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/lit/ - Literature

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15117025 No.15117025 [Reply] [Original]

Holy crap, /lit/'s a dumpster fire.

/lit/ has no interest in literature other than as social capital. They consume enough books that their ability to appreciate the art becomes atrophied and the main goal is to just read to more obscure stuff.

They are remarkably in love with off-kilter child conservative "philosophy" for a board full of people who take pride in their passion for experimental literature, and arguments here quickly devolve into interminable baiting between "it's boring" / "no, it's good" / "no, it's shit" because nobody has any basic knowledge of literary theory or ability to articulate their opinions beyond "feels."

The few informed readers of academic works spend their time signaling to the rest of the board and use their taste as leverage to get fifteen minutes of online pseudo-notoriety.

/lit/ consists of people who aren't as weird as they like to think but use their ample free time and piracy to invest in a hobby that makes them feel special or sophisticated, allowing them to compensate for their lack of social skills and failures in concrete or creative pursuits.

The biggest irony is that the vast majority of /lit/ is a hivemind ruled by a handful of lists about the western canon mostly concerned with maintaining a balance between supporting "calssic" books that will appeal to misunderstood teenagers and maintaining street cred among bored college students who constantly seek out "experimental" literature for their mild amusement, negating the cultivation of individual taste or critical thinking in relation to literature.

It's a feedback loop of posturing, masturbatory attitudes, and enough layers of irony to suffocate any hope of meaningful conversation. This last element--irony--is vital to allowing /lit/ and similar collectives to ignore the reality of their situation and disregard posts as this one with little more than tongue-in-cheek one-word responses. One-word critiques of books: "This book is boring" and nothing else.

This is all a farce.

>> No.15117044

read guenon

>> No.15117048

If you're going to write an essay, at least put it on Goodreads so I can add it to my reading challenge

>> No.15117052

do you mind constructive criticism

>> No.15117060

Don't forget that it gets worse every summer!

>> No.15117079

>off-kilter child conservative "philosophy" for a board
This isn't a magical gay-land processAIDS cultural Talmudism commiepony physicalist bugman forum where we all play descontruct each others identifies and blow farts up eachothers asses while retweeting logical postivists

>> No.15117088

>Holy crap, /lit/'s a dumpster fire.
welcome to post-modern contrarian nihilist community known as 4chan

>> No.15117109

I've only finished one book so far this year and i really enjoyed it.
Fight me.

>> No.15117601
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You only just figured that out?

>> No.15117620

it's interesting how well this could describe /mu/ back in the day as well; similar hobby when you think about it

>> No.15118240

just a bunch of edgelords trying to read each other with one liners. Whenever a group distinguishes themselves or some edgelords prop one up they get torn down with fervent mockery

It is truly a terrible place and I am actively thinking to get myself banned forever

>> No.15118293

>/lit/ has no interest in literature other than as social capital.
that's literally what art is all about

>> No.15118301

sure is summer in here