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15170061 No.15170061 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any kind of point to fascism? Is there a teleological goal for man or is it just degeneracy whack-a-mole for the rest of time? Does it presuppose a kind of nihilism where the military has to be involved to keep order?

>> No.15170076

Fascism is just pagan philosophy mixed with modern technocracy.

>> No.15170098


>> No.15170105

Fascism is Hegelian, Gentile’s analysis of consciousness shows that the multiplicity of sense objects and the unitary nature of being are reconciled by the construct of the Empirical Ego. Gentile takes this and says in the Hegelian vein we should use the state as such a synthetic ego and identity for all men since all rights and freedom are constructs of the state.

To Hegel the state was God in earth, to The fascists uniting man into this body of God and thus creating a kind of Borgification in which mans identities are unified in a kind of engine is the key, man as cogs in a union. This is why deleuze says the cancerous body without organs is fascist and what baudrillard means by fascist also by the way.

Imo the deleuzian and baudrillardian analysis basically means that the Fascist project is (via capitalism) pretty much winning globally. Heidegger’s theories on technology being the active force and man the reactive fit in here and then we get into a techno-capital as the apparatus for state-man unification. Tldr the fascist project is about the union of man into a unified synthetic Ego and the perpetual progression of this technologically. Absolute maximal speed towards the perpetual completion of history using any means of pragmatism needed.

>> No.15170111

It's ultimately a trick to allocate even more power to a centralized cabal that fascists like to think of themselves as belonging to

>> No.15170119

National glory you fucking pleb holy shit kill yourself

>> No.15170135

Ignore the other brainlets here. Fascism is palingenetic totalitarian ultranationalism. The nation made myth and state religion.

>> No.15170138

aka a spook to get you to serve someone else's agenda

>> No.15170143

imagine being this much of a braindead commie

>> No.15170146

Sounds based

>> No.15170148
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>palingenetic totalitarian ultranationalism
>myth and state religion

>> No.15170150

>waaaaah everything I don't like is a spook

>> No.15170151

For what purpose?

>> No.15170155
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>> No.15170159

Technicalities and rationalisation. Fucking disgusting. Fascism is an organic movement.

>> No.15170165
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>> No.15170168

The peak of commie intellect

>> No.15170173

National Glory is probably the most straightforward spook, the fact that you believe you're intelligent for desiring such a nonsensical and worthless commodity is cringe

>> No.15170176

What were they doing before the modern nation?

>> No.15170181

>liberalism, for the brotherhood and content of the people
>for what purpose?

>> No.15170186
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>> No.15170191

The organic only arises from the self, not the nation. There is some trickery going on when the nation is supposedly a singular 'self'

>> No.15170195

Imagine being such an isolated sack of you have to resort to the tribalism of video games. Sad.

>> No.15170200

seems pretty neat, why is this interpretation so close to the bootlicking tyrannical ethos so very associated with fascism?

>> No.15170201

No liberalism is a humanism. It has a teleological purpose. Go back to the OP and try engaging again in good faith.

>> No.15170202

Worshipping zeus and yahweh

>> No.15170210
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>Tldr the fascist project is about the union of man into a unified synthetic Ego and the perpetual progression of this technologically.

Metaphysics of presence.

>> No.15170213

What purpose? Utilitarian happiness? Summarize a universal concept of happiness for me.

>> No.15170215

>haha dude only faggots want a stable society lmao you’re a loser
>*gets mugged by pack of feral africans*

>> No.15170217

>tribalism of video games

>> No.15170221

>fascism is hegelian
nigga stfu

>> No.15170230
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>I need a strong daddy state in order to have a stable functioning society

>> No.15170233

You started pretty far out from the point of the thread and you're moving out even further. I'm not talking about happiness and still you're avoiding the question.

>> No.15170235

Movements are not individuals, ideas arise and interject themselves into the masses from individuals. But the movement is always the mass. Revolution cannot be any other way until it's inception.

>> No.15170243

You reject the tribalism of to the nation, your family, your creed. What ever it may be and insert it with a new one. Tribalism is inescapable.

>> No.15170244


Tell that to Giovanni gentile and to Mussolini


It’s inherently totalitarian, I think the four Asian tigers and China demonstrate fascism the best. Especially Singapore. The American model is “bootlicker” it’s just occurring via the market and its simulacra.


