately ideology serves people not the other way around

>> No.15225509

He made Nazism about that. People are willing to spend their entire academic careers splitting hairs between Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism etc. but proceed to pretend Nazism, Italian fascism, falangism etc. are literally identical but with different names

>> No.15225513
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>> No.15225539

I feel it's ideas are too disjointed, fascism basically was what got stuck.
I still don't know why the fuck we allow communist to define what is fascism, that is literally begging for a strawman vision in the ideology and it's follower, how the fuck can you prevent fascism if you didn't even bother to know what is?

>> No.15225568

>I feel it's ideas are too disjointed, fascism basically was what got stuck.
Read James A. Gregor. The idea that fascism is an anti-intellectual, self contradicting and irrational ideology with no logical basis is a communist myth. Syndicalism, nationalism, corporatism and industrialism are all mutually benefiting movements that were united together in fascism.

>> No.15225607

>How is national socialism not utopian?
Because it has shown that its ideals can function in practice.
>Why does a centralized government get to own an entire fucking continent?
Continent? Don't know why you're applying a nationalist ideology to an entire continent.
But a government should be able to have control over it's own country. Who else should control the country? Transnational companies? Even Marxists will agree that that is a stupid idea.
>most of it's supporters think that they somehow benefit from being a military industrial complex cuck
Literally what? You're just making up random fucking arguments now. I assume you're referring to America? All nationalists oppose using the military to fight overseas wars for the benefit of foreign powers.

>> No.15225660

One punch.

>> No.15226038
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To paraphrase Dugin, nationalism is a small-scale attempt at globalism. It achieves a globalist vision of the world in one nation through universal suffrage, destruction of traditional estate/caste systems, and promotion of liberal values. Nationalism as an idea was not truly around until the Great Revolution, and it shows: the liberal rebels were called the Nationals (or some form thereof) because they defended the "French" people and introduced standardized vocal and grammar to essentially melt different regional cultures into a very chimeran monolith of the Republic.

>> No.15226291

lel, this is true

>> No.15226332

which ideals couldn't function in practice? keep in mind that amassing huge debt to completely rebuild the worlds most effective army at the time from the ground up, and pull the economy up from 0 to 11 was an extremely contextual thing and not really an inherent part of national socialism

>> No.15226343

This but unironically

>> No.15226357

if dubs i gift they shall be yours

>> No.15226374

Probably the best and most historically literate post in tgis threas. Good job.

>> No.15226384
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>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?

>> No.15226391

Fascism is still shit, sorry

>> No.15226404

The amount of commie cope in this thread is astounding, they really cannot cope with the fact that they do not know what fascism is or the history surrounding the development of fascism.

>> No.15226418

I know what fascism is, and I'm not a lefty (at least not more so than any fascist) but the self-proclaimed fascists itt are no less retarded than their counterparts.

>> No.15226439

You're right, because the fascism that exists nowadays is a diluted and uneducated parody of what existed 80 years ago. In a sense, fascism doesn't exist anymore, but "fascists" do.

>> No.15226450

>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
Maybe if fascists weren't so gullible as to buy into made up theories about muh superior white race then people wouldnt think this

>> No.15226459

He is right though. And I'm black.

>> No.15226463

> >get into political and economic theory because I want to stop being a brainlet
>>read the "normal" stuff on contemporary right Liberalism and left Marxism
>>decide to read some fascist works
>>expect edgy B-rated social rhetoric
>>it's actually largely economic, addresses concerns most both refuse to, and frankly rather humanistic
>Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
said no sensible person ever

>> No.15226530

> Benito Mussolini proposed giving women the vote

How is that good?

>> No.15226611

>>get into political and economic theory because I want to stop being a brainlet
You've already gone wrong.

>> No.15226624

So true

>> No.15226626

women were way more extreme back then. hitler and mosley had a huge female backing.

>> No.15226629

B-but fascists are evil anon
This can't in any way resemble reality

>> No.15226632

Fascism is just another brand of socialism.

>> No.15226696

Its ridiculous how many retarded people in this thread have fallen for this rhetoric.

