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File: 15 KB, 305x330, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15129500 No.15129500 [Reply] [Original]

what went so bad in france during the 60s? how came garbage such as
> foucault
> deleuze
> derrida
> lacan
> guattari
passed off as their intellectual elite? also, was that the lowest point in the history of french philosophy/literature?

>> No.15129507

How many of those authors have you read, OP?

>> No.15129530

are you french?

>> No.15129551

Are you?

>> No.15129570

im italian and i speak french fluently. i read them in french. now, can you speak french? please don't lie like a jew

>> No.15129579

No, I can't.

>> No.15129593

then fuck yourself, retard. you should have just answered to the topic instead of whining around.

>> No.15129604
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Like declining Baathist administration infrastructure overtures to work with US Coalition forces in Iraq to foment internecine Sunni/Shia chaos, placing a lot of fringe quasi-criminal types from the marginally successful 'Resistance' and tankie equivalents in the civil service into government and media had similar results

Italy came in close second for Red sycophancy -- post some equivalent Italic thinkers

>> No.15129653

yes, there were as many of them as in france. but the peculiar italian trash was about aping the germans (namely heidegger). as they come to my mind right now:
severino (PEAK GARBGE), vattimo, asor rosa, ugo spirito, augusto del noce, sergio solmi, enzo paci, banfi, paolo volponi, franco ferrarotti, pampaloni, umberto eco, massimo cacciari, galimberti

>> No.15129668

>i have THIS MUCH aids

>> No.15129681

All of the men died in WWII, and their philosophy and culture became ultimately feminine.

This is why the French today have a quarter of their population under 25 black and rising fast. They turned into pussies and then voted to get fucked. Their race, and culture, will be extinct by the end of the century. Nothing they say, do or think matters anymore because they're being washed away in a tide of fuzzy-wuzzy cum.

There's something beautiful about imagining those shitskin Muzzies tossing ropes up over the triumphant arch and then pulling it down, or burning down Notre Dame to replace it with a Mosque.

Left-Wing trash get the culture they deserve: In this case, a nonexistent one, replaced by foreigners just as their people are.

>> No.15129697

Nothing went wrong. All those guys are based and made genuine philosophical innovations (besides Guatarri).

>> No.15129700

How are they garbage?

>> No.15129716

Althusser was good.

>> No.15129721

CIA-financed obscurantism. Purpose is to weaken the left by flooding it with indecipherable wankery alien to the working classes.

>> No.15129731

Not that anon, I'm a French native. Je te soupçonne d'être un menteur fieffé et un gros homo. Ecris un peu en français pour voir.

Also, did you read the influence of those authors (Spinoza, Nietzsche, Duns Scot for Deleuze for instance)?

Ne mens pas cette-fois ci, je m'en rendrai compte.

>> No.15129735

they ground their philosophy on the immediate sound of a few words and locutions. the make impressionistic philosophy which mainly aims to the reader's emotivity. they just don't think, they arrange together fancy linguistic expressions hope their low IQ public (consisting basically in female philosophy students) will like them, like journalists do.

>> No.15129752
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they ground their philosophy on the false evidence of a few hamfisted categories and classifications. the make autistic philosophy which mainly aims to appeal to the reader's superficial taste for neat typologies. they don't think, they arrange together fancy flowcharts and bullet point lists hope their low IQ public (consisting basically of aimless nubile young men roaming the agora) will like them, like old pederastes do.

>> No.15129758

This isn't true in the slightest though. Derrida's thought, for example, was born out of Hegel's, Heidegger's and Husserl's; of which he was learned scholar.

>> No.15129765


>> No.15129770

France. You are a nation of lovers. I know that, and I respect that. But sometimes it is a little too much.
Please, France, do not do this.

