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15199919 No.15199919 [Reply] [Original]

I've worked as a freelance writer for the last eight years while trying to become a novelist. My novel writing career has been spectacularly unsuccessful; all I have to show for it is 5 unpublished books and a pile of rejection letters. I make low five figures a year writing for blogs, magazines, and alternative papers.

It's time to take a bold new direction with my work. I'm going to start writing and self publishing erotica on Amazon.

I have read some erotica and looked at a couple guides to self publishing erotic fiction. Now it's time to begin. I will use this thread (and possibly future ones depending on how this goes) to keep you guys posted on my work.

>> No.15199955


/lit/ ought to group-write erotica. It's something we might actually manage (as opposed to all the grand projects which never get past a single post).

>> No.15200128

The first part of writing successful erotica is to come up with an idea. I could peruse Amazon and spend hours analyzing keywords, but I'm trying to churn out something and get it online today.

There's a phrase, “good writers borrow, great writers steal," that is often misattributed to T.S. Eliot. Like any great writer, I intended to steal an idea. I decided to steal my idea from Pornhub's "Hottest Videos" listing. Two of the most popular themes were step-incest and interracial sex. Since Amazon bans incest I'm not going to be able to write anything in that genre. The most popular interracial genre features black men fucking white chicks. People seem to especially like it when the black men have gigantic cocks.

It looks like I'll be writing some sort of big black cock filled filth. However, I need to narrow it down more and find a niche to distinguish myself from all the other interracial erotica out there. Any ideas?

>> No.15200181


People like Big Black Cocks, but there's nothing that says they like Big Black Men.

Why not write a story about a white guy who happens to have a Big Black Cock?

>> No.15200231

This, OP. Make it the story of a young woman torn between her romances with a most spohisticated british Gentelman and a borderline autistic yet charming German maths professor, both of whom happen to wield big black cocks. In the end make her fall in love with a horse, or rather its cock.

>> No.15201845

>Why not write a story about a white guy who happens to have a Big Black Cock?
I kind of like this idea. Maybe some white guy is at the club, gets rejected by the hot girls there because they don't feel anything when he grinds up against them, and then when he's at the urinal at the club he notices a black dude with a monstrously large cock. By some miracle the two men switch cocks and the white guy ends up banging the hell out of some girl with his giant new cock.

Amazon doesn't allow self-published bestiality books.

>> No.15202414

I should add that I already started writing my story before responding to the post above. After looking into niches a little more, I decided to write about an Asian bimbo who gets ravaged by her big black professor after she stops by for office hours.

I'm aiming for 5,000 words.

Do you think the white guys who buy this type of shit would enjoy some racial degradation ("I thought Asians were supposed to be smart" type of stuff) or be turned off by it?

>> No.15203416

I finished writing the story and it's the most disgusting thing I've ever written. I feel deeply ashamed.

>> No.15203620

You know what you should do? Post it here

>> No.15203709


>> No.15203738

post it here bro

>> No.15203760

You guys have to promise not to jerk off to it.

>> No.15203776

Don't do this, OP. It's one thing to sin yourself, but another to lead others into sin. Think of your immortal soul. Do you have no fear of God? What if you're wrong? And there are punishments in this world, too. My biological sister is a pornographer. She got arrested and deported. I for one disowned her. Last I heard she just got out of the mental hospital and is so loaded up on antidepressants that she can barely speak. I expect to meet news of her suicide someday with the same dull sense of disappointment I feel whenever I think of her. Keep working on your actual art. Don't slip away from the light.

>> No.15203910

i promise, and don’t listen to the christcuck

>> No.15203930

Monitoring this thread

>> No.15203949

You should be my editor and agent. I'll help you out don't write big black cock fiction man.

Just respond if you want to get in contact.

>> No.15204011

>I thought Asians were supposed to be smart" type of stuff
No. Stereotypes like that are uninteresting. It'd be better to investigate the female character: why is she having sex with this man, and how does her ethnicity mix up that scenario? You're basically resorting to puns if you make smart jokes or rice or hiroshima jokes etc.
Take it back to square zero for a sec. The point of bbc interracial porn is to watch women behave in depraved ways. You need to build up the female character such that her escapades benefit her depravity within your scenario. The fact that she is asian and he is black creates a feeling of depravity, since it is assumed (by your reader) that black men would be undesirable mates for an asian woman, but her lust for sex makes that desire untamable. That's the whole point basically, that the urge to copulate is so strong within this woman that she would do something so depraved as to even have interracial sex. By this, I do not mean write her as a slut. Do the opposite, in fact. A slut may have high sexual desire, but the level of depravity of a slut engaging in interaccial sex is much less than a puritan. The pure asian female who willingly has sex with a black man is more lustful than the slut if that makes sense.
Think of these real world social constructs within the context of your story: things like, heterosexuality, public decency, same race preference, same social/wealth status, monogamy, romance, same age group preference; these are things normal, non-porn ridden people tend to value. They represent the norm, status quo. The objective for you isn't necessarily to break as many of these as possible within one story, but to make the ones you do choose to break do so in as maximized a way as possible.
Imagine a world in which humans had no sex drive and no need to biologically reproduce. What would these characters do in that world, how would they react to each other? Now flip that scenario on its head by forcing them both to be extremely horny retards.