>> No.15226854

Sounds like standard leftism, just expressed in the most racist way possible. Read more.

>> No.15227137

He genuinely is a great man and it's a shame more people don't know his story. I wish they would give his books a chance.

>> No.15227205

It's standard fascist rhetoric, what's up with you?

>> No.15227252
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He nailed it.

>> No.15227295
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If you read The Alternative you'd know that he wanted to divide Africa up between the European powers and literally confine the blacks "To their jungles". Essentially a rescramble for Africa that would have led to the exact same conditions that caused WW1 except it would be on a scale of Europe against Capitalist America or the Communist USSR & China

>> No.15227536

Recommend one pls

>> No.15227571

It's literally about war and death.
Fascist economics is about making factories for weapons to prop up the economy

>> No.15227784

Read Mosley

>> No.15227859

> Who are the slimey fucks that actually had me and most every other layman convinced fascism is when you don't like brown people?
Juden and chapo trannies

>> No.15228000

Mussolini's Intellectuals, Young Mussolini, Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship

>> No.15228178

Seriously though, anybody who actually calls themselves a fascist or a national socialist is a LARPer or a fed.

>> No.15228185

That's because they see humans as a 'beast of prey'. Maybe you disagree with this, but the logic is sort of that you'd be neutering a tiger if it wasnt allowed to hunt.

>> No.15228303 [SPOILER] 
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They need to keep people from realising that Fascism is actually nothing like the cringe boogyman that they want you to regard it as. They are afraid that you might start to think for yourself...

>> No.15228389

>and by “neither” we mean capitalism with a centralized government

>> No.15228467
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The same you could say about socialism.

>> No.15228658
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You live in a country where 6 jews own the megacorporations that ownall the big news agencies. This isn't that strange. The jews can't control fascism as effectively with false dichotomies as they can with other swats of political ideologies.

We have all heard about Chomskys explanation on how the bourgeoisie control people by setting up false debates and options. But that idea is in it self built into all the false options given. Two examples, the boomer right and general leftism.

The boomer right is constantly feed stories about how hypocritical and insane the left-wing media is. Go to brightbart now and there is a story about the left-wing media. At the same time they are feed lies about how Trump is closing the border etc. He is doing none of these things. They are also being manipulated into supporting Israel, Zionism is actually very unpopular among the right-wing populace.

Now lets look at the left. They of course have the most direct route to the idea Chomskys false debate, but the idea is itself a tool to perpetuate a case of itself. Chomsky uses this idea to shift the blame for the US foreign wars on behalf of Israel to be about wars for oil, which is absurd. Think about Sadam Hussein, they got him to destroy his military arsenal to prevent a invasion from the US. They didn't need to invade Iraq for oil, they could just have bought it, like they do with Saudi oil.

More on Chomsky, he also took many leftist with down an insane rabbit hole defending the Khmer Rouge. This is the dumbest waste of time there ever was, why would a dictator fooling Mao into giving him cash and guns so he could make everyone illiterate, malnourished peasants be a priority? No-one care about Cambodia because they can't place it on a map.

This is the kosher sandwich which shapes your education

>> No.15228688

Capitalism where we steal the large firms from the rich fags is awesome. The mom and pop shops remain, and you get to keep money and ways to rig the economy in favour of the behaviours I want.

Real egoists want the biggest tool box possible for a green and eugenicists society

>> No.15228782

>Fascism in its heyday was never about hate
And it’s not about hate now. These people you’re so desperate to label as fascist are racist liberals and that’s it.

>> No.15229624
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>mom and pop shops

>> No.15229679

Good posts. The modern American doesn’t understand the concept of a country-wide community, nor are most of them historically literate, so they form simplified/memebrain takes like “nazis we’re racists” or “the Jews are forming a new world order” or >>15225031 this 90iq take.

>> No.15229824

Fuck that, distributism never talks about anything in a meaningful way. He makes everything vague, no-one knows what the Distributist thinks about anything so it doesn't matter. Get obvious or get irrelevant

>> No.15230305

When the normal pol theory is too hard and you have to alleviate to readings making you feel good about yourself.

