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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 405 KB, 784x404, 1574977318475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15194520 No.15194520 [Reply] [Original]

What book was this?

>> No.15194539

John ebert used to be cool but these podcasts are just a retarded circlejerk

>> No.15194548

It's a video on Bataille you have to get some jerking off in there somewhere

>> No.15194797

The industrial production of meat products for humanity is the most dystopian sci fi horror concept ever conceived. Humanity was a mistake and the virtuous are wise enough to remember it at all moments of the day. Generally speaking, I only recall it a couple times a week.

>> No.15195547

>The industrial production of meat products for humanity is the most based concept ever conceived.
Fixed it for you

>> No.15195555

Time to mass report this video for nudity.

>> No.15195587

I am here to remind you that The industrial production of meat products for humanity is the most dystopian sci fi horror concept ever conceived. Humanity was a mistake and the virtuous are wise enough to remember it at all moments of the day

>> No.15195610

It's one of the things that convinced me morality is a meme. I feel absolutely nothing about those animals, I've even killed animals before myself and I don't feel anything in person either. But the reasonable part of me is pretty much convinced that it is completely unjustifiable to kill animals and especially to make them live those insanely awful lives in farms, they are almost surely conscious beings that suffer like us. I don't even really like meat either, I just eat it for the easy protein.

>> No.15195618

I didn't know that he was Gay

>> No.15195645

There are only a few million humans on this planet.

>> No.15195654

This is disgusting and disturbing, how are there cocks on youtube?

>> No.15195658

>tfw no friend to compare dicks together and jerk each other off

>> No.15195689

Other thread was pruned. Why is this still up?

>> No.15195697

Mods are suppressing fringe information as usual.

>> No.15195699

The cow getting its neck slit open is more disturbing than the nudity.

>> No.15195711

Then why are the candle threads still up?

>> No.15195718


Q's mum is a marathon runner.

>> No.15195743

based LOCAL q

>> No.15195747

Quentin in The Independent from 1999


>> No.15195792

so the bastard's a frog?

>> No.15195878

yeah, his logo was a little too obvious. honestly annoyed me that he'd be so blatant.
i take you're the anon who was posting those Savile and DM links from the other thread. good stuff. amazing how literally everything is a pozzed glownigger honeypot these days. even the super fringe stuff.

>> No.15195904

what a weird article

>> No.15195908


>> No.15195909

Not her. They just happen to have the same name. You can hear his mom in the videos and she doesn't have a french accent

>> No.15195917

Born in 1955 and moved to England in 1976. Entirely possible she lost the accent.

>> No.15195919

He misses the point of Bataille. Bataille talks about fictional acts of violence and eroticism. Not real life shit.

>> No.15195930 [DELETED] 

There are literally hundreds of Quentin Scobies from Leeds.

>> No.15195951

she does in a few vids

>> No.15195961

Husband is Brian Scobie

>> No.15195962 [DELETED] 
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The resemblance is uncanny

>> No.15195979
File: 33 KB, 406x612, gettyimages-1232862-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's his mum, she was in one of his videos before so ppl already know what her face looks like. anyways just look at any pic when she was young lmao pretty obvious it's his mum. they are twins

>> No.15195980

>amazing how literally everything is a pozzed glownigger honeypot these days
Really depressing how even fucking 4chins jannies are in on it

>> No.15195986

those are some strong genes

>> No.15195989 [DELETED] 

From Q's sisters instagram


>> No.15195990

Please stop snooping guys

>> No.15195995

all of you are schizophrenic. highly recommend you take your meds in hopes of graduating

>> No.15196006

This is the kind of shit that would turn me off as a content-creator. You could keep this to yourself (like I did) but no you have to just go post everything you did in your thirty minute google search to seem edgy. Off yourself.

saged and reported

>> No.15196011

It was mostly a joke but I never really hear any convincing arguments against the /possibility/ of such a thing happening. It's always just against the /probability/.

>> No.15196017

shut up schizo faggot

>> No.15196018 [DELETED] 

in his video on the O9A he talks about satanic marathon runners. his parents are both marathon runners.

>> No.15196019
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>content creator

>> No.15196026 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1300x956, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This his dad?

