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15223739 No.15223739 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of learning another language when, to understand it, you're just going to translate it all back to English in your head anyway?

>> No.15223752

>Translating in your head
You're not supposed to do that dummy
Just take the word as they are and understand them as they are

>> No.15223758

There is none, it's unironically a huge meme.

>> No.15223766

>Just take the word as they are and understand them as they are

But it's just random nonsense syllables if you don't translate it back into English.

>> No.15223773

100% guarantee this poster is an American.

>> No.15223777

>you're just going to translate it all back to English in your head anyway?
If you do this past day one then you haven't really learned anything

>> No.15223787

You're supposed to connect foreign words to images and concepts, not to their english counterparts, brainlet. This wouldn't even work since many languages have words without a corresponding synonym in english.

>> No.15223797

Some phrases don't translate correctly grammatically so you have to more work translate it than just read it. I'm in the middle of making sure I'm not missing detailed points and reading it regularly

>> No.15223844

I just keep coming back to the notion that I will never have to talk to people in the language I am learning therefore will never know it conversationally.

>> No.15223861

You don't really know a language if you have to translate it to your native one in your head. If you can't think in such language you don't reall know it.

>> No.15223884

try learning words paired with images rather than just with its english counterpart

>> No.15223896


But those images are just gonna have to be translated to English for me to understand anyway.

>> No.15223906

Read more, faggot. You still don't have the language in your bloodstream.

>> No.15223933

You might have autism, cause normal humans think in images for corporeal objects and abstracts for, well, abstracts. Arguably even abstracts are thought of in images, like the word "courage" might bring to mind an image of a brave warrior charging into the enemy line. Moreover, language learning is clearly not about creating a 1:1 word tables in your head. Proof: I'm an ESL and there are some english words I cannot translate into my native tongue, or I can do such a thing but with added asterisk that the comparison does not account for the subtle cultural differences in the word usage.

>> No.15223941
File: 43 KB, 600x637, 323201AA-887E-41EE-A255-7B6838259E35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>images translated into English

>> No.15223947


You might have schizophrenia, because what you're saying is a bunch of fucking nonsense.

>> No.15223967

false premise

>> No.15225334
File: 88 KB, 782x815, 1585122626822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be spouting 4chan buzzwords because the compulsion to translate doesn't come from impaired ability or autism. I bet OP subconsciously believes he HAS to be able to translate because that's how he shows his mom he's competent and worthy of love

>> No.15225361

eventually it gets to the point where you look at a sentence in that language and you see the meaning without having to translate, just like when you read in your native language. same with listening, speaking. it just takes time. also, don't try to read and translate at the same time.

>> No.15225523

>But it's just random nonsense syllables if you don't translate it back into English
So, do native speakers just translate the language in their head to english? No, they understand the words as they are. Give it enough time and so will you.

>> No.15225538

Might as well ask here: any beginner tips for learning Russian?

>> No.15225867

Native speaker's advice: move to Russia for a couple of years, I recommend Saint-Petersburg, Vladivostok or Novosibirsk. Get some lessons there or something, the only way to pick up all the little details of the language like that is to experience the language around you at all times.
Moving, in general, would be good because the country is comfy as hell, really nice people.

>> No.15225901

Hey anon can you help me transcribe the lyrics of this?

>> No.15226065

It's really hard to make anything out of it other than "Sleep my girl (if you translate it literally)" at the very start. Can only make out words like "toy" and etc. Sorry anon.

>> No.15226143

That's alright anon thanks anyway

>> No.15226147

you think in that language as well, retard

>> No.15226155

That's because you haven't learned the language.

>> No.15226223

If you do it enough you'll automatically connect the word to the English translation without having to think about it at all. So you're basically subconsciously translating.

>> No.15226378

>to understand it, you're just going to translate it all back to English in your head anyway

>> No.15227508

>t. only speak english

>> No.15227526
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Bcbvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sapir-Whorftards still think language is fundamental to thinking

>> No.15227554

It is. If you can't communicate an idea, it's worthless.

>> No.15228737

Communicate PRECISELY how you feel right now, using words.

>> No.15229004

Nigger you can't even communicate ideas to yourself. Language is an approximation of instantaneous, conceptual, abstract, visual, and impressionist thought. Precisely describe how green looks using words, faggot.

>> No.15229032

it is. that's why thought needs to be abolished.

>> No.15229036


You already know english
So there is no point except to make yourself slightly more employable
effort and time vs. actual expected value on that doesn't pan out at all but hey I guess if you got nothing better to do

If you don't already know english however there's a big point to learning it

>> No.15229041

that's interesting
any books for reading more about language?

>> No.15230292

Imagine how I read you without thinking in my mother tongue.

>> No.15230312


This better be bait lmao.

>> No.15230333


It's the color you get when you mix yellow and blue paint.

>B-b-but then you presuppose that I know what yellow and blue are.


>> No.15230613

You're actually retarded

>> No.15230697


I'm actually not. For communication through language to happen we have to speak the same language i.e. we presuppose that the other understand the meaning of what we say.
The statement I replied to is literally im14andthisisdeep-tier.

>> No.15230819

Yes but the root of thought is a subjective and inexpressible force. Of course language is used to communicate ideas, but the wholeness of the idea is lost in translation.