> Giovanni Gentile (Italian: [dʒoˈvanni dʒenˈtiːle]; 30 May 1875 – 15 April 1944) was an Italian[3][4] neo-Hegelian idealist philosopher, educator, and fascist politician. The self-styled "philosopher of Fascism", he was influential in providing an intellectual foundation for Italian Fascism, and ghostwrote part of The Doctrine of Fascism (1932) with Benito Mussolini. He was involved in the resurgence of Hegelian idealism in Italian philosophy and also devised his own system of thought, which he called "actual idealism" or "actualism", and which has been described as "the subjective extreme of the idealist tradition".[5][6][7]

>> No.15170246

Fear it harder faggot

>> No.15170248

There's a hierarchy of movement starting with the high IQ individual > his tribe/village/cabal/mafia > the masses > potentially the entire world

>> No.15170256

I only reject tribalism of the nation, I believe in scaling down tribes to the microcosm which is naturally manageable, everything else ends up serving foreign interests

>> No.15170255

That says nothing about a movement being organic. If only the self is organic and movements are not individuals, a movement can't be organic.

>> No.15170262

I don't fear men in leather and lace

>> No.15170264

You claim liberalism is humanism, than claim is has a teleological purpose. I could think of no other than human "happiness" according to this value system. Give me a reason why it's purpose of human happiness is correct and universal over any others. Or if you disagree this is it's purpose, what is it's?

>> No.15170273

>Tldr the fascist project is about the union of man into a unified synthetic Ego and the perpetual progression of this technologically. Absolute maximal speed towards the perpetual completion of history using any means of pragmatism needed.
False, you not only misunderstood Gentile your also misunderstood the purpose of National Socialism.

>> No.15170275

It doesn't matter because you were suggesting earlier that there is no teleological purpose to liberalism in defense of there being no teleological purpose to fascism. Whether I talk about happiness or not doesn't change the fact you're undermining your own argument

>> No.15170280

Gentile was a stooge compared to the entire movement of 20th century fascism, one player in the game

>> No.15170282


To the Italian fascist the state is the universal concrete, to the Nazi the Race is the root and spirit and essence of the state, thus to the Nazi the Race is the universal concrete. How is this incorrect?

>> No.15170287

I think you do

>> No.15170289


> Gentile's philosophical system – the foundation of all Fascist philosophy – viewed thought as all-embracing: no-one could actually leave his or her sphere of thought, nor exceed his or her thought. Reality was unthinkable, except in relation to the activity by means of which it becomes thinkable, positing that as a unity — held in the active subject and the discrete abstract phenomena that reality comprehends – wherein each phenomenon, when truly realised, was centered within that unity; therefore, it was innately spiritual, transcendent, and immanent, to all possible things in contact with the unity. Gentile used that philosophic frame to systematize every item of interest that now was subject to the rule of absolute self-identification – thus rendering as correct every consequence of the hypothesis. The resultant philosophy can be interpreted as an idealist foundation for Legal Naturalism.

Giovanni Gentile was described by Mussolini, and by himself, as "the philosopher of Fascism"; moreover, he was the ghostwriter of part of the essay, The Doctrine of Fascism (1932), attributed to Mussolini.[12] It was first published in 1932, in the Italian Encyclopedia, wherein he described the traits characteristic of Italian Fascism at the time: compulsory state corporatism, Philosopher Kings, the abolition of the parliamentary system, and autarky. He also wrote the Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals which was signed by a number of writers and intellectuals, including Luigi Pirandello, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Giuseppe Ungaretti.

>> No.15170296

Read a book by Staudemneier about Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy movement and its connections with fascism, volkisch nationalism and so on. Staudenmaier is pretty persuasive in showing that the general "vibe" of the 1920s/1930s in Germany was a desire to escape from materialism and nihilism by reconnecting with higher order values, even founding a new religion for a new age. Even people who weren't out and out Anthroposophists were still friendly toward it because they saw it as combatting nihilistic modernity, trying to free the German folk soul to pursue its authentic destiny, and ultimately trying to seek after cosmic and spiritual truths at a higher level than materialistic physics so that mankind can progress further.