>> No.15204080
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No, dude, you are at the literal bottom of the barrel.

I'm not joking, I'm a highly productive author and I've got a good angle on a new market flush with cash.

You won't be able to look at yourself in a mirror anymore.

This is a serious offer, I've just come down from a self-induced state of religious ecstasy in which God and I communed as a single being; no drugs involved, I just figured out how to talk with God; also not a crazy person, it's just very easy and I reccomend everyone do it.

Basically what I'm saying is, this is destiny. Come on, I was just asking for someone talented yesterday who could help me out. I need a competent author to work with, someone who's as hungry for success as I am!

You know how hard it is to find someone, someone who actually wants to fucking do it and write a good fucking story. Everyone I work with drags their goddamn feet and acts like 3-5k words a day is me being unreasonable, and how can I expect them to not take two fucking weeks for a day's worth of work?

I need someone like you, anon. You're about to take a black dick directly to the fucking brain, you're literally about to fuck your precious imagination with black cock.

At least TRY and work with me.

>> No.15204111
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Read my post, desperate anon, and listen to the song. Feel it in your soul, there's another way.

>> No.15204144

Ignore trip faga

>> No.15204163
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Woe to him that commit scandal. From all this we may infer how great is the displeasure given to God by scandalizing a brother, and destroying his soul. It is enough to say, that they who give scandal rob God of a child, and murder a soul, for whose salvation he has spent his blood and his life. Hence, St. Leo calls the authors of scandals murderers. “Quisquis scandalizat, mortem infert animæ proximi.” They are the most impious of murderers; because they kill not the body, but the soul of a brother, and rob Jesus Christ of all his tears, of his sorrows, and of all that he has done and suffered to gain that soul. Hence the Apostle says: “Now, when you sin thus against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.” (1 Cor. viii. 12.) They who scandalize a brother, sin against Christ; because, as St. Ambrose says, they deprive him of a soul for which he has spent so many years, and submitted to so many toils and labours. It is related, that B. Albertus Magnus spent thirty years in making a head, which resembled the human head, and uttered words: and that St. Thomas, fearing that it was done by the agency of the devil, took the head and broke it. B. Albertus complained of the act of St. Thomas, saying: “You have broken on me the work of thirty years.” I do not assert that this is true; but it is certain that, when Jesus Christ sees a soul destroyed by scandal, he can reprove the author of it, and say to him: Wicked wretch, what have you done? You have deprived me of this soul, for which I have laboured thirty-three years.

I will,” says the Lord by his prophet Osee, “meet them as a bear that is robbed of her whelps.” (Osee xiii. 8.) When the bear comes to her den, and finds not her whelps, she goes about the wood in search of the person who took them away. When she discovers the person, oh! with what fury does she rush upon him! It is thus the Lord shall rush upon the authors of scandal, who have robbed him of his children. Those who have given scandal, will say: My neighbour is already damned; how can I repair the evil that has been done? The Lord shall answer: Since you have been the cause of his perdition, you must pay me for the loss of his soul. “I will require his blood at thy hands.” (Ezec. iii. 20.) It is written in Deuteronomy, “Thou shalt not pity him, but shalt require life for life” (xix. 21). You have destroyed a soul; you must suffer the loss of your own.

>> No.15204189


What are you here for, to watch a man cover himself in shit!

Get the fuck out of here! I'm here reach a motherfucker!

>> No.15204206
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What have I done?

>> No.15204222

Scandalized many souls damning them and yourself to eternal misery.

>> No.15204228

Wouldn't that be too heavy for the standard amazon smut reader?

Bear in mind my only knowledge of western porn writing is their attemts at imitating hentai. It's abysmal, you can't read an entire sense without thinking 'this must've been written by a 14 yo.' Yet people eat that shit up.

>> No.15204368


Well, anon, I read it.

You've got a great sense of humor, and I feel like you've got a head for the little details that make things work.

Did you enjoy writing that? You can be proud of it, in a sense, because it was enjoyable and well written.

>What have I done?

Well, you wrote interracial erotica. At that level of writing, you could probably make some decent money self publishing on Amazon.

I'm telling you, I've got a good feeling about this. We've got until this thread 404's or one of us gets banned.

What do I need to do to make you my agent?

>> No.15204416

>the white guys who buy this type of shit
I thought erotic fiction was mainly read by women

guys just watch porn

>> No.15204489

can you post any of your work or what the rejection letters said about it? I'm kinda curious how these things go down

trying to become a novelist also

>> No.15204644

Why do you want me to be your agent? I have no connection to any publishers.

I do not work with random people without a $500+ retainer and set deliverables.

