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15181132 No.15181132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Right wing thinkers:
Evola- Italian
Guénon- Muslim
Heidegger- German
Tolstoy- Russian
Mishima- Japanese
Tolkien- Anglo
Kierkegaard- Danish
Céline- French

Left wing thinkers:
Marx- Jew
Cohen- Jew
Chomsky- Jew
Harvey- Jew
Wolff- Jew
Derrida- Jew
Adorno- Jew
Horkheimer- Jew
... To name a few

>> No.15181150

>Right wing
Lmao what?

>> No.15181153

Why is Kierkegaard right-wing?

>> No.15181167


>> No.15181189

How does religious equal right-wing? Would that mean that all practicing Jewish thinkers are right-wing? Tolstoy was a pacifist anarchist who believed private property was illegitimate. That's pretty far from right-wing.

>> No.15181194

Jews don't actually believe in judaism, its just an ethic identifier really.

t. grew up in jewish neighborhood

>> No.15181196

I think the dichotomy left-wing/right-wing is completely oversimplified and this post tells us nothing.

>> No.15181198


>pacifist anarchist who believed private property was illegitimate
thats perfectly within the realm of right wing

>> No.15181201

You're perfectly in the realm of being a faggot

>> No.15181205

Kierkegaard was a monarchist cuck who cowered in his apartment during the March Revolution. He was also reportedly homophobic and anti-semitic, so yeah, probably falls in the right wing.

>> No.15181206

t. brainlet that can't refute

You're lucky I'm forcing you out of the platonic cave the media forced you to watch shadow puppets in.

>> No.15181207

Chapocel moment

>> No.15181222

wtf I love the CIA now

>> No.15181230

Homophobic? Wasn't he gay actually?

>> No.15181237

The right is largely defined as pro-hierarchy whether based on class, nation, race, or religion making anarchy incompatible. Private property is used to maintain hierarchy, thus total subversion of it is a revolutionary act. Pacifism is totally incompatible with all right-wing conceptions of foreign and domestic policy. The right is also not defined as coping as hard as OP.

>> No.15181244

Wrong. Right simply believes in natural order. Left believes in human made order.

>> No.15181246

>Look mom, I can cherrypick

>> No.15181262

Read Hobbes, the state of nature is a war against all, that's about as right as you can get. Natural law is also too vague and varied to define political lines along. Organic hierarchy may be a better way of putting it.

>> No.15181263

Most homophobics are gay

>> No.15181290

Hobbes is a pseud.

>> No.15181304


Go to sleep Mencius

>> No.15181320

And yet, every other Leftist I talk to insists egalitarianism is a spook. Organic order fits too, especially since the goal of Fascism is the Organic State.

>> No.15181324

>nazis defectors created mkultra

>Sidney Gottlieb (August 3, 1918 – March 7, 1999) was an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and '60s assassination attempts and mind-control program, known as Project MKUltra.
>As a poison expert, he headed the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS). Gottlieb became known as the "Black Sorcerer" and the "Dirty Trickster."[3] He supervised preparations of lethal poisons and drug experiments in mind control. In April 1953 Gottlieb became head of the secret Project MKUltra,

>Gottlieb, the son of Hungarian Jewish immigrant parents

>> No.15181327

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15181333

>grew up in jewish neighborhood

>> No.15181337
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The right wingers OP mentioned have completely different views to the point that there is no way that they can be all classified as right wing. Anyone who tries to convince you that right wing/left wing/political compass is a thing is a low iq pleb who needs to oversimplify the world because its too hard for him to understand.

>> No.15181346

Or you know maybe the right just tolerates diversity and differences in opinion enormously better then the left, which was the point of Op's post.

>> No.15181351

Amen to that, especially now. Say something that someone on the left disagrees with and they lose their fucking minds. No wonder it appeals to children more than any other demographic.

>> No.15181353

If this isn't cherry picking, I don't know what is. Very right-wing of you. Classic alt-right delusional thinking. Le Epic 4chan Threadz

>in b4 I'm called a jew
>or a faggot
>you're all played out

>> No.15181358

The people in his post aren't right wing. Left and Right isn't a thing you moron. You can't just take every philosopher ever and say that they fit into 1 of 2 groups. Negative IQ.


