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/lit/ - Literature

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15204829 No.15204829 [Reply] [Original]

Read one hour every day. Make it an integral part of your daily life, but no more than an hour. No good comes from excess, reading is a contemplative, introspective, meditative activity and should be approached with discipline and respect. Rather than spending too much time reading, read for one hour and spend the rest of the day thinking and analyzing those 30-40 pages you went though.

>> No.15204923
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The deeper i go within the real self, the more i realize how pointless reading is and draw original knowledge from the source

>> No.15204928

Can you read too much?

>> No.15204932

so you're just insecure about not reading more than 1 hour a day? you know that's fine

>> No.15204945

based. it's the same with film. So many hipster faggots love saying "I watched 4 arthouse films today!" yeah and do you remember the details of any of them? completely defeats the point. unless you only do it to kill time

>> No.15204951

your real self is a fucking idiot

>> No.15204954
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Around the age of 35-40 you should stop reading new books. Reading new releases past that point is largely meaningless. The second half of your life should be dedicated to re-reading and reminiscence, projecting your own life upon the familiar stories, gaining new, unexpected perspective, drawing wisdom from the inside rather than seeking it elsewhere.

>> No.15204957

you can read much more than an hour. i tend to read 3 hours a day, sometimes up to 6 hours in a day, it isn't bad for you so long as you make sure you're paying attention and take a few short breaks

>> No.15204968
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Merely a projection of your retardation, the self has no form

>> No.15204971

>no u
a fucking idiot indeed

>> No.15204993

hes right you dumb faggot, no proceed to kys (your ego)

>> No.15204994

Around the age of 35-40 you shouldn't be anywhere near 4chan unless you're a complete loser with nothing to reminiscence about. Bernie Sanders became a senator at age 40, and Ryo Fukui became a successful musician in his 30s. And here you are, on 4channel, telling other people what they should do with their lives.

>> No.15205058
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Why are you hitting yourself anon? self reflect
Dissolve your trauma

>> No.15205065

>the self has no form
He's right. Launch your self-affected ass off a cliff; maybe your buzzwords empty words will cushion the fall when your non-existent ass hits the rocks.

>> No.15205163

dood we're all connected. Have you ever done dmt bro? fucking amazing man, instant enlightenment.
dood the noself means i can samefag and derail a thread into diarrhea. The Buddha said so bro

>> No.15205185

Probably, but you're supposed to read novels very fast.

>> No.15205211
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The self has no form, body is merely transient.
"Those who do not realize the self , will go from death to death''
>enjoy being farmanimals cucked by Maya forever, teehee

>> No.15205227
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Read Marx one hour every day. Make it an integral part of your daily life, but no more than an hour. No good comes from excess, reading is a contemplative, introspective, meditative activity and should be approached with discipline and respect. Rather than spending too much time reading, read for one hour and spend the rest of the day thinking and analyzing those 30-40 pages you went though.

>> No.15205248

Decent advice. If you follow that consistently, you'll progress through a good number of books. Most people read sporadically, and comparatively less than if they read a moderate amount as part of their daily routine.

>> No.15205273

idk, reading should be important but i just jont like to live in different worlds, i would rader remind my self of my values. To stay in this state of knowing acseptense and know why the fuck i am doing. - reading can calm but can mask reality, readings a bich

>> No.15205286

Reading shouldn't substitute life, it should complement it.