>> No.15204690
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>"only white was visible between her slanted eyelids."
Top fucking kek

>> No.15204704

Self publish

>> No.15204730
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> However, as a member of the cultural studies department and not the medical school, he was not qualified to diagnose that
Holy fuck that was hilarious

>> No.15204855

This is very well-written anon. I think it could be very successful.

>> No.15204920


Fuck publishers, I'm seeing talentless morons pull in 10-14k a month on patreon because they had nice looking cover art and manage to put out 20k words a week.

What I need is someone who can actually read over my work, help polish it up a bit, publish it to the various web-serial websites and deal with the community.

I write, you attract and deal with the readers. A standard adventure story that makes people chuckle would make an ungodly amount of money;

As long as it was a Litrpg, at least.

Then, in addition to getting the patreon money, we can re-package and sell the story a second time on amazon, where it will be bought, because people who read Litrpg's are addicted just like every other genre readers, and they've read them all already.

I've also already read them all, and most of them are badly written trash; none the less, these authors are making bank.

Litrpg's are the new western, anon. Young male readers, who are absent from pretty much every other genre, fucking love the things, and they're willing to shell out ten bucks a month to an author who can satisfy their addiction.

I'll pay your fucking retainer, I need someone with a brain who's motivated to succeed.

How do you want to get in contact?

>> No.15204922

Does interracial smut actually sell? Pretty sure written porn and visual porn have different target audiences. I used to read a lot of amateur erotic fiction like 10 years ago and it seemed like the biggest things were incest, bondage, loli and supernatural stuff

>> No.15204962

Nice approach. You should probably incude a dimension of oppression and power play. Some kind of Romeo and Juliet contrivance plus an underlying tension between the hero and the heroin due to the fact that they have different status. Something like the woman wanting to be dominated by the disenfranchised black man (this line of fantasy seems popular right now).

I'm sure some demographics will be eating it up.

>> No.15205317
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>only white was visible between her slanted eyelids.
> fucked the chopsitcks out of her hair

>> No.15205545

I'm going to pass. I don't want to deal with publishing and social media management.

>> No.15205584


That's fair. You should still look into something other than degrading erotica.

Best of luck man.

>> No.15205612
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>This entire thread

>> No.15205950

>Not wanting to read black cock erotica

>> No.15205966

Chopsticks LOL

>> No.15206394
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What would you say would be more successful regarding amazon/patreonbucks:

Erotic novels
Visual novels with hentai

I kinda know both to draw and write (not as good as anon ITT I think), so I was wondering what I should polish

>> No.15206461

If you hit it good with a crappy renpy vn you can rake in thousands of dollars a month with a small trickle of updates

>> No.15206471

I will look into this

>> No.15207154

Does anyone here write smut for their own personal enjoyment? I realized I liked actualizing fantasies in writing, and I finally got around to starting something recently. Also, does anyone have examples of "high brow" smut? I worry my descriptions will end up being repetitive after a while, even if I keep things pretty short, so I'd like to see what works for padding sexual sequences.

>> No.15207202


>> No.15207573

It really depends, a visual novel will take far longer to make than some erotic stories or hentai, but I’d guess there’s more profit potential.

>> No.15207680
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, Knights in Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's time to take a bold new direction with my work. I'm going to start writing and self publishing erotica on Amazon.

Start out with a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and a mysterious soldier from a far away place known as the Land of Cotton.

>> No.15207763

What's the market for that kind of historical fiction? Why would somebody draw that?

>> No.15207870

As a non-white guy, white guys can have huge white cocks. Why not just write a guy with huge white cocks?

>> No.15208027

Are we talking about a white dude with a huge white cock or a black dude with a huge white cock? Which do you want to read about?

>> No.15208089

white guy with white cocks. wave your washington monument proudly you fucking cucks.

Also I just realized I wrote "guy with huge white cocks" and now am imagining some guy with literally two huge white penises.

>> No.15208488

>some guy with literally two huge white penises.

Would a story about this sell? He could fuck two holes at once.

>> No.15208517

>Pornhub's "Hottest Videos" listing. Two of the most popular themes were step-incest and interracial sex.
One thing to consider is that Pornhub is more popular with male audiences while women are the largest group of readers for erotic literature. Men and women get off on different things

>> No.15208558


>> No.15209463

What if he had 3 dicks?

>> No.15209875

>You guys have to promise not to jerk off to it.
Only if it's not 2000 pages of dragon porn.

>> No.15211412

>tfw no 2000 page dragon sex novel kino

>> No.15212492

Sounds like magical realism.

>> No.15212739

at what point does it start? Writing a sex scene? But what if someone is aroused by flirting, or a simple interaction, or what if someone suddenly realizes that they have a sock fetish after some scene that barely had anything to do with socks?
>scandalizing - shock or horrify (someone) by a real or imagined violation of propriety or morality.
Wait, so writing villains at all is out? Or attempting to depict something shocking/interesting or writing about other cultures. What about describing female body in general, not even porn but like depicting the beauty of her eyes.
And going from the other side, are black cock descriptions really shocking to a person? i mean right now it's some tame shit.