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15132876 No.15132876 [Reply] [Original]

>Spinoza was a part of the filthy jewish caba-
"Once branded as a heretic, Spinoza's clashes with authority became more pronounced.
For example, questioned by two members of his synagogue, Spinoza apparently responded that God has a body and nothing in scripture says otherwise."
>Spinoza was a cu-
"He was later attacked on the steps of the synagogue by a knife-wielding assailant shouting "Heretic!" He was apparently quite shaken by this attack and for years kept (and wore) his torn cloak, unmended, as a souvenir."
>Spinoza was a kike who hated jesu-
"On 27 July 1656, the Talmud Torah congregation of Amsterdam issued a writ of cherem (Hebrew: חרם, a kind of ban, shunning, ostracism, expulsion, or excommunication) against the 23-year-old Spinoza."
>Spinoza was an athei-
"Spinoza believed in a "Philosophy of tolerance and benevolence"[66] and actually lived the life which he preached. He was criticized and ridiculed during his life and afterwards for his alleged atheism. However, even those who were against him "had to admit he lived a saintly life".[66] Besides the religious controversies, nobody really had much bad to say about Spinoza other than, "he sometimes enjoyed watching spiders chase flies."
>Spinoza was a ret-
"Spinoza was offered the chair of philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, but he refused it, perhaps because of the possibility that it might in some way curb his freedom of thought."

>> No.15132929

You didn't refute any of these claims.

>> No.15132950

jew isn't a belief it is a race. a vermin who decides he no longer wants to associate with the other vermin does not lose his nature.
Self loathing kikes produce great literature and art and might seem tolerable but they are and forever will be kikes.

>> No.15132964

>a vermin who decides he no longer wants to associate with the other vermin
Stop describing yourself

>> No.15132981

yes, and no. To jews, their jewishness is a race. They value their race above all. But they lie, their world view is false.

To everyone else, you can slowly change their beliefs and breed out the ashkenazi.

>> No.15133006

lol retard. bet you think marx wasn’t a jew either, stupid

>> No.15133023

Cringe butthurt christards
Based Spinozist (pbuh)

>> No.15133046

/pol/tard's law

>> No.15133051

Yes. Jewishness is a social construct.

>> No.15133057

true. /pol/ does have a lot of jews and they definitely agree on the eternal jew sentiment.

>> No.15133063

I don't get the MUH JEWS world view. Even if they are overrepresented in certain areas, it can be easily explained with their treatment through out european history.

>> No.15133064

>all kikes bad

>> No.15133078
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>my NPC assembly line is better than yours!
>resistance is futile
>jews are enemy! jews are enemy! beep beep

>> No.15133083

Based, fpbp, /thread

>> No.15133125

>Da joooooos
disgusting fucking /pol/tard

>> No.15133137


>> No.15133159

What's with all this Jew's fanboys lately? Is it his birthday or something?

>> No.15133190
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>What's with all this Jew's fanboys lately? Is it his birthday or something?

>> No.15133219

your argument is da joooooooos tier though.

>> No.15133231

no, they're just evil and don't follow the rules of society. you can be tolerant towards them, show them patience, but understand that they are the synanogue of satan.

>> No.15133245
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>no, they're just evil and don't follow the rules of society. you can be tolerant towards them, show them patience, but understand that they are the synanogue of satan.

>> No.15133263

Blood Passover, English Version
The Bloody Satanic Sacrifice Rituals of the Jewish Race

>Dr. Toaff is uniquely qualified to write this book, being thoroughly familiar with the derivative literature in English, French, German and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Italian, Hebrew and Yiddish. This is not something he worked on in secret. On the contrary, he worked on it openly with his university students and colleagues in Israel for several years; one of his students was even going to publish a paper on the subject. The author is extremely careful about what he says, and his conclusions must be taken seriously. It reads like a detective story.

>If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about. But Dr. Toaff’s announcement of its publication in Italy, in Italian, raised a worldwide firestorm of fury.