The book is meant as an indictment of Anthroposophy by showing it had fascist and volkisch connections. But I was more interested in the other way around, the fact that fascists and volkisch types were so easily interested in Anthroposophy. I imagine many fascists were too skeptical to jump feet first into Anthroposophy, but were friendly to its BASIC aims.

That's how I view fascism. No Heidegger does not answer the "why" of combatting nihilism, he just shows you how to do it. But that doesn't mean there IS no "why." Steiner gave a very strong "why," but people like Heidegger found it too much to accept at face value. Between Steiner and Heidegger there is not as huge a gulf as it might seem. And many people on the spectrum between them were willing to flirt with esoteric ideas about the spiritual destiny of Germany and of mankind.

All the best fascists are just philosophers who refuse to accept nihilistic materialism.

>> No.15170301

Damn you just said so much without saying anything, cool verbiage and name-dropping bro

>> No.15170306


Thanks bro

>> No.15170315

Absurd dicotomy, the fact you use IQ as an basis for the elites of a society virtually discredits your claim. I understand it however. An individual of a society as exceptional as he may be, is not beyond the culture or influence of his time. He is therefor3 swept in th4 movement.

>> No.15170343

The self is originated from the mass. An individual cannot exist without the movement his very existence demands it. The individual is the anomoly.

>> No.15170351

Incorrect. I was suggesting that the purpose of liberalism has no more moral authority than fascism

>> No.15170364

Your talking about one technical bureaucrat, who ideas have largely been ignored. Most non-italian fascists of the time completly ignored the ideas of him, but immitated the fascist party.

>> No.15170376

At a certain point, high IQ people absolutely are beyond their culture. The current elite's aren't any single ethnicity, but various super intelligent, super rich families. Ethnic squabbles are happening, but there's more going on than a battle of ethnic interests

>> No.15170380


He’s still considered by the fascist intellectuals of Italy the bedrock of their philosophy. Whether or not others imitated him doesn’t matter, Mussolini and the intellectuals of fascism agreed his model was what fascism was. If the Is question on a teleological goal for fascism, why would I go to derivative movements or even the common man and not consider the writings of actual fascist intellectuals who had direct influence over the head of State and state approval?

>> No.15170389

Fascism is still ultimately a larp, there is no state soul but a neutered homogenized population, a parody of the people who makeup the nation

>> No.15170392

You've completly abandoned your other points and focused on IQ. Disappointing. None the less, high IQ people are not beyond their culture. If one of a "naturally" high IQ were to be hobbled in a dark room for his life, he would be completly incapable of any noteworthy activity.

>> No.15170397

Why should that necessarily be so? Romania came pretty close to democratically electing a volkisch mystic whose whole life was devoted to awakening the Romanian folk soul. He was murdered by the decadent regime however. How would fascism have been worse than the isolated monarchy, hated by the entire people?

>> No.15170412

>How would fascism have been worse than the isolated monarchy, hated by the entire people?
Fascism doesn't solve the problem, it's a false solution. Centralization =/= homogenization/sterilization/soul destruction, the more universal an identity becomes, the more worthless it is.

>> No.15170413

I agree he is an important fascists and the bedrock of Italian or classical fascism, but virtually every other fascist movement couldn't care less about him. I was under the impression we were talking about fascism as certain 20th century nationalist movements

>> No.15170419

You live in a world where donald trump has a grass roots nationalist movement. Shut up

>> No.15170429

It's not a good thing

>> No.15170435

Shows how any retard can be wipped into a frenzy, all they need is class, ritual and myth

>> No.15170437

Romania was a tiny country and all they wanted was a government that didn't actively stifle their identity.

You seem like you want some sort of anarchism but even in that utopian world people would still have to organize for defence and cooperation around some kind of identity. Look up synoeicism.

>> No.15170438

They weren’t ignored. Gentile was an intellectual titan in Italy. He was responsible for reforming the education system and was crucial in the attempt to form the Republic of Salo before he was assassinated.