>> No.15181372


8 of the 14 leftists posted in the op of this thread are jewish. These were intellectuals selected by a lefty op.

>> No.15181377


>> No.15181381

So because one left winger is retarded you think that every other left winger agrees with him?

>> No.15181390

I feel dumber every time I return to /lit/

I can't believe people spend their precious time wasting away in these shitfuck threads

It's a pissing contest as to who can troll the best through and through and will never change


>> No.15181392
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Ok then. Try putting every philosopher or thinker into the brackets of left and right let's see how it goes.

>> No.15181393

I saw julios evola's name recently.

Most of modern paganism is based off of two authors. Cromley and Evola.

I also find it hilarious that pagans trace their roots back only a hundred years.

>> No.15181400

It proves that these leftist thinkers weren't cherry picked by op.

>> No.15181407

I already did. See op.

>> No.15181412
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Define Left and Right.

>> No.15181427

Bet my ass OP is some retard American that thinks "less government" is the same as "Right"

>> No.15181434

The right believes in organic order, the left believes in human engineered order.

>> No.15181435
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But he literally included Mishima as a right winger. Mishima the man who hated capitalism and western take over of Japan.

>> No.15181450


>> No.15181454
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What if someone believes in both?

>> No.15181464
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>> No.15181466

Schizophrenia happens

>> No.15181471

Not even a matter of "believing in both" Human-engineered order IS organic order. Anything outside of human engineering would be a kind of anarchic savagery that has never really existed. My guess is "organic order" is a genteelism to protect his belief that the norms he grew up with are the objectively correct.

>> No.15181486


>> No.15181502
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This is the only right answer.

>> No.15181538

'Human-engineered' refers to something like this hyper focusing on the frontal lobe in the modern world. We only think there. This is your brain on left wing.

Right believes in the unconscious, the organic.

>> No.15181553

Is the frontal lobe not organic? Are you accusing left-wingers of being too rational? What is in the valency of the "the unconscious" that manages social organization? You throw all these terms around that mean nothing.

>> No.15181561

How is someone anti hierarchy AND anti egalitarian? Isn't the mere valuation as someone having more or less than me immediately conducive to hierarchy? The only way I understand getting rid of hierarchy is getting rid of individual (rather than group) valuation.

>> No.15181621

In the biological sense its organic but thats not what I'm talking about.

The frontal lobe is a tip of the ice berg form of consciousness. People that spend too much time in the frontal lobe are often anxious, socially awkward, and depressed as they spend too much time thinking. You wouldn't call any kind of social interaction organic for them.

>What is in the valency of the "the unconscious" that manages social organization
Jesus man it is EVERYTHING. I'm trying to go to bed so I don't want to write a huge essay but theres so much to write. Read fucking Guenon or Evola for fuck's sakes, this is what they're about.

Society and culture as a whole resides in the unconscious. At the individual level evenl, our conscious mind

Dude study psychology christ. Isn't it strange to you how you don't seem to control your own mind? You can't force your mind not to drift when studying, you can't control your apsirations in life, you can't control your personal likes and dislikes, this is all done in the unconscious.

This is fucking why Freud is so fucking famous you fucking retard. How can you have intellectual fucking discussions about how society oughta work if you don't even know the very basics about how your own mind fucking works. This is at fucking Plato's The Republic level basics.

>> No.15181672

Holy fuck if this is what you believe you need to pick up some cognitive science books and papers from like any decade post-1960. Psychology and political philosophy have moved way fuckin beyond what you are talking about.

>> No.15181688

t. pseud trying to recover
Everyone now knows you're a retard just face it.

>> No.15181713

Absolutely no one subscribes to this notion of the unconscious you're proposing anymore. That shit got left behind in the early 20th century. If all you've ever read is Post-Hegelian loons I can see why you'd think this way but Freud is dead and his theories have died with him.

>> No.15181719

Yeah no I graduate with a psychology degree you fucking nigger. You fucking weasel trying to lie your way out. The unconscious is still a massive part of modern cognitive science.

