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/lit/ - Literature

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15222847 No.15222847 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys,

I've been around this website now and then for some years but I never knew this board. Honestly I discovered it because of a Youtube channel. Anyways I found it really interesting. I think this is one of the best boards here.

I'll get to the point: I'm really interesting in reading "interesting" stuff. I don't know how to call it. Philosophy, books about economics, social skills... But I don't know where to start. IM AFRAID TO START READING NIETZSCHE WHILE UNPREPARED FOR IT (sorry caps, just wanted to make clear my main point)

>> No.15222864
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15222889


Don't forget to read jung and peterson! Also don't bother with the filthy postmoderns (aka neo-marxists!) like Foucault and Kierkegaard.

>> No.15222899

lmao I guess this is a never seen before post. Thank you very much!

I see this makes a path through the greeks. What about the rest of Philosophy as a whole? I know this is a very general question but I really don't want to jump into content I'm not prepared for.

This is the list of "interesting books I have found over some period of time. Some of them are in Spanish, I know.

Sidhartha, de Herman Hesse
Sapiens, de animales a dioses, de Yuval Noah Harari
How to win friends and influence
Modernidad Liquida, de Bauman
The Rational Male
7 Hábitos de las personas efectivas.
Meditaciones dd marco Aurelio.
48 leyes del poder.
El cisne negro de taleb
David X - Se implacable
cartas a lucilio de Séneca
El príncipe
Mi lucha
El arte de la guerra, Sun Tzu.
Cien años de soledad. (Gabriel García Márquez)
Pedro Páramo. (Juan Rufus) -
Rayuela (Julio Cortaza)
La lluvia Amarilla (Julio Llamazares)
El proceso y El castillo de Kafka
El gen Egoista de Dawkin
Solaris de Lem
En busca del tiempo perdido de Proust
Mis zonas erróneas
Enquiridión de epicteto
Así habló Zaratustra
El Conde de Montecristo
Tempestades de acero
Meridiano de sangre
La ciudad y los perros
el Decamerón
El mundo de ayer (la autobiografía de Stefan Zweig)
Las uvas de la ira
Juan Belmonte, matador de toros
El quijote
The way of men, de Jack Donovan
The Game
La democracia en América
Un mundo feliz de Huxley
Rebelión en la granja de orwel
Tropas del espacio
El señor de las moscas
Revolucion contra el mundo moderno de J. evola
Walden, Thoreau
Guerra y paz, Tolstoi
Peter Carmezind, Hesse
Narciso y Goldmundo, Hesse
El Idiota, Dostoievski
El libro de la serenidad, Ramiro Calle
La saga de ender
El príncipe, maquiavelo
El contrato social, rosseau
Tratados de lógica I y II, Aristóteles
El filo de la navaja de Somerset Maugham
El Camino de la Autodependencia de Bucay
the Alabaster girl de Zan Perrion
The way of the superior Man
48 leyes del poder, Robert Green.
Manual - Epicteto
Ryan Holiday - The daily stoic
William Irvine - A guide to the good life
Ray Dalio - Principles
Mark Owen - No easy Day
McRaven Williams - Make your bed
Phil Knight - Nunca te pares
Yukio Mishima - El sol y el acero
Bauman - Amor líquido
C. Colimbi - El estudio de China
Dani R. – La paradoja de la globalización
Darrel Huff – How to lie with statistics
Sam Harris - Wake up
Autobiografía de Benjamin Franklin
Yutan Ling - La importancia de vivir
Padre Rico Padre Pobre
Vademécum del optimista
La forja de un rebelde
Introducción al narcicismo - Freud
Controle su destino
El método lean starup
El obstáculo es el camino
Fluir una psicología de felicidad
el poder de los hábitos
Pensar rápido pensar despacio
Organízate con eficacia
Los seis sombreros para pensar
Confía en mi estoy mintiendo

>> No.15222904

Part 2/2

Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo
La vaca purpura
El carril rápido del millonario
Inteligencia emocional - daniel goelman
Lo unico
El poder del ahora
Nunca comas solo
El poder de la autoestima
Cambia el chip
Mindset, la actitud del exito
El monje que vendió su ferrari
Líder sin cargo
La colmena
Los cuatro acuerdos
El nacimiento de la tragedia en el espíritu de la música
Lobo estepario
Los renglones torcidos de dios
Robinson Crusoe
El universo elegante
El sello indeleble
En tierra extraña
Leones contra Gacelas
The Communist Manifesto
La senda del perdedor - Buwkowski
La conjura de los necios - Toole
American psycho
La muerte de Iván ilich
12 Rules for Life, de Jordan B. Peterson
Open (Biografía de Agassi)
Ética - Spinoza
Si esto es un hombre - Primo Levi
The boys in the boat
El hombre en busca de sentido - Viktor Frankl
El gran Gatsby
Lobo de Mar de Jack London
Los cantos de Maldoror
El libro de los cinco anillos
Herejes y Ortodoxia de G.K Chesterton
El universo en tu mano- Christopher Galfard
Jocko Willink extreme ownership
"En la orilla" de Rafael Chirbes
"El hombre en busca de sentido" de Victor Frankl
"Stoner" de John Williams
"Flores para Algernon" de Daniel Keyes
Apología de Socrates
La República.
Las Novelas Ejemplares de Cervantes