>> No.15170439

It's also the symptom of an alienated population

>> No.15170453

It’s okay that you hate your dad, but please don’t indulge in your degenerate fetishes on a blue board

>> No.15170457

Salo isn't even worth considering ad legitimate state. Now please, tell me what fascist state outside of fascist italy that Gentile had a miniscule of influence on (im a big fan of Gentiles idealism btw)

>> No.15170463

Yeah almost like america is a mongrelized capitalist shithole

>> No.15170466

>You seem like you want some sort of anarchism
>people would still have to organize for defence and cooperation around some kind of identity
Yes naturally anarchy would be communally based, but instead of a homogeneous national identity you would have various autonomous local cultures.

>> No.15170484

Just read James Gregor's books about it.

>> No.15170631

Since I'm not personally a fan of the post-Westphalian nation state anyway I could live with that.

>> No.15170690

>but instead of a homogeneous national identity you would have various autonomous local cultures.
Any kind of groups capable of long-term harmonious interactions will homogenize in time. The alternative is violent balkanization.

>> No.15170755

It's simply about local self determination, I'm not saying there wouldn't be interaction and cooperation with surrounding groups, but the problems start once people are enveloped by a macrocosm which is nothing more than relinquishing power to a centralized dominant microcosm. Naturally an individual can only process meaningful relations with up to 200 people.

>> No.15171522

shhh it's a secret

>> No.15171597

>Imo the deleuzian and baudrillardian analysis basically means that the Fascist project is (via capitalism) pretty much winning globally
You faggots still don’t understand that all material ideology entails a material ends. Whatever poetry you like to weave does not make it any more than what it is: human activity towards our desires. If our desires are to change, so will the ends and the means to our ends.

>> No.15171639

Any philosophy with race supremacy is cringe and illogical. This includes Talmudic Judaism.

>> No.15171683

>t. If you want different stuff, you'll go after different stuff
Amazing insight. I am now enlightened & will post feet in the nearest discord.

>> No.15171723

where the fuck does the technocracy bit come from

>> No.15171772

Doesn't have to involve a concept of supremacy - only fidelity and cherishing. It's sort of like preferring your own dog to other dogs, even if other dogs are better behaved or whatever. Or preferring your own family to others.

>> No.15171792


Death to the doublespeak that holds that the global is the local.

>> No.15171911

Do not pretend like you understand pre-war and post-war Romania. I assume you're talking about Codreanu--no, he was not close to being "democratically" elected, and the monarchy was not nearly as hated as you say.

Don't bother arguing with neo-nazi LARPers, they don't even care to learn.

>> No.15172061

>Centralization =/= homogenization/sterilization/soul destruction

centralisation -> standardisation

it always leads to h.genization.

>> No.15172071

Ever heard about Christus Rex and Degrelle for example?
Even heard of ecofascism?

>> No.15172151

>Codreanu--no, he was not close to being "democratically" elected

The Legion would have taken over Romania if the playboy king Carol and his Jewish coquette wife hadn't suspended Romanian democracy and imposed a dictatorship. Even in spite of this and Codreanu's murder, the Legion DID form a coalition government with the Antonescu regime that followed Carol's embarrassing attempt at totaliarianism. Learn your own history before commenting on it offhand.

>an actual scholarly book on the topic
The electoral campaigns were fought with the free use of the Romanian
gendarmerie (its violence, too, tempered only by corruption), stealing
of ballot boxes, and quarantines imposed arbitrarily on any number
of districts, and by crass intimidation of voters.’ These methodsreflected
not only the rather low educational level of the lower echelons of administration,
but also political “necessity.” Where demagogic promises did
not work, and the direct bribe either was not suitable or there were no
financial means available to bribe with, the government had to apply
direct pressure in the form of violence. The administrative official had to
go along with all that; his job and daily bread depended on the government
that had secured employment for him, and every election brought
about a wholesale exchange and replacement of administrative officials.
His subservience to the government was augmented byfear that his own
shoddy dealings might be exposed.

In November 1928 an incorruptible man, a convinced democrat and
a true patriot, stepped to the helm of the Romanian state. His leadership
was to prove that those commendable qualities are no panacea for the
large ills that sometimes plague small and underdeveloped states. They
certainly did not answer the needs of troubled Romania in the years that
followed. Tuliu Maniu came to power with the ardent support and prayers of
the great majority of his countrymen. Democracy, the form of government
in brotherly France, had been discredited neither at Versailles nor
by futile experiments at home in 1918-1919, as it was in Hungary. On
the contrary, the hope for a peasant democracy inspired the people

In December, truly free elections were held which caused a marked
shift in the existing political balance of Romania. The results were nothing
short of a landslide, a volcanic outburst against the existing Liberal
system. The National Peasants, allied with the German Party and the
Social Democrats, gained 77.76 percent of the votes cast with 77.37 percent
of eligible voters participating in the election, an all-time high for

>> No.15172159

>Is there any kind of point to fascism?