>> No.15129773
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they ground their philosophy on facile ratiocinating abstraction and unwarranted rhetorical flourish. the make theatrical philosophy which mainly aims to provoke the reader's joy with cheap humor. they just don't think, they arrange together sarcastic take-downs hope their low IQ public (consisting basicaly of idle bourgeois and enriched traders) will like them, like the salon-ladies do.

>> No.15129776

It was just a sadly fashionable cause at the time. Wouldn't fly today fortunately, though we're far from done hunting the pedos.

>> No.15129789
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they ground their philosophy in disingenuous fondational arguments and dismissal and obscure terminology. the make baroque philosophy which mainly aims to the reader's fondness for big hard things. they just don't think, they arrange together a system of poorly thought-out abstraction hope their low IQ public (consisting basically in virgin autistic neets) will like them, like academics do.

>> No.15129794

>Je te soupçonne d'être un menteur fieffé
pourquoi pensez vous cela? parce que je ne suis pas un existentialiste ou un pede comme toi?
>Also, did you read the influence of those authors (Spinoza, Nietzsche, Duns Scot for Deleuze for instance)?
the famous duns scotus' influence on the french existentialists/post-tructuralists LMAO
with the difference that saying that about aristotle or kant is clearly retarded. while saying it about the gentlemen in OP is true. what's derrida's epistemology, brainlets?

>> No.15129806
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they ground their philosophy on the simple acceptance of prior authority and easy dialectic. the make rustic philosophy which mainly aims to the reader's sense of submission. they just don't think, they arrange together false principles and easy pseudo-refutations ope their low IQ public (consisting basically in gullible churchgoers) will like them, like obedient monks do.

>> No.15129812

wow this guy really is seething. must have hit a nerve. kind of how women react when they see their whorishness is transparent

>> No.15129813

samefag. you are a poor dimwit and your post didn't me laugh for one second.

>> No.15129821

Agreed but italian "thinkers" aren't regarded as important as the french ones

>> No.15129831

>the famous duns scotus' influence on the french existentialists/post-tructuralists LMAO
Deleuze directly borrows the theological term of univocity from Duns Scotus. You are wilfully retarded

>> No.15129839


>> No.15129848

>pourquoi pensez vous cela? parce que je ne suis pas un existentialiste ou un pede comme toi?
Belle tentative de projection, mais je n'aime même pas les penseurs que tu critiques, je trouve simplement que ton approche pour les critiquer est merdique et porte la marque d'un esprit sous-développé.
Ta remarque ci-dessous rend d'ailleurs la chose évidente, si besoin était :
>the famous duns scotus' influence on the french existentialists/post-tructuralists LMAO

Deleuze lui-même a écrit explicitement "il n'y a qu'une ontologie, celle de Duns Scot". Deleuze a écrit sur la conception de l'un et du multiple chez Duns Scot, mais bien sûr quelqu'un dont l'éducation philosophique est consistituée de memes et de plats de spaghettis avalés trop vite ne risque pas de le savoir. Sans doute te faudrait-il ne pas gober tout ce que tu lis sur la philosophie des années 60, mais c'est difficile à demander vu comme tu as l'air porté à avaler ce qui te passe sous la bouche.
Aller, je te laisse à ton fil de merde.

>> No.15129855

Influence is influence, even when it flows from a greater philosopher to a lesser. Capitalizing words like a retard won't hide the fact that your ignorance and conceit has been exposed here.
I don't understand why you're seething like that by the way. You're wrong about Deleuze, that happens to most people, no big deal.

>> No.15129860

Typing in caps doesn't change the fact that he understood its original theological context. You don't actually have an argument or any coherent criticisms, you're just as much of a posturing pseud as you accuse the french of being. Care to refute Deleuze's adaption of univocity to prove me wrong?

>> No.15129870

they ground their philosophy on the retarded assumption of monadicity and the ignorance of the transcendantal conditions of intuitions. the make simpleminded philosophy which mainly aims to spook the reader into accepting his coffee is sentient. they just don't think, they arrange water drops together hope their low IQ public (consisting basically in undereducated scientists) will like them, like cartesians do.