>> No.15133284

propose an alternative buddy, I didn't make the rules, I'd rather not be tolerant to them, but God "loves" them and everything. Until the day is given when jews are to be punished for their crimes.

>> No.15133294

> their crimes
can you name some of them, without going full /pol/ schizo mode?

>> No.15133300


>> No.15133302

Is there any proof they pray to satan or that they behave in any way less moral than non-Jews.
Please no anecdotes

>> No.15133304

Spinoza is one of the rare based Jews. I’ve said this before on here, 99% of Jews are jewy but on very rare occasions you will get one who ascends to levels of basedness that shouldn’t even be possible. Weininger, Kafka, and Wittgenstein are a few others.

>> No.15133311

>god has a body and nothing in scripture says otherwise
based he btfo'd christcucks in a single sentence and they cant even refute it lmao

>> No.15133314

why are you challenging my statements? do you know better? Jews are not more clever than anyone, they think they are more clever, they think they are outsmarting God or the other nations of the Earth.

They are just -allowed- to act as parasites until the day when no more second chances are given. Any gentile that feels the need to defend jews must understand that in his heart is just God telling him to be kind to them, it's not that they deserve it.

>> No.15133321

arguing with /pol/tards is useless.

>> No.15133322

>some jews back then did something bad
>so all jews today must be punished
wanna apply this reasoning to christians/westerners?

>> No.15133324

this is the most jewish thing i’ve ever read. post nose now.

>> No.15133333

of course you were going to go into endless talmudic arguing, here is a simple question for you: do you believe in right and wrong, in truth and lies? and do you believe in heaven and earth?
Think about them carefully, because no one cares what the thoughts of the damned are.

>> No.15133335

Funny how your low-iq rebuttal is repeated in the intro of his study. That isn't the point. You asked for crimes and I showed you a work that documents it. And no, I'm not some anti-Semite; I'm just aware of the gray area all people live in.

>> No.15133344
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>jews aren't smarter than me they just run banks, the movie industry and every facet of my life! I can do that too.

>> No.15133345

yikes, those digits!
I meant to question if they believe in Heaven and Hell.

All the damned do not believe that they will go to hell, they believe they can do whatever they want, forever. God is patient, to the jews even, but it won't last forever.

>> No.15133359

this but unironically. I never said that post was supposed to be anti jewish or not by a notkiking jew.

>> No.15133363

you're not even beginning to make an argument here, but want full paragraphs of perfect proofs in return. I've been in enough internet debates to know that you're entitled and narcissistic.

>> No.15133392
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>you're not even beginning to make an argument here, but want full paragraphs of perfect proofs in return. I've been in enough internet debates to know that you're entitled and narcissistic.

>> No.15133395

Honest questions:
How exactly does the jewish conspiracy work? Are all jews part of it? How do they organise, through telepathy? At what point in the life of a jew does/can he become part of the conspiracy?

>> No.15133406

As when Jesus kicked them out of the temple for money-lending, the elite caste pull the strings.

>> No.15133409

>"Philosophy of tolerance and benevolence"
But or would have fit better than an and.

>> No.15133412

Here we see clearly what the treatment is to those who are unreformed, intractable but think they know everything - you complete ignore and isolate them.
God has the same treatment in store for the damned, time is running out.

>> No.15133422

There are smarter Chinese than I am, but they don't run the banks or movie industries. I'm not stupid either, and I don't run them.
Intelligence does not result in nepotism. However, a baby torture ritual and a myth of the status of Chosen people just might. Just.

>> No.15133426

people are not only individuals but part of a nation. This becomes all the more clear in the case of Israel. The "good innocent jews" of Israel silently support all the worst crimes of that country. A failure for the good population to rise up is itself a sin. Cowardice is a sin.

>> No.15133432

So only a fraction of the jews are part of the conspiracy?

>> No.15133436

god tells them what do

>> No.15133438

As with any powerful group, exclusivity is a requirement. So yes. This extends to any people.

>> No.15133440

>How exactly does the jewish conspiracy work?
It's their religion, not exactly a conspiracy.