>> No.15172161


Early in his life, when he was
sent to Potsdam, he showed his greed for money in a shocking fashion
when he sold at an auction for the officers of his regiment the beautiful
Romanianfolklore articles which his mother, Queen Marie, had sent him
as gifts for his comrades. During World War I, he donned a Russian uniform
and deserted his bleeding country in order to marry a dancer, Zizi
Lambrino. After that feat of indiscretion, he was secluded in the Bistrita
Monastery in the Carpathians for a while. When the war ended, Queen
Marie arranged a match for him with Princess Helen of Greece, the sister
of King George II. Carol married her, and Prince Michael was born in
1921. But Carol could not or would not remain faithful. After numerous
scandalous liaisons, he met another Helen. The tale of love between this
Hohenzollern, the grandson of Queen Victoria and of Alexander II of
Russia, and a daughter of the ghetto of Iasi would read like Cinderella —
if only ic had not caused so much bloodshed and suffering for Romania.
Carol renounced his throne for Helen (Magda) Wolff, alias Lupescu,
divorced Queen Helen, and went into exile.

His exile was arranged mainly by the Bratianus with the help of the all-powerful
favorite ofQueen Marie, the eminence grise of Romanian politics, Prince Stirbey.
When King Ferdinand died in 1927, the Bratianu clan hoped to establish
a regency for Prince (now King) Michael, a minor. But Maniu and the
National Peasants, and above all the Romanian people, strongly royalist
with an almost mystical attachment for their king, fervently desired
Carol’s return. Maniu stipulated only one condition: Madame Lupescu
must stay abroad. Carol promised this, thinking probably that Bucharest
was worthif not a mass at least a promise, which in any case was never to
be honored. Madame Lupescu practically stepped out of the luggage of
the king after the bloodless coup of his return. His son, King Michael,
age nine, became crownprince and the great voievod of Alba-lulia.
After Carol’s flagrant breach of faith, Maniu resigned. As the grand
old man explained in private, he would not allow “a royal concubine to
defile the Romanian throne.” Maniu’s retirementfitted exquisitely into
Carol’s plans. For the new king had great plans of his own for the salvation
of Romania, as he sincerely believed, and democracy and representative
government had no place in them.

Madame Lupescu, or as Carol and her flatterers called her, Duduia,
was as cold, as calculating, and as selfish as Carol. She was the most influential
royal mistress of the 1930s and the most hated person in Romania. …
Apart from Madame Lupescu’s indirect, negative, yet effective meddling in politics,
the presence of a Jewish mistress at the side of their king … had a profound effect
on the deeply mystical, religious, and anti-Semitic Romanians. The “Jewish female serpent”
became the symbol of absolute evil, a viper that would choke off their country.

>> No.15172166

Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be
work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of
the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania,
repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging
wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these
camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and
the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation.
If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in creasing
numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were
strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their
way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill
their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik

In the years 1934-1935, both King Carol and Prime Minister
Tatarescu entertained highly dubious relations with the Legion. After all,
the Legion was a force which could hardly be ignored, and the general
Fascist upsurge indicated that it might easily become the wave of the

The Iron Guard kept growing. As the majority of bourgeois anti-
Semites opted for Goga and Cuza, the youth and the peasantry increasingly
joined the ranks of the Legion. The year 1936 was an eminently
successful one for the Legion, enjoying as it was an uneasy, hopeful toleration
by the authorities — uneasy because of the extent of its growth,
hopeful because Carol and the oligarchy still hoped to control and use it.