>> No.15129885
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they ground their philosophy on an existential misreading of the subject and poorly hidden emotivism. the make modernist philosophy which mainly aims to shame the reader into compliance. they just don't think, they arrange together a succession of assumed prejudices hope their low IQ public (consisting basically in underpaid secretaries with literary pretensions) will like them, like horny philosophers and teenage girls do.

>> No.15129887
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Oops, forgot the image. My bad :^)

>> No.15129890

The second world war destroyed any ideological opposition and the trauma of the war created the perfect setting for the elite to radically remake of society.

>> No.15129897

When did Italians become so retarded?

>> No.15129916

After unification

>> No.15129939

> "il n'y a qu'une ontologie, celle de Duns Scot"
parce que c'est juste une chose brillante à dire, et même exotique pour son temps. il n'y a aucune trace de son ontologie dans la "philosophie" de derrida.
well i agree on that
this, but unironically.

>> No.15129986

In this case you're correct, anon

>> No.15129996

i would fuck that.

>> No.15130018

i woud even say the only valuable thing sartre did in his entire existence was fucking her.

>> No.15130067

Dismissing all those authors as garbage seems ridiculous. I think many all of them (even Lacan who I don't like) had at least a handful of interesting concepts.
I will level with you and say Italian leftist thinking seems pretty based. I plan to read more autonomist authors soon

>> No.15130086

The CIA. All of these philosophers were sponsored by the CIA. Once again it's a case of anglos ruining the world.


france: defection of the leftist intellectuals

>> No.15130097

On parle de Deleuze là, patate. Derrida is closer to Heidegger if anything.

>> No.15130104

Yes it was all a ruse to lead up to the last one.

>> No.15130116

c'était un lapsus
i don't care about chauvinism, retard.

>> No.15130118

you know the Soviet Union ran concentration camps for decades right? it doesn't take a bribe from the cia to be against a way of government that either must run concentration camps or fall from power

>> No.15130121

and it's not even a matter of left or right.

>> No.15130134

Gillian rose, Dialectics of Nihilism

>> No.15130148

Please don't dump lacan into a category involving the others. He's so much worse.

>> No.15130166

Sartre and Foucault were bona fide pedophiles. They had a vested interest in the petition.

>> No.15130170

imagine having the political insights of an 8 year old. the CIA funds quantum theory simply to spread intellectual chaos yet it doesn't affect the validity of these theories in any way. The average person's understanding of politics is, first, determined by the CIA, and second, more in line with 17th century politics than anything realistic. I never said these philosophers were wrong, or bribed, you didn't even read the declass paper lol. Do yourself a favor and read it, instead of bringing up muh ussr and gulags, which have nothing to do with my post.

>> No.15130188

Derrida is the exception

>> No.15130200
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>implying 'immediate' is not problematic in itself in assuming that sound is the sense that is without medium (immediate), as it is in Hegel, Husserl, Rousseau, Aristotle, etc.

>> No.15130219

How so?

>> No.15130220

If that's true it didn't work, left academia ate it up and still tout it today

>> No.15130226

>muh ussr and gulags
the reason retards like you are permanent losers is that you don't understand people do not give a fuck about your obscure understanding of CIA funds these things but they don't have an effect but they also do. They dislike being put in concentration camps faggot

>> No.15130258

Sartre was a confirmed ephebophile (but like many men before and after him, 300 years ago shagging 14 years old was considered rather acceptable), dunno about Foucault.
There were legit pedophiles in that petition, and legit pedophiles benefited from the situation at the time, but also a lot of clueless people with misleading ideas about so-called "free love".

>> No.15130267

I skimmed the paper but nowhere does it say that CIA "sponsored" those intellectuals, merely that they saw them as a way of importing American or anti-soviet ideals into french political thought. Can you give me a spcific quote?