As a thorn, they must have a right to enter a nation. They can't simply move around in huge numbers without legal permits. How do they gain them, granted that they have the inhuman tradition of circumcision? Simple - the other nations decided to divorce law from any semblance of morality, likely the last connecting point, and legalized baby mutilation conditionally.

>> No.15133451


>> No.15133459

There are many jews that do not support israel. What about them? Also the support of Israeli citizens for their genocidal government can be explained with their nationalist mythology rooted in the Holocaust. Befor the Third Reich Zionism wasn't even popular among most jews.

>> No.15133481

It's good that individual jews do not support certain policies of their government, it needs to continue and they need to become involved in politics.

Ultimately, yes we ARE responsible for what our nation is doing, and what its elites are doing. If you think the elites are doing bad things, it is up to you to challenge it and replace those elites if they refuse. Cowardice is a sin, this is true for all individuals inside nations.

>> No.15133491

Then why is Spinoza a problem? He wasn't part of the elite.
But then it's the europeans fault for not allowing them to do normal labour.

>> No.15133503

>Then why is Spinoza a problem? He wasn't part of the elite.
I'm not the anon arguing that.

>> No.15133523

>But then it's the europeans fault for not allowing them to do normal labour.
Circumcision, baby mutilation =/= usury. They allowed usury too, another crime against humanity. They should have killed all jews once a single usurer emerged among them, but they truly should have killed them once they found out about baby mutilation.

>> No.15133533

why are zealous jew-haters in particular so mentally unstable? a nigger-hater, a muslim-hater, a woman-hater, a homo-hater, these guys you can mostly imagine lead normal lives and would be normal people irl. Generally with jew-haters you get the impression they're frothing at the mouth, actually diagnosed schizoids spamming from their basement.

>> No.15133549

But most of them aren't Israeli

>> No.15133570

But they didn't. They allowed usury because they wanted usury.

>> No.15133576

diaspora jews that refuse to integrate in the nation they live in (America, Germany etc) are also a nation. Nations can be nomadic too, as they often were.

>> No.15133597

Nuance bro. The top jews lent money to the poor jews and chained them in debt. Hence the Jesus episode in the temple.

>> No.15133599

Most American Jews are integrated though. Far more than blacks, hispanics, chinese, etc.

>> No.15133603

But the jews resorting to usury, was directly caused through the material conditions they found themselves in. Also today a jewish banker won't act more corrupt than any othe banker.

>> No.15133615

I'm talking about the non-jew europeans. They let jews do that because they wanted it.

>> No.15133626

If you say so. They still treat a jewish american different from a non-jewish american and maintain a separate culture and even laws.

>> No.15133635

>I was forced to do evil
no you're not. take responsibilities, and just being the same as others isn't morality either.

>> No.15133662

Yeah, /x/ is correct. Jews are more like archons than people. I prevented having offspring because I spotted the element of opportunism in myself. Even if we were to kill all jews right now, some of my retarded offspring would let nu-Jews into the country because they have that disgusting trait.

Their religion gives them reason to attempt usury every single time in every country they go to.

>> No.15133663

So does everyone else.

>> No.15133677

We're discussing Jewish people, not the Jewish religion.

>> No.15133678

>I was forced to prevent them from making a living any other way

>> No.15133697

see how jews constantly try to find some loophole?
Here the loophole he hints at is that America, as a nation, has no definite identity. A nation with no national character.

there is no loophole, you have the conscience of the truth from God inside of you, listen to it for how to act morally.

>> No.15133710

America is the most Jewish narion in the world. Even more than Israel.

>> No.15133716

Explain the Knight's Templar (Catholic) and their creation of the modern banking system during the Crusades

>> No.15133717

>t. 56%

>> No.15133729

They were actually Jewish.

>> No.15133737

God is telling me to defend His holy people

>> No.15133744

If you hate israel, you're no friend of the jews.

>> No.15133746

the Pope excommunicated them.

stop blaming everything on others, stop acting like an eternal victim. Jews were literally given the old Testament by God, they were given Jesus and still act like some savages that never heard of the word morality or truth. Acting all innocent when you are no longer a child stops being cute.