As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number
of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to
dealing with the problemsof the sordid twentieth-century industrial age.
These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the
Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their
ideology and more realistic considerations. Alchough it concentrated its
activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers
in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu
ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce.
He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area.”
In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain
of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest
and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed
vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.”
Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary
welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives.
At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different
payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his
conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.15172181


But the growth of the Legion could not be stopped in the
framework of the existing parliamentary structure. There were 4,200
Legionary nests in 1935; by January 1937 there were 12,000, and by the
end of the year there were 34,000! Codreanu was telling the truth when
he proclaimed that the Legion would “never resort to a conspiracy or a
coup d’état.” There was no need for that. With its feverish activity in
connection with the elections in November 1937, almost a dozen newspapers
at its disposal, and the sympathetic help of many periodicals —
the most important being Cuvaneul of Professor Nae Ionescu, whose philosophy
was akin to the mystical Orthodox Romanian nationalism professed
by the Legion — it could look to the future with confidence. On
8 November 1936, the day of St. Michael, the new Iron Guard headquarters,
the Green House, was opened in Bucharest.

Despite sporadic government abuses during the election, the Legion
won 16.5 percent of the votes; it got sixty-six deputies into the chamber
and became thethird largest party in the land.
What was even more important, this relatively decent election
brought a crushing defeat to the Liberals. They did not win the 40 percent
of votes necessary for the premiership.

The king was now in a difficult position. He had to dismiss the Liberals,
but he did not wish to call upon Maniu’s National Peasants to form
a government (they received 21 percent of the vote), both because of the
extremely bad relations between Maniu and Carol (with Madame
Lupescu lurking in the background) and because Carol had little taste for
democracy. To appoint an Iron Guard regime was inconceivable. Carol
solved the problem by appointing a Goga-Cuzist government (leaving
many government posts in the hands of trusted Carolists, Calinescu as
minister of interior being the most important among them) under the
premiership of the poet Goga. Not only was Goga absolutely loyal to
Carol and his camarilla and in her own wordsa “firm friend” of Madame
Lupescu,”* but he was also considered nationalist and Fascist enough to
appease the widespread clamor for Fascism.

>> No.15172188

With economic disruption on the increase, new elections were
ordered to take place in March. A full-fledged war ranged between Cuzists
and the Iron Guard in which two Legionaries were murdered, fiftytwo
gravely wounded, and 450 arrested.'"’ Abruptly, on the eighth of
February, the contending parties concluded an armistice. Both the TPT
and the Cuzists were to run in the election, but Codreanu withdrew from
the campaign.'’* He could afford to; the mood of the country was such
that he could be almost certain of an Iron Guardist victory. Carol made a
last effort to form a governmentof national concentration which would
suit the popular will and yet be in its majority the tool of the camarilla.
He proposed to Codreanu through General Antonescu (a friend of
Codreanu) a coalition government of Goga, Vaida, and Codreanu. When
Codreanu refused, fearing that the people would think that he had
become the tool of the king, the die was cast.'”’ The versatile, resourceful
king had to destroy the Iron Guard by any means at his disposal.

The same day, Carol, in his pleasant voice told his tense, anguished
people on the radio that “in hard times only heroic methods can
strengthen Romania, the salvation of which is our supreme law, which |
will obey without hesitation!” In order to save his country, the king
suspended the democratic constitution, dissolved all political parties, and
promulgated a new, frankly Fascist, corporatist constitution, with greatly
increased royal prerogatives. These changes were duly endorsed in referendum
in which the open voting yielded some 99 percent of the votes
for Carol. The evolution of Liberal economic and political thought and
activity had arrived at its logical conclusion: a corporatist Fascist state
under the leadership of an industrializing and industrialist clique, with
the king established as the virtual dictator of Romania.

>inb4 "nazi propaganda"
The author is a left-leaning Jewish academic.

>> No.15172190

I think >>15170076 meant pagan in the hegelian sense. If not, he is retarded.

>> No.15172200

this. Kinda

>> No.15172244
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in creasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>> No.15173135

wtf i love fasces now

>> No.15173174

The strafe of the national socialist fascism was to elevate the race into optimal effect in terms of all fields and arts, i remember reading that once all germanic people had been assimilated into the new state, it would be eventual wars with Asia now and then. Lmao

>> No.15173959


>> No.15175125

the fact you use the adjective "teleological" before the word goal shows how retarded you are.
guess it makes sense you don't get the point