>> No.15130276
File: 16 KB, 210x210, 9911a1b5-3c01-4d12-9bd6-52d69f34efd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't care about chauvinism, retard
what the fuck is the problem guy? I'm from NJ we are friends Luigi.

>> No.15130281

Erofeev's hilarious chapter on the French (following Italy)

>> No.15130292

>hurrrrrr words have more than one meaning and if you substitute the meaning of immediate which is not meant with the meaning that is meant the sentence becomes problematics which it does not because people understand how language works durrrrrrrrrrr
whoa, so this is the power of poststructralism

>> No.15130307
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but theory is fun anon.

>> No.15130311

Did you even read the post you're responding to? If they "ate it up", then it did work.

>> No.15130312

Derrida is the exception here. He is at least the one with the most honest aims of this crowd.

>> No.15130315

>implying 'substitute' is not problematic either

>> No.15130328


>> No.15130361

how in the world is that funny? no wit, no insight, no satire, nothing, just popular comedy of the same type as "according to jim" and other such soap operas for american families.

>> No.15130371

>you know the Soviet Union ran concentration camps for decades right?
No, the USSR ran prison camps, not 'concentration camps', you stupid louse.

Any self-respecting world power runs prison camps, it's part of what makes a nation great.

>> No.15130372

Yeah Derrida is cool

>> No.15130386

>t. frenchfag
You missed the point.

>> No.15130397
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>Why is Lacan much worse
first D&G BTFO out him so bad he could not hide his seething from his students. Lacanian concepts can be interesting but Antioedipus really did destroy my interest.

>> No.15130465

Do i need to know a lot before reading anti-oedipus?

>> No.15130517


>> No.15130524

LMAO this is why I quit academia


>> No.15130529

yes le very epic edgy tankie(but not too edgy haha wouldnt want to say anything racist that is heresy)

>> No.15130539

a basic understanding of Freud is definitely beneficial. Read some of his big titles at least. Antioedipus is (and ATP) such a unique structure and enjoyable style of writing and I don't remember ever feeling cheated with inflated difficulty on my first read... As opposed to Lacan who has many ecrits and seminars that are obscuranist and never lead to important realizations for me.

>> No.15130556

Do not make unwarranted assumptions about me.
I make a similar reply to nearly any idiosyncratic position that is held with absolute conviction, in nearly any area of thought, regardless of my own thoughts on it.

>> No.15130635

Probably reaction to the Vichy collaborationist regime, the wars of de-colonization, etc.

>> No.15130649

Tankies aren't idiosyncratic. They are the approved form of pseudo-rebellion, the children who wave hammer and sickle flags at their university and get only gently chided by authorities.

>> No.15130667

AND THERE IT IS FOLKS, THE DENIAL COMES OUT. They had secret police reading mail to put people in torture chambers to sign confessions in order to go to concentration camps. They even had a phrase for their process: social prophylaxis.

It is really amazing how being unscrupulous about using overwhelming unjust violence will traumatize slaves that died of starvation and cold to the tune of hundreds of thousands every year in Siberia that faggots like you develop retroactive stockholm syndrome eighty years later. At least high ranking party members got to sleep with thousands of women, am i right you ideological cuckold?

>> No.15130743

They aren't. But their strategy is unseemly and different from anon's. They justfy the existence of labour camps within realsocialist regimes by reference to their particular conditions while furiously opposing the labour camp as part of the "reason of the State", and consequently as part of any other real regime, whatever its particular conditions. In that respect, they show themselves as defenders of realsocialist regimes without any substance, any originality, and quite loathsome in their dishonesty. However, anon just casually made labour camps a part of any respectable regime. You cannot deny that is honest and idiosyncratic, which is why it made me laugh.

>> No.15130802

>Left-Wing trash get the culture they deserve: In this case, a nonexistent one, replaced by foreigners just as their people are.
Right-wing culture is equally as non-existent. There are no real right-wingers in the first world anymore, because they're all capitalist, which is fundamentally liberal.