How is high school OP?

>> No.15230324

Hitler didn’t hate brown people.

>> No.15230335

not a single word of that could be found in any leftoid text

>> No.15230359

>the Jews are forming a new world order
they are though, or do you mean this is wrong because it’s more actuate to say they’re already done forming it?

>> No.15230368

t. literal retard

>> No.15230369

>and you have to alleviate to readings
keep practicing those vocab words, you’ll fail your quiz at this rate

>> No.15230411
File: 226 KB, 1080x1350, 92829965_256290675505243_671634342982326697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Distrubutist Perspectives.

>> No.15230431

What country are you in

>> No.15230445
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>> No.15230447

I guarantee you have not read Marx thoroughly at all.

>> No.15230476

>dem Denken des Nationalsozialismus entsprechend, jedem anderen Volke volle Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen, ist dabei niemals von höher- und minderwertigen, sondern stets nur von f r e m d e n Rasseneinschlägen die Rede

>> No.15230531


X fucking D

>> No.15230557

yeah.... because only putting things in mathematic formula is to be considered proper economicsI

I believe the concept that the british government is controlled by financial elites rather than by the people of britain is, in part at least, an economic hypothesis.
If this could be considered true is up for debate. But since economy is not an exact natural science but rather some mixture of mathematics and social science there will always be much room for interpretation.
What exact way of proof is there to find out if the super waealthy control national governments?
Look no further than the corona "crisis" and the WHO. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is THE biggest funder of WHO.

This board js a disgrace.

>> No.15230573

>getting your political knowledge from a youtuber

>> No.15230639

Depending on your definition of humanism, yeah it is

>> No.15230824

How can you be alive in the post-WWII era and not see this?

>> No.15230937

Is that a shop?

>> No.15231003


marinetti (futurist and fascist supporter) wanted to give women the vote so their incompetence would destroy the loathed system of democracy lmfao

>> No.15231094

>leftism is racist
get the fuck out of my political ideology you incel, whites are inherently bourgeoisie

>> No.15231128

Fascism is only good if you're a fascist and member of the elite.

Once the police knocks on your door, it stops being fun.

>> No.15231168

every radical i know believes they'll be part of the elite. the fascists cant imagine being harassed by the police. the angry marxists see themselves working comfy Party jobs - they dont picture themselves being assigned janitorial work or farm labor.
i suspect only a tiny portion of the population actually has strong political beliefs, and those people are usually insane. the average person is just voting for whatever (they think) will materially benefit them, and doesnt put in much more thought than that.

>> No.15231194

In other words, this is what you just pulled out of your ass to justify the world view that makes you feel most comfortable. Youre blatantly lying to yourself if you think that 1. those ideas can be verified in any way shape or form and 2. That your baseless generalization of the modern fascist is any less ignorant than the prejudice you’re accusing them of

>> No.15231206

>the fascists cant imagine being harassed by the police.
this is literally happening right now in every western country lmao. People who are still fascists now despite the risk to career/education/personal life are true ideologues. Call their ideology stupid if you want but don't be such a faggot as to call them cowards.

>> No.15231207

Learn to read, brainlet.

>> No.15231239

you mean because of covid? he meant more you can land in jail for a sentence you wrote against the government

if you want an example, how about "I defend every single thing Trump says"

>> No.15231275
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Source your quotes there buddy

Moldbug disagrees. So do the amish I suppose.

Maybe the right direction, but seems a very mild and weak version.

>> No.15231290

any pdf of these books?

>> No.15231293

No, because of hate speech laws

>> No.15231307


>> No.15231311

Are you retarded? No not shut-down protesting boomers, not Trump shills, nothing like that. I mean the Charlottesville guys who are all either in prison, lost their jobs or are still getting hounded by feds, and 90-year-old women in Germany getting sent to prison for the wrong historical views.

>> No.15231318

You're joking, right?

>> No.15231321
File: 145 KB, 1280x1197, 1575655155796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a long winded way of saying you're upset by the word nigger

>> No.15231337

>Source your quotes there buddy
It's from a speech. You have to watch the version with the gay music because youtube took down the original though.