>> No.15196028

Go fuck yourself kike

>> No.15196042


>> No.15196044
File: 62 KB, 650x658, 1550725823724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin Scobie

>> No.15196045

you think she was blacked at some point? probably was around a lot of fit black dudes given her career. 100% his sis was blacked cuz she looks like a retarded fat liberal whore but what about the mum

>> No.15196047

sextape leak when?

>> No.15196048

Join /lit/'s discord server code is udrpKsM

>> No.15196049

Is this the cast for the HP reboot?

>> No.15196053

where did it all go wrong

>> No.15196054

what in goblina is that grotesque creature to his left

>> No.15196065
File: 9 KB, 200x200, TDYJauxPDebGCnq-400x400-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking dead

>> No.15196072
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my sides

>> No.15196075
File: 920 KB, 860x454, q'sboyfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the same dude as in the Bataille video too. They are dating.

>> No.15196079

whats the bookclub discord
i got booted for some reason

>> No.15196084

You don't want to visit it right now. God damn fucking shitstorm in there

>> No.15196090

he deleted it because people kept posting his grindr profile

>> No.15196092

1. no you didnt, nice try though faggot.
2. everyone got booted. it's not a thing anymore.

>> No.15196099

Seriously consider killing yourself before you shitpost next time

>> No.15196109

Why were the pics deleted? They were public racing pics not private info.

>> No.15196113

lmao I was gonna call yall faggots for grasping at straws but he's literally like a clone of her.

>> No.15196122

hey Quentin do you still practice playing music? you had a band right? Dirty Urges?

>> No.15196124

Why do you spend so much effort shilling Quentin here, if you don't let anyone new on his discord of gay nazis?

>> No.15196130

You're getting meme'd kid. Try harder.

>> No.15196131

He's actually French? That explains things

>> No.15196133


>> No.15196139


>> No.15196143
File: 46 KB, 600x603, jannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete Quentin's mom pics and sis ig
>thread still up

>> No.15196164

What was this dude talking about? Couldnt understand the accent. Sounded like something about Iraqi politics

>> No.15196167


>> No.15196170

>the Americans came and fought the Pashtuns

Something like that.

>> No.15196187

Sadler needs to see this video

>> No.15196217

Hes got a great body, shame about being completely fucked in the head

>> No.15196225

Honestly kind of worried about him. He's been going off the deep end lately.

>> No.15196232

I too developed schizophrenia recently

>> No.15196234

He was in Charls chat on twitch earlier

>> No.15196280

really? how do you know?

>> No.15196294

He's literally a regular in the channel. He even had him under his recommendations on his youtube channel

>> No.15196315

is q alright

>> No.15196347

how is his channel still up?

>> No.15196356

yt mods tolerate twinks

>> No.15196358

because of based, loyal followers.

>> No.15196368

Q is an illuminati mastermind, if you didn't notice it yet. That's why he got away with the Greta video and this one too.

>> No.15196379

Because they like gays a lot which Q is

>> No.15196389

Poor soul

>> No.15196399

it's cuz he is a lib satanist and jewish on his mum's side

>> No.15196432

He doesn't get enough attention outside of small communities

>> No.15196433

Because nobody gives a shit about this schizophrenic

>> No.15196446

Why are people calling him a satanist? And what does the insane bloak do for work? Or is he on NEETbux?

>> No.15196451

Nudity is ok as long as its not done in a sexual manner. This also had a banner saying it was educational

>> No.15196456

he mum got olympic $$

>> No.15196460


>> No.15196512

You're jealous.

>> No.15196519
File: 13 KB, 340x271, Batemandisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two men jerking each other off is not sexual

>> No.15196548

It taught me how to jerk off my brother

>> No.15196567

hard excsdee from me lad ho ho ha ha

>> No.15196608

I'm not a schizo, I just want you to understand we are not friends. Literally just say "I accept that" and go away.

>> No.15196637
File: 38 KB, 1360x727, qbookclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an invite to his subreddit?

>> No.15196665

>2016 London Marathon London, United Kingdom 9700th Marathon 5:02:56

>> No.15196683

Is that bad? She's like 70.

>> No.15196689

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15196694

Nigga, I just watch the videos sometimes

>> No.15196701