>> No.15131649

mark of a pseud when lumping existentialism and (post)structuralism in together

>> No.15132639


It was peak counterculture, OP, everything was going to shit. Visual art had somehow gotten even shittier (color field painting, supergraphics), architecture was shit (peak brutalism), the sexual ethic had turned to shit (summer of love, women's lib, Stonewall leading to gay rights in general), politics were shit (May '68), Vietnam was ongoing and not being correctly supported by the population, various assassinations, drug culture, kitsch appropriation of black music by whites.

The one good thing going on the entire time was the American space program. In particular, Apollo 8's travel around the moon and recitiation of the opening verses of Genesis at Christmastime was a welcome reprieve at the close of 1968, right in the middle of the decade (see below) and probably its worst single year.

"The Sixties", read: c. 1963-1973 caused irreperable harm to human culture, as everyone sought to escape tradition. The decade can be bracketed by the (J.F.) Kennedy assassination and the Beatles' first Ed Sullivan appearance on the front side, and Roe v. Wade on the back end as a final rebellion against God during this benighted period.

>> No.15132730

Derrida was a chad. Wanted to play football as a kid and kept playing snooker with his blue collar friends for all his life.
Foucault, who was his teacher, could not stand him, yet was forced to go back and cry after Cogito and History of Madness. Also he never had a penchant for ridiculous political positions like his peers, supporting Coluche for Deleuze and the Persian revolution for Foucault just cause he tasted iranian cock the bathhouses.

Also made americans seethe so there's that. To bad he mellowed out with age,

>> No.15132910

I thought Derrida and Deleuze were pretty much the same but working in different subcatagories -- Language and Ontology.

>> No.15132969

Just wondering have you read the Foucault and Derrida correspondence regarding Madness and Civilization? if so what are your thoughts on it?

>> No.15133071

at least someone's trying to write.

>> No.15133080

Never read them. Tbh my post above is very superficial. but that's just cause I wated to higlight that Derrida was actually very different from the rest of his generation, a difference that sparked actual disagreements if not personal acrimony. (as opposed for example by the friendship of Deleuze and Foucalt).

When Delueze died Derrida in the eulogy noted he was the only living philosopher he felt some kind of kinship towards. But to be honest this remark still eludes me. It maybe in the exploration of differrence they both engaed in, but to be honest it's not like Derrida never made ontological propositions and Deleuze too had something to say on language. Affirmations that are really difficult to concile with one another's positions

>> No.15133095

Why do modern Italians have such a shit taste? All the retards I've encountered in threads here happened to be Italians. Is the chink virus rotting their brain?

>> No.15133107

>highlighting that Derrida is different from the rest of his generation
you're doing good work. I hope to get around to Derrida's later ethical works. It seems very interesting.

>> No.15133116

>outing yourself as a /pol/cel
and opinion discarded

>> No.15133164

the CIA (and occultists in general) use vague words to hide their true intentions, they call others conspiracy theorists.

Having said that, the goal is not so much to "awaken" people to what the CIA is doing, just to counter their ideas with better ideas. So this work is partially futile, to simply expose them to the public. They don't care about being exposed, they are evil.
You instead critique their ideas as evil. Such as, they should not have pushed "American ideas" into other countries, and certainly not through secret intelligence.

>> No.15133183

Foucault and Deleuze aren't garbage. I was led to believe they were too but actually reading them dispelled that belief. Derrida and Lacan are charlatans, though.

>> No.15133186

I haven't read it but from this lecture it sounds like Margins of Philosophy was very similar to a lot of Deleuzes work or even puts it in better context.


>> No.15133188

Foucault of all people I think is alright. He actually did some real impactful work that’s relevant outside of autistic French word games. No amount of buttfucking he did will discount that

>> No.15133224

have you read Foucault's lectures on governmentality? I have heard he said some things that people associated with neoliberal ideas of governing.