>> No.15133757
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>zero rebuttal

>> No.15133761

Woo Woo They didn't like my prophet! Why must it always come down to christ-cuckery with you people?

>> No.15133764

80% atheist, yet all of them mutilate their sons. The religion is a memetic parasite that has completely infested the jewish people. Likewise their religion allows for the practice of usury, racial supremacist beliefs, etc. etc.

>> No.15133768

there is only one God, and one truth, so you don't have to lie. And the jews are not his chosen people, or holy people. They certainly do not love God or nature.

Christians, if anyone, are the chosen people of God, because they actually spread the faith, they testify of Jesus, and they want to understand nature better.

>> No.15133771

They got what they deserved, though. In their greed they lost the holy lands, and they were killed in Spain, France, Italy...

>> No.15133773

>Active c.1119 – c.1312
>200 years of freedom
>got rekt when the French king wanted their money

>> No.15133782

Protestants mutilate their kids, practice usury, and are racists too

>> No.15133787

Dogs resemble their owners.

>> No.15133792

Christians are boomers who post jpegs of hot women wearing cowgirl boots on facebook

>> No.15133806

In the last Spinoza thread someone called atheists Jews, so I'm going to assume everyone is Jewish.

>> No.15133836

Read Weininger, he had the category nailed. Same with Jung.

>> No.15133888

>Read Weininger
>Read Jung
How about I'm reading none of them

>> No.15133902

Then I suppose you should get in touch with your moral compass.

>> No.15133918

Read Spinoza

>> No.15133943

But why? Jung and Weininger answer the question of who and what is jewish. That was promted as an issue, so I gave the solution.

What good is reading Spinoza?

>> No.15133970

It will give you some proper ethics that aren't beased on childish fantasys about who is da ebil jooh

>> No.15133992

Weininger was jewish himself, and Jung was taught by Freud, a megajew.

>> No.15134014

Then why the fuck does it matter that Spinoza's jewish?

>> No.15134146

Read our discussion again.

>> No.15134174

I refuse to discuss Jews with people who have not read the culture of critique

>> No.15134511

>>all kikes bad
This, but unironically.

>> No.15134628

Spinoza is based, plain and simple.

>> No.15134650

christoids are jews too you stupid faggot

>> No.15134666

>produce great literature and art

>> No.15134676 [DELETED] 

discord . gg/vn25HAZ

>> No.15134678

In his 6th definition in the Ethics, he says God is an infinite substance with infinite attributes. Spinoza never said God has a body. God is all the laws in the universe and their results. Where did you copypaste this bullshit from?

>> No.15134714

Reading the replies to this post from all the screeching talmudists in this thread would be enough to turn anyone antisemitic

>> No.15134931

Proust, Kafka, and Salinger are /lit/ among others

>> No.15134948

It sounds like it was just a comeback to shit on their scripture.

>> No.15134976

I’m sure it’s a shitpost, this definition is central to his metaphysics. This entire thread is a meme

>> No.15134995

It sounds like a familiar anecdote. You don't have to take everything literally.

>> No.15135082
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Based spinozist
Remember fags, the order and connection of my cock is the same as the order and connection of your mom’s orgasm

>> No.15135735


>> No.15135777

Half the people here exclusively read frankfurt school jews so you're not going to change anyone's mind

>> No.15135803

I see (((they))) are still seething up to this very day.
I will definitely look up Spinoza asap

>> No.15135818

Grazi, spinozist

>> No.15135836

a nonentity

>> No.15135975

New to Spinoza.
Where should I start?

>> No.15136043

Take the fnordpill. Jews are a necessary poison.

>> No.15136062

Begin and end with the Ethics. Ignore the inflammatoring fags.

>> No.15136069

Jews are taught of their place (as a vermin and scapegoat) in goyim society, through their scheming scriptures. The yeshivas, by the rabbis. That's why you have an oral tradition (((not written down anywhere))).