>> No.15222911

Oh Jung is definitely on my list. Thanks. I'm afraid I want to read as many authors as possible

>> No.15222913

That's your main point?
He's an author like any other. Buy a book and try to read it. If you find it interesting good for you; if you don't, there are other authors and other books.

>> No.15222924

Bro, read what you're interested in. If you're concerned with building a solid foundation of understanding to get the most out of reading as possible, starting with the greeks is a really safe bet. No need to do it all at once, nobody's saying you can't try out Nietzsche and then read Mi Lucha and then the rational male/7habits of highly effective people self help schlock and then 2666 and Borges (en espanol, puro pinche /lit/) and then try some more greeks and then more schlock and then more greeks and then Nietzsche again.

>> No.15222953

>Some of them are in Spanish
nigga nearly every single one is in Spanish??

>> No.15222960

it's like 90% english stuff translated. which he should just read in english if he speaks english

>> No.15222986

I was just using him as an example because I know he is "complex". Let me use an hyperbole but would you give to Stacy from school who never ever read a book the Genealogy of Morals as a starter?

>> No.15222998

lmfaooooooooooo its just a crazy book mashup with no order or sense whatsoever

>> No.15223005

but you should start with the greeks and read people from your mother tongue like bolano and borges

>> No.15223011

Yeah sorry. Most of them are in Spanish because I made a huge post on a Spanish forum. But yes, most of them are just translated.

Obviously I will read originally English written books in English. I always say you don't get the pure content otherwise

>> No.15223024

Oh yes. My friend who showed me this board told me to start with the greeks too. I've read some Socrates, I really like him.

>> No.15223072

Stacy has had plenty of time to read books, maybe reading is not her thing. If she wanted to start I'd get her some Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.15223101

Okay you get the point... What is the Calvin Hobbes of Philosophy in your opinion.

>> No.15223109
File: 284 KB, 1200x1394, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Baruch Spinoza (pbuh).......

>> No.15223133

best book to start?

>> No.15223172

I don't like your question, op.
Read Michel de Montaigne, namely his Essays. And good night, sleep well.

>> No.15223177

thanks for the tip, sleep tight

>> No.15223282

This is a joke image by the way

>> No.15223285

political-religious treatise

>> No.15223364

Reading the greeks gives you enough brackground on the western civilization, their culture and thought. Most if not al philosophers reference them. Most if not all literature is rooted in them.

If you want to give it a try I'd recommend reading the Illiad, Odyssey, Apology, Republic and Nicomachean Ethics. If you get really into it, Plato and Aristotle wrote tons of stuff.

>> No.15223473

>Hello guys
I'm a girl.

>> No.15223510

what the fuck is this list
fuck off

>> No.15223516

>McRaven Williams - Make your bed
>In Search of Lost Time by Proust

>> No.15223582

It's honestly really disgusting that Euripides isn't on this chart. Medea is one of the best greek plays

>> No.15223786

Hey anon,

Don't listen to people who tell you not to read stuff, read every single book you can lay your hands on. Don't be afraid of starting with Nietzche or anyone else; grab a reader or look things up you don't understand. Jumping into the deep end can be liberating and you'll be surprised what you can or cannot grasp.

If you're worried about legibility and enjoyment though, I would echo sentiments from earlier in the thread about reading literature that is from your own nation or language. Modern literature is often really shit, so don't necessarily bother with that, but some of the philosophers and great literary classics of your tongue would be good places to start. For instance, starting with Moby Dick as an introduction to American literature might be apt, in my opinion. Don't underestimate the value of fiction in speaking greater truths than the densest Germanic tomes of philosophy.

Ultimately though, just read. If you don't know what to pick, just start with whatever the guys on this board cite as interesting. Keep your mind open to new ideas at this stage, and don't let anyone tell you to discredit anyone else. They don't know shit. Read Peterson and Foucault. Read Marx and Smith. Read Rousseau and Hume. Don't let the narrow mindedness of /lit/'s opinionated basement dwellers restrict your view.

Good luck anon and welcome.