>> No.15133232

The Animal that Therefore I Am is honestly mindblowing, don't think it's just as animalist philosophy. It's a meditation on the ontology of the subject, on responsibilty, on the capacity of reason itself and the relation of this reason with the law.

His ethical "turn" it's very interesting, on one hand I think he was quite responsive to the whole deconstructive project and its consequences, on the other I think that this engaging with ethical "objects" fits in with with is interest in ambiguity and polysemy

Will listen to it thanks

>> No.15133274

you're one of the better posters I've seen on /lit/ while thank you for sharing. I picked up the book of Derrida's eulogies and writings on mourning a long time ago and remember it stirred up some feelings in me. Also Levinas is one of my favorites and I hear they really intersect at points.

>> No.15133299

Libshits will seethe at this. The unironic truth is womens rights was a mistake.

>> No.15133351

Thanks yeah Levinas had quite the influence on Derrida.One of things that fascinate me is this streak of philosopher of jewish heritage that construted ontological positions form an heterogenous standpoint (Buber comes to mind too). But I'm really treading waters here

>> No.15133376

Honestly, I’m not even opposed to reading this guys but my impression of them is just so poor that I have a hard time seeing why I should bother. I mean, I have a tendency to consider some German philosophy to be over-intellectuizing. I can only imagine that I would get almost nothing out of reading Deleuze.

>> No.15133404

>When Delueze died Derrida in the eulogy noted he was the only living philosopher he felt some kind of kinship towards. But to be honest this remark still eludes me.
If I recall correctly what Derrida remarked is that Deuleuze and himself were of a same generation.

>> No.15133421

>he used the forbidden word! no-no thought!
dumb fragile redditor, why are you here?

>> No.15133467

if you turn away from lacan after anti-oedipus, you have understood neither lacan nor d&g

>> No.15133498

it was actually very good period for philosophy and theory in general, only boot licking yellow rotten teeth having, state loving anglos get mad about them

>> No.15133502

>Their race, and culture, will be extinct by the end of the century.
this is inevitable because of globalization
apart from race and ethnicity, which indeed are physically measured, everything about culture will be eroded in time
in fact there is no national culture being produced today by any european/western country, only a fake repetition from the past cultures

>> No.15133538

>Deleuze remains no doubt, despite so many dissimilarities, the one to whom I have always considered myself closest among all of this “generation.”

>> No.15133611

OH! Watch it you fucking fongool

>> No.15133627

cope, christcuck moron. i'm fluent in 3 langauges, know ancient latin and greek, live in a villa of the 16th century, study medicine, and every single thread i make gets 100+ posts, even low effort ones like this.
i'm the most privileged person on this board and you should be thankful that im interacting with you right now.

>> No.15133675

>I've never read a word of what these people wrote or the primary material that their writing refers to

>> No.15133713

Summarize them for us

>> No.15133724
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I think Lacan is interesting and useful and influenced lots of writers I like more like Kristeva. but I also probably missed a lot along the way.

>> No.15133769

>i'm fluent in 3 langauges,
not impressive, considering one of those is english
>know ancient latin and greek
like any other upper class retard who went to liceo classico
>live in a villa of the 16th century,
congratulations on inheriting wealth
>study medicine
enjoy your depression
>and every single thread i make gets 100+ posts, even low effort ones like this.

>> No.15133808

Deleuze has a lot of work that deal with lacanian theory, his book on kafka uses lacanian triad (which can be found in anti-oedipus too), his book masoch is lacan's "there is no sexual relationship" (just like for deleuze there is no sadomasochism). Deleuze praises Lacan's concept of object petit a in anti-oedipus too. Lacan also deals with Deleuze in some of his seminars. I hate this new trend (especially among sjws) to create a binary between old conservative opressive lacan and cool hip d&g duo