>> No.15231344

the music makes it more dramatic

>> No.15231347

>Moldbug disagrees. So do the amish I suppose.
Moldbug's a retard but he is right here. and Amish are going to be extremely powerful in the next few decades.

>> No.15231360

Yeah but people who don't agree with what he's saying will disregard it more easily because they'll be aware that they are being manipulated by the music. Same reason why megachurch protestant Christian songs are megacringe for non-evangelicals. The music compromises what Mosley is saying in this situation

>> No.15231400

the quality of life in nazi germany was unparalleled to this day pretty much right up until the war started go drag on and work ours were increased to boost production

>> No.15231412

if the police are knocking on your door to fuck your shit up in a fascist state there's virtually a 100% chance you deserve it

>> No.15231500

You should try reading Mein Kampf. Hitler committed many atrocities but he’s also the most lied about man in history

>> No.15231522

how do you define quality of life? because your post is wrong based on almost every metric

>> No.15231657

>people have jobs at well regulated companies with benefits that are unmatched to this day, most of which were won by the state backed workers union which companies had literally no choice but to negotiate with
>a plethora of social welfare programs and state endorsed charities exist to help struggling families and those with disabilities
>promoted cultural norms and said programs helped Forster the growth of strong families and a greater sense of community and social cohesion
>several state programs as well as some of the common workplace benefits mentioned before focused on teaching the young and old to maintain physical well being and generally foster life skills that help with physical and mental health, literally 30,000 branch offices by 1941 dedicated solely to a program for councililing youth and helping them work though their issues so they dont fall through the cracks of society and end up in poverty and becoming delinquents

yea sounds like a real hellhole

>> No.15231731

I think it will take a little longer than that for the Amish, but the trend is interesting. The Mormons are blowing up too, but I agree with them less.

>> No.15231791
File: 475 KB, 886x643, Mormons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both breed like rats

>> No.15231820

holy fucking based

>> No.15232048

Based as fuck Mormons, they’re white aswell. And keep the community closed in so women dont act like whores

>> No.15232110

But they follow Semitic filth. They are spiritual Semites. I am tired of Abrahamic religions.

>> No.15232128

The cities must be annihalated.

>> No.15232151

the christian bit left out my boy calvin. Sad!

>> No.15232161

Jews owned like 80% of the wealth before WWII. It was worse than USA.

>> No.15232162

ben shapiro tier stupidity, "muh hitler was a socialist!"

>> No.15232165

just did some googling and even combined they're small fry numbers wise.

>> No.15232175

what are the amish population projections?

>> No.15232182
File: 158 KB, 400x526, 20200429_163722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC fren

>> No.15232195

b-ok.org has Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship.
Not sure about the others as of yet, but there's one for you fellas.

>> No.15232234

Thanks! So is his other book Mussolini's Intellectuals: Fascist Social and Political Thought

>> No.15232237

Hitler banned human ZOOs. He truly was a humanistic individual at heart <3

>> No.15232844
File: 73 KB, 825x619, amishworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an Amish world, were just living in it

>> No.15232853

btw its already at 340,000 in the US right now so already double what that graph says

>> No.15232893

>Doubling ever twenty years chad vs 1.5 replacement rate virgin.jpg

>> No.15232966

The Nuremberg trial was a complete fucking sham, and the narrative was being constructed before the war. Did the gulags poison communism? Is being called a commie a gut wrenching slur? Are there holodomor museums in every western nation? Countless genocides happened during the 20th century, but only one made it into the public school curriculum, and it just so happens to be the one that targeted the most powerful and affluent ethic group on earth.

>> No.15233193

"such a rare gene"

It pisses me off to no end that people don't understand the difference between alleles and genes.....

>> No.15233646

If WW2 and the what didn’t happen?

>> No.15233730

it's more about mocking the sacralization of anti-racism really

>> No.15233746

historically women have voted for "conservative" parties until recently due to the influence of religion. Actually, in a way, it's still true - it's just that our religion is now anti-racism in much of the Western world.