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/lit/ - Literature

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15223509 No.15223509 [Reply] [Original]

>In the end, we were the Starship Troopers.
Didn't see that one coming.

>> No.15224916

>In the end, it was an ugly planet. A bug planet. That's all over once we ride up... Troy's bucket.
Wow. Just wow.

>> No.15225150

Love that book, especially the political philosophy. The moral stuff though is just cringy reddit-tier atheism. There's no such thing as "a scientific system of morality that's mathematically proven."

>> No.15225732

lol don't tell me you're a moral relativist.

>> No.15225810

The book was written way back and is set in the future. Heinlein assumed people would be getting better calculators.

>> No.15225814

I love the book, but I think it's pretty cringy how so many people assume Heinlein was a fascist.

>> No.15225832

Explain how, while not necessarily fascist, the book isn’t a mouthpiece for Heinleins opinion on how things ought to be? I’m actually curious.

>> No.15225978

trying to prove morality mathematically with scientific system is what a moral relativist would do

>> No.15225984
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>I'm actually from Philippines and I say kill em' all!

>> No.15226420

Because authors can write about interesting political ideas without actually supporting said ideas?

>> No.15226705

The movie was more fascist than the book.

>> No.15227987


>> No.15228664
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The superior book

>> No.15228720
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>"Yer a Wizard Knight, Able!"

>> No.15228919
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>Behold, it is I, robot!
Seriously Asimov?

>> No.15229083

>I guess the strongest armor is the one that covers our emotions
In all seriousness it's good though, jack Crowe detour is annoying at times though

>> No.15229244


>> No.15229252

back to your sci fi fantasy containment fag thread

>> No.15229276

>So finally, Hal thought “this is water” and learned to stop being ironic and stopped doing drugs and watching TV and Don Gately did too. Infinite Jest. The End.

What did DFW mean by this?

>> No.15229363

>Look at this inspector next to his body, it looks like some sort of painting
>Ah it seems after all these years he has become The Picture Of Dorian Gray, truly this says a lot about our society *stares directly at the reader*
>The End

>> No.15230165


>> No.15230217


Loved these book, especially the sociological undertones. The prophetic stuff is just cringy new age-tier nonsense. There's no such thing as "a scientific model through which the general flow of future events can be predicted using the laws of statistics."

>> No.15230223
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Forgot image

>> No.15230241
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Loved this book, especially the religious parallels. The visionary stuff is just cringy 60s hippy crap. There's no such thing as "a drug that gives the user a longer life span, greater vitality, and heightened awareness and can also unlock prescience in some people"

>> No.15230260
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Love this book, especially the romantic and gothic elements. The artificial life is just cringy pseudo-mythological nonsense though. There's no such thing as "a flesh golem"

>> No.15230301
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Loved this book, especially the friendship between the main characters. The magic stuff is just cringy wish fulfillment thought. There's no such thing as a "school for wizards"

>> No.15230382
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Love this book, especially the parts about pot and tennis. The sincerity stuff is just cringy pretense though. There's no such thing as "irony"

>> No.15230599
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Loved this book. The vivid detail of the drinking, the bullfights, the pastoral escape section with the trout fishing. It was all great. Also, the protagonist can't get a boner, which is interesting.

>> No.15230623

literally me protagonist

>> No.15230683

Also I didn't follow the format of there being 'no such thing as' because I put about as much thought into my post as Dostoevsky put into The Gambler (other relevant /lit/ thread).

>> No.15230710
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Love this book, especially the moral philosophy. The political stuff though is just cringy 4chan-tier social Darwinism. There's no such thing as a "race-based World-Concept [which] will eventually succeed in creating a noble age where
people’s primary concern is not the improved breeding of dogs, horses, and cats, but the
exaltation of man himself"

>> No.15230724


Fucking lol

>> No.15230733

>scientific system of morality that's mathematically proven
I cause pain when you do a thing, you stop doing that thing. Scientific morality.