>> No.15181725

Lie my way out? Link me a modern peer-reviewed paper that society and culture "resides in the unconscious" in this Freudian/Lacanian sense in which you are speaking. There's a reason I said "this notion of the unconscious" and not "the unconscious."

>> No.15181753

Thats not what we were talking about we were talking about the individual unconscious you lying snake which is if anything one of the largest fucking parts. Look up unconscious perception you fucking nigger and read guenon I'm going to bed.

>> No.15181757

Is this the dumbest post of all time?

>> No.15181791

Anarchy will produce natural order and destroy zombie-like institutions that sustain themselves and pervert life. Furthermore, it basically allows for ethnicities to exist and have autonomy because in anarchy they will immediately consolidate and establish their territory, not having to exist under some higher system that doesn't suit their needs or culture. I am a rightwing anarchist.

Also, to be on the thread topic, Jews or whatever you want to call them control the world through said institutions and so-called nationstates. Globohomo = narrowminded xenophobic global oligarchy in which no Other can exist.

>> No.15181795

>How does religious equal right-wing?
Because you can't believe in God and be left-wing. It's simply not possible.

>> No.15181923

No idea. Take it up with a Leftist. I just know that every time I try to bring it up they babble about how everything is a spook. Except class apparently. Or something. I'm still not really sure, even after numerous attempts to clarify what it is they believe in precisely I'm no closer. I wish Marx had written some "Dianetics" style fiction book where he actually describes the desired end state.

>> No.15181943

Reminder that basically everything in the social sciences, and especially psychology is suspect right now: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis

>> No.15181990

This crisis applies all the more forcefully to Freud's era of theorizing the unconscious than it does now though

>> No.15182001

It's just a right winger who wants to believe that everyone else is also a right winger, just like him.

>> No.15182161
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I hate Americans.

>> No.15182184

If you browse in the shelves that, in American bookstores, are labeled as New Age, you can find there even Saint Augustine who, as far as I know, was not a fascist. But combining Saint Augustine and Stonehenge – that is a symptom of Ur Fascism.

>> No.15182186

are you retarded? Do you know what liberation theology is? Have you listened to the current Pope?

>> No.15182326

kill your fucking self subhuman anglo filth

imagine posting cia memes when you are brainwashed by the cia and come to /lit/ to parrot cia political dichotomy propaganda. good for you swine

>> No.15182582

Youre a fucking retard.

>> No.15182729


>> No.15183843


>> No.15183850

>he thinks whatever gay political theory he's read isn't also CIA propaganda

>> No.15183866

This is like saying most Christians don't "really" believe in Christianity and are just in it for the community

>> No.15183867


>> No.15183913

But that is true

>> No.15183970

"liberation theology" is basically just "We need more gibs ese", it's not exactly theoretical Marxism-Leninism or Critical Theory. I mean, in many cases these third-world peoples actually DO need more gibs, but that's what it's about.

>> No.15184050


>> No.15184064

Where's the lie?

>> No.15184337

Christianity doesnt have an ethnic component to its membership.

>> No.15184884


>> No.15184889

Guénon was French.

>> No.15185775
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He was Muslim you retard.

>> No.15186778


>> No.15186808

You can't expect the people who make these posts to have even the most basic knowledge of what they're pontificating about. It's all ideology. It's not a real form of thought

>> No.15187172

That's true though

>> No.15187225

>Tolkien, a writer of (good) genre fiction
>comparable to actual right wing philosophers
Cringe tourist

>> No.15187242
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Extremely redpilled, retards who post about the “left vs right” should be banned for low iq

>> No.15187251

shut up and don't leave your cave

>> No.15187252

>actual philosopher
You out-cringed OPoop, congrats.

>> No.15187745

Where can I learn about these CIA shenanigans?

>> No.15187912

>Jews don't actually believe in judaism, its just an ethic identifier really.
This applies to neo pagans and racist christians too, so are they leftwing too or are Jewish people rightwing?

>> No.15188029

It's very obviously not the same. Christianity is not seen as a bloodline that is passed down, nor an ethnicity.

>> No.15188046
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>t. lived near jews
i’ll defer to you on this one