>> No.15230744

Literally fanfiction.

>> No.15230745


What if not doing it causes me pain?

>> No.15230787
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Love this book, especially the scenery porn. The different races are just cringy DnD-tier. There's no such thing as "little men who live in holes and smoke pipeweed"

>> No.15230832
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>Karellen blew on the candles which the Overlords had lit for him, 18 in total, each of them extinguishing as a result of his breath, all but one. He stared at the last candle and thought to himself: Ah, this is Childhood's End. And then he blew out the final candle.

>> No.15230885
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>tfw saw the CGI movie
not good, lads

>> No.15230972
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Loved this book, especially because of it's historical and cultural relevance. The worship stuff is just tribal superstitious nonsense though. There's no such thing as "God"

>> No.15230988
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>> No.15230999

This, only unironically.

>> No.15231092

I cause more pain than it would cause you not to do it.

>> No.15231105


How do I measure how much pain it causes you? How do I know that you're not just faking pain?
The only pain I can measure with any certainty is my own.

>> No.15231113

looks pretty nice though, she cute
why isn't it good ?

>> No.15231143

I also though she cute, which is why i saved the webm. I have a fetish for millitary girls torturing/abusing guys.

>> No.15231153

Don't we all, don't we all.

>> No.15231167


Live Atheist in 2020? Now thats something

>> No.15231180
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>tfw ill never be raped to death by a qt fascist officer for betrayal against an intergalactic fascist superstate
why even live

>> No.15231195

she's cute, is her voice cute? is there any lewd?

>> No.15231210

ST was fucking great, reads easy and I love the writing style. Has a good punch to it. "On the bounce..." it just rolls off the tongue. Not sure how I feel entirely about the philosophical aspects of it, because some of it was okay like I don't mind his concepts of citizenry but i think it's a bit excessive e.g. the President can only be a fucking Admiral? kinda retarded. But anyway, it's an overall good book.

>> No.15231217

Starship troopers isn't about fascism brainlet

>> No.15231226

>President can only be a fucking Admiral?
I thought so as well, but in retrospect it doesnt seem too bad. It feels like Plato's Republic in space, with the Federation being built to prevent a coward or non-millitary person from ruling what is basically a millitary dictatorship.

>> No.15231268

Yeah i got that at least, also an Admiral has to presumably go through quite a lot of academic and intellectual work too. Admiral's are usually high IQ people that have to make large operational and strategical decisions with cutting edge technology. I understand that, at least, but it just feels excessive. Regardless, it is essentially a military dictatorship but the other interesting part is it doesn't seem particularly authoritarian outside of some harsh punishments against criminals. But, i'm not even sure I disagree with some of that concepts either.

>> No.15231306

It's the 2012 animated Starship Troopers movie. It's made in Japan, so it might have some good stuff

>> No.15231323

>made in Japan
So that's why it looks good
based japs

>> No.15231339

Straight to vid apparently, so youd expect it to look like a PS2 cutscene.

>> No.15231342


>"Phew! Touvarisch, the Moon really is a Harsh Mistress!"

Bravo, Heinlein

>> No.15231575
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Loved this book, especially the wit and the prose. The story itself is cringe lunacy. There's no such thing as a "man who ages backwards"

>> No.15231768

Deus vult my fellow Christian warrior!!

>> No.15231902

Can we stop these low effort threads please

>> No.15231914

What are we, some kind of Starship Troopers?

>> No.15231920

>Making a positive claim about the existence of God.

>> No.15232343

the monster did nothing wrong, frankenstein deserved worse

>> No.15233691



>> No.15233734
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>“and when he came to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was infinite...infinite jest”

jesus, what a hack

>> No.15233789
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Loved this book, especially the poetic philosphy. The metaphysical stuff is just cringy reddit-tier atheism. There's no such thing as "the Übermensch"

>> No.15233833


*tips fedora*

>> No.15234264

The movie was a parody.
Neither are facsist anyway, the government is styled after Roman Military Democracy